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Belgrade Media Report 24 August 2018



Vucic: We will all lose something in agreement with Albanians (Tanjug, Beta)

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that Belgrade and Pristina were nowhere near reaching an agreement. He added that if that were to happen he would inform the public and present it with the said agreement. "It is very hard to reach an agreement. We aren't getting closer to it....We are very far from the solution. If the agreement does happen I will notify the whole public", Vucic told the press in Belgrade neighborhood Bezanijska Kosa.

Asked about the talks between Albanians from Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja and Albanian officials in Albanian capital Tirana, Vucic said that he didn't fear that "many people are again proposing the same topics and wishes".

"Let's wait for the results and see who gained and who lost what. We have to understand that after the potential agreement with Albanians everyone will lose something", Vucic said.

He also said that he would meet with Kosovo president Hashim Thaci and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in the coming days.

Vucic said that the Serbs were still "quietly moving out of Kosovo". He added that the state was trying to prevent that by different means, including buying land property, but that it was a slow process.


Vucic: Serbia not close to being offered northern Kosovo by someone (Tanjug, RTS)

Serbia is far from solution for Kosovo and far from being offered northern Kosovo by someone, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday, news agencies reported.

“We are far from it… We are from anything” Vucic said to the reporters in Zrenjanin after signing of the agreement with the Chinese Shandong Linglong company on construction of car tires factory.

He said that Serbia until recently was not able to discuss any kind of solution, because Pristina saw this as “done deal”. “Earlier we were not able to discuss anything and then someone manage to do it with a lot of work and effort in five years and put it back to the table and we can certainly continue working on getting more than yesterday regarding law for Serbs and Serbia could get something in resources and energy”, he said. He said that those who claimed that they could secure more in 50 years were not serious.

“We know that Kosovo is independent, but we will continue saying everything against it and even say that it is Vucic’s fault”, he said in the comment of criticism from his political opponents.


Vucic announced that he would most probably reach Kosovo late in the evening on September 8 and spend 24 hours there. He said that it was not yet determined what he would visit and

whether the main addressing to the people would happen in Kosovska Mitrovica or Zubin Potok, but he emphasized that he would make “the most important speech of my life” then.

“I will read the speech and be careful about every word in it, because I know that these words would measure the future of our country in the upcoming years”, he said.

He reiterated that he would give his proposal for resolving Kosovo issue, but that the citizens would have a final word about it and decide about it in referendum.


After the announcements that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci would “candidate” the topic of Presevo Valley during the dialogue in Brussels i.e. southern Serbia where the majority of population were Albanians, Vucic said that Pristina could candidate whatever topic they wanted, but the results would be seen in the end.

“As far as candidate topics is concerned I am always ready to meet with them, but under EU mediation. Let them candidate whatever topics they want. We will see in the end, if we are in a

situation to make compromise, what will be the result of candidate and non-candidate topics”, Vucic said.


Vucic announced that he would travel to Alpbach to European Forum on Friday, where Thaci would also participate and he said he would expect to see all topics there. We do not have a problem with SPC, just individuals.


When asked about the view of Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) about Kosovo, Vucic said that he explained his opinion to everyone, including Patriarch Irinej, about situation in Kosovo and what could be done.

“My view is realistic, serious and responsible and we do not have a problem with SPC, but certain people”, he said.


Dacic: Kosovo is Fiction, it does not exist in reality (TV Prva)

“We have no intention to change borders or anything else in a violent way. We talk about the agreement, if there is one” said Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic. He specified that those who remembered the principle of unchanged borders today and first broke Serbian borders were hypocrites.

When asked about the announcements from Pristina that they would request a demarcation of the border with Serbia, Dacic said that there was no border, but just an administrative line.

