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Kosovo to form secretly its own army (Blic)

In the middle of the key phase of dialogue with Belgrade and without permission of the Kosovo Serbs, Hashim Thaci and Isa Mustafa decided to form their own army. 

Blic writes that Thaci and Mustafa prepared secret plan on transforming Kosovo Security Force into an army, by amending current laws. For this they need a simple majority in parliament. This way the Srpska List would be bypassed, because for the formation through amendment of the Constitution of Kosovo necessary would be the votes of Serbs.

Chairman of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija in the Serbian Parliament Milovan Drecun believes that Pristina is trying to bypass the Serbs.

-Resolution 1244 clearly states that no armed forces can exist there, apart from the international ones, even Serbia cannot agree to that. Authority in Pristina, faced with the formation of Community of Serbian Municipalities and the Court for KLA crimes, is trying to compensate for losses - said Drecun.

Sources of Blic in Kosovo said that Hashim Thaci was working to break the Srpska List; that he was trying to agree on trade with the president of the list, Aleksandar Jablanovic - that Jablanovic and his loyal MPs support the formation of the army and the amendment of the Constitution of Kosovo, in exchange for certain positions in the government.

Blic could not get a comment from Jablanovic.