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Belgrade Media Report 07 November 2018



Dacic: Union of the Comoros withdraws recognition of Kosovo (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic announced today at a press conference, which was also attended by Foreign Minister of Comoros Mohamed El Amine Souef, that this country withdrew recognition of Kosovo. In this regard, Dacic expressed his gratitude to the island state in the Indian Ocean, recalling that Comoros is the tenth country to decide on such a move. We are not against Kosovo, we are against imposing unilateral acts as a final matter, he said, and added that Belgrade will continue to present to the world’s partners the arguments that Kosovo’s independence is an illegal and illegitimate act. Minister of Comoros said that Comoros supports the territorial integrity of Serbia. For us, Kosovo is an integral part of your territory, he said, adding that his country supports the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. In a note dated 1 November, it is stated that Comoros has withdrawn the recognition of Kosovo in order to enable two parties to achieve a fair, equal and lasting political solution to the Kosovo status issue. Speaking about the possibility of Kosovo joining Interpol later this month, Dacic reiterated today in Belgrade that Pristina has no desire to join this international organization in order to fight crime, but to show that Kosovo is independent. “If I were to be cynical - almost the entire leadership of Kosovo is already in Interpol - on Interpol’s arrest warrants,” Dacic said. He added that the West may have promised Interpol to Kosovo, but one should wait for the vote.” He stressed that, for example, the Union of the Comoros will not support Kosovo, even though they are on their list.” Dacic also said that Austria would vote in favor of admitting Kosovo to Interpol, but stressed that at the same time, this country would not grant Pristina visa liberalization. “You want to let them in Interpol, but you won't give them visa liberalization because you don't want them coming to you,” Dacic observed, and added that while Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz on Tuesday in Pristina raised a glass of champagne regarding the Interpol membership, it remains to be seen who will cheer last.


Dacic: No diplomatic effect from protest note (RTS)


Speaking about the decision of the provisional institutions in Pristina to increase tax by 10 percent from goods from Serbia, Minister Dacic told RTS this shows that leaders in Pristina do not want to continue the dialogue with Belgrade, which has been agreed to continue at the end of the week, but that Belgrade is ready to continue the dialogue if Pristina wants an agreement. Dacic says it has become a rule that there are various incidents in Kosovo and Metohija when a possibility of resumption of the dialogue is announced. “This can no longer be a coincidence. It shows that leaders from Pristina do not want progress of the dialogue, they don’t want compromise. They want to return to the old policy – everything is resolved,” says Dacic. “What are they thinking, that we will support Kosovo? What kind of wild campaign this is? I received yesterday a report from New York, where the general consul of Kosovo is organizing a reception for heads of missions in the UN, where Nicki Haley is speaking. They are lobbying everywhere for independence, Western and Islamic countries are helping them, but they object when Serbia points to the fact that there is no recognition of status without ending the dialogue. They are saying that it is lies and slander that they withdrew recognition. There are no wilder moves than when unilateral moves are made,” says Dacic. “What are they reacting to? To Serbia’s position not to recognize Kosovo? We are not fighting against Kosovo, but for the basic principles of international law. No one recognizes unilateral acts, and so won't Serbia,” Dacic said. He also said that Pristina’s decision to raise the tax was not a matter for Serbia, but for the international community. Commenting the fact that the Kosovo flag found itself on Notre Dame, Dacic says Belgrade cannot change this. “This is not the first time, this has been going on for years and we are talking with Western countries since Kosovo also took part in World War I parades in the past, even though this is a mourning day for them since they were on the wrong side in the war,” said Dacic. He reminds that French President Emanuel Macron is coming at the beginning of December, which is an opportunity to discuss all topics. He thinks that a protest note represents straining of relations, and there is no diplomatic effect from this. “On the other side, what is necessary? For Vucic not to go to the gathering? There would be more harm from Vucic not going than from him going,” said Dacic.


