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Belgrade Media Report 01 November 2018



Vucic: I am no enemy of Albanians (TV Prva/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told TV Prva on Thursday that he is not the enemy of the Albanians, and that he understands Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli’s statement – “We only have one enemy, and that is Serbia and Vucic”. “For the sake of the Albanians I want to say I’m not their enemy. On the contrary, I am the enemy of everyone who wants to persecute and kill the Serb people. That is why I understand Kadri Veseli’s statement.”  “They would like it very much to have as opponents those they could defeat easily, so, in a way, I am honored with such a statement,” Vucic said, still apparently referring to Veseli.


Stefanovic: Only votes against matter to us (Tanjug)


Pristina has started lobbying strongly for the so-called Kosovo to be admitted to Interpol, Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said on Thursday. He stressed that the Albanians are concentrating on those countries that have not recognized Kosovo and are putting great pressure on them to, if nothing else, have their representatives not present during the vote, or be abstained.

“Only a vote against Kosovo in Interpol matters to us. By remaining abstained, nobody’s doing Serbia any favors. You are either for, or against. If there is no two-thirds of votes, they will not be admitted,” he said. Stefanovic recalled the Serbian arguments against Pristina’s membership, including that the Interpol General Assembly itself has issued a regulation stating that only a UN member or observer can be admitted to Interpol, and then there is are also UN Security Council Resolution 1244.


Dimitrijevic: Kosovo’s membership in Interpol would be precedent and legal violence (RTS)


The Head of the Serbian Interpol Milan Dimitrijevic has told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the consequences of Kosovo’s membership in Interpol would be numerous not only for Serbia, but also for other countries. “Minister Stefanovic has clearly defined problems and fears of the Republic of Serbia and they are security, criminal and legal. A precedent and legal violence would be made. For years, Interpol’s leadership has been acquainted with Serbia’s reasons and arguments, while it is clearly defined in what way and under what conditions somebody can become a member,” says Dimitrijevic. The consequences would be violation of UNSCR 1244, Interpol’s rules would be breached, while the field of legal insecurity would be opened. Many Serbs would be on warrants that Kosovo would initiate. When it comes to combatting organized crime in Kosovo, which is one of the arguments of those who advocate membership, cooperation of the local police has been taking place through UNMIK. “Cooperation between Interpol and UNMIK has been going on since 2002 and they are covering the entire region so there is not a single argument that this cooperation doesn’t cover everything,” said Dimitrijevic.


Drecun: Plentitude of documentation requires answers (RTS)


The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told RTS that he expects the special prosecutor to file the first indictments for crimes committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). “The working group of the Committee for Kosovo and Metoija had collected and processed over 980 events to which are linked 2.123 documents, including testimonies and requests for finding documents, on crimes committed by the KLA in the Dukadjin zone of operations alone, where the Haradinaj clan bears the main responsibility.  He says there is special documentation of those parts of KFOR who had their zone of responsibility and that, based on this documentation, one can see that the international presence in Kosovo had the information on many committed crimes but that nothing has been undertaken. He cited the example of journalist Djuro Slavuj whose whereabouts are still unknown, saying that an OSCE observer reported on 23 February 1999 that he spoke to a KLA member who told him that he knew that two Serb journalists were being held in a prison.  “Instead of being processed, we can see from this that all this was somehow concealed and hushed up. Plentitude of documentation requires answers and we are asking that this documentation be handed over to the special prosecution, to be handed over to us, because these countries have responsibility,” concluded Drecun.


Drecun: Terrorists like Nasim Haradinaj will be part of the Kosovo army (RTS/Tanjug)


The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun notes that the statement of Nasim Haradinaj, the cousin of Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, that he was killing Serbian soldiers and that he was sorry that he didn’t kill them as much as he wanted, is best proof that Kosovo is in the hands of an organized mafia and terrorists, but also shows their fear from issuing of first indictments of the special prosecution.

