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Belgrade Media Report 25 October 2018



Vulin: International law died when NATO attacked Serbia (Tanjug/B92)


Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin emphasized in Beijing that after NATO bombed Serbia without a UN Security Council decision, international law died. “Even today there is pressure for Kosovo to be admitted to Interpol or UNESCO. How can Interpol preserve its reputation if it shares its data about drug dealers with Pristina, from where the most powerful drug clans come,” Vulin asked in his address at the first plenary session of the 8th International Xiangshan Forum for Defense. “All of you who have recognized Kosovo, as a consequence of force, think again, because everything that has been done to my country can be done to yours. When force becomes the law, you will never know when it will apply to you, too,” he said.

He also drew attention to the fact that today Serbia faces a special challenge which is also the biggest security threat in the Balkans, and that is Greater Albania. “In order for it to be created, it must tear apart Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and even Greece. Those who thought that Islamic terrorism can satiate itself with the Serb people, are on the path of repeating that mistake. If in the dialogue, which on behalf of Serbia with Pristina is bravely and wisely led by President Vucic, there is no solution acceptable to both sides, and if powers try to create Greater Albania, then the Balkans will flare up once more. And that fire will burn not only in the Balkans,” Vulin said.  According to him, most security threats that affect Europe today are the result of a unipolar world where force in itself is an excuse for itself, which has led to the death of international law. “If we do not revive international law, our lives will not be worth living,” Vulin said at a gathering where he participated at the invitation of the People’s Defense Minister of China. The Minister pointed out that the region of Southeast Europe, like most of the world today, is affected by Islamic fundamentalism, the migrant crisis and the return of a unipolar mentality, and all of our problems can fit into one sentence - the death of international law.  The Serbian Defense Minister concluded his presentation by saying that we all must oppose a unipolar world if we want to remain free. This year's 8th International Xiangshan Security Forum in Beijing, China, gathered around 500 delegates from 72 countries and international organizations.


Beyer: Serbia will not join EU without recognizing Kosovo (Tanjug/B92)


Kosovo is, in fact, territorially independent and Serbia needs to de jure recognize the sovereign state of the Republic of Kosovo, otherwise there can be no EU membership by Serbia, German MP Peter Beyer said in Belgrade Wednesday. Beyer, a Christian Democratic Union representative and the Bundestag’s coordinator of trans-Atlantic cooperation, told Tanjug in an interview his statement about November as the month when decisions would be made concerning the EU-facilitated Belgrade-Pristina dialogue had not been his assessment but a prediction by Kosovo President Hasim Thaci. “It is important that everyone understands that it has been clear from the very beginning of the dialogue process that normalization of relations, or dialogue in general, will not happen without de facto recognition of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Kosovo. That should be clear,” Beyer is categorical in his interpretation of the German view of the final solution to the Kosovo problem. He reiterates that Germany is against land swaps or correction of borders. Beyer also states that goal of his trip to Belgrade, apart from getting to know Serbia’s progress in the process of European integration, is to convey Germany’s view that the idea of ​​exchanging territory is bad and dangerous. “We are not at all considering such ideas and the position of German Chancellor Angela Merkel will not change, and that is the key thing I want to convey as the message from Berlin,” explains Beyer. He recalled that Merkel was the only head of state in the EU who clearly said that this was not a good idea, that it was dangerous, not only for the stability of Serbia and Kosovo, but also dangerous for the Serbs Republic or Ukraine and the Crimea case, or other parts of Eastern Europe, and precisely because of this everyone has to give up on such an idea immediately. Asked what Germany sees as a possible solution, Beyer advises: “You concentrate on the Brussels agreement and its implementation. There are no new conditions or the red lines that are making. I believe that both sides, Serbs and Kosovars, as well as the EU Commission and EU High Representative, should go back and read what was agreed in the Brussels agreement and what has been achieved so far,” he said. And as one of the acceptable options for a solution, Beyer mentioned the so-called Two Germanys model. “Now is the time to analyze this model and other options, but no one should live under an illusion that a peaceful solution will be achieved by drawing new boundaries based on an ethnic principle,” Beyer is explicit. At the same time, he emphasizes that the process of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is not dead, nor does he believe in the option of a frozen conflict. “We know that dialogue is continuing at the technical level, and that is progress that clearly shows that the process is not dead: this is not a frozen conflict, nor will it be. Serbia and Kosovo, as well as the EU, need to be active and no one needs to hurl towards easy solutions or solutions that appear easy at first,” says Beyer. He explained that for the process of stabilization and integration in the EU, every week now is decisive, and that he therefore felt it was time to come to Belgrade and talk about the land swap proposal, that is, that he wanted to personally see what progress Serbia has made on the road to the European Union. “That is the most important thing. How much have you progressed substantially in legal reforms, in the rule of law, in the fight against corruption.” Asked about the stance of Germany on the process of forming an army in Kosovo, Beyer says that the German army has been in Kosovo for 20 years within KFOR and that it is the longest ever had in a foreign mission, but that their number has been reduced over the years, and activities are now focused on training and consultation. “Serbia should not be scared because of the process of transforming the Kosovo Security Forces into the Kosovo army,” Beyer said. The position of Germany is that the transition should be done smoothly, not too fast. This is an important process, he says, because Kosovo needs to take responsibility for its security in the future.


