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Power supply in north Kosovo remains in Serb hands (RTS, Tanjug)

BELGRADE- The agreement signed between Belgrade and Pristina on Tuesday keeps the power supply in northern Kosovo in the hands of the Serb community there, Serbia's liaison officer in Pristina Dejan Pavicevic said on Wednesday.

The agreement will last only if both sides implement it, and suitable guarantees have been secured to that end, Pavicevic said in awritten statement.

"The agreement seeks to solve a power supply problem that has existed for years by stating that a new Serb power supply company should be created in Kosovo and it will charge money for its services. This proved yet again the Serbian government's willingness to talk and implement agreements, all for the benefit of all the citizens," he noted.

Energy was among the first topics, started back during the technical talks with Pristina, and there has been no solution until now, he pointed out.

"The new Serb-run company will distribute electricity and maintain the system in that segment, so there will be no more problems with power supply.

The power grid will be unified throughout Kosovo to ensure an uninterrupted supply," he stated.

This will allow the Serb company to operate without hindrance and charge customers for its services for the first time in years, he explained.

It will also ensure complete energy stability throughout Kosovo, solving the power supply problem for the Serb enclaves, he added.

"The agreement from Tuesday proves once again the Serbian government's willingness to talk and implement the results of that dialogue, all for the benefit of all the citizens and better life for the Serbs in Kosovo," he remarked.