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Belgrade Media Report 30 October 2018



Vucic: Issue of Kosovo and Metohija cannot be resolved without Serbia’s participation (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has met in Istanbul with Turkish President Rexhep Taip Erdogan, while he will also have an opportunity to meet with other world leaders on 11 November in Paris. Hashim Thaci will also be present, however, Vucic is not sure that the world powers will deal with Kosovo and Metohija in Paris. “I think it is contemplated how and in what way for us to talk with Thaci and in whose presence in Paris, but for the great powers to sit and resolve the problem…this is not how things go, nor is it possible that way. Nobody can resolve one single problem without Serbia’s participation. Everybody can help, and not help, but there is nothing without Serbia’s participation and will,” said Vucic.


Vucic: Difficult month ahead of us (B92)


Following the meeting with Kosovo Serbs, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told the press conference in the Serbian Palace that a very hard month awaits us and that he is concerned as the President of the Republic. He says that the Albanians are trying by force to seize the network for delivering electric energy from Novi Pazar towards northern Kosovo. “They are trying to do this illegally and to accuse our Electric Network of Serbia of preventing free traffic of electric energy. They are doing this by forcing Albanians to steel our electricity and they say that we are not capable of controlling this...We are not complaining only because this could stay our transferring network. They want to throw us out and say that the main operator is the Albanian KOST. They are conducting legal violence. The debate will take place on 6 November and the decision will be passed on 9 November. I will write a letter and I will tell the German and French about this. This would be a scandal of great proportions. The agreement was to have two companies that will be established by the Community of Serb Municipalities, but they want to take over the Valac and Gazivode systems and to say that this is the property of the independent state of Kosovo,” said Vucic. He then confirmed that there is a plan to declare the army of Kosovo on 28 November. “That is opposed to their constitution as well and the spirit of all agreements and UNSCR 1244 and the Kumanovo and Brussels agreements and the Brussels agreement with NATO. We will have also Interpol in the meantime and the debate in the Pristina Assembly. They want to limit the scope of the work of their delegation, after which the question is what is the purpose of the dialogue. When I say all this, I am telling you clearly in what kind of difficult situation we are. They are completely united, all of the Albanians, all parties. I don’t want my party to be united with the worst in Serbia, unity of the people is necessary, we will need the power of the people more than ever,” said Vucic.


Joksimovic in Serbian parliament on Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (RTV/Tanjug)


Addressing the 9th meeting of the Serbian Parliamentary Commission for Stabilization and Accession European Union – Serbia, Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic said that the final goal is closing of chapters, so rigidness for opening of chapters needs to be smaller since real reforms begin with the opening of chapters. Speaking about the unavoidable topic when it comes to Serbia’s EU integration, which belong to Chapter 35, the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations, Joksimovic sayd that Chapter 35 is a monitoring mechanism for implementation of the dialogue, and that at this moment once can measure only the fact that Pristina didn’t fulfill a single, that is the only, but most important obligation from this agreement, and this is the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). “Belgrade has fulfilled its part, Pristina hasn’t for more than five years and we think that EU as the guarantor of the Brussels agreement needs to find a way to raise its own credibility as the mediator. Serbia will not give up the dialogue as the only way to reach agreement, but this agreement needs to be based on a compromise that would be such that none of the sides will be an absolute winner or absolute loser,” said Joksimovic. She says that almost on a daily basis one can observe on the ground political provocations, intimidation of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, bans for visit of our officials…and pointed out that she is surprised that she is not hearing reactions from EU officials to Kosovo officials’ statements that Kosovo will first enter the UN and then the ZSO will be formed. “Serbia remains devoted to dialogue, this are not only phrases, but the participation of both sides is necessary for dialogue. I am surprised for not hearing a reaction from the EU to Kosovo officials’ statement, concretely Hoxhaj who had stated that Kosovo will first entre the UN and then the ZSO will be formed. This is so irresponsible, as if I would say that Serbia will enter the EU first and then we will implement the agreement on energy. Serbia will not behave that way, not because we are weak, but because we are responsible,” said the Minister.