Admitting so-called Kosovo in Interpol poses risk for security (RTV)


State Secretary in the Serbian Interior Ministry Dijana Hrkalovic has pointed out in talks with the Spanish Ambassador Miguel Fuertes, the Indonesian Ambassador Harry Kandou, and the Indian Ambassador Subrata Bhattacharjee that an eventual decision on admitting the so-called Kosovo in Interpol’s membership would pose a precedent and politicization of this international police organization. She assessed that such a decision would be dangerous for security, because Pristina is not capable of ensuring even the minimum of security for Serbian citizens who live in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija, so then the question is posed how they could contribute to world security through membership in Interpol. Hrkalovic underlined that with an eventual decision on admitting the so-called Kosovo in Interpol the international law would be violated, primarily UNSCR 1244, which would provoke negative consequences for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. She stressed that such a decision would be contrary to the rules and procedures of Interpol and would breach the expert nature of this international police organization. Hrkalovic remined that only UN member state and observers can be Interpol members.


Odalovic: 10,290 people still reported missing in territory of former Yugoslavia (Tanjug)


Over 72 percent of the 35,000 cases of missing persons in the territory of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) have been solved and the search is still on for 10,280 people, Veljko Odalovic, head of the Serbian government commission on missing persons, told the Prosecutor of the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals Serge Brammertz Wednesday. He briefed Brammertz on all activities being carried out by Serbia to find and identify the remains of missing persons.


Serb parties launch talks on coalition in B&H parliament (Novosti)


The daily learned that representatives of Serb political parties, which won seats in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR), launched talks on formation of a Serb coalition that will be able to block decisions which might be detrimental to Republika Srpska (RS). The daily reminded that B&H Constitution stipulates that representatives from the RS can block certain decisions of B&H parliament for the sake of protection of entity interests and they need the support of 2/3 of representatives from the entity to do so. Therefore, according to the daily, it would be necessary for two more representatives to join the ruling coalition from the RS (SNSD-DNS-SP RS) with newly elected Serb member of B&H Presidency (and SNSD leader) Milorad Dodik at the helm. “SDS has three representatives in B&H parliament, while PDP has two”, the daily reminded and added that, so far, Doboj Mayor and member of SDS Obren Petrovic already said that he is willing to cooperate in B&H Parliament in favor of the RS. The other two SDS members who won seats in B&H HoR, Mirko Sarovic and Dragan Mektic, still have not presented their stance on this matter. A source from SDS told the daily that the situation on future activities of this political party in B&H parliament will be clear after SDS Main Board holds its session on Sunday and added that majority of members and officials of SDS advocate launching of talks with SNSD on coalition both at the level of B&H and at the level of the RS.

SNSD’s Stasa Kosarac told the daily that he expects there will be ten Serb representatives in B&H parliament “so that the RS can be preserved” and he added: “In past four years, thanks to underling politics of the Alliance for Changes (SzP), we did not have Serb unity in B&H Parliament. I think that people from SDS, after elections in which they were punished because of such politics, realized that Serb unity is needed”.




Covic meets ambassadors Wigemark, Ivantsov and Del Vechio in Mostar (BHT1)


After Tuesday's session of the Croat People' Assembly (HNS) and messages sent to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) public and the international community about the results of the general elections in B&H, Croat member of the B&H Presidency and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic held a number of meetings with diplomats in Mostar on Wednesday. Topic of the meetings Covic held with Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, Russian Ambassador to B&H Petr Ivantsov and Croatian Ambassador to B&H Ivan Del Vechio was political situation in B&H after the elections with a special emphasis on implementation of election results and the election process. Covic informed Ambassador Wigemark that more than 80 percent of Croat voters supported the project of HNS, stressing that this represents great responsibility to be persistent in the struggle for full equality and constituent status of Croats in B&H which is why it is crucial to amend the B&H Election Law as soon as possible and for all political leaders in B&H to take responsibility for solving this issue. Ambassador Wigemark said that the international community will support every solution that guarantees implementation of decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, as well as decisions of international courts.

