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Boris Tadic: Dialogue after signing Brussels agreement makes no sense (Blic)

Former President of Serbia, Boris Tadic commenting on Aleksandar Vucic call for a nationwide dialogue on Kosovo issues, stated to Blic that he has presented his plan five years ago and it contained four topics.

After signing the Brussels agreement this plan is no longer implementable, so some solutions that were possible then are not possible now as it is too late.

Tadic also said former and current presidents Tomislav Nikolic and Aleksandar Vucic, deceived people during the 2012 election campaign promising they would annul and declare void all what the previous authorities have negotiated about.

By signing the Brussels agreement they hampered us to fight for what was then possible. Now we are before the final act and any talks on the topic would just serve to share the responsibility and deceive the public there is any dialogue with such government, Tadic went on saying.

According to Blic, he expressed criticism toward the current government as it has allowed the establishment of the legal system of independent Kosovo all over Kosovo, including the north. During my mandate, we did not accept that, Tadic said and we fought to preserve what Serbia did not lose during the conflict in 1999. “This government handed over everything that was not lost back then.”

Now they are bragging about the agreement on “the so-called Community of Serb Municipalities” and this Community would have authorities at the level of some non-governmental organization and even less. And yet they are not even able to implement that agreement, Boris Tadic, former President of Serbia concluded.