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EULEX harasses Oliver Ivanovic (Blic)

The EULEX Court decision to extend detention of Oliver Ivanovic until 6 October, Milena Ivanovic (Oliver's wife) has described as "horrible and scandalous".

- This is another proof that everything is set up, it is a political process. They probably have condemned him in advance - says for Blic, Milena Popovic Ivanovic.

Ombudsman Sasa Jankovic says for Blic that the length of detention and the course of the procedure against Ivanovic creates concern and doubts as to respect a series of individual rights from the complex right to trial within a reasonable time.

- I do not have the authority to determine whether the suspicions were founded, because I'm not authorized, even when the proceedings are instituted before some of our courts. I showed my interest on this case before the international instances several months ago and then Ivanovic was moved in an appropriate location. I will be interested again, but that's all, and even more than what the Ombudsman may in the case led by the judicial authorities, and which are not under the Republic of Serbia - said Jankovic.
