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Belgrade Media Report 05 November 2018



Dacic: Grenada ninth country that withdrew its decision to recognize Kosovo’s independence (Tanjug/Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic announced on Sunday that Grenada is the ninth country that has withdrawn the recognition of Kosovo and Metohija independence. Dacic, who signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and Friendship between the two ministries and two countries with Grenada’s Foreign Minister Peter David, explained that Grenada annulled all previous decisions regarding the status of Kosovo, i.e., the recognition of the southern Serbian province as an independent state. He stressed that Serbia wants to develop relations with Grenada, and that he expects the visit of the foreign minister of that country to Belgrade. David officially handed me a note stating clearly that Grenada has reconsidered its position regarding the status of Kosovo, and that, bearing in mind that a dialogue is taking place, he considers that no decision on the status of Kosovo should be made before its completion, said Dacic. According to Dacic, the note states that Grenada will respect the results of the dialogue, as well as that it annuls or cancels all previously made decisions or statements and declarations regarding the status of Kosovo. Dacic stressed that this meant that Grenada had annulled the status of recognition of Kosovo as an independent state, and estimated that this is another great result, not only in denying Kosovo independence, but also understanding that this problem can be solved only by dialogue. He assessed that this is an incentive for dialogue to come to a solution, and not, as Kosovo considers, that the matter has already been resolved. It seems that this matter has not been solved and will only be seen later, as well as during the vote at Interpol, that it is a false figure on the number of states that recognize Kosovo. Since they have so many countries, they are expected to be admitted to Interpol, and I can guarantee that this will not happen, said Dacic. David pointed out that cooperation with Serbia is based on deep mutual respect for sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs. According to David, the note that was handed down stated that Grenada had decided to review its position on the status of Kosovo. After extensive consideration, the government of Grenada considers that the support to the solution of the future status of Kosovo, through the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, is of utmost importance, and that it is the desired mechanism for achieving a just, lasting and sustainable solution, David pointed out. He said that the Grenada’s government would firmly support the position on which the two sides agree, adding that in the meantime, the government of that country will abolish all previous decisions or statements regarding the status of Kosovo, according to a statement from the Foreign Ministry.


Dacic: Commonwealth of Dominica suspends recognition of independence of “Kosovo” (Tanjug/RTS/Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic visited Dominica on Friday, where he met with top officials of that country. On this occasion, Dacic pointed out that Serbia is continuing its diplomatic activities regarding Kosovo and Metohija and is having talks with a number of countries regarding their previous decisions on the status of Kosovo and Metohija. “I spoke with Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica Roosevelt Skerrit and Foreign Minister Francine Baron about our overall relations and the possibilities of strengthening bilateral relations,” Dacic said. Dacic and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of Dominica signed a Memorandum of Friendship and Cooperation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries, and it was agreed to provide mutual support and assistance.

The Commonwealth of Dominica is the eighth country that no longer recognizes Kosovo as an independent state, said Dacic and reminded that before the Commonwealth of Dominica, the recognition of Kosovo’s independence was withdrawn by Suriname, Liberia, Sao Tome and Principe, Guinea-Bissau, Burundi, Papua New Guinea Guinea and Lesotho. Dacic noted that he also received an official note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of Dominica, where it clearly and accurately states that the government of the Commonwealth of Dominica re-examined its previous decision and suspended it. Note by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of Dominica reads as follows: “The Commonwealth of Dominica suspends his position on recognizing Kosovo until the outcome of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. After careful consideration and in light of the recommendations of the General Assembly of the UN and the International Court of Justice, we have agreed to revise our previous position regarding the recognition of Kosovo as an independent state. The government of the Commonwealth of Dominica believes that its support for the solution of the future status of Kosovo should be support to dialogue of Belgrade and Pristina with the mediation of the EU, rather than defining the status before the end of the dialogue. When the two sides reach an agreement, the Commonwealth of Dominica will consistently support the position agreed between the two sides. For the time being, the government of Commonwealth of Dominica has suspended its position on the recognition of Kosovo until the outcome of the said dialogue,” the note reads.