Dacic also emphasized that Kosovo was “a fiction in the real international political public” and that the EU document regarding visa liberalization for Kosovo citizens stated that this was a


Kosovo is not a favorite of international community anymore: Dacic emphasized that the international community believed that Kosovo represented the biggest problem for reaching the final solution in the dialogue on normalization of relations with Serbia. They were not favorites of the international community anymore, Dacic stressed. He added that Pristina attempted to create an impression of existing political confusion that disabled them from implementing what they promised. “Everyday statements from Kosovo are a theater in their house. They do not want any agreements or to press charges against those who committed war crimes”, Dacic said.


Dacic: Demarcation in B&H is not on Serbian agenda (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said on Thursday that demarcation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) that Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik was talking about is not on the Serbian agenda at all. Dacic added that Serbia is a guarantor of the Dayton Peace Agreement and that Serbia wants the best possible relations with B&H, as well as stability in the region. Dacic also said that this means that Serbia advocates preservation of territorial integrity of B&H and equality of the peoples and the entities. Dacic underlined that Serbia will respect every agreement reached with the consent of all the three peoples and the entities in B&H.


Security situation in Kosovo complex, chief commanders say (Beta)

The Army of Serbia Chief-of-Staff and NATO-led KFOR's commander agreed on Thursday that the security situation in Kosovo was complex, the Beta news agency reported.

General Ljubisa Dikovic said that the Army of Serbia recognized the international forces in Kosovo as an essential factor for stability, the guarantor of the Serb people safety and the protector of their national, cultural and historical heritage.

Dikovic and Major General Salvatore Cuoci meeting is a regular exchange of opinions about the security situation in Kosovo and along the administrative line separating it from Serbia, a statement from Serbia’s Defence Ministry said.

The meetings between Serbia’s top officers and KFOR commanders have been held regularly since 1999, following Belgrade forces' withdrawal from Kosovo after 78-day NATO bombing to stop what it said was Serbia's oppression over ethnic Albanians.

Thursday’s encounter comes amid political tensions between Belgrade and Pristina ahead of the meeting of Serbia’s and Kosovo’s presidents next month in Brussels.

Many believe that the next round of talks between Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci in the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue under the European Union auspices aiming at normalization of relations will be crucial for the whole process that has been dragging on for years.

However, the pressure raises on both sides since Pristina advocates the boundary with Serbia, while Belgrade maintains that there is no border, but the official line, since Kosovo was the country’s province.

Kosovo’s Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj ordered on Wednesday Pristina’s Commission for Border Monitoring to start marking the frontier between Serbia and Kosovo, while Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says there is no border to mark.


Vucic: Croatian minority in Serbia got all they requested (Beta)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the country fulfilled all 26 requests for improving the state of Croatian minority in Serbia.

"I think we, Serbs, should be proud of things we do to improve the quality of life of the Croatian minority. " said Vucic. He said that in 20 days he would present all granted requests and everything that was done so that "Croatians in Serbia feel good and respect this country".

Those requests were stipulated by the Subotica declaration on enhancing the relations and solving open issues between the two countries signed on June 20, 2016. by former Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic.

Commenting the text by a Croatian journalist (Milan Ivkosic) Vucic said he lamented the fact there were people who mock war victims in Croatia. The text wrote about how there was amusement for the inmates at Jasenovac concentration camp.  "That speaks a lot about them and we have a duty to act seriously and responsibly" Vucic said.


Bosnia and Herzegovina


OSA bans Russian writer Prilepin to enter B&H due to security risk (RTRS)


Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin was banned from entering Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Thursday. Prilepin was supposed to attend ceremonies in Banja Luka organized on the occasion of ‘Kociceve Svecanosti’ manifestation. RTRS learns that while attempting to enter B&H via border crossing in Bijeljina, Prilepin was informed that he is banned from entering B&H because he represents a threat for security of this country. According to the order of the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of B&H issued on March 26, Prilepin was banned to enter B&H, because his presence on the territory of B&H represents the threat to security of this country, public order in this country or international relations of B&H.


