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Kiev: Pristina's move to seize Serbian property is illegal (B92)

Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia Oleksandr Aleksandrovych says the Kosovo government's decision to "nationalize" the property of Serbia in Kosovo is "illegal."

"The so-called government of Kosovo on March 15 passed a decree to take over the property registered in the name of Serbia and Yugoslavia, as property of the so-called Republic of Kosovo," said a statement Aleksandrovych sent to the media on Wednesday.

The diplomat added that his country "completely shares the protestation of Belgrade" and its position that the decision was illegal.

"Ukraine continues to adhere to its stance not to recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, and therefore does not recognize the validity of a transfer of structures owned by the Republic of Serbia to the ownership of the Kosovo government," he said.

"We share the position of the government of the Republic of Serbia that such steps are anti-Constitutional and have no legal bearing, not only on the Republic of Serbia, but also on Ukraine," concluded Aleksandrovych.



