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Belgrade Media Report 10 September 2018



Vucic in Kosovska Mitrovica: No solution in sight (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said during a visit to Kosovska Mitrovica that it was an outright lie that he had agreed to surrender Kosovo and Metohija by the end of the year, and that his only desire was to win more rights for the Serbs in Kosovo through a compromise, adding that Serbia had no draft version of a solution for Kosovo, nor anything close to it. Having noted that a solution for Kosovo was not in sight, Vucic said that, I pray there will be one in the

next 10 or 20 years. The President underlined that it was not borders that he wished to change, but the rights of Serbs living in Kosovo. “I want us to win for you all the rights that you are

entitled to. I want you to have the right to life, to freedom, to work, to learn and move. For those rights we are prepared to make compromises,” Vucic said. “We need to live together, by each other's side. We have to negotiate. Someone, at some time in the future, will have to reach an agreement with the Albanians. The story that some day we will be able to retaliate is just a fairytale. There will be no easy solution for us, or for them. There will be more children, ours and theirs, to stay here though,” Vucic said. He said that his job never included a mad

vision of a Kosovo without Albanians, or worse yet,without Serbs, and that he was not doing his job in a Serbia in the heavens, but this one. Vucic said that he would not allow anyone

to humiliate Serbia, explaining that a compromise was when everyone gets something, and no one gets everything. At


Brnabic: Kosovo Albanians not willing to fulfil agreements (TV Pink/Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Sunday that the events in Kosovo and Metohija, near the town of Banje, where the visit of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has been thwarted, show how complex and delicate the situation in the southern province is. Brnabic said in a telephone interview for TV Pink that this also shows that the representatives of the Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija are frivolous, irresponsible, unpredictable and do not respect agreements. She said that she is following the situation together with her team and that they are on alert. This that happened confirms the allegations that the political representatives of the Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija are unreliable and unwilling to comply with the agreements, she said, adding that what happened is even more unbelievable taking into account what kind of messages were sent by President Vucic. Brnabic pointed out that Vucic sent only messages of peace and stability, and of future for both Serbs and Albanians. This morning the President again showed the incredible patience that is typical of him in order to try to reach a long-term deal, she said, adding that it is obvious that stability is not in the interest of Albanian politicians. They built their careers on war and do not know how to act in peace, she said, adding that Serbia will continue to call for peace and stability. We will stand by the President, as a government we will be there for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, we will invest and help them, but also protect if necessary, Brnabic said.


Drecun: Vucic defined main directions of state policy (N1)


The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said on Monday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic delivered messages of peace and cooperation and defined the main directions of state policy during his visit to Kosovo and Metohija over the weekend. Drecun told N1 that this was a “strong visit” by President Vucic who delivered “calm speeches with convincing messages” and defined the main directions that state policy would follow. “He held out his hand to the Albanians,” he said. The survival model for the Serbs is a strong family which can have its own business, he said adding that the Serbian government will invest efforts to make the Kosovo Serbs strong economically. “There is strong hatred, wounds on both sides. The Albanians are isolating the Serbs but there is cooperation, however weak, in the economy,” he added. The President sent a strong message to the international community that Serbia will not accept imposed solutions, Drecun said and warned that the alternative to a Belgrade-Pristina agreement is war. “The alternative is the announced abolishment of the border between Kosovo and Albania, a common foreign policy, a Greater Albania and the complete ethnic cleansing of the Serbian people, a war project,” he said. According to Drecun the first day of the visit was positive with messages of peace and cooperation with the Albanians. “The Albanians wanted to minimize the effects of the visit on the second day by causing incidents and blocking roads,” he said.


Kocijancic: Negotiations need to continue (Beta)


EU spokesperson Maja Kocijancic stated that the EU expects both Serbia and Kosovo to continue the dialogue with same commitment and engagement as before, Beta reports.

Asked if a change of borders is an option for a permanent solution, she pointed out that EU has stressed the principles of the negotiations very clearly. “The EU is working on an agreement based on the international law, which would be realistic and acceptable to both sides. The goal is a legally binding agreement that would solve all open issues,” Kocijancic added. She also emphasized that the EU has increased its engagement towards the Western Balkans and that the dialogue has entered a second, more dynamic phase, but that there should be no discussion about potential deadlines.




