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Belgrade Media Report 21 June 2018



Brnabic: Frozen conflict "no solution for Kosovo" (B92)

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated on Wednesday that a long-term solution to the normalization of relations with Pristina is in the interest of Serbia. This is also true of all Serbs and non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, rather than a frozen conflict, the government cited her as saying. Brnabic said that normalization would mean a long-term stability and safety of inhabitants of the province, but also the stability of the region.  At this moment it seems to me that Serbia is the only one ready for compromise, the prime minister underlined and added that not everything should be placed under the slogan Kosovo is Serbia and that we should be open to compromise.  She specified that compromise means not going to any of the extremes and also that we have to abandon our conformity opinions. Brnabic said that she does not believe that Serbia will ever recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, adding that Kosovo is Serbia, but we should discuss a long-term normalization of relations with Pristina.


MPs in the Parliament comment statement by the Prime Minister regarding KiM (RTS)

In the part of the parliamentary session where MPs ask questions, the most questions were related to the statement made by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic regarding Kosovo and Metohija and reaching a compromise between Belgrade and Pristina.

MP Djordje Vukadinovic (New Serbia- Group For the salvation of Serbia), asked the Prime Minister about her, as he said, controversial statements about KiM, when she told the German media that further insistence by Serbia that Kosovo belong to Serbia would jeopardize the compromise between Belgrade and Pristina. Citing Prime Minister's words from an interview with German Welt, Vukadnovic said her statement represents abandonment of the negotiating position and accepting the policy "we’ll take whatever you give".  He believes that the Prime Minister's statement that "Kosovo was Serbia" is extreme, and against the Constitution.

DJB's MP Branislav Mihajlovic also addressed the Prime Minister Brnabic regarding her statement on Kosovo and Metohija and said that according to the Serbian Constitution and Law "this statement is a straightforward treachery, especially if it is given by the Prime Minister."

"The position of Kosovo and Metohija is determined by the Constitution of Serbia, the implementation of which is mandated by the President of the Government," said Mihajlovic, adding that the Assembly is the only place where this can be discussed. He asked the Prime Minister why she made statements that were contrary to the oath she swore at the Assembly when she became Prime Minister.

Dveri's MP Bosko Obradovic directed his question to the relevant public prosecutor's office, asking him to react and "prosecute Prime Minister Anu Brnabic for an anti-constitutional action against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia." Obradovic said that the acts she carried out with her statements on Kosovo had once been termed a betrayal and treachery in the criminal code, but that it has been taken out, so the only competent body that they can turn to, regarding the violation of territorial integrity, is Prosecutor's Office.

SRS MP leader Aleksandar Seselj said that yesterday the good news was that Liberia had withdrawn the decision to recognize Kosovo's independence, which is the fourth withdrawal of the recognition of the southern Serbian province and asked “when is Prime Minister Brnabic going to withdraw her recognition of Kosovo”.


Vucic: There's no stick that can make me listen to rubbish (B92)

"There is no stick that can make me listen to that rubbish" Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday. Vucic said this when reporters asked him to comment on statements coming from Pristina ahead of his meeting on Sunday in Brussels with Kosovo President Hashim Thaci.


Thaci on Wednesday said that the meeting represented "the beginning of the final phase" of solving the issue of relations between Belgrade and Pristina and that the question of "the border between Serbia and Kosovo" would be on the agenda - while at the same time, Pristina "has the support of its allies" - meaning, NATO and the US - and "would not allow even a millimeter of Kosovo to be given to Serbia."


The President said that he "called people in Brussels and told them that if those were the positions held by Albanians, we're wasting time and I'm not coming." "They said 'please come and let's talk'," he said. "If you think there is a stick that would make me listen to Thaci's, Hoti's, and such rubbish, don't call me," Vucic continued. "I'm neither fascinated by ingenious ideas nor am I scared. You found the wrong man to pressure, so let's not waste time."

"But, if you're ready for a compromise, I'm here. Serbia will not, so to speak, slam dunk - but if you think you can talk to us in that manner we will leave and say, thanks kindly, let them (Pristina) first implement the Brussels agreement, then we'll talk further," Vucic concluded.