Mondoloni: Ceremony in Paris dedicated to peace and dead, and not to victors (RTV)


Commenting the controversy that has spurred political ghosts not only in Serbia, the placing of the flag of Kosovo in Notre Dame at the final ceremony of the marking of the centennial of the end of World War I, French Ambassador to Serbia Frederic Mondoloni, told Radio and Television of Vojvodina (RTV) that French President Emanuel Macron doesn’t see this event as the celebration of victors, but as a way of marking peace, so he invited, along with Kosovo, some other states that didn’t even exist during the time of World War I. There has been much controversy and misunderstanding of this issue, but France in no way brings into question the role and suffering of Serbia in the Great War, says Mondoloni. The ceremony of marking on 11 November is dedicated to peace and the memory of the dead of all sides to this conflict. “That is why Macron decided to invite to Paris the presidents of all countries whose predecessors took part in the war in some way, victors, defeated, and even countries that didn’t exist. We have Kosovo, but we also have Uzbekistan, Kirgizstan, Kazakhstan, Ireland, Australia, all of them were not independent countries in 1918, but they lost their children in World War I. Thus, the Kosovo flag, thus the controversy here, which I completely understand from the Belgrade angle,” said Mondoloni.  Looking back at the media speculation that the presence of leaders of four big world powers, the presidents of the US, Russia, Germany and France, along with the participation of Presidents of Serbia and Kosovo, on 11 November in Paris, could be an event where an agreement on future Belgrade-Pristina relations could be finalized, Mondoloni said: “We are always hoping! We always hoping! Of course, there will be a lot of people in Paris, Trump and Putin, and Chancellor Merkel too. I know that it wasn’t easy over everything that was happening with the flag of Kosovo, but I think this is an excellent decision of President Vucic, because otherwise it would be abnormal and unjust towards the Serb victims from World War I for the Serbian President not to attend this ceremony. I know this was difficult, but France is happy that Serbia will be in Paris at the highest level.” France doesn’t oppose the idea on delineation of Serbia proper and Kosovo, underlined the French Ambassador, stressing that it is up to Vucic and Thaci to see how they wish to talk. “If this opportunity can help progress of talks between Serbia and Kosovo we would be very happy. We should not imagine what could happen,” he said.


Djuric: International community must react to Pristina’s decision, Brussels dialogue blocked (Beta)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said that Serbia demanded an immediate and decisive reaction on the part of the international community to the Kosovo authorities’ decision to raise taxes on imports from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina by 10 percent. “The responsibility for stopping this economic and legal violence lies with the international community,” Djuric told a news conference in the Serbian government building.

Djuric said that Pristina’s decision blocked and prevented the continuation of the dialogue in

Brussels until Pristina withdrew this illegal and harmful decision which was politically motivated and contrary to all agreements. Djuric said that Serbia would protect the interests of

Serbs, adding that the trade war between Belgrade and Pristina is a direct clash with normalcy.


EU: Pristina to explain increase of taxes on goods from Serbia and B&H (RTS)


Brussels is requesting an urgent explanation on the unexpected decision of the Kosovo government to increase by ten percent taxes on goods from Serbia and B&H. “These measures are clear violation of Kosovo’s obligations within the CEFTA agreement on free trade,” the EU spokesperson Maja Kocijancic announced. She says that the EU expects Kosovo, which is presiding over CEFTA presently, to withdraw the decision and completely respect the obligations stemming from the free trade agreement. The decision by the government in Pristina undermines regional cooperation, including the regional economic zone, and it is not in accordance with the principles from the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the EU and Kosovo, reads the press release signed by Kocijancic.


EU announces that Vucic and Thaci will meet on Thursday (Tanjug/B92)


EU High Representative Federica Mogherini will host on 8 November the top-level meeting in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels. “At the meeting, the two leaders are expected to confirm their readiness to intensify the work to reach a legally binding agreement on comprehensive normalization, which is crucial for their respective European paths,” said a press release posted on the EEAS website.