Elections for National Councils end (RTS)


Members of 22 national minorities in Serbia elected their representatives on Sunday. At the third regular elections 511,969 people were eligible to vote. All of the 926 polling stations were opened on time where 467,545 people, who were registered in special electoral lists, voted, the Republic Election Commission (RIK) stated. Asked about the incident in Vranje, RIK President Vladimir Dimitrijevic said: “We in RIK didn’t receive any kind of objection or remark to the entire election process, this is the first time I hear about this. If there is any objection of the election board, we will examine this at one of the following sessions.” Relatively small turnout was registered in northern Serbia. There were 63 polling stations. Most of the voters were Hungarians and Bunjevac members, and according to the first preliminary results, there will be no changes in the leadership of the national councils of these minorities. “The list number 1 has a convincing lead, but I would have certainly liked if the turnout was far greater. We have data that turnout was 20 percent,” the President of the Bunjevac National Council Suzana Kujundzic Ostojic, who is also the head of the list “Bunjevac members together”, told RTS. She noted the omission in the special electoral list where people who were on this list last year were not registered now. The leader of the Union of Vojvodina Hungarians Istvan Pastor announced the victory of the list “Hungarian Unity”, which is supported by this union, and stated that this list won 30 seats our out of 3 in the National Council, and that there will be no changes. “Based on 85 percent of the processed votes, the ‘Hungarian Unity’ won 30 out of 35 mandates in the new convocation of the National Council of Hungarians in Serbia,” said Pastor. He said voter turnout was two-three percent smaller than four years ago, and according to him, it was 36 percent, which he assessed as satisfactory. “The message sent to us by voters is confirmation of great support to the people from the ‘Hungarian Unity’ and the policy of the Union of Vojvodina Hungarians,” said Pastor, underlining that he is very satisfied with the results of the elections for the National Council of the Hungarian national minority. Voter turnout was also small in Presevo and Bujanovac, where six lists were submitted for the National Council of Albanians, which has 15 members. By 7p.m. around 40 percent voted in Presevo, and around 37 percent in Bujanovac. According to the processed polling stations (ten percent of polling stations), the “Alternative for Changes” of the current Head of the municipality Sciprim Arifi is in the lead, followed by the “Party for Democratic Action” and “Democratic Party” of Ragmi Mustafa. “Croats Together”, led by Jasna Vojnic, won on Sunday all the seats in the Croatian National Council (HNV), a 29-member umbrella organization that represents the 58,000-strong Croatian community in promoting education, media, culture and the official use of the Croatian language in Serbia. The electors are Croats who have gathered at least 60 certified signatures of support from their community. Of those 77 electors, 74 voted for the “Croats Together” slate led by the Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina (DSHV) and a few other Croat associations and prominent members from their community. Jasna Vojnic said that the new, fourth Croatian National Council will evenly develop the institutions in all communities where members of the Croat minority live. “The Council is meant to be a link with the church, the motherland and with the majority nation as well as with all other ethnic minorities,” she said. The DSHV leader Tomislav Zigmanov said after the election that the victory was ensured despite obstructions in the organization of the elections, the dissemination of defeatism and unfavorable political circumstances. “Being committed to our unity, we have managed to win the confidence of a large number of citizens,” he added. Zigmanov said that the Croat community in Serbia wishes to be a partner to the authorities and a link and ally in total relations with Croatia.


