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Belgrade Media Report 08 November 2018



UN welcomes Thaci’s and Vucic’s determination (Beta)


The determination and commitment by the presidents of Serbia and Kosovo in searching for a solution to normalize relations have encouraged the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres who will submit his report on Kosovo covering 16 July – 15 October period, on 14 November, Beta reported on Thursday. Vucic and Thaci are due to meet later in the day in Brussels with the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini to continue the dialogue that has been on hold since July. Guterres welcomed the meeting, saying in the report that he was aware of all the challenges the leaders in Belgrade and Pristina were facing. “I’m still encouraged by their determination and commitment to solving the open issues through dialogue and I call on greater involvement of all parts of society on both sides,” Guterres said in the report. He added that the idea triggered criticism both in Kosovo and in the international community, but that eventually there was support for exploring all possible ways in looking for a solution. Guterres reiterated that the European perspective remains crucial for consolidating peace and stability in the Western Balkans and greeted the continuous EU participation in both European Commission Strategy for the Western Balkan and the facilitation of the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue. The November UN SC meeting will be the first after July with Kosovo on its agenda, since the UK, US and Bolivia did not think the issue should be discussed so often. China presides the UN SC this month.


Vucic: Belgrade expects EU to stop Pristina’s CEFTA violation (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Helsinki that the EU should secure the implementation of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) making Pristina revoke the decision to increase import taxes for goods from Serbia and Bosnia, Beta reported. Speaking to reporters in Helsinki at the sidelines of the European Peoples’ Parties (EPP) Congress, he said the forthcoming meeting with Hashim Thaci in Brussels would be awkward, since Belgrade expected the EU to stop Pristina's violation of the CEFTA provisions. “The talks with the EU in Brussels will be extremely tough since we expect the EU to make them honor the CEFTA agreement. One cannot act like a drunk man on a plane. Someone has to say enough is enough. You cannot behave like that because you prevent the free flow of goods and services,” Vucic said. He added that in such circumstances he didn’t expect substantial progress in Thursday’s talks. Vucic added that what depended on Serbia was not to allow to be blamed for stopping the negotiating process and searching for a compromise.


Brnabic thanks Comoros for support to territorial integrity of Serbia (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke with Foreign Minister of the Union of the Comoros Mohamed El-Amine Souef about bilateral relations of the two countries and the improvement of cooperation. Brnabic expressed deep gratitude to the Union of the Comoros for support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, demonstrated by that country’s decision to withdraw recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo. She underlined that Serbia remains committed to preserving peace in the region and continuing dialogue with Pristina and added that such support from the Union of the Comoros is of great importance for our country. El-Amine said that the Union of the Comoros had been supporting even before Serbia’s positions in the organizations in which Serbia is not a member, firmly defending the principles of international law and respecting its territorial integrity.


Dacic: KFOR mandate to be in line with UNSCR 1244 (Tanjug)


It is very important that KFOR’s mandate be implemented in line with UNSCR 1244 and that its presence in Kosovo and Metohija remains unreduced, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said at the opening of the 6th NATO Week in Belgrade. Dacic recalled that KFOR was a significant guarantor of the Brussels agreement and that status neutrality of its activities was important.

Assistant Foreign Minister Branimir Filipovic said that Serbia’s position is that the transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces into an army runs against UNSCR 1244. “There cannot be two armies in one field. NATO has the view that the transformation is possible through the constitutional framework, and we have in common that we are against unilateral moves. Precisely such moves by Pristina represent the problems that are the biggest in this area,” said Filipovic. He recalled that the problems began when Pristina unilaterally proclaimed the independence of Kosovo. “Serbia, in this regard, expects a clear NATO position, like two years ago when Pristina also tried to carry out that transformation. It’s better to solve some things earlier so that they don't have the potential for tension eruption,” said Filipovic. He added that Serbia has certain expectations regarding the protection of cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija and that it is very important that it can count on KFOR as a structure that is most capable of ensuring peace and stability, regardless of there being others, like EULEX. “We expect KFOR to use its capacities and act preventively in order to avoid escalation,” said Filipovic.


