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Another attack on Serbian returnees in Kosovo (Radio Kontakt Plus)

Unknown assailants attacked Serb returnees in the village of Berkovo in the municipality of Klina/Kline on Saturday evening, using automatic weapons. Fortunately, no one was injured in the attack, although two houses were damaged, declared the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo.

At the time of the attack, which occurred around 7 p.m., there were people in both houses. The shooting damaged the roof tiles of one of the houses, and destroyed a windowpane of the other.  The homes belong to the Pantic and Zivkovic families.

Serb returnees in the village of Berkovo are often victims of intimidation and robbery, the Office stated. The Office for Kosovo condemns the attack in the strongest terms, and urges the police to search the site, and put an end to this organized crime aimed at intimidating Serbs in the municipality of Klina/Kline.

The Office stated that the radicalization of the political climate and deteriorating security situation due to escalated political and religious extremism are threats to all inhabitants of Kosovo. And those most vulnerable in such situations, as a rule,  are returnees living in ethnically mixed areas.