Ugljanin declares victory (RTS)


The voting in Novi Pazar for representatives of the 35-member Bosniak National Council (BNV) passed peacefully and without irregularities. The head the list “Self-Determination” Sulejman Ugljanin declared victory at the elections for the new convocation of the BNV. He says that BNV will be a good partner to Serbia, Montenegro, B&H and the international community in resolving all problems of Bosniaks, but also other nations. He announced that he will form a majority with the councilors from the list “It is Vakat” with whom it has a signed agreement. Muamer Zukorlic stressed that he received the trust of voters in Novi Pazar and that he lost with a small difference in Sjenica and Tutin. He says that the “Matica Bosniak” received most votes in Belgrade, Nova Varos, Priboj, Prijepolje and other towns in Serbia. Sait Kacapor, the head of the list “It is Vakat” assessed that this list has not reason to be unsatisfied with the achieved results considering that the other two lists were led by leaders of parties and that this certainly had impact on voters. They are an independent list and they conducted a mild campaign, said Kacapor. According to the preliminary results, Ugljanin will have 15 councilors, Zukrolic will have 13, and “It is Vakat” will have seven in the future BNV. The list “Stari Dedo” took part in the elections, but it didn’t manage to win one single mandate.


Komsic: Belgrade and Zagreb have to know that state border is on Drina River and Una River, respect that and you will not have any problem with me (Telegraf)


In an interview given to the Serbia daily Telegraf, newly-elected Croat member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic said that the border with Serbia is on the Drina River and this has to be respected otherwise problems will emerge. Komsic stated that as a B&H Presidency member he will be fully committed to good and friendly relations of B&H with Croatia and Serbia, but that Belgrade and Zagreb have to know that the state border is on the Drina River and the Una River respectively. He explained that his words do not represent threats but the only thing he wants is for B&H to be respected. “I want them to respect the limits, both the physical borders of this country and the limits of polite and normal behavior, not to mention the usual diplomatic behavior and respect towards sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H” Komsic explained. Komsic also stated during his interview that he will defend B&H from any attempt of interfering in its internal affairs. As for B&H’s relations with Serbia and Croatia, Komsic said that these countries can certainly count on him. “I am only asking you, in both Zagreb and Belgrade, to know where you cross the border and where you show your documents – on the Rivers of Sava, Drina and Una. You should only respect that and you will not have any problem with me,” Komsic was quoted as saying. Komsic also stressed in the interview that the Election Law of B&H will never be amended in a way in which HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic wants it to be amended. Komsic also said that citizens of B&H are forced to defend themselves from deepening discrimination, the aim of which is to suspend the Constitution (of B&H), which already has several discriminatory elements. According to him, “we are obliged to defend even that kind of Constitution because it is pre-requisite for survival of the state”. Komsic also said that he knows that Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik and the RS will follow the stance of Serbia when it comes to NATO. Komsic added, however, that Dodik might possibly prevent the country’s decision to become a member of the NATO, “but when it comes to the Membership Action Plan, which is the last step towards full-fledged membership, is already a done deal and those decisions have been made already”.




Statement of newly-elected Croat member of B&H Presidency Komsic sparks reactions (RTRS)


In an interview given to Serbia-based Telegraf daily, newly-elected Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said that the border with Serbia is on the Drina River and this has to be respected otherwise problems will emerge. Commenting on Komsic’s statements, current Republika Srpska (RS) President and newly-elected Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik (SNSD) said that Komsic does not have political power or constitutional competences to convey such messages to anyone, adding that he cannot teach the RS, especially not Serbia, a lesson. Dodik stressed that the RS respects the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the Constitution of B&H and knows very well where the borders are. “This border is a sad fact for all Serbs, including me. Therefore, we like to say that the Drina River is not the border that separates us, but it is just a river that connects our people. Komsic knows this very well, the same as he knows that he cannot do anything about it,” Dodik said. Commenting on Komsic’s statement that Dodik cannot speak about B&H’s path towards the NATO on behalf of the Serb people but only on behalf of SNSD or people who voted for him in the elections, Dodik reminded that the decision on B&H’s accession to the NATO has never been reached. He noted that Komsic knows that the RS parliament has passed the resolution on military neutrality. “Komsic must not judge by himself as Croats do not allow him to speak on their behalf. Unlike him, the Serb people in B&H authorized me with some 370,000 votes to speak on their behalf. The Constitution of B&H does not recognize a civic member of B&H Presidency that Komsic is trying to hide behind,” Dodik concluded. RS parliament deputy speaker Nenad Stevandic said that Komsic is frustrated with the fact that he is not a legitimate representative of any of the three constituent peoples in B&H, but other officials are forced to cooperate with him as he was elected in the Presidency. “We will closely follow his actions and we will exert much effort to prevent him from doing too much damage,” said Stevandic.


