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Northern Kosovo Serbs to heed government call (Tanjug)

Following the Serbian government's decision to back the participation of the representatives of the Srpska electoral list in the Kosovo-Metohija legislative elections, a meeting has been held at which the conclusion was made that Serbs in northern Kosovo will heed the government's call to vote in Sunday's elections, the government Office for Kosovo-Metohija said in a statement.

Wednesday's meeting was attended by the Office's head Marko Djuric, the mayors of all northern Kosovo municipalities - Goran Rakic of Kosovska Mitrovica, Dragan Jablanovic of Leposavic, Vucina Jankovic of Zvecan and Stevan Vulovic of Zubin Potok - as well as by officials of state authorities and organisations.

"At the meeting, the conclusion was made that Serbs in the north of the province will unanimously heed the state's call to fulfil their task and take part in the political struggle aimed at realising the state and national interests of the Republic of Serbia by voting in the elections for the assembly of the interim self-government institutions in the Province," the statement said.

It was agreed that the struggle to establish the community of Serb municipalities must involve as many seats in the assembly as possible, but also taking established measures that are part of the state policy aimed at hampering further promotion and the policy of the unilaterally declared independence of "Kosovo," the statement said.

"Through our work in the interim institutions and by continuing the negotiations, we will keep the Pristina separatists further and further away from achieving their goals, while making our negotiating position stronger and stronger," the statement said.

Participation in the elections is a method of political struggle that has been adapted to the present circumstances, while support to representatives of Serbs and Serbia is a civic and patriotic duty of each Serbian citizen in the territory of the autonomous province of Kosovo-Metohija, the statement also said.

We are resolved to demonstrate - through unity and determination in implementing the long-term state policy - the sense of responsibility and strength of the one and indivisible state of Serbia, the Office for Kosovo-Metohija said in the statement.