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Serbs expect a definitive answer about the missing (RTS)

Families of Missing and Kidnapped Serbs from Kosovo believe that the Special Tribunal for Crimes of the KLA, whose formation was announced, is last chance to shed light on their fate.

Silvana Marinkovic is looking for her husband Goran. She is hoping that the investigation will finally begin and the fate of the missing and kidnapped will be solved and the perpetrators of these crimes will finally be arrested and punished.

She warns that in many cases there is evidence of the perpetrators and that although nothing has been done.

International justice initiated war crimes of the Kosovo Liberation Army, but they ended with an acquittal.

Serbian public is of opinion that all previous attempts to prosecute perpetrators were inconclusive, whether it comes from Kosovo or international justice. Can a special court change something?

-I do not have any expectations because the evidence was destroyed, because it is so monstrous crime that we are not ready for the truth, and especially Kosovo cannot experience this truth, it will need at least 40 years to understand it and accept it as one of the most monstrous crimes in Europe of a new era - says journalist Zivojin Rakocevic.

There are 23 war crimes cases in the special public prosecutor office in Kosovo. The largest among them is the case of the Drenica Group.

Former KLA leaders, who after the war took places of mayors, ambassadors, are several months on trial for the murder of Serbian police and illegal detention of Albanians accused of collaborating with Serbian authorities.