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Defense still waiting written judgment in Ivanović’s case (KIM Radio)

Defense attorneys of the leader of the Civic Initiative SDP Olvier Ivanović, who was sentenced nine years in prison for war crimes in Kosovo in January, expect a written judgment from the international panel of judges of the Basic Court in Mitrovica in early April, after which they will file an appeal.

“What we know so far is that upon a request of the presiding judge of the panel, president of the Basic Court has granted an additional 60 days for preparation of the written judgment, thus the judgment should be served to us no later than early April,” said defense attorney Ljubomir Pantović.

The Civic Initiative SDP say that EULEX will wait until the last moment to deliver the written judgment. In this manner EULEX expects the general public’s interest in Ivanović’s case to simmer down, claims Igor Simić from CI SDP.