“If they weren’t afraid of specialized chambers and prosecutions they would not be reacting so harshly, obviously their consciousness is not at peace, while they also know with what we dispose of regarding documentation,” notes Drecun. He explains that Nasim Haradinaj was identified as early as 1985 as an extremist, which later on joined in Sweden the illegal extremist organization People’s Movement for Kosovo and started to gather funds for extremists in Kosovo and Metohija and recruiting terrorists. “When he returned to Kosovo and Metohija he joined the clan of Ramush Haradinaj and took part in the attack and killing of members of Serbian security forces, and most probably civilians as well, since several mass graves were discovered on these territories,” notes Drecun. After the arrival of international forces in Kosovo and Metohija, Nasim was member of the Kosovo protective corpus from which Kosovo security forces were formed. “Now the so-called Kosovo army will be formed from the Kosovo security forces, and it will include veterans. This kind of veterans it will have – murderers who openly boast with murdering members of regular security forces. They were and remained terrorists,” says Drecun. He says the so-called Kosovo army will be in the service of the Greater Albanian idea and that there is no dilemma that Western countries, which stand behind Kosovo’s secession, support the formation of such a formation. “They were preparing them for this, they made an organization structure, trained the personnel, while they will be arming them in the following period and they wish to use it for NATO missions,” says Drecun.


Djuric: Vucic is attacked because he is sincerely committed to Serb interests (Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has commented Veseli’s statement, noting that the attacks of Albanian separatists on Vucic show that he is the only one who is truly and sincerely advocating the interests of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and of Serbia. Veseli’s insults are confirmation that President Vucic is the only obstacle to the realization of their goal – for Serbia not to get anything in Kosovo and Metohija, Djuric stated in the press release.




Results of elections may be confirmed next week (TV1)


The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) held a session on Wednesday and announced that results of the general elections may be confirmed at the beginning of the next week. B&H CEC is also expected to adopt a bylaw next week which is supposed to define distribution of mandates in the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and according to TV1, it is possible that one proposal will contain more options. B&H CEC authorized expert services to draft a proposal with two or three options about which the CEC will announce its official standpoint next week. The reporter noted that adoption of the proposal is expected to enable finalization of the election process, i.e. awarding of mandates to delegates in the Federation of B&H HoP and Cantonal Assemblies. One of the proposals will imply that distribution of mandates will be carried out based on the population census 2013, while the other proposal implies applying of the population census 1991 as the Federation of B&H Constitution stipulates. All members of B&H CEC agreed to move into direction which enables the CEC to implement results of the elections and that after each population census, they must reach a decision on redistribution of mandates.


OHR: Necessary to apply Federation of B&H Constitution (BHT1)


Regarding Wednesday’s session of B&H Central Election Commission (CEC), the Office of the High Representative (OHR) reiterated its previous stance on the importance of respecting the Constitution of the Federation of B&H. The Constitution of the Federation of B&H advocates the use of 1991 population census until Annex 7 of the Dayton Peace Agreement is not implemented. “When it comes to the population census, the OHR stated many times before that the Constitution of the Federation of B&H must be applied. This stance was also repeated in the letter that OHR sent in its capacity as ‘Amicus curiae’, or friend of the Court, to the Constitutional Court of B&H in connection with the ‘Kristo’ case,” reads written statement of OHR. OHR stated on Wednesday that it is up to B&H authorities to find a solution that will ensure unobstructed formation of authorities, stressing that no party should block implementation of election results. “It is regrettable that parties did not reach an agreement about the election reform regarding the Federation of B&H HoP. They could have found a good compromise and solution, but there was no political will to approach this problem seriously. It is the responsibility of the B&H authorities to find a solution that will make the formation of authorities possible. No party should block the implementation of election results,” reads the OHR’s statement.


US Embassy: CEC has legal obligation to implement election results including to form Federation of B&H HoP in line with Constitution of Federation of B&H (TV1)


Following Wednesday’ session of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC), the US Embassy to B&H issued a statement which reads that in the past year, the international community tried to assist in dialogue between political parties with the intention to solve deficiencies in the Election Law of B&H. The US Embassy added that the parties failed to reach an agreement on a legal solution due to lack of political will for compromise. According to the US Embassy, in case that the legal solution is missing, B&H CEC has a legal obligation to implement results of the elections in B&H including formation of the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP), in line with the Federation of B&H Constitution, the Election Law and relevant decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H.


