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Nikolic: If Kosovo is a condition for the EU, they don’t need to accept us (Danas)

Interview: Tomislav Nikolic, President of the Republic of Serbia 

Will we be in a position to recognize Kosovo as a condition for our entry into the EU? 

I hope it will never be a condition. Europe has assured us that the recognition of Kosovo is not a requirement. If this will be a condition for our membership in the EU, they don’t need to accept us, but at least we will regulate the state in the remaining 34 chapters. But if each chapter says that issues will be resolved in line with Pristina's Constitution and legislation, then it will be very difficult to find our way in all the chapters.

For now, do we know what will be written in Chapter 35? 

We do not know what Chapter 35 will contain, but we don’t know what the closing of a chapter of a legally binding agreement will look like either. This is cannot be seen in the draft, nor have I heard about it in talks with any commissioner. The Community of Serb municipalities should be formed, and it was signed in Brussels. However, now Pristina officials see it as a path towards the Serbs having their own territory and rights, so they have started to claim that it is not in line with their constitution. What will we do now that we have signed the agreement in Brussels? If Pristina's side is now questioning the agreement, why wouldn't the Serb side do the same, i.e., why would we continue to negotiate if there is no community of Serb municipalities? It will be very difficult and Aleksandar Vucic will be put to the test.

Do you believe that the Special Court for Kosovo will really prosecute war criminals? 

I believe that the Court will prosecute, but if you ask me whether they will pass verdicts and issue decisions and penalties - I am not too convinced. I've never seen a court judge Serbs, Albanians and Croats according to the same criteria. This has been made crystal clear by the number of convictions and the length of sentences - so I'm not certain. The tragic fate of Oliver Ivanovic confirms this. I think that someone in the court formed in The Hague will have to create some kind of balance, so that some Albanians can be convicted. Or maybe Ivanovic was convicted without evidence to appease the Albanians.

Will Serbia take any action to protect Ivanovic? 

If you count the fact that Serbia raises its voice, talks to all countries in the world, with friends and organizations, and with those who are less good friends to us - yes it can. But to change the decision - hardly. Serbia failed to change any decision against its citizens, and this is how it will remain with this decision.