Covic and Ambassador Ivantsov concluded that it is necessary to continue supporting the principle of constituent status of all three peoples in B&H as the foundation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Covic and Ambassador Del Vechio stressed the importance of changing the B&H Election Law as soon as possible which will provide conditions for smooth implementation of the 2018 general elections in B&H with which, according to Covic and Del Vechio, B&H will confirm its Euro-Atlantic and political stability.


US Embassy to B&H responds to Covic’s statement about implementation of election results (N1)


After HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic made a statement in which he stated that there are no legal and constitutional conditions for implementation of election results in B&H, the US Embassy to B&H responded. In a statement for N1, representatives of the US Embassy said that forming of authorities is responsibility of elected B&H officials, so that stability of the country and adoption of necessary reforms for the EU integration would be ensured. “Even though it is necessary to resolve the issues within the Election Law of B&H, to hold the future of this country hostage, with the aim of achieving political benefits, is irresponsible and unfair towards citizens of B&H, including Croats. Instead of that, the political parties should work, within the established political framework, in spirit of compromise, so that they would improve their goals”, reads part of the statement.


Izetbegovic meets Chinese Ambassador Bo, believes that it is necessary to implement election results as soon as possible (Glas Srpske)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic believes that it is necessary to implement election results as soon as possible and establish broad program coalitions which would make up a quality government at all levels in B&H. The statement issued by the Presidency of B&H reads that Izetbegovic underlined the importance of continuation of OHR’s presence in B&H, as a factor which contributes to preservation of stability in the country. During the meeting with Chinese Ambassador to B&H Chen Bo, Izetbegovic underlined that everyone in the country need stability, accelerated implementation of reforms and mass construction of infrastructure, as it would lead to economic growth and slow down the process of young people’s departure from the country.


MEP Fajon: New ETIAS visa regime might cause chaos at EU borders (Dnevni avaz)


MEP Tanja Fajon commented a new visa regime the EU plans to implement as of 2021, she explained that a person who receives an approval of the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) will be able to, for example, board a plane headed towards an EU city, but that does not mean the entrance in the EU has been automatically approved. “Controls will be conducted at the borders, and any person not an EU citizen will have to submit ETIAS approval along with their passport,” said Fajon and added that the system is similar to the one in the US where a customs officer has a right to ban anyone from entering the US. Asked why the changes were adopted, Fajon said that the decision was made to improve security and get more automatized process of border crossing. “It is very hard to predict how the system is going to work,” said Fajon and noted that the consequences might be horrible at the high-traffic border crossings, such as those in Croatia and Slovenia. “I fear the European Commission did not analyze all the consequences properly.”


Announcement of special visa requirements represents punishing of all citizens of B&H (Srna)


RS President and the newly-elected Serbian member of the B&H Presidency, Milorad Dodik, has told Srna that the announcement by the EU of introduction of special visa requirements for citizens of B&H is a bad message which will additionally weaken the trust in the EU. “It is obvious that the reason for introduction of special visa requirements is a precaution regarding the danger of terrorism, primarily, radical Islamic terrorism. I think that the introduction of visa requirements, as a way of fighting terrorism, represents the punishing of all citizens, including those who have called for the fight against terrorism for years,” Dodik told Srna when asked to comment on the announcement that as of the year 2021 citizens of B&H and another 61 countries, including the US, will have to fill out an electronic form prior to entering the EU which will cost seven Euros, and if the entry is approved, the approval will be valid for three years. Dodik has said that RS has always been ready to give a full contribution to security, not only within its borders, but in the EU itself, on whose borders it is located. “But, we are not ready to pay the price for individuals who in any way took part in terrorist activities or politically supported them. We are ready to cooperate with the EU, the US, Russia and all countries of the world comprising the anti-terrorist coalition, but we are against the punishing of all citizens because of individuals,” said the RS President. He has said that he, as the elected Serbian member of the B&H Presidency, will put this issue on the agenda and will ask to get access to documents showing activities of the former Presidency members and the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding this issue, whether anyone attempted to resolve this issue to the benefit of citizens and whether they by their activity or inactivity contributed to such a move of the EU.