Kukan: That was just German position; EU has no common position on Kosovo (B92/Tanjug)


Germany’s position that Serbia cannot join the EU until it recognizes the independence of Kosovo is only a Germany's position. This was stated on Tuesday in Belgrade by European parliament member (MEP) Eduard Kukan. And the German position in question was put forward last week, also in Belgrade, by an MP from German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party. “For now, the EU has no common position on the final solution of the Kosovo issue,” Kukan specified in an exclusive interview with Tanjug, adding that the EU s still working to harmonize and define the common position on this issue. He noted that Merkel will remain chancellor for another year or more, but that it is up to the EU to define what this position will look like. Asked whether he had suggested, during his conversation on Monday in Belgrade with President Aleksandar Vucic, in which direction the solution should be sought, Kukan said that the meeting was about all the problems, not only about the dialogue with Pristina, which he considers to be very important, and that by presenting the views of the European Parliament, he conveyed that we expect a solution that will come out of the dialogue and only through the dialogue, but which will above all be long-term. He said he told Vucic that a legally binding agreement is a precondition for Serbia’s further path towards the EU. Asked if the idea of ​​delineation was still alive, Kukan said that Brussels is closely monitoring the course of the dialogue, but that there are still no clear details about a possible agreement, which would involve delineation or border correction, and added that there will be no agreement unless that agreement complies with international law. He stressed that this must be an agreement that will not destabilize the situation throughout the region of the Western Balkans, and this implies several conditions that this potential agreement must meet. Commenting on media speculation that a meeting between the leaders of the United States, Russia, France and Germany in Paris during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I could bring a U-turn and progress in seeking a solution for Kosovo, Kukan believes that it is not necessary to cultivate too much hope. For him in 2025 is a very important date that has been set by President of the European Commission. “I believe that this is an orientation date and I said yesterday during my meetings in Belgrade that at this stage Serbia is moving very slowly towards the EU, to be able to join in 2025,” said Kukan, and suggests that negotiations on EU accession talks chapters should be considerably accelerated.




Kosarac: Winners of elections can invite parties to participate in formation of new authorities (ATV)


Member of SNSD Presidency Stasa Kosarac said on Monday that winners of elections are the ones who can invite other political subjects to talk about formation of new authorities. He added that SDS lost elections and that this is why it cannot gather anyone around its political platform. Kosarac did not want to comment whether SDS will decide to cooperate with SNSD at Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) level, adding that it is visible that SDS is divided into two parts. “One part wants to resume to be servile towards the US Ambassador to B&H and some foreigners who want to make B&H a unitary country and to create problems in the RS. They are led by Vukota Govedarica and before him it was Mladen Bosic” explained Kosarac. He added that other part of SDS wants to use constitutional capacity of the RS and to preserve the RS through Serb patriotic bloc.


SDS official: I am not against a coalition with the SNSD (N1)


The Serb Democratic Party (SDS) is not satisfied with the October 7 election results, and the deputy head of the party told N1 on Tuesday that he would not object a coalition with the ruling Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD). The SDS is part of the opposition Alliance for Victory coalition, which ran against the SNSD in Republika Srpska (RS). The Alliance lost, both at the entity level and the state level. SNSD’s Zeljka Cvijanovic won the RS President seat, and party leader Milorad Dodik won the Bosnian Serb seat in the tripartite state presidency.

Milovan Bjelica said that the election process was marked by “irregularities, spending of state funds by those in power, and media disinclination with this party (SDS).” All of this, he said, affected the election outcome. Bjelica explained the stance of the regional SDS board he belongs to, the Sarajevo-Romanija region. “Our stances are that RS and the Dayton Peace Agreement must be cared for, the positioning of the SDS and maintaining unity within it, dialogue with all political parties in RS and Bosnia and Herzegovina” he said. There is unity within the party and the success of the SNSD must be appreciated, Bjelica said. He said that Dodik has not called other political parties in the entity to negotiate coalitions, but only cooperation. “When the final election results are published, we expect calls for negotiations from Zeljka Cvijanovic and Milorad Dodik,” he said. Bjelica denied that there were any discussions on who is supporting a coalition with the SNSD at a recent hours-long session in the SDS, but said that it is in the interest of SDS mayors to have good relations with higher government levels within the RS.

“This is why we need to do all we can to communicate with other parties. This is why I am in favor of cooperation with them, including the SNSD,” he said.


