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Drecun, Odalovic, Radosavljevic, Janjic on Ivanovic’s murder (RTS, KIM Radio)

Chairperson of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun reacting to the murder of Oliver Ivanovic told RTS it looks like a professional murder.

“It looks there were professional killers. The action was prepared long time, the car used in the assassination was destroyed and a gun with silencer was used,” Drecun said.

He believes, the orderer behind the murder wanted to hide by engaging professional killers.

Drecun also added, it is important to close the room for speculations and to find perpetrators and orderer within the shortest time possible.

He said Ivanovic was an important political figure among Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija.

“One should not forget the murder happened at the moment when cases of the destruction of Serb-owned properties happened and before raising of the first indictments against former KLA commanders.”

He is also surprised how come the international officials did not find out something was planned, RTS reported.

Secretary General of the Serbian Foreign Ministry, Veljko Odalovic said that one of the best among those who fight for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija was killed.

“Ivanovic did no harm anyone, neither Albanians nor Serbs. He always spoke the language of open facts. The best among us who dealt with the Kosovo issue over the last years was killed,” Odalovic emphasised.

He added, people loved Ivanovic and he was not a man who hated anyone, he was open and brave and “that is why the cowardly murder hurts even more.”

He reminded that three years ago, on the same day Dimitrije Janicijevic was murdered in Mitrovica north and 20 years ago an assassination attempt against the then Rector of Pristina University was attempted.

Former member of Povratak Coalition and RTV Mir Director, Nenad Radosavljevic told KIM Radio that the murder of Oliver Ivanovic represents a defeat of the international community.

Radosavljevic said that the murder of Ivanovic is a tragedy for his family, his friends, co-workers and of all these people of free-mind and freethinking among the Serbs.

“But at the same time it is a defeat of the international community, European Union, EULEX, Brussels talks and democracy, which as a term was brought to us and should have been implemented by civilized, let’s call them, states of the Western Europe and the world,” Radosavljevic said.

Analyst, Dusan Janjic told RTS that the murder of Ivanovic reminds him of the last decade of XX century and there are some clear messages, including spreading fear among those who have shared Ivanovic’s ideas.

He expressed hope the situation would not spill over into barricades and continuation of terrorist acts, RTS reported.