“I will ask other members of the B&H Presidency to find a way and mechanism to prevent unfavorable developments regarding visas, and if we are forced, I will ask that we use the principle of reciprocity, in keeping with international law, towards countries which would treat our citizens this way,” Dodik has said.


Indictment against Dudakovic confirmed; trial scheduled for October 31 (Srna)


The B&H Court informed the acting prosecutor of the Special Department for War Crimes of the B&H Prosecutor's Office that the indictment in the Atif Dudakovic et al. case was confirmed, and that the next hearing is scheduled for Wednesday October 31, the Prosecutor's Office of B&H has announced. The indictees are charged with crimes against humanity involving the killing of more than 300 Serbs, persecution and abuse of civilians and prisoners of war, as well as the destruction of 38 orthodox churches and religious facilities. The accused are Atif Dudakovic, Ekrem Dedic, Sanel Sabic, Ibrahim Siljedic AKA Siljo, Safet Salihagic, Adis Zjakic, Hasan Ruznic, Redzep Zlojic, Samir Solakovic, Fatmir Muratovic, Muharem Alesevic, Husein Balagic, Ale Hodzic AKA Pumparica, Edin Domazet, Ejub Kozenjic AKA Ejko and Sesirdzija, Ibrahim Nadarevic and Said Mujic. The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H has issued an indictment against Dudakovic and another 16 members and commanders of the 5th Corps of the so-called B&H Army charged with crimes against humanity committed in the municipalities of Petrovac, Kljuc, Krupa on Uni, Sanski Most and war crimes against civilians in the municipalities of Bihac and Cazin. The defendants are charged with the killing of more than 300 Serbs, mostly elderly civilians, as well as soldiers who surrendered or were captured and thus incapacitated for combat. The mortal remains of a number of victims were found after the war and exhumed from several individual and mass graves, while the mortal remains of other victims are still being searched for. One part of the indictment against Atif Dudakovic refers to war crimes committed against Bosniak people, members and supporters of the National Defence of the Autonomous Province of Western Bosnia during the conflict in the Cazin Krajina in the municipalities of Bihac and Cazin. The Prosecutor’s Office will testify the charges by summoning 447 witnesses and six expert witnesses, and by presenting more than 1,100 pieces of evidence. The accused are charged with the criminal offense of Crimes against Humanity, while Atif Dudakovic is also charged with War Crimes against Civilians.


Clash of police and migrants at Bosnia-Croatia border (N1/ATV)


The border crossing with Croatia in the northwest of Bosnia has been closed on Wednesday after a group of migrants, who spent the night in the border crossing area, broke the first of two police cordons, the news agencies reported. Some two hundred of migrants who stayed over the past months in an improvised tent camp near the northwestern Bosnian town of Velika Kladusa, only a few kilometers away from the border with Croatia, came to the Maljevac border crossing on Tuesday, insisting that the border is open so they could continue their journey to the European Union countries. After spending the night in open, where they were surrounded by the police, the migrant started exerting pressure in the morning and eventually broke through the first cordon of the border police officers, which led to the closing of the border crossing. Meanwhile, a group of the migrants who arrived Tuesday late evening in Bihac, about 50 kilometers away from Velika Kladusa, were stuck in the train as the police prevented them from leaving the coaches.