Finci: Inzko needs to use ‘Bonn powers’ (Dnevni list)


One of the appellants before the European Court for Human Rights and President of Jewish Community in B&H Jakob Finci said that Head of the EU Delegation Lars- Gunnar Wigemark is a representative of the EU and not the protector who needs to impose his stances upon our politicians. “If there was luck, High Representative Valentin Inzko would do that by using his Bonn powers, because the OHR is the only implementing and monitoring the implementation of DPA. Entity constitutions should have been harmonized with the Dayton Constitution within three months after signing of the DPA, and we know that Federation of B&H and Republika Srpska (RS) Constitutions are not harmonized with it to this day,” said Finci. He noted that if B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) would breach Federation of B&H Constitution it would also breach the conclusions of the Council of Europe, which clearly say that no move shall be made to distance B&H from implementation of ECHR ruling in ‘Sejdic- Finci’ case and the latest moves of B&H CEC are not only doing that, but they literary prevent its implementation. “I deem that CoE will not appeal this decision of B&H CEC, just as they did nothing in nine years after ‘Sejdic- Finci’ ruling was not implemented,” said Finci. He stressed that Annex VII of DPA has not been implemented yet and as a legalist he deems that it is necessary to use 1991 census in forming of authorities.


HR Inzko informs high-ranking US officials about situation in B&H (TV1)


High Representative Valentin Inzko is in Washington this week ahead of his briefing to the UN Security Council (UN SC) on the status of peace implementation in B&H. Inzko met with high-ranking US officials in Washington and informed them about the situation related to the general elections in B&H and the post-election atmosphere. Inzko pointed out that citizens expect a lot from the newly-elected authorities. According to the High Representative, the attention in the pre-election period once again focused on divisions, while there was lack of attention when it comes to the real issues that are important for B&H. The High Representative was quoted as saying: “The citizens of B&H and the international community have high expectations from the future authorities, which should be formed as soon as possible. Urgent and resolute undertaking of reforms is required for progress in the EU accession process. A top priority needs to be set on the economy, and finding ways to reverse the trend of young people – the most vital part of the population – leaving in large numbers.” Inzko held a meeting with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Palmer and other senior officials of the US, at which he informed them on the election process and results, challenges ahead of new authorities and engagement of the international community in B&H.


RS authorities send report to UN SC (Hayat)


Republika Srpska (RS) government adopted and sent the 20th RS’ report to the UN Security Council (UN SC). Reporter noted that this report consists from two parts. First part of the report talks about recently held elections in B&H, while the second part represents special report named ‘Subversion of the Dayton system’. Among other things, the first part of the report reads that election of Sefik Dzaferovic to the post of Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H has disturbed Serbs and represents mockery of the rule of law and reconciliation, because it has been proved that Dzaferovic is linked with war crimes committed against Serbs by ‘El Mujahid’ unit. RS expressed discontent with the fact Zeljko Komsic was elected Croat member of B&H Presidency, because Bosniaks mostly voted for him. “This is the evidence why it is of essential importance to enable every constituent people in B&H, including Croats to elect its representative in the Presidency of B&H,” reads the report. Also, in its report the RS informed the UN SC about attempts of SDA and other Bosniak parties to achieve predominance in B&H, adding that this represents violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). The second part of the report emphasizes that the Office of High Representative (OHR) has been advocating abolition of the RS. The UN SC was also informed about foreign interference and especially interference of the US with the election process and internal issues in B&H. Reporter noted that part of the RS’ report is dedicated to work of B&H Prosecutor’s Office. Among other things, this part of the report reads that that Prosecutor’s Office has been protecting SDA politicians from war crimes investigations. It also emphasized preparedness of the RS to work with all actors in on issues important for all peoples in B&H.