Jerinic might take over position of SDS leader from Vukota Govedarica (Novosti)


Novosti learned that member of SDS Main Board Boris Jerinic is the most serious candidate for taking over the position of SDS leader from Vukota Govedarica in inter-party elections, which will be held at the beginning of next year. The daily also noted that Jerinic enjoys support of SDS Doboj, SDS of Sarajevo-Romanija Region, SDS Teslic, SDS Bijeljina and SDS Zvornik. Sources from SDS stated that Govedarica lost the support of more than 85% of members of the Main Board of SDS and added: “There is great dissatisfaction in SDS because of election debacle. Ignoring of boards throughout the RS contributed to this and they demanded responsibility of the current leader of SDS for poor election result”.




HR Inzko presents report to UN SC (FTV)


High Representative Valentin Inzko presented the report on implementation of the peace agreement on Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) before the UN Security Council (UN SC) in New York on Tuesday. This report covers the period from April 22 until October 15, 2018. Presenting the report, Inzko stated that the pre-election rhetoric ahead of the recently held general elections in B&H has strengthened negative trends, due to which the situation in B&H deteriorated in the last six months. Inzko expressed concern over escalation of that rhetoric which was used for calling for divisions, hate speech and intimidation of voters. Inzko added that the post-election period was marked by complaints against election irregularities. The High Representative specified: “The victory of Mr. (DF leader and newly-elected Croat member of B&H Presidency) Zeljko Komsic over the outgoing Croat Presidency member Dragan Covic has led a number of officials from the HDZ B&H and from neighboring Croatia to declare the election illegitimate and even illegal or anti-Dayton, despite the fact that it was carried out according to the same rules used in every past election.” As for formation of authorities, the High Representative stressed that it is too early to speak about possible coalitions. “While some may have the political goal of wishing to change the current system, this cannot be used to deny legality of a process conducted in line with the law and the peace agreement, nor it can be misused to justify future boycotts or blockades,” he noted. In addition, Inzko said that the last several months showed serious deficiencies in the rule of law and he reminded of the failure to implement final decisions of judicial authorities like in the case of Bozo Ljubic, elections in Mostar, equality of Serbs as a constituent people in certain cantons, along with ‘Sejdic-Finci’ ruling and related cases. Inzko went on to say: “In addition to the issue of unimplemented court decisions, B&H is also facing a problem with deep-rooted public disappointment in the criminal justice system’s seeming incapacity to tackle corruption and deal with organized crime. Inzko also warned that, given the complex constitutional structure and internal political tensions, increase in the number of migrants could lead to a humanitarian crisis. He concluded that the EU integration is a bright spot in the political landscape over the last six months. Inzko also said that prospects for lasting reconciliation in B&H are being hindered by certain political actors who are denying and belittling genocide committed in Srebrenica. Inzko commended the work of the B&H Parliament because of the adoption of amendments to the Law on Criminal Procedure. However, Inzko also told the UN SC that responsible political parties in B&H could not reach an agreement to enact amendments to the B&H Election Law that would enable holding of local elections in the City of Mostar, where there have been no local elections since 2008. “Although the Mostar City Council of nine parliamentary parties (SDA, HDZ B&H, HDZ 1990, SDP, SBB, DF, BPS, SNSD and SDS) met nine times from February to June on this issue and reached an agreement on some issues, they failed to reach a final agreement and held no further talks,” Inzko said in the Report.

The country’s aspirations for the EU integration remained firmly on the agenda despite the difficult political environment, and it is noteworthy that following the submission of initial answers to the EC Questionnaire during the previous reporting period, B&H authorities are working on answers to some 650 follow-up questions received in June. “This is a clear sign that this country can achieve a common path,” underlined Inzko. He concluded by stating several recommendations for the new authorities in B&H. He said that B&H authorities must first focus on strengthening the rule of law; second, they must strengthen functioning, independence and stability of B&H’s official institutions and third, they must initiate the country’s economic development. These reforms must be implemented as quickly as possible, he added, considering the large number of youth leaving the country, between 20,000 and 30,000 each year. Inzko also stressed that the fact that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik won the race for the post of Serb member of B&H Presidency has led to a number questions given his past and his statements against B&H. However, he said that is it not appropriate to condemn new authorities, adding that many challenges are ahead of them and he believes in their willingness to respect the Constitution of B&H and to fully implement the Dayton model. According to Inzko’s report, statements disputing sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H were recorded in the previous period. He added that this type of statements was most frequently used by RS President Dodik. Also, Inzko’s report talks about the fact the RS parliament rejected the report on developments in and around Srebrenica in summer of 1995 adopted by the RS government in 2004. He added that this is evidence that the process of reconciliation in B&H has been undermined.