Stefanovic: Pristina in Interpol as an arsonist in a powder mill (RTS)


On the occasion of the request of the self-declared Kosovo to be admitted in Interpol, Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic has told RTS that Belgrade was not only fighting against the Pristina institutions, but that the opponents are big Western countries that recognized independence of Kosovo and which are lobbying for it to be admitted in Interpol. Stefanovic said that Belgrade’s task if to contact other interior ministers who are members of the Interpol Assembly and to present arguments against admittance of so-called Kosovo. “This would be the same as if you would let an arsonist into a powder mill,” says Stefanovic, adding that Belgrade has political, police and legal arguments.  He recalled UNSCR 1244, and the fact that the Interpol General Assembly is of the stand that only UN member states and observers can be members of this organization. Stefanovic says that a vast number of Pristina officials are on Serbian warrants and are charged with the gravest criminal offences. He says that Pristina already has contact with Interpol through UNMIK and that its request for membership is an attempt to demonstrate influence, together with the powerful allies and to make one more step towards recognition.


SPC: Against division of Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


The Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) does not support a frozen conflict in Kosovo and Metohija and it advocates continuation of the dialogue, but, as the SPC Holy Synod of Bishops announced on Wednesday, it voices concern that, under the guise of alleged delineation between Serbs and Albanians, the possibility of separation of part of Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia is being imposed. “On this occasion, we reiterate the firm and unique position of the entire Holy Synod of Bishops of our Church, pronounced at this years’ regular May session, that at no cost should full sovereignty and integrity of Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija be brought into question, which is guaranteed by the Constitution of Serbia and UNSC Resolution 1244. For our Church, Kosovo and Metohija has never been, nor can it be just a political issue, for whose solution monopoly is solely held by the state authorities.

The obligation of all of us towards Kosovo and Metohija is today greater because we are facing ever stronger international pressures, with one part for our country to agree to give up Kosovo and Metohija, either through recognition of Kosovo and Metohija directly or with silent consent for Kosovo to receive membership in the United Nations and other international organizations. Any kind of signature that would enable recognition of Kosovo, participation in the UN or Serbia renouncing it under any form, would abolish forever any historical right of Serbia in these fundamental areas of our spirituality and statehood.

In that case, the majority of Serbs, without adequate protection and security, would be forced to leave their historical regions, where one ethnically pure Albanian society would be formed with even greater intensity, along with erasing all traces of our historical presence.  The idea of the so-called division and separation of the organic unity between the Serbs south and north of the Ibar River, and from other Serbs regardless of where they live, brings great unrest and concern among our believers and doesn’t enjoy the support of the largest number of citizens of Serbia and Serbs in general. Territorial division is especially dangerous since it would unavoidably imply the creation of ethnically clean regions, which would also have unprecedented consequences for the entire region which is still painfully recovering from the suffering and destruction during the 1990s. Systematic avoiding of undertaken obligations by Pristina regarding the Community of Serb Municipalities and other obligations from the “Brussels dialogue” only confirm that under existing conditions and with the present treatment of the Serbs it would be very difficult to find a lasting solution. This certainly doesn’t mean that our Church supports a “frozen conflict” but, all the more, we encourage the continuation of an open, but carefully conducted dialogue that would put at the forefront the protection of human and religious rights, improvement of the rule of law, strengthening of legal certainty and more efficient protection of the endangered spiritual and cultural heritage, which would not depend on the arbitrariness of local Kosovo institutions, but would be regulated in a more comprehensive way with international supervision and clearly defined mechanisms of implementation of the agreed principles of protection. It is also difficult to talk about any further dialogue without creating conditions for the return of expelled Serbs and protecting and returning their usurped property. Abandoning this requirement would mean accepting post-war ethnic cleansing as the final act. Without these requirements it is impossible to speak about a more lasting resolution of problems in Kosovo and Metohija. That is why setting hasty deadlines, despite extremely unfavorable conditions on the ground and the very complex situation in the EU, is without any justification,” reads the statement of the Serbian Orthodox Church.


Vucic: I disagree with SPC stands, but this will not change my opinion (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has told journalists in Helsinki that he had understood the message of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) on the Kosovo issue. “I understood the message, but this will not change my opinion, even though I certainly understand that the hands of the state are completely tied and that one cannot do anything, except to listen to ideas that brought many bad things to our country,” said Vucic. “I cannot say that I am a fanatic believer, but I am a believer of the Serbian Church and their bad interference in politics naturally affects me, but I will analyze just one of their arguments and I will not respond to them in a way that some of the church dignitaries are dealing with me and the people who think differently from them,” said Vucic, and continued: “You are saying that we should protect full sovereignty. My question to you is – what sovereignty? Do you know what makes sovereignty, do you know what makes one state? Territory, people, army, police…and what to we have of this in Kosovo and Metohija?”


