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Is the termination of cooperation with KFOR good decision or...? (RTK2)

The mayors from northern Kosovo decided to terminate the communication and co-operation with KFOR until further notice, for organizing the visit of Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa and the ministers of Internal Affairs of Kosovo, Hyseni and security forces Haki Demolli on the occasion of the opening of the bridge over the Bistrica River near Leposavić/Leposaviq.

Councilor of the Municipality of North Mitrovica Igor Simić believes that this is the correct decision and the only possible one at the moment.

He believes that KFOR has jeopardized the security situation and says that he sees no error in the move of the mayors, and notes that the Brussels agreement of April 2013, has not been met and it guarantees that members of the Kosovo Security Forces will not be able to come to the north without prior consent of the mayors.

Analyst on the other side of the Ibar/Ibër River, Nexhmedin Spahiu considers that the visit of Prime Minister Mustafa and Kosovo ministers was not a provocation. He does not understand the decision of the Mayors, because they are the mayors by the Kosovo's constitution and previously they have met with the Prime Minister of Kosovo.

Visit by a delegation of the Kosovo government was not a smart move, considers Nebojša Jović, but says that bothers him the most hypocrisy of the Serb representatives in the Kosovo institutions.

"I think that this is the muscle-flexing visit, but this is what works for Albanians in Brussels with the Serbian delegation, but it does not go like that with the people here. But what annoys me the most is hypocrisy of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija and the Serbian List representatives, who now say that this was the occupation of Isa Mustafa. I cannot understand how they are bothered with Isa Mustafa in the north but they do not mind to participate in the Albanian Parliament of the so-called. independent Kosovo, to recognize the Albanian laws, to take the oath before Albanian Prime Minister, to respect the constitution of Kosovo," said Jović.

Serbs in the north say that Isa Mustafa and Kosovo ministers are not welcome in their community, but there are those who are concerned about the decision of the mayors.

"He was not desirable, he has come and he left, that's all," said elderly man of Northern Mitrovica.

''They are completely right, why Mustafa did not come along the main road, but through woods, they were waiting for him, would not let him go."

''I do not like it, because if we had a guarantee, we had from the KFOR," says a lady from the north.