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Agani requested from Janković to respect the law (RTK2)

The Minister for Environment and Spatial Planning, Ferid Agani, yesterday met with the Mayor of Zvečan/Zveçan, Vučina Janković, and the Minister for Local Government Administration, Ljubomir Marić, with whom he discussed the project of construction of a returnee settlement for displaced returnees ‘Sunny Valley’ in Zvečan/Zveçan.

Agani requested from Janković to stop all construction activities that have to do with this project until all legal requirements are met. At the same time Agani offered full cooperation of his ministry with regard to developing spatial and construction plans for Zvečan/Zveçan Municipality. On the other side the Mayer said that they are interested for cooperation with Kosovo institutions in order to make this project legal and in line with the laws in power, which are important for its implementation.