Djuric: We are going to Brussels to fight for Serbia (RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told RTS that Liberia is not the first country to withdraw the recognition of Kosovo's independence and that we have more and more countries that are recognizing Serbia's position. Djuric said that those who think that they can put pressure on Serbia to weaken its position will not succeed. Regarding Liberia's note on the withdrawal of the recognition of Kosovo's independence, Djuric said that it is important that Serbia continues to fight for its positions. He points out that ten years ago, we had dozens of countries that recognized Kosovo's independence, as well as the silence of the former Serbian diplomacy. "When the state renewed contacts and acquaintances, we have the withdrawal of recognition and efforts have yielded results," Djuric noted.

Marko Djuric says the Serbian delegation, headed by President Aleksandar Vucic, is heading for Brussels to fight for Serbia.

"I can look everybody there in the eye, but I do not know if they can look at us in the same way. To be completely honest, I do not expect anything from the talks. They are not ready either for compromise or for dialogue and there is no reason for me to expect anything special.

"All the pressures can have a counter effect, we are talking with the goal of finding solutions, but we will not agree to do something damaging for the country" said Marko Djuric. He said that he wants the topics in Brussels to be focused on the ZSO agreement, talks on the future and how to make peace and better relations.


Djuric: Kosovo isn't Thaci's to give away (Tanjug)

What Thaci is saying shows that some people imagine it will be enough to bring the Serbian delegation and Vucic to the table in Brussels, "and get everything."

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric said this for Tanjug on Wednesday, adding: "But they should not count on it, because it will not happen."

Djuric in this way responded when asked how he sees Hashim Thaci's statement ahead of the continuation of the dialogue on Sunday, that "the border issue" will also be on the agenda.

Djuric added that such statements clearly speak about the amount of pressure that Serbia and its president will be exposed to on this issue. "But I can tell you that the opportunity to achieve something in this way will be exactly inversely proportional to the amount of pressure exerted on President Vucic on this issue."

"As for Thaci's story about not giving away even a millimeter of the territory of Kosovo - I don't understand at all what he is talking about - since no millimeter of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija is Thaci's to give away," he said.

"Due to the apparent complete absence of Pristina's willingness to compromise and have a serious conversation, I do not expect anything from the forthcoming talks in Brussels," Djuric concluded.


Liberia annuls letter of recognition of Kosovo (B92)

Liberia has revoked its recognition of Kosovo's independence while negotiations are ongoing.

Liberian Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley handed a diplomatic note to this effect to Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, during their meeting in Belgrade on Wednesday.

The note states that Liberia "recognized the independence of Kosovo based on its realization that Belgrade was not prepared to negotiate a solution with its Southern Province Kosovo."

"Today, the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is taking place under the umbrella of the EU. With this, it is only appropriate for Liberia to take a stance, which allows for a sustainable solution for citizens of Serbia and Province of Kosovo, as is being done through current negotiations," the note further read, and added:

"In the line with all mentioned above, the Republic of Liberia annuls its letter of recognition of Kosovo. This decision remains in effect until the discussions and negotiations are completed under the European Union."

Dacic told reporters today that Liberia's decision was very important for Serbia, as it showed that the process and the Kosovo dialogue are still taking place - "and in a way, this is our contribution to the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels on Sunday."

Findley said that his visit allows Serbia to open a new page in the history of relations between the two counries, and noted that Liberia and Serbia, as part of Yugoslavia, always enjoyed friendly ties.

"We are today a new government, a new democracy, and we are trying to form partnerships with you and the people of Serbia. Today we signed six agreements and these bilateral documents will benefit both our nations," he said.

Liberia is not the first country to have revoked its recognition of Kosovo - previously this was done by Suriname, Sao Tome and Principe, Guinea- Bissau, and Burundi.

Liberia recognized Kosovo on May 30, 2008 - shortly after Kosovo Albanians unilaterally declared independence on February 17, 2008.  Exactly how many countries currently recognize Kosovo is a contested issue - as Belgrade and Pristina cite different numbers.


Dacic: Thaci wants to set borders because they do not exist (Beta, Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated in Belgrade on June 20 that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci wanted to set the borders because they "do not exist".

"Thaci is not speaking about the borders in the context of compromise, but about the setting of

borders because they do not exist. Let us see first if there is a border between Kosovo and Albania," Dacic said at a joint news conference with the foreign minister of Liberia.

While replying to reporters' questions, Dacic said the withdrawal of Liberia's recognition of Kosovo was "a modest contribution to the continuation of the dialogue" and that it remained to be seen "whether everything is as definitive as they (the Kosovo Albanians) think."

