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Dacic: Kosovo's solution cannot be recognition of independence (Vecernje Novosti, TV Prva)

Dacic believes that still a final solution is far and a call on a referendum in Serbia, and that solutions must be sought, reports Vecernje Novosti.

After a meeting in Brussels of the Serbian and Pristina delegations with Federica Mogherini, they all agree that there are possibilities regarding the final solution regarding Kosovo, Dacic says, adding that it was also noted that both sides should make additional efforts to reach solutions, reports the daily.

Dacic told TV Prva that at the meeting was agreed about the need to intensify the negotiations, and that all problems should be resolved in peace.

"There was danger, the greatest danger was during the incident with Marko Djuric, who is now sitting with us at meetings, and remember how they acted towards him. They wanted to show that they are the main ones," said Dacic.

He assessed that dangerous moments and threats to peace were caused by Pristina's insistence that Belgrade recognize the independence of Kosovo.

"This threat talks about them not wanting a compromise, but they want Belgrade to recognize the independence of Kosovo or to take the north of Kosovo and Metohija by military action," Dacic said.

He says that the talks were not intense, and that a new presidential-level meeting would probably be held in July, and technical talks might be held in the meantime.

Dacic says that Albanian politicians in Pristina should understand that the reality has changed, and that the new reality implies a changed international position, as well as a trend, because now there is much more withdrawals of recognition than new recognitions.

"The US administration is no longer ready to support at all costs what they want, and the EU has also changed. The situation for them will be much harder," the head of Serbian diplomacy said to TV Prva.

Asked for the Director of the Department for Western Europe, the Western Balkans and Turkey at the European External Action Service (EEAS), Angelina Eichhorst, who is participating in the negotiations, Dacic said that this was nothing new and that she was talking to the both sides since Mogherini took over negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina.