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USA admonishes Pristina (Novosti)

The confusing political situation in Kosovo should be finally clarified this week, Novosti daily reported today.

According to the daily, it would be clear whether Pristina will get a new government or new elections are underway. It all depends upon the meeting of the leading political parties, scheduled for the coming Wednesday, following the two failed constitutive attempts, more respectively election of the Assembly Speaker, vice presidents and working bodies.

If the agreement, among the leading allies, is reached, then the plan is to vote one day later for the Assembly Speaker and other personnel solutions. Still, the opposition said they would not vote for Kadri Veseli as Assembly Speaker, who, according to them, is a controversial political figure.

At the same time, Veseli announced he would withdraw only if leading parliamentary groups agree to “vote as a package” at the next Assembly session for the Assembly Speaker and the Government.

Pristina-based political analyst Fatmir Sheholli thinks that the international community could get involved in a situation when neither PAN coalition nor opposition have a majority.

“I am convinced, if Assembly Speaker is elected, then Ramush Haradinaj, proposed by the majority coalition would not have the problem with the composition of the government. Although certain progress is expected, there are more and more rumours, in particular from the LDK, that new elections are the solution to overcome the current impasse,” he said

USA Ambassador in Pristina, Greg Delawie expressed his disappointment that the Parliament was not constituted till the end, and repeated a call to process with the establishment on the institutions as soon as possible.