"I signed the Brussels agreement. What can we talk about when they have not implemented it? What else should we sign, and then wait for five years?" stated the Serbian foreign minister.

In his words, the situation in the world is not what it was 20 years ago, "as some people imagine."

Commenting on the so-called "green (Muslim) transversal", Dacic said it represented "a fantasy that is dangerous for the region and that Austria-Hungary and Turkey had worked in that direction. "I am not worried by the Albanians and the Greater Albania theories, but by their allies, i.e. mentors, who pretend they do not see or hear it, but when it knocks on their door, that sort of extremism, the spreading of terrorism, only then do they become concerned," Dacic said.

In his words, the issue of the "green transversal" is one of Islamic extremism.


Objections to Serbia in the EU Progress Report (RTS)

The rapporteur for Serbia and the chairman of the Foreign Policy Committee of the European Parliament (EP) David McAllister presented the draft report on Serbia, and made a number of serious complaints about the situation in it in a diplomatic manner, the electronic media reported.

The RTS specified that the report has five important messages, of which it is crucial that

“the EU accession depends on the effects that are reflected in the adoption and full implementation of the necessary reforms.”

Accession to the EU is not dates, but the results, and I sincerely hope that Serbia will continue its path to membership in the coming months, McAllister writes in the report. He emphasized that it was necessary to ensure economic growth and preserve macroeconomic and monetary stability.

McAllister specified that the rule of law was at the heart of the accession negotiations and that progress in that area was necessary for Serbia’s EU accession. He warned that, although Belgrade demonstrated a clear determination to resolve some of the issues, it was important to intensify efforts, in particular to ensure the independence of the judiciary and the entire judicial system, and to unconditionally fight corruption and organized crime.

McAllister warned that media freedoms had to be guaranteed and the situation in the media in Serbia had to be improved in the next year. He pointed out that the freedom of the media could not be achieved only through the adoption of laws, but also by creating a positive atmosphere for the media.

The fourth important point is the acceleration of the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, and the report reads that both Kosovo and Serbia should now work on full implementation of all agreements that have been already reached. The establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities is a priority, and the issue of energy between the two sides should be resolved, McAllister said.

The fifth message was sent to the Serbian parliament, which McAllister urged for effective oversight of the country’s executive power.

The draft report on Serbia should be adopted at a session of the Foreign Policy Committee in October, and the European Parliament should vote in November to adopt it.


Dacic: We have not congratulated Macedonia because there is nothing to congratulate (Beta)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated on June 20 that Serbia had not congratulated Macedonia on the agreement for solving the name dispute with Greece because there was "nothing to congratulate", although he stated that Serbia had a positive stand about the agreement. Dacic said the agreement between Skopje and Athens was a bilateral issue

and that Serbia had no need to interfere because it was "not an invited side."

The agreement between Athens and Skopje enables Macedonia to continue integration with the European Union and NATO.

"We have extended congratulations because there is nothing to congratulate. We have a positive opinion and support every agreement in which someone opts for peaceful resolutions," Dacic replied to a question about whether Serbia had congratulated Macedonia.

"Naturally, we want a resolution and we wish all the best to Athens and Skopje. We do not want to dwell on what something is called and we want that to contribute to the region's stability," Dacic stated. He also said that everyone was waiting for the completion of the process regarding the agreement between Macedonia and Greece.


Vucic with Croatian envoy: Missing persons most important humanitarian issue (B92, Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on June 20, in a talk in Belgrade with the Croatian

special envoy for missing persons, issues Ivica Vrkic, that resolving this matter was the most important civilizational and humanitarian issue for Serbs and Croats alike.

On the second anniversary of the signing of the

The President voiced the desire for Serbia and Croatia to resolve their open issues in the

future and improve their relations and cooperation, to the benefit of both peoples.

Vucic stressed that the Serbian authorities were doing everything in their power to find missing

persons and account for what had happened to them, a press release from the Presidency office

read. As special envoy of Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Vrkic laid out new, concrete initiatives that could help in resolving the issue of people unaccounted for. The Serbian President also announced the appointment of his own special envoy, who would work with the state Missing Persons Commission, the press release noted further. The Serbian Presidency office reported that Vucic had conveyed his salutations to Grabar-Kitarovic and an invitation to visit Serbia soon.