Committee for Kosovo and Metohija: Possible new unilateral actions by Pristina (FoNet)


The security situation in Kosovo is relatively stable, but very complex and fragile, and there are serious indicators of the possibility of deterioration of stability and breaching of security of the Serb people, it was announced on Wednesday following the session of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, which was closed for public. The Committee Chairperson Milovan Drecun has stated that, in line with the decrees of the Rules of Procedure of the parliament, the Committee examined the Information of the Interior and Defense Ministries, the Security Information Agency (BIA), the Military Intelligence Agency (VOA) and the Military Security Agency (VBA) on the security situation in Kosovo. The Committee acknowledged that there is a possibility of new unilateral actions by Pristina that can endanger the security of Serbs, while Pristina’s attempt to place north of Kosovo under its control poses a permanent security risk. The planning of the transformation of the so-called Kosovo security forces into an “Army of Kosovo” is assessed as unacceptable and extremely destabilizing, as well as the pressure exerted on individuals from the ranks of the Serb people to join or stay in this formation. “The creation of such armed formation is in complete contradiction with the valid UNSCR 1244, but also the ‘Constitution’ of Kosovo, thus it doesn’t have either legality or legitimacy. This planned formation will be a factor of maximum endangerment of security of the Serb people, it will completely disable the appeasing of inter-ethnic tensions and it will destabilize the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, but also regional stability,” reads the statement. A special risk in the following period, as in the past, will be Pristina’s attempts for Kosovo to become a member of Interpol, which would, in case of a positive outcome, result in numerous secret indictments and issuance of warrants against many people from the ranks of the Serb people. The Committee warns that the Serbs, especially those south of the Ibar, have difficult lives, almost without freedom, their security and movement is endangered. There are numerous attacks and provocations of Albanians against the Serb population, while over 40 ethnically motivated attacks on the Serbs and their property have been registered from June to this date alone.

The aggressive rhetoric of Albanian political leaders against official Belgrade and an intensive media campaign and fabrication of false news, which intensifies tensions, brings unrest among the Serb people and is one of the factors that additionally endanger security, it was assessed in the statement. It is added that the presence and operating of the Wahabi-Selafi groups, which are active from the positions of radical Islamism and whose priority target of action is the Serb people in Kosovo, is also noticeable. Also, intelligence activity of some Western services, especially in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, was noticed, with the intention of placing various misinformation and lies so the Serbs would cooperate and participate in the so-called Kosovo security forces and get as far away as possible from official Belgrade. The Committee strongly appeals and urges the Albanian political structures not to tackle severe economic problems by transferring, completely unfoundedly, the responsibility for such a state on the Serb people and official Belgrade, whereby the Albanian population is radicalized against the Serb, but to devote themselves to improving the economic situation, fighting organized crime, terrorism and extremely high corruption. In this regard, the Committee condemns the procedure of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina to impose additional charges on goods coming to Kosovo from Serbia proper and B&H, and is asking them to ensure smooth flow of people and goods in accordance with the agreements reached. We consider that the Albanian community in Kosovo is most responsible for security of the Serb people, therefore we are calling both the Albanian community and Albanian political parties to show readiness and commit to reaching a compromise and negotiated solution with official Belgrade, it is concluded in the statement from the session of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija.


Milivojevic: Dialogue continues because of Kurz (B92/TV Prva)


Thursday’s meeting between Vucic and Thaci in Brussels is unlikely to bring anything new, but Vucic will criticize the EU, says diplomat Zoran Milivojevic. Milivojevic told TV Prva news program that today’s meeting is not surprising, although it may seem so. He recalled that the dialogue almost died in the summer when a lot of criticism was leveled at the EU, the mediator in the dialogue, regarding the organization’s inability to solve the problem. “The dialogue died down and had come to a standstill, and this meeting can be seen as an attempt by the EU to deny that, and try to maintain the dialogue in this format. It should also be noted that Federica Mogerini is at the end of her mandate and that this is one way to show that something has been achieved after all, which is also indicated by in the press release announcing the meeting,” said Milivojevic. He believes that Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who recently visited Belgrade, and then immediately Pristina, had a decisive role in today’s meeting in Brussels taking place. Asked whether any progress is expected in the dialogue on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina after the meeting of the presidents of Serbia and Kosovo, this career diplomat says he thinks that nothing new will happen in it all. “I personally think, regarding this major issue of a legally binding agreement that is expected by the EU, I expect nothing new,” he said, adding that he believes the focus during today’s conversation will be represented by the Serbian President and the arguments about the behavior of Pristina, like raising the customs fees. On the other hand, says Milivojevic, Vucic will, as he said, remind that the Pristina side has blocked the entire dialogue process because it did not do anything about implementing everything agreed in the Brussels agreement. “I think that Aleksandar Vucic will use these arguments and in that way also criticize the EU, but also Pristina,” Milivojevic concluded.