In a statement for Sputnik news agency, Prilepin stated that this ban is probably linked with attempts of foreign powers to limit influence of Russia in the Western Balkans. He also stated that people he talked to (ones who informed him that he cannot enter B&H) admitted that he is not the only Russian citizen on the list of those who are banned to enter B&H, adding that this list also contains names of some Russian businessmen. Prilepin underlined that this is rather “odd situation” because he paid a visit to Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland in 2017 and 2018 and did not face any problems in these countries. “This is a precedent for me – the situation in which one European country prevents me to enter its territory,” said Prilepin.


Security expert Dzevad Galijasevic underlined that this ban is an indicator that statements of B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic that no black list of Russian intellectuals, who are banned to enter B&H exists, is a lie. Galijasevic concluded that the decision to ban the Russian writer to enter B&H is evidence that only members of Wahhabi movement and mujahedeen’s are welcome to B&H, as well as ISIL terrorists who have been arriving pretending to be migrants. Galijasevic is convinced that the abovementioned decision is evidence of “silent sanctions” Mektic, Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic and Director of B&H OSA Osman Mehmedagic imposed against Russia.

“This is an attack on constitutional order of B&H. Mektic cannot – on behalf of Republika Srpska (RS) – bring this country in conflict with great powers,” emphasized Galijasevic. He added that while Mektic introduces bans against Russian writers, he brings the UK special units to B&H.


RS President Milorad Dodik qualified the abovementioned order of B&H OSA as shameful, unacceptable and aimed against the RS. Dodik requested immediate withdrawal of this order. Dodik wondered how it is possible that one Russian writer represents the threat for security of B&H, while thousands of migrants or returnees from Syrian battlefield do not. “We see this ban as participation of security structures of B&H in anti-Russian hysteria that has been lately dictated by some western countries and that was joined by representatives of SDS and PDP in Sarajevo,” explained Dodik.


Reporter reminded that some media have recently published information saying that during his upcoming visit to B&H, Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov will request additional explanations about the secret list of Russian citizens who are persona non- grata in B&H. According to some unofficial information, Minister Mektic signed this list. Mektic denied existence of such list last week. Commenting the order to ban Prilepin to enter B&H, Mektic said on Thursday that he is not informed about this ban and that all necessary information should be requested from B&H OSA, because this agency issued the abovementioned decision.


The Russian Embassy to B&H expressed concern and deep disappointment because of the ban imposed against Prilepin. It was stated from the Embassy that they requested B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide explanation about this case.


RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic underlined that B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) should explain why Prilepin was banned to enter B&H.

“I cannot believe such things, every now and then, someone is banned from entry,” Cvijanovic told reporters. She has said that questions should be put to the B&H Council of Ministers and expressed the conviction that Russia, as a serious state, will intervene with B&H bodies




Slovenes begin lobbying in proceedings against Croatia (Poslovni Dnevnik)

The European Court in which Slovenia initiated proceedings against the Republic of Croatia on the grounds of Croatia's refusal to accept the arbitration decision on the border has begun to form a judicial council to deal with the lawsuit, as has been made known from diplomatic sources from both Brussels and Luxembourg.

According to them, Slovenia, more specifically its representatives from the ministries of justice and foreign affairs, in conversations with various persons from the court, were able to identify the names of three or four possible judges and immediately started contacting them and lobbying for their desired outcome(s).


The date for commencement of the proceedings in Luxembourg has not yet been determined, preparatory actions are only just being carried out, but once the proceedings are initiated, the typically five-member panel of judges will decide whether or not Croatia has indeed violated European law. The European Court, one of the institutions of the Court of Justice of the European Union, is composed of one judge from each member state and eleven independent attorneys.

The trial panel usually consists of three or five judges in individual cases. If such a request arises, an independent lawyer may offer his or her opinion on a particular case, but whatever they do state remains non-binding. The Slovenian lawsuit was filed by the technical government of the outgoing Prime Minister Miro Cerar after attempts to reach an agreement between the two states, as well as the adoption of border protocols and various other technical points, failed back in December.

Croatia continues to insist on an agreement between the two neighboring countries, a solution also favoured by the Arbitration agreement itself, which Slovenia still so staunchly supports. Such is the message of the European Commission, which has refused to support the Slovenian lawsuit against Croatia.




