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Migrants to use a new route - through Kosovo (Vesti)

If the situation deteriorates in Syria, Afghanistan, and if Turkey decides, depending on the outcome of negotiations with the European Union, to direct refugees to Europe, which are stationed in this country, in late October, Serbia could face a new big wave of migrants that would arrive through so far little used route - through Kosovo.

Up to now small part of migrants from Africa and the Middle East, via FYROM, Montenegro and Albania, went into Kosovo and through the smuggling channels got into Serbia, some were kept in asylum centres in Sjenica and Tutin, most of them went further. Currently, both the centres are full and unlike last year, migrants are staying in them longer, since they have nowhere to go.

- The route through Kosovo could overwhelm Serbia with migrants, Serbia would not be able to defend itself, because it would be difficult for the army and police to close the border with Kosovo, especially in the north, where the formation of the security wall, like towards Bulgaria and FYROM, could mean that Serbia is waiving a part of its territory and the part of Serbs who live in northern Kosovo and who still have live communication with Serbia, and they would see very tragically this "wall" and as a treason. In the north of Kosovo until now there was no border with Serbia, and we hope that it will never be - said Serbian security officer from the north of Kosovo and stressed that Belgrade very seriously has to deal with the new migration route that is being prepared.

Those who are directing the columns of refugees and who manipulate with them, are seriously considering to direct migrants, who have arrived or will arrive to Albania, Greece and FYROM, to Kosovo then to Serbia through the north of Kosovo.

Except that would not be good to build a "wall" towards Leposavić/Leposaviq, Zvečan/Zveçan and Zubin Potok, army, police and other security structures will not have the manpower to cover all that area (administrative line between Serbia and Kosovo is about 380 kilometres, of which nearly half is in the north, mainly Rogozna, Mokra Gora, lake Ribarići and Hajla).