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Belgrade to Pristina: Include Serbia in your constitution (Tanjug, B92)

The Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija deputy director says it would be "best for both the region and the EU if Pristina included Serbia in its constitution."

Dusan Kozirev in this way reacted to a statement made earlier in the day by Edita Tahiri, a minister in the Kosovo government, who said "Serbia should exclude Kosovo from its constitution in order to become an EU member."
"The only way for the self-proclaimed Kosovo to cease to exist as a protectorate is to include Serbia in its provincial constitution," Kozarev told Tanjug.

Commenting on Tahiri's statement that Serbia and the self-proclaimed Kosovo "should recognize each other," Kozarev said Serbia already recognizes Kosovo as its southern province and that the status was also guaranteed under UN SC Resolution 1244.

Earlier on Monday, Tahiri, who is Kosovo's minister for dialogue, told Radio Free Europe that Serbia would not be able to become an EU member state without recognizing Kosovo's independence.
