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Step closer to truth: How much NATO's bombing poisoned Serbia (Novosti, B92)

The proposal of the Initiative set up to discover the truth about the consequences of the NATO bombing of Serbia has been supported by the president.

The Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti writes that it learned this, and adds that according to the plan of the Initiative, a national laboratory should be set up to examine the consequences NATO's 1999 bombing of Serbia has had on humans and the environment.

The proposals and recommendations of the Initiative's Committee sent to President Aleksandar Vucic have been forwarded to the ministries of health and environment, while the recommendations emphasize the need to form a coordinating body and a national laboratory, the newspaper said.

More than 100 experts from different fields have stood behind the Initiative - chemists, biologists, physico-chemist, physiologists, radiologists, physicians, as well as members of the Serbian Army who were active after the bombing in collecting materials and cleaning the ground from depleted uranium.

These experts are asking the state to provide them with funds, which is a prerequisite for Serbia to examine, on its own and without the role of other countries, how the effects of depleted uranium ammunition have impacted human health, but also the pollution of land, air, and water, especially since NATO also bombed large chemical, energy and oil facilities.

Although the experts currently have no solid evidence to suggest that the bombing of these facilities has caused the increase in the number of cancer patients, sterility, and autoimmune diseases, they believe that all this is connected to the 1999 bombing.


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