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ROSU lately frequently patrols through Serbian settlements (Politika)

Special Kosovo Police Unit (so called ROSU) in last couple days frequently patrols through Serbian settlements south from Kosovoska Mitrovica.

The remaining Serbs in Velika Hoča and Orahovac said to RTS that members of ROSU are patrolling their settlements in the evening hours, what worries them, considering that they are not used to such police presence in these settlements.

In Velika Hoča and Goraždevac there are around 15 ROSU members patrolling through villages in evening hours, coming there in SUVs and in vehicles for transportation of detainees. In Goraždevac ROSU members are carrying out control of pedestrians, whereas in Velika Hoča and Orahovac they are not intervening. They also informed residents that they are patrolling there in line with stepped-up security measures.

According to RTS and Tanjug agency, ROSU patrols have also being noticed in villages around Gračanica in late evening hours.