Dodik and Cvijanovic mark beginning of SNSD’s pre-election campaign by putting their first campaign poster up in center of Banja Luka (ATV)


ATV reported that the beginning of the pre-election campaign in B&H on Friday was marked by a huge number of campaign posters and presentation of candidates. RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, who is candidate for the post of the Serb member of B&H Presidency in the general elections, and RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic, who is now running for the post of the RS President, marked the beginning of SNSD’s campaign by putting their first campaign poster up in the center of Banja Luka. SNSD’s campaign will be carried out under the slogan ‘Under the Flag of the RS. For Unity of the RS.’ A large number of SNSD’s activists greeted Dodik and Cvijanovic in front of the Christ the Savior Temple in Banja Luka. Dodik announced that SNSD will do all it can to ensure a fair campaign and elections. “The RS needs fair elections. That is what we advocate. All we have done so far was for the sake of enabling it to be fair, and in line with standards and laws,” Dodik added. Cvijanovic said that SNSD does not need the year of elections to celebrate its success, with the citizens.


SzP starts election campaign with walk of its candidates through center of Banja Luka (ATV)


The Alliance for Victory (SzP) started its campaign for the general elections in B&H with a walk of its candidates through the center of Banja Luka and a coffee meet-up at hotel ‘Bosna’ in that city on Friday morning. Serb member of B&H Presidency and PDP Honorary President Mladen Ivanic, who is re-running for the same post in this year’s elections as SzP’s candidate, stated that the RS needs to look to the future. “It can be better, without some great efforts, but only with a little bit more order. Instead of thinking about the past, we should look to the future. Instead of being isolated, we should be part of the modern world. Instead of dealing with things that are meaningless, we should deal with economy, development, better future and perspective of people,” Ivanic noted. SDS leader Vukota Govedarica, who is SzP’s candidate for the post of the RS President, promised a fair election campaign. Govedarica stressed that SzP is entering a fight for a change in the RS using means of education, honesty, work, diligence, and responsibility rather than weapons. NDP leader Dragan Cavic expressed his support to the candidates who are actively running for posts in the elections. Cavic announced that NDP’s candidates will promote work for the sake of better future and solving of key economic and social issues. In Cavic’s opinion, a huge number of RS citizens face poverty and that needs to change. Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic said that he is certain Ivanic will win in race for Serb member of B&H Presidency, while Govedarica will win in race for post of the RS President. Also, leaders of SzP signed symbolically ‘contract with people’ on the first day of the election campaign.


Political parties in FB&H kick off their election campaigns (N1)


Election campaign officially kicked off in B&H on Friday. The first day of the election campaign was marked in the FB&H by a number of party conventions and rallies, adding that Croat parties were the first in the FB&H to officially launch their election campaigns. Namely, HDZ 1990 representatives addressed the citizens and their sympathizers in Travnik at the stroke of midnight (in the night between Thursday and Friday), stressing that exodus of Croats from this area of B&H has to be prevented. On the other hand, HDZ B&H representatives started their election campaign in Ravno Municipality on Friday. Leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic called on all Croats to go to the polls on October 7 and to not allow anyone to elect their representatives. Furthermore, a rally of SBB B&H and its leader Fahrudin Radoncic was held in Srebrenica on the first day of the election campaign. DF and the Civic Alliance (GS), on the other hand, organized a convention in Sarajevo. SDA held a rally in Zenica on the first day of the election campaign. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and candidate of SDA for the post of Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic addressed the rally in Zenica. Independent candidate for the post of Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Mirsad Hadzikadic told the media at the start of the election campaign that it is not in his interest to be member of the B&H Presidency, but to make sure situation in B&H improves. “In order for that to be achieved, all of us have to give our contribution,” Hadzikadic underlined. SDP B&H will kick off its election campaign on Saturday with a rally in Zenica. DF candidate for the Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said at the press conference on Friday that he has a plan for the country through which he wants to direct the election campaign towards dialogue on how to make B&H a country which future generations will be proud of. Radoncic stated in Srebrenica that Srebrenica and the RS are inseparable parts of B&H. He expressed his conviction that he will be elected Bosniak member of B&H Presidency, and that he will have good relations with other members of B&H Presidency no matter who they are.