Bosnia and Herzegovina


Federation of B&H HoR adopts amendments to Law on Constituencies and Number of Mandates in Federation of B&H Parliament (N1)

The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina House of Representatives (HoR) held an extraordinary session on Wednesday. The representatives adopted the proposal of Law on Constituencies and Number of Mandates with 65 votes in favor. This proposal was submitted to urgent procedure by SDA Caucus, SBB Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Caucus, DF Caucus, SDP B&H Caucus and a delegate from the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Predrag Kojovic.

Two extraordinary sessions of the Federation of B&H HoR were held on Wednesday. The second session was not attended by representatives of the HDZ B&H-HNS Caucus, because the proposal of Law on Constituencies and Number of Mandates was discussed at this session. The session of the Croat People’s Assembly in B&H (HNS B&H) is scheduled for Friday, when the HNS B&H members will discuss the proposal of Law on Constituencies and Number of Mandates and reveal their stance on the matter. Croats left the sessions of Government and Parliament because of outvoting.

HNS-HDZ B&H Caucus in the Federation of B&H HoR issued a statement saying aim of the Bosniak parties is to completely dis-empower the Croat people “which we find unacceptable and we refuse to work in the House of Representatives until the Croat People’s Assembly of B&H has declared about it”.

Head of SDA Caucus in the Federation of B&H HoR Ismet Osmanovic said that this proposal of the law is based on the Election Law of B&H, the Constitution of the Federation of B&H and the recommendations of the experts of the Venice Commission. Osmanovic added that much time was spent on negotiations with HDZ B&H on this matter. He said that this law should have been adopted in November 2017, when DF and SDP B&H made this proposal. The adopted proposal was made by making some minor technical changes to the DF and SDP B&H's proposal.

The Croat Caucus in the Federation of B&H House of Peoples is expected to call for protection of the vital national interests when the proposal of the law is discussed by the HoP, which would move the proceeding to be processed under the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court. There is also the possibility that Federation of B&H President Marinko Cavara refuses to sign the order for introduction of the law, which would stop it from being implemented.


Izetbegovic: Opportunity for temporary solution missed because of HDZ B&H’s rejection (Dnevni list)

Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Bakir Izetbegovic and Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, exchanges opinions about the current political situation in B&H, with a special accent on changes to the electoral legislation. Izetbegovic told Wigemark there was readiness to accept a temporary solution regarding changes to the Law on Elections prepared by representatives of the international community, however the opportunity was missed after HDZ B&H’s rejection of the temporary solution. That is why, added Izetbegovic, a bloc of parties in the Parliament of Federation of B&H was forced to create a solution, which will overcome the crisis in implementation of election results and formation of authorities in the Federation of B&H. Izetbegovic underlined that the solution offered for formation of the Federation of B&H House of Peoples takes into account the decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H (Ljubic case) and does not deviate from the Constitution of Federation of B&H.


RTRS claims to have documents of foreign intelligence agencies which prove that foreigners meddle in internal politics in B&H (RTRS)

RTRS broadcaster claims to be in possession of documents of the foreign intelligence agencies about the political situation and ways of operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). RTRS will publish, in the upcoming days, details from these documents that reveal in what way one foreign intelligence agency wants to influence the change of government in Republika Srpska (RS).

The UK Ministry of Defense recently confirmed it will be sending 40 soldiers to B&H. UK Secretary of State for Defense Gavin Williamson stated that the United Kingdom will deploy 40 additional people in B&H, who will join the expert, supervision and intelligence team of EUFOR in the next six months. Williamson confirmed that the UK will deploy 40 additional persons within the military operation ALTHEA, which is the EUFOR’s operation in B&H.

According to RTRS, at the same time this information was publicly presented, a document that explains in detail a plan that the UK Secret Intelligence Service has in B&H ‘leaked’. The goal of this action is to “compromise and attack RS President Milorad Dodik and his associates”, i.e. through a series of riots and protests organized at the streets in the RS, to remove the current government and appoint a new government, that will work for the interests of the western powers.