Coalitions excluding SDA about to be formed in five cantons (Dnevni avaz)


The political parties who have been negotiating cantonal authority without SDA are waiting on confirmation of the election results by the B&H Central Election Commission in order to officially form the authority in the Sarajevo Canton, Zenica-Doboj, Tuzla, Una-Sana and Bosnia-Podrinje cantons. NiP (People and Justice) leader Elmedin Konamkovic, NB Vice-president Fuad Kasumovic, President of SDP Cantonal Board in Tuzla Enver Bijedic and one of A-SDA founders Rifet Hozanovic confirmed this information for the daily. In a statement, Konakovic said that 24 out of 35 representatives in the SC Assembly are willing to support formation of authority without SDA. He also announced a meeting with SBB B&H and NBL later this week, when they will finalize their negotiations on new coalition and their priorities. Bijedic told the daily that they have necessary majority in the Tuzla Canton Assembly to form authority without SDA. He explained that they have 19 votes in the Assembly, including 10 SDP representatives, three from SD, two from SBB B&H, two from the Our Party and two from SB&H. Kasumovic told the daily that their bloc in the ZDC has 21 representatives in the ZDC Assembly and they will form the authority without SDA. Daily noted that nine political parties are participating in negotiations on formation of authority in Bosnia-Podrinje Canton, including SDP, SB&H, SBB B&H, DF, Gorazdanska prica, NB, Our Party, A-SDA and NBL.


Grabar-Kitarovic dismisses accusations on interfering with regard to Election Law of B&H (Slobodna Dalmacija)


In a statement for Slobodna Dalmacija, Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic decisively dismissed any kind of accusations on interfering with internal matters by requesting amendments to the Election Law of B&H. She reminded that it was the B&H Constitutional Court that ruled that the Election Law of B&H is unconstitutional. “Therefore, all we ask is for this law to be harmonized with the Constitution,” Grabar-Kitarovic was quoted as saying. She stressed that Croatia is not the only one requesting amendments to the Election Law of B&H. “Therefore, together with other countries that insist on amendments to this law, including the member states of the EU and the US, we will insist on formation of functional and legitimate authorities for the sake of everyone in B&H,” Grabar-Kitarovic was quoted as saying.


Zagreb Mayor Bandic decorated by Russian President Putin (Hina)


The Russian Federation's President Vladimir Putin on Sunday awarded a decoration to the mayor of the Croatian capital city of Zagreb, Milan Bandic, for his efforts in strengthening friendship between the nations, according to a press release issued by the Office of the Zagreb Mayor. During the ceremony, Bandic said that he expected the continuation of the enhancement of cooperation between the Croatian and the Russian people. President Putin thanked the recipients of the Order of Friendship for their contribution to the promotion of the relations with Russia and its culture.


Hahn: Parliament is the only forum for political discussion (Pobjeda)


The Commissionaire for European Neighborhood Policy, Johannes Hahn, said it clearly – forum for political discussion in Montenegro is Montenegrin parliament. The Commissionaire was asked to comment on the announcement of the Civic Movement URA and the Democrats that they were going to form non-institutional forum that would deal with electoral legislation.

“The Commissionaire expects that all political parties that support Montenegrin EU journey participate actively in the work of temporary assembly committee that has just been established,” said the representatives of Hahn’s office. The Montenegrin parliament adopted Tuesday the decision on the formation of the Committee for the reform of electoral and other legislation that was formed with the aim of optimizing the overall environment in which the next election cycles will be held. Just a couple of hours later in his Twitter post Hahn welcomed the formation of this Committee and said he expected everybody’s engagement. Ten hours after Hahn’s post, URA and Democrats did completely the opposite of the expectations of Hahn. Leaders of these two parties, Dritan Abazovic and Aleksa Becic announced the participation in the work of their own forum, that would consist of their advocates and would act outside the parliament. This way, they clearly neglected the requirements of Brussels, although it wasn’t long ago when they presented their reform plans to the Commissionaire Hahn right at the EU headquarters.


