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B92: Vucic "backs Serbs in Kosovo cabinet; Haradinaj is criminal" (Serbian media)

Aleksandar Vucic late on Tuesday said that Kosovo and Metohija represents the essence of the political "present time, and the future" of Serbia.

Besides, the Serbian president said that he supported the decision of the Serb (Srpska) List to enter the Kosovo government - while Serbia "would not change its opinion" on the new Kosovo government's head, Ramush Haradinaj.

According to him - depending on its stance toward Kosovo, Serbia will have "a more, or a less safe not only the present, but also the future."

Vucic supported the Serb List joining the Kosovo government, led by Haradinaj, saying the election ticket had "three options" at its disposal after the June ballot:

"One - to support a new government of fresh forces (led by) Albin Kurti and the Self-Determination Movement, whose goal is to unite Kosovo and Albania into a Greater Albania. Second - for the Serb List to support nobody. My question is - what kind of a choice is that? No kind. Tomorrow (there could be) new elections - the Serb List could win less, and Kurti and Haradinaj more. Do you think that six to eight percent of the population - that's how many Serbs there are in Kosovo today - could have a majority? The third option was to support a Haradinaj government," Vucic said - and added that Haradinaj is a (war) criminal - and that "we think nothing good about him."

According to Vucic, he was addressing the nation on Tuesday night also in order to explain the decisions of the Serb List ticket - whose representatives have been exposed to "continuous attacks."

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