Cvijanovic: New RS government should be appointed by end of year (RTRS)


Acting Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister and elected RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic announced that the formation of the new RS Government is planned to be done by the end of the year. She stated that the name of the new RS Prime Minister will be known soon. Commenting on the boycott of negotiations with SNSD by other RS parties, Cvijanovic said that a joint appearance at B&H level is necessary for the RS. She said that it does not need to be a formal coalition, but a responsible approach of all political subjects is necessary. “It is important that the stances of representatives from the RS at B&H level are harmonized with the RS institutions and that the B&H level does not behave isolationist or pretend that they are superior to the RS. This was the case in the previous four years,” said Cvijanovic. Asked about who could be appointed a Chairman of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H, Cvijanovic did not reveal any names. She stressed that someone who understands the word ‘cooperation’ should be the Chairman of the CoM. She explained that certain ministers used their mandates in the CoM to announce their political stances and lead political wars, instead of doing their jobs. Cvijanovic stressed that the cooperation between the RS and the Federation of B&H was improving. However, regulations needed to be harmonized more and reforms should be coordinated. She stressed that one of the problems in the cooperation between the two B&H entities were conflicts between Bosniak and Croat politicians in the Federation of B&H. Commenting on the cooperation between SNSD and DNS, Cvijanovic said that there are no problems in the coalition and they will continue working together.


Covic informs Chinese Ambassador to B&H about political situation in B&H (EuroBlic)


Croat member of the B&H Presidency Dragan Covic met with Chinese Ambassador to B&H Chen Bo in Mostar on Monday and stated on the occasion that it is of vital importance to change the Law on Elections of B&H in order to be able to establish all institutions of authorities in line with the principle of legitimate representation of constituent peoples. Covic added that, in this way, B&H would confirm its Euro-Atlantic and political stability. B&H Presidency issued a press statement saying that Covic stated during his conversation with the Ambassador that the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) won plebiscite support of Croat people in B&H. Covic also informed his collocutor about the political situation in B&H, with an emphasis on the election process which is still underway, as well as about possible challenges in the process of implementation of election results.


Izetbegovic meets Russian Ambassador Ivantsov, says broad program coalitions should be formed at all levels of authority (Glas Srpske)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic held a meeting on Monday in Sarajevo with Russian Ambassador to B&H Petr Ivantsov. During the meeting, Izetbegovic underlined the need to have election results in B&H implemented as soon as possible. Furthermore, Izetbegovic said that broad program coalitions should be formed without any conditions being made in the process, adding that such coalitions should make up a quality government at all levels of authority in the country. According to daily, Izetbegovic and Ivantsov agreed that everybody in B&H needs stability, accelerated implementation of reforms and mass construction of infrastructure in order for the economic growth to continue and for departure of young people to be slowed down.


B&H CEC members disagree on whether to use 2013 or 1991 census as latest census in process of appointment of Federation of B&H HoP delegates (Dnevni avaz)


A source from the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) confirmed to the daily that B&H CEC is expected to launch activities on Tuesday related to manner in which mandates in the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) will be distributed. The source also added that B&H CEC members disagree on how to implement the Article 10.12 of the Law on Elections of B&H in which, following the decision of B&H Constitutional Court (CC), the sentence stating “each of the constituent peoples shall get one seat in each of the cantons” ceased to be valid. The daily reminded that B&H CEC has the obligation to determine the number of delegates of each of the constituent peoples and of ‘Others’, who shall be appointed to the Federation of B&H HoP from cantonal assemblies “proportionally to number of canton’s population as in line with the latest census”. Namely, B&H CEC members disagree on whether they should consider 2013 census or 1991 census as the latest one. At the moment, Bosniaks advocate use of 1991 census, Croats advocate use of 2013 census, while the stance of Serbs and ‘Others’ on this matter is still unknown. A source said that there will be strong advocating for the use of 2013 census, especially knowing that B&H CEC already tested the scenario for appointment of the Federation of B&H HoP delegates on the example of election of city and municipal election commissions over past several years and it used 2013 census in those cases.


MFA of B&H distances itself from positions of B&H Ambassador to US Hrle (Vecernji list)


B&H Ambassador to the US Haris Hrle stated in an interview last week that the Croat member of the Presidency of B&H-elect Zeljko Komsic is more than welcome in the US and that there is “something American in his political ideas”. According to the daily, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H distanced itself from Hrle’s positions, stressing that Hrle’s positions are not official views of the Ministry, instead “these are political assessment of private nature”. According to the daily, Hrle also said in the interview that the US is closely following interference into internal matters in B&H via ‘Brussels forums’ and that the US will not allow detrimental outside influence. The Ministry commented this by saying that they did not receive an official information from Ambassador Hrle “about the United States following interference attempts in internal matters in B&H via forums in Brussels”. Concluding its statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H stated that the tenure of Haris Hrle as the B&H Ambassador to the US has expired.