Dodik: B&H to return to its constitutional position (Srna)


Republika Srpska (RS) President and the newly elected Serb member of the B&H Presidency, Milorad Dodik, has said in an interview with Srna that the most important thing for RS is that elections passed peacefully and that citizens freely exercised their political will, and added that a new Parliament and Government should be formed as soon as possible since the life and the needs of citizens do not tolerate deadlocks. “We expect the B&H Central Election Commission to officially declare election results so that Parliament and then RS Government could be formed in keeping with the RS Constitution and laws. The will of citizens must be respected and I was talking about it before elections as well. A new Parliament and government need to be formed as soon as possible since the life and the needs of citizens do not tolerate deadlocks,” Dodik said.

He has said that numerous jobs and challenges are ahead of RS, projects that must be implemented, pensions that must be increased, business conditions that need to be improved and this is why there is no need or justification to procrastinate the implementation of election results. Asked to comment on developments in the SDS after the elections, Dodik has said that he will not comment on these developments since this question should be addressed to the SDS leadership and membership. “The position of the SDS Main Board that they will negotiate with parties based on its political platform is, to put it mildly, odd, since the SDS did not win elections to be able to determine schedules in the political life of RS. It seems funny when someone who dramatically lost the support of the people says that they will negotiate based on their political platform. The policy of putting conditions is not good at all, and when you are doing this as someone who lost elections, it seems a little funny,” said Dodik, who is also the SNSD leader.

He has said that the SNSD is still of the opinion that it is best for RS to have a good team in Sarajevo, which means unity of its representatives in the B&H parliament. “The SNSD, SDS and other parties received votes for their seats in the B&H parliament in RS, and we think that they have responsibility towards RS. We saw in the past four years how it looks like when RS does not speak, as the EU likes to say it, with one voice. Only because of this one voice of RS I have advocated unity of political parties in Sarajevo. I am aware that individuals from the Alliance for Change worked to the detriment of RS in the past four years. When I say unity in Sarajevo, I don’t see such individuals, but as a serious politician, I cannot have a dialogue with individuals, but with parties,” said the newly-elected Serbian member of the B&H Presidency. Dodik has told Srna that a quake in the SDS we have witnessed these days is mostly the consequence of the SDS policy in Sarajevo, which obviously is not supported by the whole party. “I think that our citizens, regardless of political option they supported in the past elections, expect us to demonstrate unity in joint institutions, which is in the interest of RS. The RS Parliament is a space large enough for us to confront our policies, fight for our political ideas and proposals. Institutions in Sarajevo must never again be the space for our divisions or confrontations. RS is strong if we are united,” Dodik has said. Regarding his future work in the B&H Presidency, Dodik has said that he will again activate a Serbian voice in a body where this voice was not heard well in the past four years. He has said that his behavior and work in the B&H Presidency will be in keeping with the Constitution, and that he will try to return B&H to positions guaranteed it by the Constitution. “I will remind them that the B&H Constitution does not recognize the institution of a high representative and I feel that the time has finally come to say goodbye to this institution which in the past years more obstructed then helped everyone in B&H. It is a paradox that I, who do not have high hopes in B&H, ask that it be enabled an internal sovereignty in a way that its external sovereignty is guaranteed. Why do we have elections if unelected foreigners will lead the country instead of legally elected officials?” Dodik has asked. He has said that the time has come for others in B&H to demonstrate responsibility and readiness to independently manage the processes and be accountable to the people who elected us. “The situation in which we are guilty and foreigners have merits is unacceptable, particularly having in mind that foreigners are telling stories about B&H’s European path, which is under their and not our rule. Foreigners were undermining the constitutional order of B&H and without a doubt gave their contribution to having it called a failed country even by them. This is why we must restore power to the peoples of B&H and reject any foreign meddling in our international affairs,” the RS President and the newly-elected Serbian member of the B&H Presidency, Milorad Dodik, has said.


Croat Caucus in Federation of B&H HoP says it does not recognize Komsic as member of Presidency of B&H (Oslobodjenje)


The Croat Caucus in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina House of Peoples (HoP) issued a statement on Wednesday, which reads that they, as legitimate representatives of their people, are entitled to comment on another grave violation of the election will of the Croat people. The Caucus stressed it has not its member of the Presidency of B&H, arguing that “the one that is usurping the post cannot contact the Caucus” because he was not elected by the same people (Croats).


