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Ivanovic: Persistently to push dialogue forward (Fonet, Danas)

Leader of the Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) Oliver Ivanovic expressed hope that President Vucic would remain persistent to push the dialogue forward, Fonet and Danas daily reported.

Ivanovic also recalled that prime ministers Zoran Djindjic and Vojislav Kostunica had idea of wide talks about Kosovo, as well as the Serbian President Boris Tadic, but none of them unfortunately did not manage to push this idea till the end.

“I do hope Vucic would be more persistent, to continue dialogue at all levels, and it is important to involve the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Serbian Orthodox Church, non-governmental sector but also Serbs from Kosovo.

“At the end, it is about us, and whatever result might be, we would live with such a solution,” Ivanovic stated.

He warned Belgrade that at this moment it has no interlocutors in Pristina, given that establishment of the Kosovo Government is not in sight, and he would not be surprised if such situation lasts several months.

Ivanovic also said he is under the impression that Srpska Lista took a passive position and it waits results of the Albanian parties’ talks to see “which kingdom it would chose”.

According to him, such position is not good “as you marginalize yourself,” saying Serbs must take a more active approach as there is a danger Albanian parties agree between them, and include Srpska Lista just for the sake of a formal obligation as set by the Constitution.

Commenting on torching his vehicle, Ivanovic said he sees no other motive for that than political.