Many political analysts in Serbia believe that the western powers wish to put the ‘Serb factor’ completely under their control. They also believe that the western powers will pressure the RS over the elections in B&H and pressure Serbia over the issue with Kosovo. The Serbian analysts claim the beginning of such actions were the recent protests against fuel prices, organized in Banja Luka. “Everything that starts in the RS will overflow to Serbia and become part of the pressure exerted onto Belgrade. We recently had traffic blockades against increase of fuel prices. Those were unjustified blockades, because the fuel prices do not depend on us. That happened first in the RS and then it got transferred to Serbia, to Belgrade”, said political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic.

According to RTRS, the western powers play the ‘long game’ and have no intention on backing down from their plans, even if the current government in the RS gets re-elected in October. The plan also includes abolishing the Russian influence in B&H and according to RTRS, Dodik is their ‘main target’, because of his very good relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Political experts in the RS claim that there is no ‘Russian influence’ in the RS, but only mutual cooperation of this entity with the Russian Federation and its officials. RTRS also revealed that the documents of the foreign intelligence agencies state that the British troops that will be sent to B&H will try to influence people’s opinion and actions, all for the purpose of achieving political goals.

According to RTRS, leaders of the main Bosniak parties, intelligence-security agencies in B&H and some of the leaders from the Alliance for Changes (SzP) are aware of this plan. RTRS says that B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic was acquainted with this plan during his official visit to the UK, at the beginning of March. Mektic then met with representatives of the House of Lords of the UK and Baroness Arminka Helic.


Ivantsov: Opinions about Russian influence in B&H are just malicious (RTRS)

After US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Maureen Cormack gave an interview and talked about, amongst other things, the Russian influence in B&H, Russian Ambassador to B&H Petr Ivantsov commented the interview. “Russia supports peace and stability, as well as social and economic development in B&H. The opinions about Russian ‘threats’ in B&H are just malicious fabrications”, said Ivantsov. He said that these malicious statements have the goal of distorting people’s opinion about Russia and its help in B&H. He added that it is odd that the US Ambassador used a local news portal to send this kind of a message, instead of expressing her opinion at a session of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC).


In her interview Cormack said that she believes the United States helped B&H achieve independence, security, stability and territorial integrity. “It often seems that Russia is more focused on instability and prevention of progress of B&H. Such aspirations throughout the world concern the United States”, said Cormack. She underlined that the US President Donald Trump and his national security strategy clearly say that the United States considers Russia to be a threat to the country, as well as to US allies and partners.

Ivantsov said that American assessments of Russia’s role in B&H cause dilemmas, to say the least, and that statements about ‘malignant influence’ are nothing new, and are not supported with anything other than general speculations. “What is this if not an attempt to deceive the public in B&H, and deliberately distort Russia’s significant contribution, together with other representatives of international community, to securing and maintaining independence, security, peace, sustainable development and territorial integrity of B&H”, said Ivantsov.


Cormack stated that current politics of Russia is clearly defined as threat to national security of the US and this conclusion refers to Russian influence in the Balkans, i.e. B&H as well, because Moscow poses obstacle to progress of the country. “We are concerned by things that we see as malignant Russian influence here”, said Cormack.


EC submits more than 600 follow-up questions to B&H (TV1)

The European Commission (EC) submitted more than 600 follow-up questions to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Wednesday for the purpose of preparing an opinion on B&H’s application for the EU membership. Along with the questions, which are mostly of technical nature and demand additional clarification and information on possible changes in reforms processes, B&H was also submitted with an appeal not to delay answering the questions. According to daily’s information from Brussels, the EC deems that election campaign in B&H should not influence the pace or quality of the answers to the follow-up questions, considering that they are of technical nature. B&H Directorate for European Integration (DEI) stated that this refers to 20% of questions from the Questionnaire, which was delivered in December 2016th. “The most of follow-up questions refers to political criteria, while in the economic criteria the EC posed 33 follow-up questions. It is followed by social policy and employment (43), transport policy (39) and chapter 26 education and culture (36)”, stated DEI. It is explained that DEI’s first activity will be to translate these questions from English, after which these questions will be included into the information system for support in preparation of answers to the Questionnaire and then the competent institutions will prepare contributions for detailed answers. The article reads that the purpose of the follow-up questions is to clarify earlier answers, detect changes in comparison to Questionnaire and include data for 2017, which could not be collected earlier.




US and Croatia discuss global security and Europe’s energy diversification (Hina)

The United States appreciates very much Croatia's contribution to global security and its efforts regarding the European Union's energy diversification, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs A. Wess Mitchell said after talks with senior Croatian officials in Zagreb on Wednesday.