Zaev: Four amendments to the Constitution, Ohrid Agreement will be added in the Preamble (Meta)


Through an inclusive and transparent process, the Government has drafted four draft amendments to amend the Constitution in accordance with the Prespa Agreement, announced Prime Minister Zoran Zaev at a the press conference in Government. “The first amendment will be the replacement of the name Macedonia, with Northern Macedonia throughout the Constitution, except for Article 36, where there is a historical aspect. The second refers to the Preamble of the Constitution, where the decisions of ASNOM are replaced with the proclamation of the First ASNOM meeting and the Ohrid Framework Agreement is added to be a constitutive element of the state. In the third amendment, only one paragraph has been added, and that is that the Republic respects the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of the neighboring countries, which gives stronger guarantees of the durability and inviolability of the borders with Greece, although it applies to all neighbors. In the fourth amendment, in addition to confirming the Macedonian identity, it states that the Republic protects the rights and interests of its citizens home or abroad, and promotes their ties to the homeland,” said Zaev. Answering a journalist’s question as to why he changed the decision for the Ohrid Framework Agreement to be part of the Constitution, the prime minister said that after a debate with MPs, he decided since the Constitution was already being opened, that the important document should be added, which has already been incorporated into the Constitution. “The Ohrid Framework Agreement has been fully incorporated into the Constitution so far, and the argument that was given during the debate with MPs and the Government was that while the Constitution is open, it is time to include the title of the Framework Agreement as a constituent element because it is part of our Constitution, and therefore we decided that it should remain,” Zaev said. When asked what was disputed with ASNOM to change this in the Constitution, Zaev said that now the Constitution will refer to the announcement of ASNOM, instead of the decisions of ASNOM because, if the change is not made, it would cause certain problems in certain points in the future of the cooperation between Macedonia and Greece. “This is because part of the decisions from ASNOM say “Macedonians from Greece and Bulgaria are united”. That is not friendship. The proclamation does not have that part and we refer to it because it talks about the unity in the country, democracy for statehood, freedom and human rights, and that is a fair approach to building friendship,” Zaev said. The prime minister said that academic experts assessed that the draft amendments were in accordance with international law, adding that the full text would be announced and appealed for the process to continue with the same inclusive dialogue.


The court rejected Gruevski’s plea to postpone his jail sentence (Meta)


The Criminal court rejected the former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski’s plea for postponement of the jail sentence to two years for the SPO’s case named “Tank”. Gruevski’s attorney’s requested that he doesn’t go to jail on the 8th of November because of his obligations as an MP and the obligations that have come out from the writing of his book that is related to his doctorate. “The judge for the implementation of sanctions at the Basic Court 1 – Skopje, acting upon the plea for delaying of the sanction determined by a verdict in the case of “Tank” has made a decision with which it will reject the plea. The decision made by the judge for the carrying out of the sanctions was sent to the parties that are involved in the procedure” informs the court. After this Gruevski has a deadline in the next three days to lodge a complaint again to the Criminal court which also has a deadline to decide and reply upon the plea. Gruevski was sentenced to two years imprisonment in the case of “Tank” and according to the court order he will have to report by the latest on the 8th of November at the prison Shutka.


President refused to decree, Lleshi will be deputy minister (ADN)


Prime Minister, Edi Rama will appoint on Tuesday Sander Lleshi as the new deputy Interior Minister, after the refusal by Albanian President, Ilir Meta to decree him as the Minister.

The decision to appoint Lleshi as new Deputy Minister came at Monday's meeting of Socialist Party (SP) Parliamentary Group, while President Meta refused to decree him as new Interior Minister after not being convinced that he is appropriate for the important duty of this Ministry.