B&H officials comment on blockade of roads towards Banje to prevent Vucic’s visit (ATV/RTRS/BHT1)


The visit of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to Kosovo and the fact that Albanians blocked all the roads towards Serb village of Banje in the Srbica Municipality to prevent Vucic’s visit on Sunday spark reactions. The RS officials fiercely condemned the latest developments in Kosovo. RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik assessed that all that happened to Vucic on his way to the Village of Banje is intolerable, noting that it is well-known that western authorities and Albanians jointly act against Vucic and Serbia. He stressed that Vucic has a very difficult and responsible job of state importance, adding that Kosovo authorities believe that everything can be resolved by violence. Dodik concluded that Europe will most likely ignore the whole thing. “It is unacceptable, it shows intentions of that regime, as well as support it enjoys. If I were Vucic, I would not go there for sure, as it is well-known that the west, the EU and Kosovo authorities work together against him and his initiatives, as well as against Serbia and Serb people there,” Dodik argued. RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic commented that the message conveyed by Kosovo Albanians on Sunday is very negative. She assessed that the international community has huge responsibility in this issue, as it has always encouraged one side and strived to sanction the other side. According to ATV Banja Luka, reactions from the region to the latest developments in Kosovo are somewhat restrained, while world media reported on the events attempting to justify the behavior of Albanians. Cvijanovic deems that the entire region is in a chaotic situation, which she thinks is a result of “the wrong engagement of the international community” in all parts of the Western Balkans. Serb Member of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic assessed that the reaction of Vucic to the events during his visit to Kosovo is the best defense of Serb interests. He stressed that such politics need to continue. “I was impressed by the reaction and calmness of President Vucic with regards to the Kosovo events. With such style of policy, he presented all the arrogance of the Albanian side in the best way,” said Ivanic. Dnevni avaz pg ‘Vucic should know Milosevic was great butcher of Balkans, not great leader’, mentioned on cover ‘Vucic should know that Milosevic was Balkan butcher’ not signed –

SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic reacted to Vucic’s statement about greatness of former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, and he stated that Vucic is trying to falsify history, because Milosevic’s speech at Gazimestan in 1989 was an introduction to the conflicts, and start of his aggression against Croatia, B&H and Kosovo. “Vucic is falsifying history by calling Milosevic a great leader, because he was a great Balkan butcher, whose policy has caused hundreds of thousands deaths… Also, Milosevic and his regime are to blame for genocide in Srebrenica and many other war crimes, including the four years long bloody siege of Sarajevo. That is why it is unacceptable for Vucic to conclude that Serbs allegedly defended Sarajevo. His latest rhetoric is completely returning the Belgrade policy into the ‘Greater Serbia’ concept,” stated Radoncic and called on Vucic to put his actions and feelings under control.


Don't stay at home on Sept. 30, you alone decide about your future, urges Merkel (MIA)


No one threatens the Macedonian citizens with isolation. They can and they should decide about the future of the country on their own. The future involves NATO membership and being part of the EU provided that the 30 September referendum is successful. However, it must be noted that there are certain preconditions that have to be met, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Saturday after arriving in Macedonia for her first-ever visit. "There was a dispute between your country and Greece and a solution had to be found. Thus, the name issue and the membership issue are intertwined. It is an issue that is not related to the government, but it has to do with the fact that all member states should agree to it. The people on September 30 have the chance, the same as 27 years ago, to vote whether they want to be part of the EU and NATO family, which requires at the same time to accept the agreement with Greece," Merkel told a joint news conference with Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. She conveyed a clear political message - 'do not stay at home on September 30, on this historic day. Seize the chance and say clearly what kind of future you want to have.' Merkel said she didn't want to interfere in the people's decision adding that from her personal experience, the referendum was 'a historic chance that doesn't come everyday.' "On this day 27 years ago, the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia came out and voted for independence and sovereignty. I have the honor, on behalf of the government and of the citizens for the first time in the history of cordial relations between Macedonia and Germany, to welcome a German Chancellor who is visiting our country. This visit today is a reference toward the past due to our independence, but it is also a reference toward the near future, where we are being invited by the whole democratic world, and it involves membership into the EU and NATO," Zaev told the news conference in Skopje.

