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The issue of survival is not resolved (Danas)

A large number of the members of the Serbian MIA and Civil protection who have lost their jobs, selection of Serbian judges and prosecutors for the Kosovo judicial system, Ivanovic’s case and seizure of the church property are the results of the Brussels agreement. In the long term they may endanger the survival of the Serbian people and its cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, claim current and former member of the Assembly of Kosovo, Nenad Rasic and Rada Trajkovic.

“This agreement was available to all members of the government in Pristina from the beginning. However, that was not the case with the other side, because this document is very demanding for the Serbian side. It anticipated dissolution of the Serbian Interior Ministry, the Civil Defence, Justice ... from which it was immediately apparent that its implementation will mean the financial blow for the Serbian community. Unofficially, Belgrade will also have to dissolve provisional municipal councils in Kosovo,” said Nenad Rasic.

He points out that the Serbian Minister of Justice "finally called things by their name when in in the case of Oliver Ivanovic he acknowledged that Belgrade has no sovereignty over the judiciary in Kosovo." “Belgrade doesn’t have influence, or political will, to undertake the actions required for Ivanovic’s release from detention. On the other side agreement on the judiciary came into force, but only 10 out of 14 judges, and 15 instead of nine prosecutors were employed in the Kosovo judiciary,” said Rasic.

“Visoki Decani monastery was seized 23 hectares of land. Ivanovic is victim of political, not a legal process. Property issues are resolved at the expense of the Serbs, as for example in Strpce, where the alleged French investment is mask for the sale Brezovica. We don’t have information what will happen with Universities, health care, cultural heritage ... Brussels agreement essentially means that it accepts a solution that, in historical context, legalizes the disappearance of the Serbian nation and its cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Rada Trajkovic.