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MPs of the Serbian List announce visit to municipalities (Kontakt Plus Radio)

MPs from the Serbian List held a meeting where they agreed on a plan to visit Serb-majority municipalities and the Gorani community.

The Serbian List caucus group communicated that they are going to visit Ranilug/Ranillug, Novo Brdo/Novobërdë, Klokot/Kllokot, Parteš/Partesh, Gračanica/Graçanicë, Štrpce/Shtërpcë, North Mitrovica, Zvečan/Zveçan, Zubin Potok and Leposavić/Leposaviq, along with villages Goraždevac and Velika Hoča, and towns Orahovac/Rahovec and Dragaš/Dragash.

The communique further informs that MPs will focus on identifying problems faced by Serbs and Goranis with the aim of finding ‘systematic and strategic solutions in cooperation with representatives in the government and municipal mayors’. Visits are due to take place in the period of 20-22 March.