Mentioning that 2018 marked the 25th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations between the countries, he expressed satisfaction with Germany providing great support to the strategic goals of Macedonia to join the EU and NATO. Zaev called Merkel's visit 'a strong message for us ahead of the referendum in which the citizens will choose the future.' "This visit is yet another encouragement that the great powers back the two countries to implement the Prespa Agreement and a confirmation that it guarantees Macedonia's future and our place in the Union and in NATO," stressed Zaev. Furthermore, Merkel said that she would convey to opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski the same message she told Zaev and that she would point out that 'important issues in a democracy require shared national responsibility.' At the meeting, the two politicians also discussed economic cooperation. According to Zaev, Germany is the number one trade partner of Macedonia - 47% of the overall export of goods goes to Germany. Trade exchange is estimated at over $3.6 billion. Zaev said he hoped it would exceed $4 billion this year alone. 200 German companies are partners of Macedonian companies that have created more than 20,000 jobs, PM Zaev said calling on German companies to expand their businesses here. Calling the countries' relations 'intensive, friendly and successful', Chancellor Merkel said that close to 100,000 Macedonian nationals were residing in Germany and that German companies trusted them. Germany will send an adviser on economic issues to coordinate the activities of the governments and the chamber of commerce. Germany, Merkel said, launched the Berlin Process in 2014 to boost ties between the Western Balkan countries and from a European point of view, there is great interest for a stable region. "We gave the Western Balkan countries a perspective for joining the EU, mainly because it is in our own interest. Territorial integrity is an important starting point for the region to remain as it is now," Merkel told the news conference alongside Zaev.


Opposition VMRO-DPMNE leader meets Germany’s Merkel, says party to decide on referendum next week (MIA)


The opposition VMRO-DPMNE will decide on its participation in the 30 September referendum next week, party leader Hristijan Mickoski told reporters on Saturday after his meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The meeting of the sister parties – part of the European People’s Parties - was rather friendly, Mickoski said, adding that he briefed Merkel about the current political developments in Macedonia in the light of the upcoming referendum. “I’ve presented the VMRO-DPMNE stances, namely why the party cannot accept the content of (Skopje-Athens name) agreement,’ Mickoski said. He however failed to convey Merkel’s statements at the meeting.


US Senator Johnson calls on citizens of Macedonia to exercise their voting right at upcoming referendum (MIA)


Come out and exercise your voting right, let your leaders know that you support the nation and its accession to the Euro-Atlantic institutions, US Senator Ron Johnson told reporters on Sunday after his meeting with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. We had a very good meeting with the PM, Johnson said, pointing out that he is visiting Macedonia   to offer the US support of the entire process – from the name settlement to the country’s EU, NATO accession. ‘I am primarily here to offer our support and encouragement. It’s what we’ve been doing during this process. It’s extremely important for Macedonia and Greece to come to a conclusion on the naming issue. We certainly want to encourage the resolution of this problem, it’s the only way for Macedonia to join NATO,’ Johnson said. We are here, he said, to encourage every Macedonian to come out and vote, ‘show your courageous PMs that come up with a solution to a very difficult problem, show them what you feel – just get out and vote – it’s incredibly important.’ Asked about the opposition to the (name) agreement both in Macedonia and Greece, Johnson said he arrived to Skopje from Greece and ‘there is a lot of opposition to the agreement there.’‘This was a difficult problem. It has been pressuring for 27 years and I applaud both PMs for taking the position, having discussions, working with the US government, but in the end this is their decision. It’s really Macedonian decision, said Johnson, who is also a signatory of the US Senate resolution on supporting the Skopje-Athens name deal. The visit of US Senator Johnson to Macedonia is part of his tour that also includes Serbia and Kosovo.


