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All against elections (RTK2)

Political parties don’t view elections as the way out of the current political crisis in Kosovo, however they are not excluding possibility of going to new early elections.

Representatives of political parties said that parties they represent are ready for elections and that they are not afraid of it, however they say it would not be the right solution since millions of euros would be wasted for an endless process and that from that reason they hope that new institutions will be created and elections avoided.

The MP from the ranks of the Democratic Party of Kosovo Adem Grabovci said that this party is not afraid of elections, however he said that responsibility for such scenario would lay with other parties because, according to him, they are leading Kosovo toward the deeper crisis.

Representatives of ‘Self-Determination’ movement said to Pristina daily Zeri that the issue was already addressed by the leader of the movement Albin Kurti, who said that he is ready for new elections.

Representative of the national council of the ‘Initiative for Kosovo’ Jakup Krasniqi said to Zeri that if elections are the right solution they can take place, however, according to him, millions would be wasted on an endless process.