Reactions to Inzko’s report to UN SC (Nezavisne)


Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya disagreed with Inzko’s report on implementation of the peace agreement on B&H before the UN SC in New York and said that Inzko supports one of the sides in B&H. Nebenzya also rejected the policy of sanctions used against Serb political leaders in B&H. Nebenzya said: “We believe that the protectorate policy is behind us. The role of the international community (IC) must be directed towards solving of issues of joint interest that include reform of judiciary and withdrawal of foreign judges from the Constitutional Court of B&H”. Representatives of the UK and the US expressed support to the OHR’s work and the report of the HR. UK Permanent Representative to the UN Karen Pierce said that the OHR remains the main authority in relation to the civic implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement, which includes the UK’s support to use of Bonn Powers if the situation demands this. US Deputy Representative to the UN Jonathan Cohen stated that leaders in B&H must show the will for the path towards the EU and the NATO. RTRS concluded by saying that the RS Government also sent its 20th report to the UN SC, which among other things reads, that the RS is ready to work with all actors in B&H after the elections in order to have a better future and to build closer relations with all interested parties in the IC. Daily reported that even though Russia supported the resolution of extension of EUFOR’s mandate in B&H, Russian representative expressed discontent with the fact that phrase ‘Euro-Atlantic integration’ was included in the draft of resolution. Daily also reported that the UK representative called on Russia not to destabilize B&H, while Russian representative also said that Inzko’s report is promoting the NATO agenda. The US representative said that the United States will hold responsible all politicians who are endangering the territorial integrity of B&H.


Kosarac slams Inzko for asking B&H CoM to implement international agreement on grant of Saudi Arabia to Ejup Ganic’s University (EuroBlic)


Member of SNSD Presidency and newly-elected representative in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Stasa Kosarac commented on a decision of High Representative Valentin Inzko to call B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) to implement an international agreement on grant of Saudi Arabia to University owned by Ejup Ganic (former President of the Federation of B&H from 1997 to 1999 and again from 2000 to 2001), which B&H parliament never initialed. Kosarac assessed that this proves Inzko is “an extended arm of SDA” and added that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) must be closed because of this while Inzko must leave B&H. Kosarac argued that Inzko’s decision represents violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement and a shameful attempt to deprive B&H Parliament of its constitutional competencies. “Inzko knows very well that no international agreement can be realized before B&H parliament gives its consent to initialing of the agreement. However, just like in past 20 years, the OHR and High Representative supported stances of Bosniak politicians and created mess in this country. In this case, the High Representative gave ‘green light’ to donation of Saudi Arabia while the entire world is horrified with the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi which was ordered by the regime of Saudi Arabia,” Kosarac said and added that nowhere in the world, except in B&H, this donation would have been approved. Kosarac reminded that the donation was earmarked to a private University owned by Ganic, who is held responsible by Republika Srpska (RS) and its institutions for war crimes in Dobrovoljacka Street in Sarajevo, because of which representatives and delegates of SNSD in both houses of B&H parliament refused to give their consent to this agreement in the first place.