Inaugural session of RS parliament to be held on 22 November, Cvijanovic is supposed to appoint RS Prime Minister-designate by end of November (BHT1)


Inaugural session of the RS parliament will be held on 22 November, when newly-elected RS President Zejka Cvijanovic will take an oath. Cvijanovic is supposed to appoint the RS Prime Minister-designate by the end of November or at the beginning of December. New RS Prime Minister will be from SNSD, the same as in the previous mandate, although this post was promised to the coalition partner DNS. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik resolved this dilemma a day after the general elections in B&H when he stated that SNSD’s staff will head new RS government. Compared to the 2014 general elections in B&H, SNSD, DNS and SP RS as parties that formed the authorities back than are in much better position now. Four years ago, these parties have formed the authority only after two opposition representatives in the RS parliament have joined the authorities. These three parties have a reliable majority today. The SNSD-DNS-SP RS- ‘United Srpska’ coalition currently has 50 representatives in the RS parliament and it is not impossible that several other representatives support them given that dissipation of SDS as the biggest opposition parties in the RS is expected.


New European homework for future authorities (Glas Srpske)


The EU and B&H have initiated new negotiations on reform processes, necessary for country’s progress on the European path. Participants concluded at the first meeting in Slovenia that there is still a lot of work that needs to be done in order for B&H to meet requirements. Kulaga explained that the meeting, which took place over the past two days in Brdo Castle near Kranj, was actually a continuation of the process known as the German-UK initiative. According to daily, officials from RS and the FB&H, representatives of parliamentary parties and international community analyzed the progress and what needs to be done in the future. The meeting was organized by the UK and German embassies to B&H, and the main goal was to define the new reform agenda which should be implemented in the next four years. Participants expressed support to continuation of implementation of reforms, and daily explained that conclusions of the meeting are supposed to be listed in a document with goals that need to be achieved by the end of new authorities’ term in the office. Representatives of the UK Embassy to B&H confirmed to daily that technical-level workshop was organized in Slovenia, and that participants discussed implementation of reforms in B&H. “The United Kingdom continues to provide support in the process of implementation of necessary reforms”, representatives of the UK Embassy told daily, adding that the most important goal right now is to establish authorities and start working as soon as possible. Minister of Finance of the RS Zoran Tegeltija attended the meeting on behalf of SNSD, but he was unavailable for comments on Wednesday. Member of SDS’ Board for Finances Slavisa Rakovic also attended the meeting; he told daily that participants exchanged opinions about what has been done already and what needs to be done in the future. “This was a preparation for the reform agenda between 2018 and 2022. We have discussed numerous issues, and exchanged stances about current issues, from tax reforms to improvement of business climate,” Rakovic said. The next meeting, according to daily, should take place by the end of November, and should result in a document which would include priority goals of the new reform agenda during the first 100 days of the work of authorities in B&H - such as unburdening of real sector, improvement of business climate and reform of healthcare sector. According to daily, the meeting in Brdo Castle near Kranj was also attended by representatives of EBRD, World Bank and other financial institutions.


Osmani: Prespa Agreement’s implementation ‘irreversible’ (MIA)


The implementation of the Prespa Agreement and ways to use Greek expertise with respect to the accession negotiations with the EU will be discussed tomorrow in Athens by Deputy PM for European Affairs Bujar Osmani and his host, Greece’s Alternate Foreign Minister Georgios Katrougalos. “We will talk about Greece’s serious support because the country is already becoming a new strategic partner, and also the general political context here and there. These are turbulent times both here and in Greece, but I think that the support for the Prespa Agreement here, in Macedonia, is expanding. And also in Greece, this process is not at all threatened despite the turbulence of daily politics. I hope tomorrow we will once again share good news that this path is irreversible and that Macedonia and Greece remain strategic partners. Thus, the region gets two countries with strong relations that will be reflected in the region as well,” Osmani told a news conference Wednesday answering a journalist question after presenting ‘Plan 18’.