SP announced that there will be a extraordinary plenary session on Tuesday to vote for the discharge of former Interior Minister, Fatmir Xhafaj and appoint Lleshi as the new deputy Interior Minister. The government will command General Sander Lleshi as deputy Interior Minister with all the powers of the Minister. Rama made a warning on Monday, immediately after the end of SP Parliamentary Group meeting. "The Parliament will approve the decree of the President for the dismissal of the former Interior Minister tomorrow. Sander Lleshi will take the post of Interior Ministry as deputy Minister, but it's not the end. I will talk more on Tuesday's parliamentary session," stated Rama.




Serbian PM remains cautious on Kosovo peace settlement (Financial Times, by Tony Barber, 4 November 2018)


Progress is far from guaranteed despite US and EU support for the dialogue

Serbia and its former province Kosovo are a long way from a comprehensive peace settlement, despite having opened talks on a possible exchange of territory to smooth a deal, according to Ana Brnabic, Serbia’s prime minister. “Personally, I’d like some kind of agreement as soon as possible. But I do not think that in reality we are anywhere near an agreement,” Ms Brnabic told the Financial Times in an interview. The premier’s cautionary remarks serve as a reminder that extremely delicate cultural, historical, political and territorial issues are under discussion between the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo, and progress is far from guaranteed despite US and EU support for the dialogue. “I often say that we are currently stuck in a bit of a schizophrenic position, which is between 21st-century politics and 19th-century politics,” Ms Brnabic said, referring to the occasional outbreak of ethnic tensions and even violence this year in Kosovo.

She said that Kosovo’s ethnic Albanian leaders were making a profound mistake if they presumed that the dialogue with Belgrade would result in formal Serbian recognition of Kosovo’s independence. “When they think that, ‘Yes, Serbia’s just going to recognise our independence’, well, it’s obviously not going to happen,” Ms Brnabic said. “They need to move from their comfortable position and meet us halfway, where we are waiting for them. Let’s make a compromise, whatever that compromise might entail.” Ms Brnabic disputed the commonly held view in Brussels that full recognition of Kosovo is a precondition for Serbia’s accession to the EU. The lack of unanimity among EU governments on Kosovo’s status means that a “long-term normalisation agreement” between Belgrade and Pristina would be sufficient to permit Serbia’s entry, she contended. Ms Brnabic stressed Serbia’s interest in a deal, saying: “Each day that we lose in this frozen conflict is a day that could have been won for a more stable, prosperous future for all of us.” Ms Brnabic was speaking on Thursday on the sidelines of a conference at Oxford university’s Blavatnik School of Government. One day earlier, she held talks in Minsk with Hashim Thaci, Kosovo’s president, who is conducting the main negotiations with Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia’s president. She said she had told Mr Thaci: “I’m wondering if there is a wish, an honest desire, from some of the politicians in Pristina actually to continue dialogue and come to an agreement”. If a land swap were to go ahead, parts of Serb-inhabited northern Kosovo might come under Serbia’s authority, and Kosovo might acquire three largely ethnic Albanian areas of Serbia’s Presevo valley. Ms Brnabic said she disagreed that such a deal would open a “Pandora’s box” in the Balkans, a region whose modern history has been plagued with ethnic and territorial disputes. “Pandora’s box was opened exactly 10 years ago, when countries recognised the independence of Kosovo. What we’re trying to do is to close that Pandora’s box. You can’t say that 10 years ago we were ready to change borders, but today we can’t talk about changing borders,” she said. An exchange of territory, even if agreed, would not be enough for a peace deal, she warned. “It’s one part of a potential final settlement. But the final agreement, if reached, will have to be much more comprehensive. It will have to include human rights, minority rights, economic co-operation, long-term co-operation between Serbs and Albanians, learning each other’s language and cultural heritage, churches and monasteries.”

Reviewing Serbia’s EU membership talks, Ms Brnabic said: “I would love it if we were able to join by 2025, but this is a very ambitious target. I think it is much more important that we are ready to join, rather than to join if we are not fully ready. If you are not fit for the EU, it’s a lose-lose situation. The EU becomes weaker, and your own country becomes weaker as well.”