B&H CEC confirms final results of elections (RTRS)


The B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) confirmed on Tuesday results of the general elections held in B&H on October 7. The CEC did not award two mandates; one in the RS parliament and the other one in the Federation of B&H parliament, due to deadlines for appeal. As of Tuesday, a deadline for constituting of legislative bodies in B&H has officially started. According to the results, SNSD’s Milorad Dodik, DF’s Zeljko Komsic and SDA’s Sefik Dzaferovic will be new members of B&H Presidency in the next four years. SNSD’s Zeljka Cvijanovic will be the new RS President, while SDA’s Ramiz Salkic and HDZ B&H’s Josip Jerkovic will be Vice Presidents of the RS. SNSD won six mandates in the B&H HoR, SDS won three mandates, PDP won two mandates, while DNS, SP and SDA won one mandate each. When it comes to the Federation of B&H, SDA won eight mandates in the B&H HoR, SDP B&H won five mandates, HDZ B&H-led coalition won five mandates, DF-GS coalition won three mandates, NS and SBB B&H won two mandates, the NB and PDA won one mandate each, as well as A-SDA. When it comes to the RS parliament, SNSD won 28 mandates, SDS won 15 mandates, DNS won 12 mandates, PDP won nine mandates, SP won seven mandates, the coalition ‘Together for B&H’ won four mandates, NDP won four mandates, while the ‘United Srpska’ won three mandates. After confirmation of the election results, the CEC is yet to finish an important task of defining of a way of filling the Federation of B&H HoP. The B&H CEC is expected to pass a decision on distribution of seats in the Federation of B&H HoP and the decision mostly revolves around choosing which population census will be uses as a basis, the one from 1991 or the most recent one from 2013. Talks on this issue will start as of this week and the B&H CEC will adopt the decision within next 30 days.


US Embassy: B&H CEC should act without political influence (Oslobodjenje)


The US Embassy to B&H told the daily that when lacking proper legislation, the Central Election Commission of B&H has a legal obligation to implement the election results, including formation of the House of Peoples of the Federation of B&H Parliament, in accordance with the Federation of B&H Constitution, the Law on Elections and the relevant decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H. “B&H CEC should work without political influence and pressure. Timely formation of authorities is a responsibility of the elected officials, in order to ensure continual stability of the country and the adoption of reforms necessary for the European integration of B&H” stated the Embassy and pointed out the importance of finding solutions in accordance with the European and democratic norms that guarantee political equality of the three constituent peoples in B&H, as well as equality of all the citizens.


Austrian Ambassador Pammer: Authorities in B&H need to be established as soon as possible (Glas Srpske)


Austrian Ambassador to B&H Martin Pammer said in Banja Luka on Tuesday that authorities in B&H need to be established as soon as possible, with the goal of implementing the Reform Agenda and improving the life of citizens. “It is necessary to keep young people in B&H, because their departure represents a major problem,” Pammer said after the meeting with representatives of United Srpska.


Dodik: I will take oath in RS parliament on 19 November and then attend inauguration in B&H Presidency in Sarajevo (RTRS)


Newly-elected Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik confirmed that he will take an oath in the RS parliament on 19 November, during the first session of the new convocation of the RS parliament. Dodik added that a day after the session, he will attend the inauguration in the B&H Presidency’s building in Sarajevo. Dodik said that he has no options to influence on procedures that are unknown to him and which he faces for the first time. According to Dodik, he will propose changes to rules of procedure of the Presidency, during the first session of this institution. Dodik said: “No separation is on our or my agenda as they say, but strong defense for positions of the RS. I have no intention to ease up on any of the Dayton rights that we (the RS) have. I find this legitimate. I think that this is not anything abnormal. Therefore, I think that foreigners ended their mission in B&H and that they can be reduced to what they actually are in other normal countries, instead of being managers here”. According to Dodik, B&H should finally start functioning in full capacity of its sovereignty by taking over decision-making process on issues that go under jurisdiction of joint institutions. He emphasized that many things should be abolished like foreign judges in B&H Constitutional Court. In his opinion, B&H should function in the Dayton capacity which the RS does not dispute unlike what High Representatives (HRs) did to detriment of everyone. Dodik stated: “Which (HR Valentin) Inzko and the (UN) Security Council? The Security Council? Some western countries remove Kosovo and they do not remove B&H from the Security Council, which is very indicative. We are being held in line with the article seven of the UN Charter as a region that can jeopardize safety in the world. Can anyone say now that this is normal; that this region can jeopardize safety in the world? No, and yet we are held in the Security Council on this basis”. Speaking about concrete moves that he will make as a new member of B&H Presidency, Dodik stated that he will first propose that B&H fully manages with monetary policy controlled by foreigners at this moment, which will in his opinion, create additional BAM one billion. In his opinion, reducing tax and contributions on salaries will also be a useful measure that will enable increase of salaries.