Namely, B&H Security Minister Dragan Mektic said on Tuesday that the police was instructed to stop the further arrival of migrants in the Una-Sana Canton (USC), where Velika Kladusa and Bihac are located. The order followed after the local population held a series of protests demanding from the state authorities to limit the movement of migrants and solve their accommodation issue. Samir Alagic, the Bihac railway station manager, sent out a dramatic call for help on Wednesday, saying the situation was not good at all. “The people in four coaches of the train have been here since 12:30 a.m, They were protesting the last night when they arrived here, there were situations when the use of force was necessary. The police officers are fair, they listen to the orders of their superiors. The situation is such that we had addressed the Security Ministry, the Interior Ministry, to help us stop the arrival of migrants and disable the sale of tickets, and we always received the answer they were not in charge,” said Alagic, who said he never received a written order to stop the migrants and send them back to Sarajevo. What Alagic received was a phone call “of a police officer from Bosanska Krupa, where a meeting was held and where some conclusions were reached, including the one that the entry of migrants in the USC would be barred.” ATV reported that the situation on the border between B&H and Croatia was tense on Wednesday, as migrants did not give up on their intention to enter Croatia. A group of around 100 migrants from a camp near Maljevac border crossing headed to the border crossing on Wednesday afternoon to join around 250 migrants who have been at this location as of Tuesday evening. A group of migrants broke through the first cordon of border police officers on the Maljevac border crossings, but police officers behind them prevented them to move further, while according to ATV, the Croatian police was on alert. According to the reporter, the situation was chaotic earlier during the day. Some migrants threw stones and bottles at police officers and Croatian police officers beat migrants with police batons, who shouted and called for opening of the border. During the incidents some migrants were injured and the migrants said that police used excessive force and tear gas. The Border Police of B&H denied there was any force used by police officers in incidents with migrants, adding that no child was injured during the clashes. However, members of ‘Doctors Without Borders’ were present at the scene and they confirmed that several migrants were injured in the clash with the police. BHT1 reported on the incident and stated that police threw tear gas at the migrants and several migrants were injured, including two children. Croatian police stated that two of their officers were injured in the clashes as well. Migrants claim that Croatian police used unnecessary force to prevent them from crossing the border. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that Croatian police will resume to protect this country’s borders from illegal entrances and migrations while respecting high standards of the international and humanitarian law. Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic was informed that the situation at Maljevac border crossing is under control.


Migrants throw rocks at Croatian Border Police (Hina)


Two Croatian police officers were slightly injured on Wednesday when a group of migrants at the Maljevac border crossing with B&H threw rocks and other objects at them after they failed to cross the border, the Ministry of the Interior said in a statement. At one point, as the Bosnian police were trying to push the migrants away from the border deeper into their own territory, a group of migrants started straight towards the Croatian police who then repulsed their violent attempt to enter Croatian territory illegally. The migrants then started to throw rocks and other objects at the Croatian police, the statement said, adding that two policemen were slightly injured and requested medical attention. At one point, as the B&H police were trying to push the migrants away from the border deeper into their own territory, a group of migrants started straight towards the Croatian police who then repulsed their violent attempt to enter Croatian territory illegally. The migrants then started to throw rocks and other objects at the Croatian police, the statement said, adding that two policemen were slightly injured and requested medical attention. The Maljevac border crossing point was still closed to traffic on Wednesday afternoon because a large group of migrants had gathered on the bridge in the immediate vicinity of the border checkpoint. Shortly after 2pm, about 50 Croatian police officers in full riot gear joined their colleagues already deployed at the border crossing. According to unofficial sources, three migrants were injured in the standoff and received medical assistance from members of the Doctors Without Borders organization on the B&H side of the border. Croatian Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said on Wednesday afternoon that he had discussed the situation at that part of the border with his Bosnian counterpart Dragan Mektic, and added that there was no need for the Croatian police to respond on Bosnian territory. "The situation is not easy, however, the Bosnian police are investing maximum effort to ensure the withdrawal of the migrants from the border line," Bozinovic said.


President Ivanov meets Slovenian FM Cerar (MIA)


President Gjorge Ivanov held a meeting Wednesday with Slovenian Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Miro Cerar, in which they discussed ways to improve relations between Macedonia and Slovenia, characterized by trust, friendship and strong partnership, as well as current developments and challenges in the region. In the coming period, he added, efforts should be directed at intensifying and increasing economic cooperation and trade by stimulating joint investments. As regards Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic integration process, President Ivanov said he hoped that the years-long open and unreserved support from Slovenia would continue in the future to help Macedonia open accession negotiations with the EU and become a member of NATO. Regarding political developments in the country, the Macedonian President said that even though the people had expressed their sovereign will in the referendum and rejected the Prespa Agreement, the Macedonian Parliament had failed to take it into consideration with the majority of MPs acting against the will of the people. The interlocutors shared also views about the challenges of illegal migration and concluded that the successful cooperation should continue in the future so as to boost regional stability and security.