Expressing satisfaction with the friendship and close alliance between Croatia and the USA, Mitchell said that his talks with Croatian officials focused on ways to strengthen that friendship. Conveying his country's appreciation of Croatia's contribution to international security, the U.S. official underlined Croatia's participation in the KFOR mission in Kosovo, the ISAF mission in Afghanistan and the Resolute Support mission, which continues on ISAF and which started on 1 January 2015.

Mitchell said that his talks with senior Croatian officials also addressed the issue of energy, the situation in the region and Croatia's role as the regional leader and source of stability in the Adriatic and Western Balkans.

One of the topics discussed was the LNG terminal on the island of Krk, Mitchell said, adding that his country valued the efforts of the Croatian government in contributing to the energy diversification of the European Union. He added that he was grateful to the Croatian government for the creativity it had shown in the LNG terminal project and described its approach as wise.

The U.S. official said that his country cooperated with Hungary, Croatia and other countries in the region in the field of energy diversification. We still believe that it is in Europe's long-term interest to diversify energy sources and supply routes. That is the position of both the USA and the EU, Mitchell said, adding that he would discuss the LNG terminal with officials in Brussels on June 21 and 22, after his visit to Prague, where he travels after Zagreb.


Commenting on the situation in central and eastern Europe, he said that the USA and its allies were very much involved in issues that concern the region. We are very much aware of the fact that a strategic rivalry is happening in that area. China and Russia are very active in central and eastern Europe, said Mitchell, mentioning in that context the Chinese initiative "China + 16", which brings together China and 16 central and eastern European countries, and the "One belt, one road" initiative.

He warned that China was using the so-called debt-trap diplomacy as a means of influence that could be used in the future, and that Russia was also present and exerted pressure on the energy plane. My message is that the West must take that rivalry very seriously, Mitchell said, adding that the USA, the EU and NATO had to become strongly diplomatically involved with regard to central and eastern European countries, both those in the EU and outside of it.




Hahn welcomed Becic and Abazovic (CDM)

President of Democrats, Aleksa Becic, President of United Reform Action (URA), Dritan Abazovic, Secretary General of Democrats, Boris Bogdanovic, and Vice-President of URA, Milos Konatar, are at the seat of the European Commission in Brussels, where they spoke to Johannes Hahn, the Commissioner for the European Enlargement. Becic and Abazovic presented the Plan of electoral reforms which was welcomed by the European Commission. They also expressed their determination to fight for the consistent implementation of the solutions proposed. Abazovic pointed out that Montenegro finally has credible, pro-European alternative and he thanked the commissioner for opening the door of the EC.

“First of all, Montenegrin delegation, welcome here in Brussels. And now, I believe that all political subjects must engage in the constructive debate and that debate has to take place in the Parliament. The key items are the progress in the area of the freedom of media, judicial reform and reform of the electoral legislation”, said Hahn during the meeting with the two leaders.


Becic and Abazovic want radical reform of the election law (Pobjeda)

The plan of the electoral reforms which leaders of the Democratic Montenegro and civic movement URA sent to all parliamentary parties, NGOs and Brussels, contains much wider requests for the amendments of the electoral legislation than the ones proposed by the OSCE. The comparative analysis of the Plan and the Final Report of the OSCE observation mission show this. The authors of the document entitled Plan of the electoral reforms, Aleksa Becic and Dritan Abazovic, requested finding “sustainable solutions” regarding the election of the members of the Judicial Council, new legislative provisions for the election of the members of the Council of a public broadcaster RTCG, as well as the implementation of the recommendations of OSCE/ODIHR “with the aim of professionalization of the institutions involved in the election process”. The Plan requests comprehensive reform of the electoral legislation. It even requests that all local elections be held in one day, although there’s no constitutional basis for such request. OSCE observation mission presented its views in a comprehensive document published several months after the presidential elections in Montenegro and they are all incorporated into 16 recommendations. Four of them are priority: more proactive role of the State Election Commission in the sense of timely adoption of regulations which refer to the shortcomings and inconsistencies of the electoral law, presence of the media during all sessions of the State Election Commission, as well as regular publishing of all documents. The recommendations of OSCE do not include the necessity for the professionalization of the State Election Commission although Becic and Abazovic request it urgently. They also want the “adoption of the media laws in order to harmonize that area with the EU standards”. This request wasn’t made by the OSCE either.