In the final stages of concluding the Prespa Agreement, he added, Greece pledged it would strongly support the Euro-Atlantic integration of Macedonia. “It was confirmed when Greece and former foreign minister Nikos Kotzias were one of the staunchest supporters at the Council of the EU this past June to Macedonia being given a date for start of negotiations.” According to him, Thursday’s official visit to Athens coincides with the reintroduction of the Athens-Skopje flight after a years-long hiatus as a result of strained relations. “I will be the first one aboard the plane, which is yet another symbol of a thaw in relations, a proof that the strategic partnership is starting to function and that communication between the people, from a political aspect, in tourism, etc, will intensify in the coming period,” Osmani stated.


Osmani presents reform-oriented Plan 18 (MIA)


Judiciary, security and intelligence services, public administration reforms and fight against organized crime and corruption are the four key areas in Plan 18, with which the government continues to fulfill the urgent reform priorities aimed at meeting the conditions required for Macedonia to join the EU. Presenting Plan 18 at Wednesday’s news conference, Deputy PM for European Affairs Bujar Osmani pointed out the strong European and global support to the Euro-Atlantic integration of the country, expressed through numerous visits to the country during which the importance of the Prespa Agreement’s implementation was emphasized. “The implementation of the Prespa Agreement is considered as one of the most important obligations we have taken, and allow me here to express my utmost satisfaction with parliament giving the first green light to initiate constitutional changes. It is considered an expression of maturity of our political representatives in parliament. We hoped for a bigger support for this historical move, however the process is just the beginning. I’m convinced that by the time it is concluded, political support for the Prespa Agreement will increase, and we, the politicians, will establish a broad consensus about all other issues putting national interests above partisan interests, including implementation of Plan 18,” stated Osmani. After finalizing the implementation of Plan 3-6-9, he said, the government in order to maintain a continuation of the integration process has prepared a draft of Plan 18, which includes recommendations of the European Commission report. During its preparation, the non-governmental sector was consulted, as well as experts and the opposition, and representatives of the EU Delegation in Skopje, officials of EU members and the European Commission itself. Conclusions of the subcommittees of the Stabilization and Association Committee, short-term recommendations from assessment missions, recommendations from OSCE/ODIHR, the Venice Commission, GRECO, etc, are incorporated in the document. “The reform-oriented Plan 18, put together by the Secretariat for European Affairs, the ministries of justice, the interior, information society and administration and finance, is a document compiled in probably the most inclusive political process in the country, involving numerous meetings and exchange of ideas and suggestions with the civil sector, the opposition, etc. Hence, it deserves to be singled out from daily politics and to gain the support it needs,” Osmani said. Each of the four areas from Plan 18 will feature press briefings with ministers in order to inform the public about the measures that should be taken in a defined timeframe. The first meeting is scheduled on Friday with Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski and heads of the institutions in the security and intelligence sector.


SPO: VMRO-DPMNE’s assets frozen after court order (MIA)


A Skopje court upon request of the Special Public prosecution (SPO) issued an order for a temporary measure to freeze the assets owned by the political party VMRO-DPMNE as part of an investigation into allegations of unlawful political financing. The court said Thursday the order was made following a request from the special prosecution office dealing with cases related to a wiretapping scandal that broke in 2015. The prosecution office asked for a freeze on the selling or leasing of 69 real estate properties owned by the VMRO-DPMNE party, including its headquarters. The party had announced it intended to lease its headquarters building and sell one apartment in the capital, Skopje. Prosecutors began an investigation in May 2017 against 14 people, including former conservative prime minister Nikola Gruevski, on allegations the party received 4.9 million euros in unlawful funding.


Albania-Kosovo joint customs near finalization (ADN)


Albania and Kosovo are ready to decide on a joint customs point and the Albania's biggest port city of Durres will become a joint customs for all goods entering from the port to Kosovo, Prime Minister Edi Rama said on Wednesday, following a government meeting organized in Kukes.