Moreover, Dodik said that he wants DNS to remain part of the ruling coalition in the RS, adding that DNS staff will not assume its full capacity in the coalition, but the capacity that will be a result of a joint agreement as certain people worked against the coalition during the election period. Dodik called on international and local factors, including representatives of Bosniaks, to propose their representatives in a commission that will draft a report - based on truth facts - on events that occurred in Srebrenica in 1995. Dodik and noted that newly elected RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic underlined that she expects new the RS Prime Minister-designate will be appointed soon and that new the RS Government will be appointed by end of 2018.


Dodik visits Doboj, meets Petrovic who promises he will support him (RTRS)


RS President and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik paid a visit to Doboj on Tuesday and met Mayor of Doboj Obren Petrovic (SDS) and his associates. The two officials agreed that, after formation of new authorities in the RS, the new RS Government will hold a session in Doboj and discuss projects for development of this city. Addressing media, Dodik said that he will also attend the session in Doboj. Petrovic reiterated that his support to Dodik’s call for unity in Sarajevo is unquestionable. Petrovic also said that MPs from Doboj will take part in formation of authorities at the level of the RS. Petrovic called on members of SDS, Mayor of Bijeljina Mico Micic and Head of Sokolac Municipality Milovan Cicko Bjelica and all others who are ready to hold sessions, to pressure SDS Main Board to continue in this direction. Commenting on this issue, Dodik warned that things will be over in six to seven days, due to the need to launch formation of parliamentary majority within deadlines, which is why he called on everyone to announce their stance on this issue. Dodik underlined that he is ready to work together will all those who want this. Dodik also said that a ministerial post in the new government may be given to people from Doboj, adding that talks on this issue will be held in the upcoming period.


Govedarica: SDS will always work in interest of RS, we do not need some grand coalition or Serb unity with SNSD (Oslobodjenje)


SDS leader Vukota Govedarica told the daily that SDS Main Board has decided to analyze situation following publishing of the election results and make a decision on future moves of the party. “With regards to the Doboj City Board, they presented their own conclusions. To be honest, such approach is not acceptable for any political organization, including SDS. The municipal organizations cannot make their own decisions about the party stance,” said Govedarica commenting the fact that SDS Municipal Board in Doboj has decided to cooperate with SNSD in the RS parliament and the B&H parliament. Govedarica rejected allegations that Sokolac, Zvornik and Bijeljina municipal boards might start moving in the same direction as speculation. He pointed out that the RS needs unity more than ever, especially when it comes to the opposition, as it needs to act as a corrective factor to the authorities led by SNSD. “It seems to me that (SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik is trying to drag SDS into additional internal problems” said Govedarica.  He went on to say that SDS is always going to support decisions that are in the interest of the RS: “We do not need to be in some grand symbiosis to pass joint decisions, and we do not need some grand coalition.” Meanwhile, member of SDS Presidency Mirko Sarovic said that the issue of cooperation with SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and SNSD is not the most important issue today for SDS. “A thesis that is being imposed, according to which the coalition with SNSD represents an issue which SDS’ fate depends on, is wrong and atypical for SDS. I cannot understand why to force and hurry up this, or express such an impatience and fall into already prepared trap,” Sarovic stressed. He said that early political statements of the SDS City Board in Doboj and others right after the elections were discussed by the SDS Main Board, but the party does not have an official stance on possible coalitions and negotiations. Sarovic added that SDS is ahead of an important period of consolidation, organization of priorities and strengthening of ties with party members and voters. He stated that the stance, according to which the coalition with SNSD or Dodik is more important than SDS itself, is unacceptable for him regardless of whose stance is it.