Cerar: Process in the parliament is legitimate and expresses the will of citizens (MIA)


Slovenian Foreign Minister Miro Cerar at Wednesday’s joint press conference with FM Nikola Dimitrov said that he is aware that the consultative referendum did not meet the fundamental legal requirements to be valid, however Slovenia considers that the result brought convincing message to continue the political processes for EU integration, i.e. for joining NATO. We consider that the process happening in the parliament is legitimate and expresses the will of the citizens. He expressed his satisfaction that the parliament secured a majority in order to continue the procedure for changing the Constitution, i.e. achieving the bases that will enable Macedonia to join NATO and EU as soon as possible. “It is a historical moment for Macedonia. Decisions that will be adopted in the coming months will be of historical importance not only for Macedonia, for its future generations, but also for entire region. Slovenia follows all these processes and strongly and firmly supports Macedonia on its road towards Euro-Atlantic integration,” Cerar noted. He said that official Ljubljana wishes Macedonia to become NATO and EU member and for its own interests, and believes that the country is due to launch EU accession negotiations this year as recommended by the EC, since it has already met the conditions for it. Minister Dimitrov expressed satisfaction that Cerar’s first visit as Foreign Minister is to Skopje which confirms the close friendly relations between the two countries. He underlined the strong Slovenian support for the Euro-Atlantic integration and in that context pointed out the role of Slovenia as a contact embassy for Macedonia for NATO membership in 2019. “Slovenia will take over this duty from Croatia, which now serves as contact embassy, ​​and this will happen at a crucial time in regard to formulating the accession protocols for NATO membership,” Cerar said. Both interlocutors also voiced satisfaction about the growth of trade exchange between the two countries and excellent economic relations, which are expected to continue with positive a trend.


Xhaferi to chair reconciliation commission, VMRO-DPMNE response awaited (MIA)


Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi will probably chair the reconciliation commission, which would be established upon the initiative of the eight opposition MPs who voted in favor of the decision to initiate constitutional revision, while awaiting on VMRO-DPMNE’s response.

Speaker Xhaferi met with coordinators of the MP groups on Wednesday, the first after last week’s vote on the constitutional revision. It is also unknown whether the eight MPs will establish their own MP group.


State Department: Moscow’s claims unreasonable and false (MIA)


The U.S. Department of State has said that Russia’s accusations over U.S. involvement in the recent Parliament vote to initiate constitutional revision are unreasonable and false. “Any claims that US Embassy officials were involved in the vote are unreasonable and false. The United States welcome the Macedonian Parliament’s decision to initiate the constitutional revision, which is required for implementation of the Prespa Agreement. The U.S. believe that the agreement is a historic opportunity for promotion of stability, security and prosperity in the entire region,” said a Department of State spokesperson when asked by a Greek journalist, ANA-MPA reports. The State Department says all those who want to investigate how Macedonian MPs took their decision should do that with the deputies themselves, instead of using Russian misinformation and propaganda. On Tuesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly rejected claims by the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the Parliament’s decision to initiate constitutional revision.




From Washington to Moscow (, by Angelos Stangos, 24 October 2018)


Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is handling Panos Kammenos, the leader of junior coalition partner Independent Greeks (ANEL), like the three wise monkeys, seeing no evil, hearing no evil and speaking no evil. However, the fact is that Kammenos, who is also defense minister, is a problem for the government. Everyone knows that, notwithstanding the casual excuses put forward by leftist government and party officials, their partnership is the result of a cynical decision to grab power and hold on to it. Even Dimitris Tzanakopoulos, the government spokesman, is finding it hard to dispel the widespread impression that the prime minister is being held to ransom by his defense minister. During the time that the Kammenos problem was confined to home, when general elections were still a distant prospect and the “Macedonia” name dispute was not in the final stages, Tsipras had the luxury of being able to ignore the pressure and attacks from the political opposition. But this is no longer the case. The situation has spun out of his control and also taken on an international dimension. Kammenos’s growing frustration over his political future is driving him to act up when he is abroad, putting the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition in a very difficult spot. During his recent visit to Washington, Kammenos sought to account for his opposition to the name deal with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), while in a show of pro-Americanism he put forward a proposition for more US military bases in Greece. However, upon his return to Athens he announced that he will be paying a visit to Russia. More importantly, when FYROM Prime Minister Zoran Zaev succeeded in mustering the necessary two-thirds majority to push the Prespes accord through the Balkan country’s Parliament, the ANEL chief posted a message on Twitter reproducing claims that opposition lawmakers had been offered bribes of up to 2 million euros to vote in favor of the constitutional amendments. In doing so, Kammenos effectively sided with Moscow’s claims that the vote had been rigged through a combination of blackmail, threats and vote-buying. All that was happening while the West is pushing the Prespes deal in the context of a head-on collision with Russia which is dangerously escalating. Tsipras must be cursing himself deep inside now that he too has wholeheartedly embraced the we-belong-to-the-West motto.