“First, we are not talking about Albania and Kosovo without customs, but we talk about a joint custom for the two countries,” Rama said, adding that the government of Albania is ready to implement an agreement. He said that the deal will be ready soon and will be presented in a joint government meeting between Albania and Kosovo to be organized in late November. “It is the right of both our states to make an agreement,” he noted. According to PM Rama, the joint customs point is possible and facilitating for all, since it maximizes entrepreneurship and procedures by cutting time. “We have an open discussion with Serbia and Macedonia and other countries in the field of economic and trade cooperation,” Rama said, adding that in the EU countries have complete open boundaries and move without any problems. “This is what we want to do here,” Rama noted. The PM emphasized that the countries of the region must take all the measures to reduce waiting time in borders. Rama also spoke about the construction of the Kukes airport, considering it as a strategic project not only for Albania but also for Kosovo. He also said that the airport will boost economic development in the entire northeast Albania with an indisputable impact on the national economy and the economy of Kosovo. The reconstruction works for the Kukes airport will start very soon in order to be operational by autumn 2019, Rama said.  The Kukes airport will mainly service flights of low-cost carriers and will be used by an annual 300,000 passengers, Rama added. The PM added the contract for the reconstruction and maintenance of the airport is expected to be signed by late 2018 or early 2019.




Macedonia Name Deal's Fate Still in Doubt in Athens (BIRN, by Ana Maria Luca, 31 October 2018)


As Skopje pushes forward to change its constitution to implement the 'name' deal with Greece, the ratification of agreement by Athens might be threatened by domestic politics, a Greek diplomat told BIRN.

As Skopje pushes forward with constitutional changes to implement the ‘name’ deal with Greece, there’s a race against time going on in Athens, retired Greek diplomat and former ambassador to Kosovo Dimitris Moschopoulos told BIRN in an interview. “The name deal has a chance only if the agreement comes to the Greek parliament for ratification as long as the current Greek government is still in place,” Moschopoulos explained. “If elections take place in Greece before that and the government loses, the current opposition would kill it,” he warned. The deal, which would see Macedonia’s name changed to assuage Greek sensibilities, needs to be adopted with a simple majority vote in the Greek parliament - 151 votes out of 300. The main opposition parties, as well as Syriza's populist junior coalition allies, the Independent Greeks, will vote against the deal. “But it seems that some independents will vote in favour and this way the government would be able to get the 151 votes to pass the agreement," Moschopoulos pointed out. This means the fate of the deal depends on when elections take place in Greece. “The current deadline is in October 2019. But the government can set the date of elections anytime they feel their chances are better. There is talk of the elections taking place at the same time as the European elections on May 29,” Moschopoulos explained. Pre-election opinion polls do not look good for Syriza. The most recent opinion poll released by ProtoThema newspaper in Greece suggested that New Democracy would win with 36.8 per cent, while Syriza would only get 23.7 per cent. “More than that, some devilish rumours in Athens also say that the government might even declare early elections before the agreement reaches parliament so that the hot potato would be in the opposition's yard,” Moschopoulos said. The truth is that for Greece, the stakes are not as high as they are for Macedonia, he explained. While Skopje’s hoped-for NATO membership depends on solving its differences with its neighbours, for Greece the matter of Macedonia is just a topic that nationalists and conservatives can play with, he added. Moschopoulos said that the government in Athens did not do a great job of informing the public properly about the deal, which would see Macedonia renamed the Republic of North Macedonia. “Their only concern was how to divide the opposition. The leadership of the opposition has agreed throughout the years on the position that Greece would favour a solution with a composite name which includes Macedonia, but also a geographical adjective,” he said. “But at the same time, the majority of the people and the New Democracy opposition party rejected this idea. They don't want the word Macedonia in the name of the northern neighbour at all,” he added. The Greek opposition also believes that the Macedonian language, which in the agreement is defined as a south Slavic language, should not be named Macedonian at all. Moreover, citizens of the renamed Republic of North Macedonia should not be called Macedonians. “It is stupid in the 21st Century to fight over who is the rightful descendant of Alexander the Great,” Moschopoulos said. But, he added, saying Macedonian politicians often provoked Greek nationalists. A very telling incident, he says, was the former vice-president of parliament in Skopje, Antonio Milososki, who in 2014 published a picture of himself and members of a group of climbers holding up the Macedonian flag after climbing Mount Olympus. Moschopoulos also said that even if the so-called Prespa Agreement is ratified by both countries, there are still obstacles to be overcome. The agreement might have difficulties at the UN, particularly because on October 3, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that it will bring the deal to the UN Security Council for discussion, arguing that it contravenes international law and the Macedonian constitution. “Nothing is certain in this world,” Moschopulous concluded.