Kosovo decides to tax Bosnian products (N1)


Kosovo decided to introduce protective measures, on Tuesday, against all products from B&H and Serbia. Kosovo's government said these measures mean the introduction of a 10 percent tax to all products originating from B&H and Serbia. Kosovo Trade Minister Endrit Shala said the measures would be introduced to all products, including milk and dairy products, apples, hygiene products, textile, flour, construction materials, sweets, juices, drugs, water, alcohol, tobacco products, machines, etc. Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Enver Hoxhaj said that these measures are aimed at protecting domestic producers. According to the government, the measures will exclude products made by international brands based in these two countries.


Serb minority representatives warn about rise in hate speech (Hina)


President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic received on Tuesday a delegation of the Joint Council of (predominantly Serb) Municipalities (ZVO), who informed her of their view on the status of the ethnic Serb minority in Croatia, particularly the eastern parts of the country that were peacefully reintegrated into Croatia's constitutional and legal system in 1998, the Office of the Croatian President said in a press release. "The delegation expressed concern over what they see as a rise in hate speech and expressions of intolerance against the Serbs as well as over incomplete implementation of the laws that regulate the rights of ethnic minorities," reads the press release.

The president expressed her conviction that some of the problems were caused by the unfavorable economic and demographic situation in the areas that were peacefully reintegrated, explaining that those problems affected all residents and should be solved by concerted action of the state-level and local authorities. She underlined the importance of the permanent development of the culture of dialogue and full social integration of ethnic minorities.

"Since all unresolved issues from the recent past still affect coexistence, it is necessary to investigate all war crimes, which are not covered by the statute of limitations or amnesty, and in that process, there must be no room for collective stigmatization as responsibility is always individual," the president was quoted as saying at the meeting. For the overall progress in coexistence, it is of the utmost importance to continue inter-state dialogue between Croatia and Serbia and keep making joint efforts in the search for all missing persons, Grabar-Kitarovic said.


Reconciliation body led by Remenski and Aleksandrova has been established (Meta)


Parliament has established an inter-party parliamentary body for reconciliation, in which the vice-presidents of parliament, coordinators from parliamentary groups, as well as MPs who are not in a parliamentary group, will be elected. The representative should be determined by the larger parliamentary groups, such as SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE with the coalitions.

The body will be chaired by two co-chairpersons, deputy speaker of the parliament Frosina Remenski and Emilija Aleksandrova from the independent parliamentary group of VMRO-DPMNE. “At the next session, the working methodology will be decided, which are the competencies of the body and the topics that will be discussed. There were no objections for me to preside in the body, but because of my duties as president and as an MP, it is better for me not to lead it,” Xhaferi said after the coordination. When asked about the constitutional amendments, Xhaferi said that VMRO-DPMNE cannot be stopped because there are strictly defined procedures in the parliamentary rules of procedure. Immediately at the beginning, Suria Rasidi from the Alliance for Albanians, left the meeting, who thinks this is opening a small door for the amnesty for the events in the parliament on 27 April last year. The coordinator of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Micevski, did not attend today’s coordination, because the party does not recognize Xhaferi as the parliament speaker.




Media freedom in Serbia: How serious the situation really is? (European Western Balkans, 6 November 2018)