Spasovski: Minor forces' want to see Macedonia's referendum fail (MIA)

Ahead of the referendum, the situation in the country is stable, the institutions are functioning even though there are forces that see a chance, by disrupting security, to meet their own goals of sorts in order to hinder our accession into NATO and the European Union, Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski tells MIA. However, he adds, these are minor forces that couldn't be a factor in destabilization.

"Thus, the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia have the chance on September 30 to make a decision on their own about the future of this country," Spasovski says in an interview with MIA.


According to the Minister, the geo-strategic location of Macedonia brings certain risks and challenges, but they can be prevented, amongst other things, with good functioning, data exchange and sharing of experiences with the friendly services Macedonia is cooperating with.

"Believe me, the Republic of Macedonia has many friends willing to help, first and foremost, to maintain stability and to guarantee security - the state's integrity" notes Spasovski.


Asked about claims that foreign services are trying to 'sabotage' ahead of the referendum and about Russian interference into 'Macedonian affairs', Spasovski says Macedonia has a clear position - a national, vital interest to become a NATO and EU member and the country doesn't intent to interfere in the affairs of other countries, neither those in the region nor abroad. But, we won't allow anyone to impose their own interests on Macedonia, he stresses.


"Does Russia think Macedonia should join NATO - yes, this is their position. But, our clear position, a national and vital interest for Macedonia is to become a member of NATO and the European Union, Yes, certain political structures, individuals are creating some kind of groups to oppose the integration of Macedonia and NATO and the EU. Yes, there are such structures, there are individuals in Macedonia that believe that they could, motivated by their personal interests, to seize the moment to oppose EU and NATO accession and by doing so to gain political popularity of their own. I think Macedonia is strong enough in its intentions to fulfill its objective - to become a member of NATO and the EU," says the Interior Minister.




Bushati meeting with Presevo's Valley officials (ADN)

The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati, received on Thursday in a meeting a group of political representatives of the Presevo Valley.

Main topic of the discussion was the situation of the rights of Albanians living in the Presevo Valley, as well as the current developments in the region.

Bushati heard the thoughts and demands put forward by representatives of the Valley's political spectrum, with a focus on their concern about the socio-economic, cultural and educational performance, and the lack of primary services and standards that are leading to the loss of prospects for young people and their departure from the Valley.

He reiterated the commitment to unconditional support in addressing their demands, which was materialized in a number of initiatives and contributions to promote development capacities by the Albanian Government.

"It is a direct obligation of Serbian authorities to ensure the full enjoyment of the rights of the Albanian population in Serbia in respect of the commitments stemming from the negotiation process with the European Union, as well as the internationally accepted norms. What we ask Serbia for you is to provide neither more nor less than the rights that Serbs enjoy in Kosovo. We remain convinced that the process of dialogue must be concluded with a mutual recognition agreement between the two countries, which would bring not only the full normalization of relations between them, but would also be a strong guarantee for the democratic stability of across the region" said Bushati.





Bosnia seeks alleged war criminal’s extradition from Serbia (BIRN)

Bosnia has sought the extradition of Husein Mujanovic, a former soldier in the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who was arrested in Serbia in July for alleged war crimes during the wars of the 1990s. Serbia's Justice Ministry has said that it has received a request from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) to extradite Husein Mujanovic, the alleged former commander of a detention camp run by the Army of B&H in the Sarajevo neighborhood of Hrasnica during the 1992-5 war.

“The extradition request from B&H has arrived and will be forwarded to the competent court,” the Justice Ministry said, according to the media.

Mujanovic, a citizen of Bosnia, was arrested by Serbian police on July 30 at a border crossing between Bosnia and Serbia, placed in custody and a case against him filed with the Bosnian prosecutor’s office. The Bosnian embassy in Belgrade told BIRN that Mujanovic was arrested on a Serbian warrant for alleged crimes against Bosnian Serb civilians in the areas of Hrasnica and Sokolovic Kolonija in Sarajevo.