Parliament sends name deal to Ivanov (MIA)

Following the Parliament session during which it was adopted, the Law on Ratification of the Final Agreement for the settlement of the differences as described in the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 817 (1993) and 845 (1993), the termination of the Interim Accord of 1995 and the establishment of a strategic partnership, was signed by Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi. After signing the bill, Xhaferi sent it to the Cabinet of President Gjorge Ivanov, who is next to sign. The President has seven days to decide whether he would sign it.

However, Ivanov has repeatedly said he would neither support nor sign the deal because, in his opinion, it is harmful. If he vetoes it, Parliament will hold another vote for the bill, which would then need to be adopted by an absolute majority—61 MPs—to become a law.

If the law is passed for the second time, the President is bound by the Constitution to sign it.


Dimitrov: President is obliged to sign bill after second Parliament vote (MIA)

There is a gap in the Constitution, the President has the right of a suspensive veto, he can delay or stop a law from entering into force, but after the bill enters the Parliament for the second time, he is obliged to sign it, said Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov.

"Now we have a President who does not observe this obligation," says FM Dimitrov when asked if the agreement is valid without the signature of President Gjorge Ivanov.

He says that if citizens endorse the name agreement at the referendum, but the President fails to sign it, then he will find himself in an unfortunate position.

"If the referendum outcome is successful, it will be very difficult for the president not to sign the law ratifying the agreement, because he would then go against the citizens' will. We also have hope that the bill will be signed. The political dynamics is such that if he fails to sign it, then he tramples on three aspects - citizens' will, NATO membership and European future. This responsibility is frightening," adds Dimitrov.


Ivanov: I stick to my position on name agreement, initiate impeachment procedure (MIA)

President Gjorge Ivanov calls on PM Zoran Zaev to immediately initiate impeachment procedure, highlighting that his position in regard to the name agreement is final and remains unchanged. “I call on Zaev to immediately initiate impeachment procedure i.e. procedure for determining the President of the Republic's answerability by the same two-thirds majority vote necessary to amend the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia,” Ivanov said in the written statement to media regarding Prime Minister’s statement on Tuesday.

“My position regarding the harmful name agreement is final and remains unchanged despite all threats and pressures,” Ivanov said.


Macedonia's invitation to be officially discussed at the NATO Summit in Brussels (MIA)

The North Atlantic Alliance reached a unanimous political decision to officially discuss Macedonia's NATO invitation during the Alliance's Summit in Brussels on July 11 and 12, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said in Parliament on Wednesday.

Previously, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said NATO hoped to start accession talks at the Summit after Macedonia reached name agreement with Greece.

“I hope that there will be progress with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia because they have reached an agreement with Greece on the name issue. If that agreement is finalized and fully implemented, the new name will be the Republic of North Macedonia, and then we can move on when it comes to the membership for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to NATO. I really hope that we can do so,” Stoltenberg said. Asked whether there is a time frame for Macedonia’s membership, Stoltenberg said that it depends on finalization of the agreement in Skopje. “But I hope that we can start accession talks, i.e. to decide on their start at the NATO summit in July, if everything goes as planned when it comes to ratification and the referendum that will be held later this year,” Stoltenberg said.




EU Ministers approve Albania’s accession negotiations (Top Channel)

Top Channel has obtained an official Brussels document, which shows that the European Council will support opening the accession negotiations with Albania. It is unknown if there will be a final approval, however, since the leaders of the main European countries have different views on enlargement.  But the draft of conclusions, prepared for the meeting of Foreign Ministers, on June 26th, two days before the meeting of the Heads of States, will propose opening the accession negotiations with our country.

“Keeping in mind the above-mentioned preparation, and the progress with the five key priorities, the Council decides to support opening the accession negotiations with Albania”, the document says. However, no date will be given for the expected accession. The document underlines the critical necessity of Albania to further consolidate the progress made so far with the judicial reform, especially through the Vetting Law, and produce other visible results in the fight against corruption, in all levels; Albania also needs more results in fighting the organized crime, especially drug cultivation and drug traffic, keeping and deepening the current momentum of the reform. The Council appeals the European Commission to keep supervising Albania’s reform before the first inter-government conference. The Council invites the Commission to start its preparations”, the draft says.