BRUSSELS – Last Friday, EUobserver published a piece by Italian journalist Matteo Trevisan, which focused on the problems media face in Serbia. Today, a reaction by President Aleksandar Vučić was also released. In his article, Trevisan, a freelance journalist in Bologna specialising in human rights and ethnic conflicts in the post-socialist enlargement of the EU, highlighted several key challenges for Serbian media: state influence, non-transparent financing, work of independent institutions and attacks on the journalists. These issues, he reminded, have been emphasised in the latest annual report by European Commission, letter of five Serbian media associations and various databases and research. “In addition to the murky and arbitrary redistribution of public funds in favour of government media, unknown candidates with no connection to the press are often elected to command the most influential commissions. And some of the most influential publishers are still illegally financed at a state level”, Trevisan wrote. He gave the example of the national news agency Tanjug, which still operates even though it was officially closed down in October 2015. According to him, it has become a “propaganda tool owned by the state”. Furthermore, he mentioned administrative pressures faced by the local media, such as Južne vesti, Kikindske and Vranjske that had to shut down, as well as “questionable independence” of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM). “The REM, which has been systematically accused of bias, not only avoids using its legal means to punish violations of the law, but has also refrained from publishing official documents that should ensure transparency in the monitoring process provided under those same laws”, Trevisan stressed. Also worrying, according to him, are the physical assaults against journalists and verbal threats directed at them. He reminded of the cases of three murdered journalists that are still without legal conclusion, which contributes to the unsafe environment.


Vučić: EU countries have more attacks on journalists than Serbia

In his reaction to the piece, President Vučić asked to author to provide him with concrete data on the number of assaults in EU countries, claiming that they occur much more often than in Serbia.

“Which is the country in the EU that has fewer assaults against journalists than Serbia, not counting brutal assaults of the representatives of the opposition against female journalists of the TV Pink?”, wrote Vučić. He reminded that, recently, journalists have been killed in Slovakia, Bulgaria and Malta, and seriously wounded in Montenegro, while in Serbia no such thing took place. Reflecting on the case of Tanjug, Vučić emphasised that the agency is working independently. “You mention the Tanjug case, the very same agency for which those same independent journalists published an obituary in their newspapers, on the day it was closed regarding the termination of operation of that state agency. Today, when the respective agency operates, speaking the truth, without state support, it’s once again our fault – of the state, government, and mine, as the president”, he wrote. He denied any pressure on local media, especially on Vranjske Novine, and remarked that 90 percent of the procedures against journalists upon the request of opposition leaders. “Personally, despite numerous insults, threats and slanders in the past six years, I have never filed a complaint against media and journalists. I believe that, in this way, I demonstrated how we should refer to and what the way for cherishing the differences is”, Vučić stressed, adding that the trials for the journalist assassination are almost finalised. He concluded with the reminder about the renewed efforts of Serbian government to formulate a new media strategy in cooperation with media representatives and with the help of OSCE.


Slovenia to Arm Border Guards as Migrants Attempt to Break Through the Balkans (Breitbart, by Chris Tomlinson, 7 November 2018)

The Slovenian government has taken new measures to increase border security as an estimated 20,000 migrants attempt to break out of the Balkans into Central Europe. The Slovenian government has further fortified their border with Croatia, issuing police officers with firearms to control the flow of migrants trying to get through both Croatia and then Slovenia to western Europe, Il Giornale reports. The Slovenian operations on the Croatian border have not been without controversy, especially after Slovenian media filmed police forcing migrants, including some women and children, back into Croatia at gunpoint. The action comes as part of a joint cooperation between the two countries which has seen 635 missions featuring mixed forces from the two countries, half of which occurred on Slovenian territory and a half in Croatia, though exact numbers of migrants that have been caught in the patrols are unknown. For several months, the number of migrants in the Balkans has grown with some fearing that a large number will attempt to break through the border of Bosnia into Croatia, something that occurred in June when 200 or so migrants, some shouting “Allah hu Akbar,” stormed the border. Earlier this week, Austrian intelligence warned that up to 20,000 migrants were looking to cross the Bosnian-Croatian border in the very near future with a source saying, “Ninety-five per cent of these migrants who are trying to break through are young men, almost all of whom are armed with knives. A border policeman has already been stabbed.” “The majority come from Pakistan but there are also many Iranians, Algerians and Moroccans,” the source added. While the majority of migrant traffic at the height of the migrant crisis in 2015 came along the Balkan route, the path to Europe for the majority of migrants since has been across the Mediterranean following the closure of the Balkan route. Over the past year, there have been several signs showing increased activity in the Balkans but also in Greece where new routes from Turkey have formed.