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Internal dialogue on Kosovo: Former foreign ministers on “four don’ts” (Insajder, BETA)

Former Serbian Foreign Minister, Vladislav Jovanovic said yesterday during the roundtable held within the framework of internal dialogue on Kosovo, that forgotten document related to the renewed accession of Serbia to the UN could be crucial in solving the Kosovo issue, Insajder portal reported.

Meanwhile, his colleague Zivorad Jovanovic said Serbia should pay attention to four things that Belgrade in no way must do.

An opinion poll results, involving students and citizens from across Serbia, including those from Kosovo, were presented during the roundtable and pointed out that Kosovo is perceived as “a symbol of the Serbian identity,” Insajder further reported.

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, in the period from 1991 to 1993, Vladislav Jovanovic said Serbia must recall a historic document it received after 5th October events, and one year following the NATO aggression, which reads that a request for renewed accession of Serbia to the UN should imply borders it had in former Yugoslavia.

“Why we do not use this fact, that after NATO aggression we were recognized with the borders as in former Yugoslavia, and we were invited to write a request with this fact,” Jovanovic said, adding this fact must be used more in diplomatic talks.

He also said Richard Holbrook singed that documents and Serbia must not stop referring to the UN SC Resolution 1244 and should seek compromise in the fields of the international law and principles.

Meanwhile, his colleague Zivorad Jovanovic said Serbia must take care of “four don’ts” respectively, there is no acceptance of mimicry’s agreements, replacement of 1244, exchange of the part of the territory – Kosovo – in order to join the EU, and no normalization of relations until return of 250.000 displaced persons, Insajder wrote.

He assessed Serbia went too far in giving concession, and the time has come to ask what has Belgrade got in return?

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director Marko Djuric said that citizens would have the final word on the modalities how to resolve the Kosovo issue, and hailed intellectual mobilization in resolving the Kosovo issue, Insajder reported.

Asked if citizens would express their stances on modalities how to resolve the Kosovo issue in a referendum, Djuric responded he would not express stance on it, Insajder reported.