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The anniversary of the murder of Serbs in Livadice (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, Radio Gracanica, TV Puls, RTK2, Kossev)

In the Church of St. Petka in Laplje Selo near Pristina, today at 11 am was planned a parastos to Serbs killed in an attack, and in the village of Livadica near Podujevo, reports Serbian media in Kosovo.

Flowers will be laid at the place where "Nis express" bus bumped into mine 17 years ago, a bus which transported the displaced Serbs to Gracanica for an All Souls Day, accompanied by soldiers of KFOR.

In this attack, on 16 February 2001, were killed sixteen Serbs, including a two-year-old child, and wounded 43.

The first of six buses was blown up by activation of ten kilograms of TNT explosives on the main road in the village of Livadice, from the convoy that was transporting displaced Serbs from Kosovo, accompanied by KFOR, to Gracanica.

In addition, there were reports that members of KFOR had discovered and even secretly removed more explosive devices on the roads in the Metohija basin, the media reports.

Because of this crime, Kosovo Albanian Fjorim Ejupi was sentenced in the first instance for 40 years, but in March 2009 the Supreme Court of Kosovo acquitted him, as explained, because of lack of evidence.

After the arrest, Ejupi managed to escape from a military prison in the US-based Bondsteel base near Urosevac, but was arrested again in June 2004 in Tirana, and then handed over to UNMIK police.

Suspected of being linked to the attack, expect Ejupi,  arrested were and Qeli Gashi, Avdi Behlulu and Jusuf Velija, who were acquitted for lack of evidence, report Serbian media.