Taiani: Montenegro will enter the EU by 2025 (Pobjeda)


I honestly believe that by 2025, Montenegro will have its place in the European parliament, said the president of this high institution of the EU, Antonio Taiani. “I believe that Montenegro will be part of the European parliament by 2025. The European Commission wants that date, and I want it too,” said Taiani. The journalists asked him what would be the outcome of the forthcoming elections for the European Parliament, scheduled for May next year and how could the elections influence the enlargement process. Taiani said that he hopes for positive results which will be beneficial for the stability of the EU. At the beginning of this month, he spoke to the president of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic at the seat of the European Parliament in Strasbourg and he said back then that the European path of Montenegro is irreversible and our leadership unquestionable.


Montenegro is the mediator between the EU and the region (Dnevne novine)


CEO of the European movement, Momcilo Radulovic, says that the EU enlargement process hasn’t stopped, but it has rather slowed since the EU structures aren’t ready for enlargement towards Western Balkans. Radulovic thinks that the position of Montenegro is good and that it acts as mediator not only between the EU and Western Balkans countries but among the countries in the region as well. “The EU has its own problems related to reforms, economy, integration, and there are also discrepancies between the EC and specific countries, such as Poland, Hungary, Italy… In some sense, it is understandable that we are not the priority right now. Technical part of the job has to be accelerated and those countries which have gone the furthest in the integration process, Montenegro primarily, should do their part of the job so that we can start discussing the dates when we could formalize this enlargement process from the political aspect,” says Radulovic. He points out that it is of utmost importance that the EU recognizes all the problems, and help in their settlement. “I’m not really sure that all structures in the EU understand well the reality of political relations on the Balkans and seems like they don’t have enough time to dedicate more to questions related to Western Balkans,” says Radulovic.

Seems like Brussels fails to pay attention to our region. “Focus of the EU on Western Balkans must be stronger. There remains hope that we, who live in this region, will be able to deal with our own problems, in long term and functional way, and that we’ll develop trust of the European institutions,” says Radulovic. He points out that Montenegro has become a mediator between the WB countries and the EU. “Montenegro has been recognized as stability factor and that role is appreciated by our neighbors too. Positive trends are definitely visible,” says Radulovic.


Draft amendments to reach parliament by end of week; Zaev expects more support (MIA)


The proposed draft amendments to the Constitution of Macedonia in accordance with the Prespa Agreement, which will also honor requests by the eight opposition MPs who supported the motion to introduce constitutional changes, are expected to arrive in Parliament by the end of the week. Prime Minister Zoran Zaev announced this on Monday after his meeting with Justice Minister Renata Deskoska, Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov, and the eight opposition MPs who have formed an independent parliamentary group. Zaev noted that all parliamentary groups would be consulted with regarding the proposed amendments before the 15 days set aside for their drafting were up, which is on Saturday. The agenda of the meeting focused on “specific directions on including elements that are also important to them (the opposition MPs)”.

These directions included to strengthen the Macedonian identity, to see the process through to the end and guarantee that Greece would not block it again, i.e., that the amendments would become operative parts of the Constitution after Greece ratifies the Agreement in its Parliament.

“We’ll be preparing the draft amendments,” Zaev said, “and before officially sending them to Parliament we will consult with the new MP group once again. We expect to formally present them to Parliament by the end of the workweek.” The second issue Zaev, Deskoska, Dimitrov and the opposition MPs discussed during Monday’s meeting was the forming of a coordination body that should work on Macedonia’s reconciliation process. Zaev said that Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi would be invited as chairman, and the body should include three of the new parliamentary group’s MPs as well as the coordinators of all existing parliamentary groups.

“After the body is formed, it will develop all necessary methodology, modalities, aspects of national reconciliation,” Zaev noted, adding that VMRO-DPMNE should also take part.

“After we have finished the draft amendments,” Zaev said, “I expect that VMRO-DPMNE and its coalition MPs that haven’t so far supported the changes to the Constitution will join in.

