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"I'll help Serbia prove NATO's quiet, vicious murder" (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Domenico Leggero, one of the founders of Osservatorio Militare (Military Observatory) says he is willing to hand over to Serbia his documentation about NATO.

Leggero told the daily Vecernje Novosti that NATO had committed "a quiet, vicious murder" by using depleted uranium ammunition (while attacking Serbia in 1999, and Serb areas in Bosnia before that). For that reason, the Italian said, he was willing to help Serbia by handing over the documentation he gathered on the subject. "I am completely at Serbia's disposal and I want to help prove it," said Leggero, who has been battling for years to shed light on the truth about the consequences of the use of depleted uranium on the health of soldiers deployed in missions worldwide. See at: