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Belgrade Media Report 22 June 2018



Vucic says will go to Brussels, not optimistic due to statements from Pristina these days (Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced that he would go to Brussels on June 24 and participate in the resumption of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina but that "I am rather discouraged" with regard to the prospect of them succeeding given the statements coming from Kosovo these days.

"I have to say that I will go to Brussels to talk, but I am rather discouraged, given the statements these past days from actors in something that is supposed to be a dialogue," said Vucic. He said he was not an optimist, but that it was the job of all state organs to be "present where they need to be" and fight for the interests of their country, but also of the region.


Djuric and Arifi today in Brussels, mediator Angelina Einhorst (RTS)

Belgrade and Pristina chief negotiators, Marko Djuric and Avni Arifi, will meet in Brussels this afternoon in another round of talks, within the technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, with the mediation of the Director of the Western Balkans at the European External Affairs Service, Angelina Einhorst. After three months break, a technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina continues in Brussels today.

According to Tanjug, Belgrade and Pristina chief negotiators should first hold bilateral talks with the EEAS Director for the Western Balkans which is scheduled for 16h today, followed by a trilateral meeting. The talks should last for two days, and the unofficial agenda for the negotiations will be the open questions regarding the agreements reached so far, with the aim of preparing a meeting of the Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, and the President of the provisional Kosovo institutions, Hashim Thaci.

This meeting is scheduled for Sunday, June 24th.

When announcing the continuation of talks within the framework of the dialogue on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, the EU said that they would also discuss the "intense period" ahead of this process.

Since there has been no change in the attitude of either side in the dialogue, the question arises as to how much progress can be made during technical talks on Friday and Saturday. Belgrade's chief negotiator Marko Djuric, prior to this technical dialogue round, said he was "not expecting anything" because, as he said, Pristina "is not ready neither for dialogue nor for compromise".


Vucic thanks Liberia for decision on Kosovo, invites President Weah to visit (Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic thanked the foreign minister of Liberia, Gbehzhongar Milton Findley, for his country's decision to revoke the recognition of Kosovo's independence. Vucic said during the meeting that he wished for Serbia and Liberia, despite their being far apart geographically, to establish closer ties and cooperation, and invited the president of Liberia, who was once one of the best football players in the world, George Weah, to visit Serbia, read a statement from the President’s press service. Vucic and Findley concurred that there were great possibilities for cooperation in various fields, including agriculture, energy and education. The statement reads that it was announced that students from Liberia would come to study in Serbia within the program of grants for foreign students.


Dacic: At least 10 countries reexamining their recognition (Tanjug)

Ivica Dacic says Liberia's withdrawal of the recognition of Kosovo is only one in a series, while about ten more countries are reviewing their decisions.

"At least about ten countries are currently weighing their position. Many countries recognized Kosovo without having the right information at their disposal, and now, when they see how things really are, they are reexamining their decisions," the foreign minister told Vecernje Novosti, adding: "So we have reason to believe that the number of recognitions will fall below 100, and then Kosovo can only dream about becoming a part of international organizations."

In order for a new member to be admitted to Interpol - the organization whose threshold Pristina will be again trying to cross this fall - they must secure a two-thirds majority. Since last year, when Palestine and Solomon Islands joined, Interpol has had 192 members, the newspaper said.

For this reason, it is a priority for Belgrade to reduce the number of secure votes in favor of so-called Kosovo in the next four months, before Interpol's General Assembly.

At the beginning of this year, the possibility was mentioned that Egypt would also change its decision regarding Kosovo, which would be very important due to the impact this Arab state has, the daily said.

Before Liberia, Sao Tome and Principe, Suriname, Guinea-Bissau, and Burundi revoked their recognition of Kosovo.


German Ambassador: We support both sides in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Beta)

German Ambassador to Serbia Axel Dittmann said in Belgrade on June 21 that his country supported a meeting between Serbian and Kosovo presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci in Brussels on June 24 because the solution of relations with neighbors, in addition to reforms, modernization and rule of law, was one of the EU's requirements. Relations with neighbors are very important to the EU, we do not want conflict and that is why we favor normalizing relations between Belgrade and Pristina. That dialogue is the most important thing for people living in Kosovo and Metohija, that is why the EU supports both sides in the dialogue, Dittmann told reporters ahead of an international conference called Messages from the Western Balkans, organized by the European Movement in Serbia.

When asked about media speculation that Germany was allegedly asking that Federica Mogherini be replaced by a special negotiator, Dittmann said that this was untrue.

That is not true. The dialogue has been led between two sides, it is being brokered and organized by the EU and Federica Mogherini. We are assisting and helping but it is being led by the EU's high representative, Dittmann replied.


Tadic: In Vucic’s Serbia it is no longer possible to tell the truth from the lies (Danas)

The entire Serbian society has found itself in the role of a hostage to President Aleksandar Vucic and his perception of the world in which “one cannot tell the truth from the lies, evil from virtue, and the abnormal from the normal”, leader of the opposition Serbian Social-Democrats Party Boris Tadic said on Thursday.

“Step by step, in Vucic’s Serbia we have come to that that the majority is no longer interested what indeed is normal. By the dramatic impoverishment of the citizens he has brought us to that that the citizens are focused of mere survival, and in such societies support to the authorities becomes a means of survival and not the result of a rational choice.

An impoverished society is governed by fear, and not by achievements and above all this is why such obvious and already pathological lies remain unpunished at the elections”, stated Tadic, the president of Serbia during two mandates, in a strongly intoned written statement.

“None of the totalitarian rulers, not even the Fascists or Bolsheviks had, like Vucic, turned the political reality into frightening ideas from the works of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley”, continued Tadic.

“Vucic has indeed crossed all the boundaries of all the totalitarian regimes based on mythomania and literally turned into reality that which was before him only a warning literal fantasy. In discord with common sense, and in accordance with himself, Vucic has still again told us that in politics ‘you cannot win by lies’. And this same Vucic, who arrived in power in 2012 by shaking out sacs with false stolen election ballots and who after that continues to win primarily by those same lies and the spreading of fear”, he wrote.

“Vucic had prior to 2012 promised that he would annul all that had up to that time been negotiated with Pristina, and instead he raised the level of the negotiations from the technical to the status level. He promised to rid Serbia of tycoons, and then first liberated tycoons in trial proceedings, and then together with them as coalition partners he celebrated the election victory. He promised a fight against organized crime and corruption, and then all those accused of the most grievous criminal acts were liberated whether because of the expiration of the statute of limitations, or by sudden changes in the statements of key witnesses and the streets of our towns have once again become the sight of mafia terrible killings” Tadic wrote.

“Vucic doesn’t mind lying about his political opponents and predecessors, as well as about himself, thinking that by belittling and insulting another, he becomes bigger… I would be glad to be mistaken, but I fear – unlike Vucic who brags that he is not afraid of anything – that his every address to the public is only a brutal confirmation of his pharaonic dreams on the building up of the cult of his personality at the price of destroying and plundering Serbia” Tadic said.


"Now what" - Serbian minister asks Europe (TV Pink)

Serbia Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said on Thursday that his country "continues to act humanely and responsibly towards migrants." Stefanovic added, however, that Serbia is asking for "clear advice or message from Europe about what to do and how to proceed with them."

Stefanovic told Pink TV that - while taking part in a meeting in Brussels earlier this week dedicated to the migration situation in the Western Balkans - he "unfortunately did not hear a vision of what is recommended to Serbia, where migrants are arriving from (via) EU countries."

"Migrants are coming to us from the EU. Whether from Bulgaria or Greece, doesn't matter... you need to give us a solution, because these people are coming to Serbia and from Serbia they want to go to the EU," Stefanovic said. He added that "Europe should say what it will do if migrations become intensive like in 2015, and what is being advised to Serbia."

"What will they do? Will they close their borders, as Austria says it will? And I ask them: Does this mean buildings walls, fences? Is that then what Serbia is advised to do?" the minister asked.

Stefanovic said that Serbia is behaving "humanely, responsibly, respects international regulations, freedom of movement, the right to asylum, and the right to protection - but is asking Europe what to do from this point on."


Bosnia and Herzegovina


Federation of B&H HoR adopts amendments to Law on Constituencies and Number of Mandates in Federation of B&H Parliament (TV1)

The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina House of Representatives (HoR) adopted on Wednesday the amendments to the Law on Constituencies and Number of Mandates in the Federation of B&H Parliament. This law was adopted in absence of representatives from the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS), who assessed it as unconstitutional, while the proponents presented it as a solution for implementation of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC)’s decision in the case of HNS’ Bozo Ljubic.


The Press Relations Office of the US Embassy to B&H issued a statement noting that this Embassy, which has been a mediator in seeking a solution for the election reform for months, is carefully following development of events. The statement reads: “The decision is now up to the Federation of B&H Parliament and responsibility for adoption of the election reform remains on the political leaders. Since the beginning of our engagement, we demanded from the parties to work in the spirit of compromise in order to adopt the election reform in line with the international standards and the relevant decisions of the B&H CC and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). That would ensure credible and transparent elections and enable implementation of election results.”


Federation of B&H President Marinko Cavara (HDZ B&H) assessed that the proposal of the law, which the Federation of B&H HoR adopted, is unconstitutional while he deems that the Federation of B&H Parliament is not the competent institution for this matter. Cavara stressed that his decision on whether to sign the decree before this law enters force (if the Federation of B&H House of Peoples also endorses it) will depend on other institutions, like the B&H CC. Cavara expects the international community (IC) to react to adoption of this law.

Asked if he will sign the law if it is passed by the Federation of B&H House of Peoples, Cavara said: “When I assumed the office, I swore to respect the Constitution and all institutions. Therefore, by respecting the legitimacy and legality - this law cannot see its proclamation and cannot enter force because it completely denies institutions of B&H. I believe the House of Peoples will not adopt this text of the law because it absolutely denies the Constitutional Court of B&H’s decision”, said Cavara, stressing that the law undermines the concept of equal and constituent peoples.


Croat member of the Presidency of B&H and HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic said that Bosniak policy wants to completely rule Federation in next two election cycles. “My colleague Bakir Izetbegovic said the other day that the problem of B&H will be resolved in the next two election cycles. It is an old plan to turn B&H into a civic state, and in order to achieve it, it must be seen through in the Federation. It is a project that has been going on for 15 odd years, which is nicely wrapped up in shiny paper and which still goes in the democratic world”.

SDA’s representative in the Federation of B&H HoR Ismet Osmanovic asserted that there was no other solution but to adopt this law in this way, bearing in mind HDZ B&H‘s blockades.

Reporter assessed that the Federation of B&H HoP will most likely endorse the same law, while Croat parliamentarians could invoke mechanism for protection of Vital National Interest (VNI) before the Federation of B&H CC.


Operational HQ for Issue of Migrations in B&H discusses activities and measures in dealing with influx of migrants (TV1)

The Operational HQ for the Issue of Migrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) held a session in Sarajevo on Thursday to discuss activities and measures in dealing with the influx of migrants. The Operational HQ announced that preparations for accommodating migrants in the facilities of military barracks can begin, following Wednesday’s decision of the Federation of B&H Government to approve such use of these facilities. The preparations also include setting up tents, toilets and kitchens, and everything should be ready within the next 10 days. The Operational HQ assessed that prosecutors are not handling this situation well, since they are not capable of prosecuting criminal offenses of smuggling of people.


Addressing a press conference on this occasion, B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic called on politicians to refrain from interfering with this issue and to let relevant institutions do their job. Mektic confirmed that all migrants in the facilities where they will be accommodated should be provided with adequate conditions for their stay, including entire humanitarian protection, food, and hygiene products. Mektic claims that smuggling of people seems to have become a more lucrative business than trafficking in drugs. According to Mektic, smuggling of people is taking place on an everyday basis but prosecutor’s offices in B&H do not know how to act in these cases. Mektic called for appointment of prosecutors who are capable of working on cases of smuggling of people. Mektic stressed that he secured EUR 5 million through his actions as a minister for the purpose of dealing with the influx of migrants, and confirmed that these funds will become operational at the beginning of July. He once again called on B&H Parliament to allocate funds for hiring additional police personnel, but he considers that there is no need to engage B&H Armed Forces (AF) despite porous borders. Director of Republika Srpska (RS) Police Darko Culum confirmed that the RS police have been providing assistance to B&H Border Police (BP) in dealing with the influx of migrants.


RS President Dodik: RS will not accept stationing of migrants who were intentionally let into B&H (N1)

Commenting possible accommodation of migrants illegally entering Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in some premises in territory of Republika Srpska (RS), RS President Milorad Dodik rejected such scenario. Dodik added that numerous activities that enabled migrants to enter B&H without any problems were conducted intentionally by part of the international community and part of Bosniak political elite. Dodik said that the issue of migrants should be taken seriously and observed a little wider, once again stressing that there is no room for migrants in the RS. “We have not produced this crisis and we do not want to suffer the consequences of that crisis,” Dodik underlined.


Covic: I consider that EU will not adopt any decision that would result in creating migrant centers on B&H territory (TV1)

Croat member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic stated on Thursday that he considers the EU will not adopt any decision that would result in creation of migrant centers on the territory of B&H, because that would carry too much risk. Covic emphasized that there is a joint effort not to move migrants from the region where they are located, regardless if that is Turkey, Greece or some third country and added that if this problem were underestimated, B&H could get into a serious crisis especially in the election campaign period. Covic was quoted as saying: “Someone could intentionally organize an incident, to use it for building up some kind of policy in these couple of months. That can be very dangerous. That is why we in the B&H Presidency will insist that our security and police services and that the rule of law function clearly, and will correct legislation at the European level in order to control the process - even though that is not the primary task of the Presidency.”




Montenegro must face the migrant crisis bravely (CDM)

Montenegro is planning to open a shelter for the migrants near the border with Albania, since the EU is already making a plan of how to remove them from its territory. Interlocutors of CDM aren’t sure yet about this scenario but they say that anti-migrant hysteria shouldn’t prevail in Montenegro.

“There aren’t any precise suggestions regarding this matter. Only hints. Anyway, if the decision about the formation of a shelter is brought in some of the countries outside the EU, the approval of that country will be required” says Tanya Fayon, the Member of the European Parliament.

Leader of the Liberal party, Andrija Popovic, has an important message regarding this situation.

“First and foremost, migrant crisis is humanitarian crisis. Anti – migrant hysteria mustn’t be felt here. It’s well known what are the possibilities of Montenegro of giving shelter to migrants. I believe that our authorities will know how to deal with the potential crisis”, said Popović.

Mirko Stanic, spokesman of the Socialist Democratic Party, says that Montenegro had already been faced with similar challenges.

“Montenegro has proved many times throughout its history that it is ready to open the door for those who were forced by misfortunes to leave their homes. Today, we’re faced with the challenge – in what way can we help the migrants without causing economic consequences in Montenegro? Anyway, the engagement if the EU in this situation should be bigger”, said Stanic.


Prime Minister, Dusko Markovic, also confirmed that Montenegro is preparing for the migrant crisis. “We’re strengthening our facilities. We’ve launched the rehabilitation project of an old Yugoslav watchtower on the border with Albania which could be turned into a migration shelter. We’ll do anything to prevent that big wave that happened in 2015, which fortunately didn’t catch Montenegro. This time, the route is changed so we’re doing our best to respond to this challenge” said Markovic.


The Minister of Internal Affairs, Mevludin Nuhodzic, called for the stronger cooperation of countries in order to reduce the risks of mass migrations.

The situation is tense. The key subject at the Summit of EU leaders which will be held at the end of this month, will be the reform of the EU migrant policy. President of the EC, Jean-Claude Juncker, welcomed this initiative and suggested the meeting with “particular members” with the aim of harmonizing views regarding the solution of the crisis.

The migrant problem may shake everybody and everything, even the EU.




May: Agreement with Greece opens doors to EU and NATO for Macedonia (Meta)

In a letter to Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, UK Prime Minister, Theresa May congratulated Macedonia on reaching an agreement with Greece, as well as the ratification agreement reached in Parliament, announced the Government.

“Such a meaningful achievement would not have been possible without political courage, vision and leadership, as the two of you have shown. As we discussed before in Skopje, resolving this issue will bring enormous benefits to the two countries, as well as the greater region”, reads the letter from Prime Minister Theresa May.

She added in her letter, that finally, after 25-years of the long-standing dispute, the wishes of the majority of citizens, who want to see their country become NATO and EU members, will open the doors for these aspirations. She pledged the United Kingdom’s support for Macedonia’s bid to join NATO.


Athens Mayor Kaminis to visit Skopje today (MIA)

At the invitation of his Skopje counterpart Petre Silegov, Athens Mayor Giorgos Kaminis will visit Skopje on today to attend events commemorating the 1963 Skopje earthquake, MIA's Athens correspondent reports.

"Giorgos Kaminis, the Mayor of Athens, will pay a visit to Skopje on Friday, June 22, at the invitation of the Mayor of Skopje Petre Silegov to attend the commemoration of the 55th anniversary of the disastrous Skopje earthquake in 1963 and the significant contribution Greek scientists and experts had in the rebuilding of the city" Kaminis's Cabinet said.


Sugareski: No refugee camps will be built on Macedonian soil (MIA)

Goran Sugareski, Minister of Transport and Communications, told the press Thursday that no refugee camps would be built on Macedonian soil. "Much disinformation about this was spread even during the local elections," Minister Sugarevski said. "No one is trying to build any refugee camps in Macedonia, and we should not be causing panic or mass psychosis among the population. "I haven't heard of any such thing. I said it then, and I'll say it again. No camps will be built here."




Netherlands blocks Accession Talks for Albania (ADN)

The government of Netherlands has declared on Thursday, its will to block the opening of the accession negotiations for Albania. Some of the Parliamentary parties, refused to vote pro for the membership of Albania. According to the Dutch Foreign Minister, Stef Blok, the fight against corruption and organized crime, is still a serious concern for Albania.

"We have serious concerns about the fight against corruption and organized crime in Albania. Initially, there are some steps that need to be taken in order to resolve these issues. There is no progress in judicial reform. There are 800 judges and prosecutors, only 10 of them have been tested," said Blok. On June 28, Albania expects the recommendation for opening of the accession negotiations with the European Union, while Albanian government is optimistic about receiving a positive response from the EU.


Fleckenstein: Germany will say 'yes' to the opening of negotiations (ADN)

The reporter for Albania in EU parliament, Knut Fleckenstein, said that there are many clear signals from the Chancellor's office that Germany will give a positive answer to membership talks. "It would be unfair to Albania if it was made to choose the setting up of refugee camps, in return for the opening of negotiations," said Fleckenstein. The finale of this debate is approaching and the German Social Democrat can't say exactly whether the negotiations will open or not.  But he admitted that the discussion continues because there are reservations, especially from the French side, which relies on the idea that the EU should firstly reform itself, and later think about further expansion. "If we talk about conditions, they would be related to the process of vetting and the need to show that it will continue and also that Justice Reform is not being made just to get the 'green light' of the membership talks, " added Fleckenstein.





VMRO-DPMNE calls for a coup (IBNA)

VMRO-DPMNE, with the public warning to Prime Minister Zoran Zaev that he wishes for another ‘April 27’, when the bloodshed in the Parliament was carried out, basically calls for a coup yet again. This time it is presented again as a spontaneous reaction of worried citizens who defend the dignity and honor of Macedonia after the reached deal with Greece. This is just the forerunner of the next steps that the top of VMRO-DPMNE will take over until the referendum is held in order to make it unsustainable.

In times of freedom and peace, when arguments can be heard, seen and understood, when one can think with his/her own head, and vote freely, VMRO-DPMNE is only a museum exhibit. It is the only legal nationalist far-right political party in Europe that has a "revolutionary" name in its holy name. VMRO-DPMNE has been wrongly named since its establishment with a prescribed history from the archives and appropriated by the collective memory of the Macedonians. Myth on which the political determinant "democratic party" has been added with forgery, which has never been realized. Today, at the end of the second decade of the 21st century, the old and new leaders of VMRO-DPMNE, lost in space and in time, call for an uprising against their own people and their own country.

Without casualties, chaos, violence, crime and corruption, blackmail and threats, spreading of fear, tyranny and regime, the party that ruled with no control for 11 years and held the state captive has no clue how to function.

The leaders of VMRO-DPMNE saw a chance in the signed agreement between Macedonia and Greece to come back to life and return to power after the last two election defeats when they lost power and went to court as accused of serious crimes and criminal associations. When faced with their miserable support in the streets, a handful of well-known and crazed convicted criminals, they started to panic. Not even regular members of the party attended the protests, nor did those who filled their pockets with millions of euros, money belonging to the robbed and impoverished citizens. Even relatives of the lonesome political leaders were a no show. It was a desperate image of the party before the collapse. What can you do in such a situation, except cause incidents, provoke clashes, cause bloodshed, victims and, most of all, lies. Orchestrated by the sports fan club "Komiti", a clash with the police was caused before the Assembly of Macedonia, and the vampires drank immediately from the first drops of blood shed on the streets.

The police has been working for the ruling parties for 11 years, a terrible transformation, which famous Minister Gordana Jankuloska entitled VMRO-MVRO, and which represented the main bastion in the defense of the regime for a decade, suddenly became anti-national and SDSM overnight. What do you think - did you poorly ideologize and politicize the police in 11 years of regime rule, or the Macedonian police are not police, yet a party guard in defense of the party in power, whichever it is. Are they the same policemen and chiefs of Cavkov, who looked the other way on April 27, when a crowd led by party bullies with hoods on the heads and colleagues from the secret police burst into parliament to lynch MPs and prevent the constitution of the Parliament. Is it possible, in just one year, to make a professional police under control and who should not use excessive force, even in violent protests.

I believe there was probably an overstepping in the use of force and illicit weapons by the police. But even more so, I believe that this was the goal of the organizers of the protests in order to radicalize the situation that always provides a greater echo of the citizens.

As long as the organizers do not face justice for violating the law and for violating public peace and order, and do not go to jail after an urgent procedure due to such dangerous incidents filled with violence and hate speech, it is not possible for those who support the agreement with Greece to organize a referendum on free expression of citizens. VMRO-DPMNE by organizing violent protests against Western Europe, America, NATO and the EU, against our neighbors and strategic partners, but also against its own citizens, is determined to destabilize the state. Calls for a state of emergency and a coup. President Boris Trajkovski endured such a strong pressure in 2001 when he saved Macedonia from a civil war. For incumbent President Gjorge Ivanov, one can not say that he is not ready to plunge the country into riots and dictatorship. Protests that necessarily start with the igniting of inter-ethnic fires, end when those who set fire to it act as firemen and saviors.

VMRO-DPMNE announced its famous method to blame others for what it wants to do. The party stated to the public that Prime Minister Zoran Zaev wanted a replay of the April 27 events of last year. This is the first signal that a new incursion into the Parliament is being prepared, as spontaneous as last year. But this time it's clear to everyone that it will not pass. The agreement with Greece will be ratified, and there will be no turning back. Macedonia is tired of VMRO-DPMNE and the constant lies and excuses why we are not where all our neighbors have arrived before us. The path to Europeanisation and NATO and EU membership is now open, which are the most important strategic priorities of both the state and the citizens accepted by all parties and all governments, all institutions and all economic, political and development programs. The return to the beginning is an anti-historical, anti-civilization and anti-state act par excellence.

And finally, if VMRO DPMNE is sure that the people are with them, then the plague is forcible protests and clashes, spreading fear and hatred. The citizens stating their opinion in peace and freedom in a nationwide referendum will show whether citizens want to find themselves in the beginning again as they did 27 years ago, or choose the European future. Obviously, VMRO-DPMNE already knows the result, so instead of joining the winners and their defined program choices and being a participant in the historical act, they chose to be defeated in this way. They interpret the voice and support of the world's political elite and the most prominent media as a conspiracy to the whole world against Macedonia. Typical VMRO.

The previous leader Nikola Gruevski developed this thesis to an absurdity. Listening to more than 20,000 citizens, public figures, uninterruptedly over a period of six years, the disclosure of the "bombs" and the darkness of their rule singlehandedly written in the recordings, the trials, coup attempts were all organized for him and VMRO-DPMNE to lose power, in order to change the name of the state and to deflect the Macedonian people. This has been done for six years by America, the EU, NATO, our neighbors in conjunction with domestic enemies and traitors. All these decades, they had nothing better to do than to destroy Macedonia. And, imagine, they failed in that. Patients who are under intensive therapy for 24 hours on TVs and social networks could never come up with such a story.