“I remain hopeful that the number grows, if not to 120, at least to 110.” SDSM considers the proposed bill on amnesty unacceptable, Zaev said, highlighting that the national reconciliation body should come up with the mechanisms of reconciliation, and that VMRO-DPMNE’s parliamentary group coordinator would be given the opportunity to present all reconciliation aspects within that body.


VMRO-DPMNE seek Law on Amnesty for those who took part in attack on September 27 (Meta)


VMRO-DPMNE has submitted a bill for amnesty for those involved and organized the attack in parliament on April 27, last year. At a press conference, coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group, Dragan Danev, said that it was suggested that parliament should pass the law via a fast-track procedure. “This law foresees and regulates the manner of freedom from criminal prosecution, stopping initiated procedures and releasing those serving prison sentences, if there is suspicion that they have committed criminal acts: participation in a crowd that obstructs an official representative from performing official action, violence, participation in a crowd and committing a criminal act that is a terrorist threat to the constitutional order and security. This draft law also foresees the removal of convictions for those persons convicted on the day the law would come into force,” said Danev. According to him, the law will secure justice for all and achieve true national reconciliation instead of selectivity and divisions and as he says, all this offered by SDSM. In the court case for the attack into parliament on April 27 last year, 33 people have been charged. 31 have been charged for causing a terrorist threat to the constitutional order and security, and two for aiding and abetting.


Xhaferi: Opposition MPs voted in line with their own convictions (Kanal 5)


Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi believes the opposition MPs who supported the motion to begin the constitutional changes procedure voted in line with their own convictions, without any pressures or bribery attempts, and that their votes opened the door toward Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic future. “Whoever claims there were such attempts, should bring this up to the right institutions and prove it at the right place. It is not typical to make a priori assumptions that MPs bowed down under pressure or blackmail. I don’t think that any MP who supported the decision was under any pressure. They did it out of their own volition,” Xhaferi told Kanal 5. Xhaferi said that when parliament let him know there were enough MPs present for constitutional changes, he scheduled the session. The delay, he added, was to make it possible for all who said they would support the motion to attend the session. “The MPs who said they would give their support,” Xhaferi said, “were coming in from their homes, or wherever they were at that particular time. I knew who it was that said they would give their support, so while they were absent, it was my duty as parliament speaker, of course, to oversee the dynamics of the session. That’s the reason for the delay.” Xhaferi expects that the government will meet its deadline and submit the draft amendments to parliament by Friday. The opposition MPs who supported the motion to begin the constitutional changes let him know on Friday that they would act as an independent parliamentary group coordinated by Elizabeta Kancheska Milevska. Xhaferi also addressed the initiative to form a coordinative body for reconciliation and confirmed that the independent parliamentary group, which had initiated this body, would send an official memorandum about it on Tuesday. He thought it was most likely this body would be formed during the next coordination meeting. On the topic of VMRO-DPMNE’s proposed law on Apr. 27 amnesty, Xhaferi noted that any MP had the absolute right to submit proposals, but it was parliamentary debate that would ultimately decide the fate of this law. Xhaferi also commented on the verdict of former Prime Minister and current MP Nikola Gruevski and the possibility of his mandate being taken away, saying that he received the news on Friday and forwarded it to the Committee on Rules of Procedure and Mandatory and Immunity Issues. This committee should, within 15 days, Xhaferi said, make a draft decision on the necessity of parliamentary exclusion of the MP. He pointed out that one of the grounds for loss of mandate was a court sentence. To exclude an MP, Xhaferi said, two-thirds of the total number of MPs needed to vote at a plenary session.




Ukraine studying Croatia's experience in reintegration of occupied territories (UAWIRE, 28 October 2018)


Ukraine is studying Croatia's experience in de-occupation and reintegration of occupied territories which was discussed during the second meeting of the Ukrainian-Croatian working group on cooperation chaired by the Deputy Head of the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine, Vasyl Bodnar and the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Croatia, Zdravka Busic.

The press-service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reported that the representatives from both countries discussed the prospects of bilateral political dialogue and the mechanism of applying Croatian experience to the reintegration of the temporarily annexed territories in Ukraine. Their priorities are given to ensuring protection of the population, information work, restoration of infrastructure and mine clearance. "Croatia confirmed support of Ukraine's NATO and EU integration route and expressed readiness to fully contribute to our country's implementation of reforms," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated. The Croatian Deputy Minister of Science and Education, Ivana Franic and Ukrainian and Croatian experts also took part in the meeting.