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“Haradinaj’s story for internal use” (Tanjug, KIM Radio)

Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic said to Tanjug that the statements of Kosovo leaders “are intended for internal use” and this is how he sees the latest statement of Kosovo Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj.

Haradinaj earlier stated there is no continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue without involvement of the USA.

“I would not comment on every Pristina’s statement, intended for internal use,” Dacic said referring to Haradinaj’s statement.

Dacic highlighted that in the dialogue held so far, there would be no talks in such way, reminding that the dialogue was transferred to the EU and not in the UN, Tanjug further reported.

“When it comes to us, we are for the dialogue to go back to the UN, but we are not here to slow down the dialogue but to encourage it. Such statements are more for internal use rather than representing the truth,” Dacic said.