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Rašić: Impossible to establish the A/CSM in 2016 (TV Most)

It is hard to expect that Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities will be established in the course of this year, said MP from the ranks of the Serbian List, Nenad Rašić, and put the blame for this on the international community, which should, according to him, strengthen its role in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

“In the last year I said that I was skeptical, it was difficult to realize anything in 2016,” said Rašić. He went on to say that a strong initiative was missing that could bring to the draft of the statute and creation of the A/CSM, and put the blame for the delay on Brussels and its representatives.

On the other side Kosovo analysts believe that the A/CSM represents something that could bring to normalization of relations, however its creation has to wait implementation of other agreements.

According to analysts A/CSM is the first step in normalization of the relations between Belgade and Pristina, however little has been implemented from the agreements reached in Brussels, argues Fadil Lepaja. Normalization of relations is not only a political question, it is a matter of daily life as well, the matter of relations between Serbs and Albanians and between Serbia and Kosovo, argues Lepaja.

Analyst Nexhmedin Spahiu argues that the issue of A/CSM and the one of the Ibar/Ibër Bridge are more symbolic issues than the essential ones, and added that good will from both sides is needed for implementation of the agreements.

Several agreements have been reached in Brussels but implementation of many is still pending, while Pristina and Belgrade are blaming each other for the lack of implementation.