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Suvi Do: Six families affected by the theft (KIM Radio)

Six families, five Serbian and one Albanian, were affected by a theft in village Suvi Do near Lipljan/Lipjan, Živojin Nastić one of the affected residents from the village said to RTV KIM.

Nastić said that the value of the stolen items from his family, and of his two brothers, amounts to EUR 6000.

Affected families have reported the case to Kosovo Police, however Nastić voiced his doubts that the case will be resolved, since thefts have occurred and before but perpetrators were not found.

KIM Radio tried to obtain more information about this case from Gračanica/Graçanicë Police Station, however the commander of the police station did not want to comment on the case since he is on the annual leave, whereas officers on duty also refused to provide any additional information about this theft.