Zaev: Macedonia may advance relations with Russia, but there is no alternative to its EU, NATO membership (MIA)


There is no evidence of Russia’s direct interference in Macedonia’s internal affairs. The stances of all friendly countries are well-known – they all stand for EU, but Russia’s position on NATO differs from the one of the US, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev told reporters on Sunday. ‘However for us the opinion of the majority of Macedonia’s citizens is important, as they see no other alternative to the country’s NATO, EU membership,’ Zaev said. Over 80 percent of the citizens of Macedonia support the country’s accession to NATO, he added. Macedonia, he said, may advance its relations, cooperation with Russia in numerous spheres – economy, culture, education…


Speaker Xhaferi meets US Senator Johnson (MIA)


I’ve come to Macedonia to affirm the US support of the country for surpassing the last hurdle to its full-fledged NATO membership, Ron Johnson said Sunday at a meeting with parliament speaker Xhaferi. The US Senator extended gratitude to Macedonia on its substantial contribution to NATO-led missions, as well as commitment to allocate two percent of the GDP for the defense sector. Xhaferi said the visit of US Senator to Macedonia was yet another gesture of the US support. In this respect he extended gratitude to the United States for over the thirty-year assistance and support of Macedonia, the Speaker’s Office said in a press release. He also thanked to the US Embassy in Skopje and Ambassador Jess Baily for their support over the years.


EC: Macedonian citizens to vote at referendum without interference (MIA)


European Commission Spokesperson Maja Kocijancic said Monday that she expects Macedonian citizens to vote at the referendum without any interference from outside, MIA reports from Brussels. "The EU has supported the agreement that was reached on the name issue. A number of steps are now taken in order for the agreement to become definitive. The referendum is the moment when people can exercise their democratic right, it is an important moment for them to decide on the future of their country and they should be allowed to do that with no interference," said Kocijancic. Regarding EC's support for Macedonia in fighting fake news and interference during the referendum campaign, she said the European services share the best practices with their partners, but the organization primarily lies in the hands of Macedonia as a sovereign country.


Athens sent demarche to Washington over Mitchell statement (MIA)


The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a demarche to the United States over the statement of Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell regarding the name talks, MIA reports from Athens. Newspaper Documento reads that Greece reacted to Michell's statement of August 21 that US diplomacy played a leading role on the Balkans and the settlement of the name dispute. "According to well-informed government sources, Mr. Mitchell apologized to Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias. Athens was bothered by the statement and deemed the fact that Washington is the 'architect' of the problem's settlement as unacceptable. It is a result of the persistent efforts of the Greek diplomacy and without any pressure from the United States or other western or eastern capitals," reads the paper.




Stoltenberg urges Greece, FYROM to ratify Prespes agreement (ekathimerini, by Alexis Papashelas, Vassilis Nedos, 10 September 2018)


NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has urged Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) to ratify the name deal signed by the two countries in June. In an interview to Kathimerini, Stoltenberg said NATO cannot force any country to do something it doesn’t want, but expressed confidence that the agreement will be implemented in Greece and FYROM. “It is essential for the national credibility when a country signs an agreement and the other party delivers then both parts will deliver on the agreement. Anything else will seriously undermine the national credibility of any country,” he said, adding that he “strongly believes” the deal will be ratified by both countries in accordance to the timetable outlined in the deal. “Meaning that this can happen quite early next year,” he said. FYROM will hold a referendum to ratify the deal, renaming it “North Macedonia,” on September 30. Stoltenberg noted that if the deal is not ratified and FYROM does not proceed with changes to its constitution as stipulated in the agreement, it will not be able to join NATO. He expressed certainty that Skopje will not go back on its commitments after it joins the alliance. “What we have seen is that, countries have joined NATO, joined the European Union and they have respected their obligations, they have fulfilled their commitments and I m absolutely certain that this will be the case here, because its in the interest of Skopje and its in the interest of Athens but also whole of Europe that they solve this.” With regard to Greek concerns over the possibility of conflict with NATO ally Turkey, Stoltenberg said “the main role of NATO is to be a platform for trying to reduce tensions, address the difficulties and help to facilitate dialogue and direct contact between Turkey and Greece.”