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Clinical treatment for Ivanovic in compliance with court ruling (TV Most)

EULEX Spokesperson Dragana Nikolic Solomon could not confirm on Friday whether clinical treatment would be granted to Oliver Ivanovic whose condition aggravated after eight days of hunger strike in the Kosovska Mitrovica prison.

Clinical treatment will be ensured in keeping with the court decision after a detailed medical examination of the defendant and in close cooperation with the Kosovo institutions, Solomon told Tanjug.

At the same time, she refuted the allegations that the leader of the Citizens' Initiative 'Freedom, Democracy, Justice' (GI SDP) is a political prisoner. EULEX judges make no distinctions based on ethnic or political grounds when it comes to implementation of rule of law, she said and added that the decisions are adopted by independent judges who are not exposed to any pressure.

Director of the Kosovska Mitrovica Healthcare Centre Milan Ivanovic stated on Friday that Ivanovic's condition has aggravated and that he needs clinical treatment.