Dodik refuses to meet with Austrian Ambassador Pammer (TV1)


Republika Srpska (RS) President and newly elected Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik refused on Wednesday to meet with Austrian Ambassador Martin Pammer. He sent him a letter which reads that Pammer, as a diplomatic representative of Austria, has done everything he could to prevent cooperation and interfered with internal matters of B&H by favoring certain – mostly Bosniak policies, thus preventing Austria from having an unbiased influence in B&H. Dodik concluded that he will inform relevant authorities of Austria about Pammer’s work as soon as he assumes the office of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency. In a response to the letter, Pammer congratulated Dodik on his election victory and argued that his rhetoric and questioning of the state unity of B&H produce insecurity and fear, especially among potential investors from Austria. “I dismiss the claims that I have been favoring the Bosniak policy, given the fact that I have always represented the official position of the Austrian government,” Pammer was quoted as saying. He also criticized Dodik for attacking representatives of other countries such as the US and France, which he thinks harms the reputation of both the RS and B&H. Pammer also stated that Dodik’s claims about High Representative Valentin Inzko are unjustified and stressed that Inzko has been advocating progress of B&H. In his letter, Dodik said he will inform Austrian officials of Pammer’s performance, and the Ambassador responded by saying: “Your statement that you will inform Austrian state bodies of my performance in Sarajevo, which was expressed as a threat, has left me indifferent… I have informed my superiors in advance about your letter and about my reply, and I will continue to report about your statements and your activities, as that is my job.”


Dzaferovic sends protest letter to RS government over report to UN SC (TV1)


Newly elected Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic has sent a letter to the RS government and RS Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic regarding the RS’ report to the UN Security Council (UN SC). The report reads that Dzaferovic’s election to the B&H Presidency upsets the Serb people and mocks the rule of law and reconciliation, given that “he was proven to be linked to war crimes of the El Mujahid unit”. “In accordance with the Article 8 of the Law on Protection against Defamation, I demand that, within the period of seven days, you publicly deny the allegations or present me and the public with the fully and correctly established facts, valid evidence and verdicts that allegedly prove that I am linked to any kind of criminal offense, let alone war crimes,” Dzaferovic stressed. He reminded that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H decided in March 2015 that there will be no investigation against him given the fact that it failed to establish reasonable doubt about him being responsible in any way. Commenting on Dzaferovic’s letter, Dodik said that the fact that he was not convicted of war crimes does not mean that he did not witness them. “(Former Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency) Haris Silajdzic did the same. He sued the RS government for our report to the UN SC and we all know how it went before the Constitutional Court. That is our right,” Dodik stressed. Dodik said that he firmly stands behind RS Government’s report sent to UN SC. Dodik underlined that on August 14, 1994 Dzaferovic witnessed decapitation of Serb prisoners in Vozuca. He added that evidence for this claim is report from 1994 prepared by the Center of Public Security Zenica, reminding that Dzaferovic was the Head of the Center.


NDP leaves Alliance for Victory, Cavic confirms he will participate in talks with SNSD (ATV)


NDP Presidency held a session in Banja Luka on Wednesday. During the session, NDP leader Dragan Cavic revealed his decision that NDP will no longer be part of the ‘Alliance for Victory’ (Savez za pobjede – SzP). He pointed out that, as far as he is concerned, “SzP no longer exists”. Cavic said that the decision on leaving SzP was made unanimously at Wednesday’s session of the Presidency. Cavic explained that the main reason behind this decision is the election loss of both the SzP coalition and NDP, as an individual party. During his address to members of the press, Cavic confirmed that he spoke with SNSD leader Milorad Dodik about NDP’s possible participation in the authorities in the RS. “I wish to inform you that we had some talks with SNSD, I met with SNSD leader Milorad Dodik in last few days and we were called to negotiations with other parties on possible formation of parliamentary majority and forming of authorities” confirmed Cavic. He added that NDP’s policies will be presented during negotiations and he hopes that members of the ruling party will hear them out and respect their stances. Cavic emphasized that NDP’s ideas were never respected in the SzP, which is probably why they did not feel welcome anymore in this coalition. “We will state the same ideas during talks with the ruling coalition, the ideas that were ignored by the SzP members, just because they were our ideas,” said Cavic. SDS member Darko Babalj reacted to NDP’s decision to leave SzP and said that this is yet another confirmation that the situation within SDS must be evaluated thoroughly and changes must be made.


SDS leader Govedarica decides to expel Doboj Mayor Petrovic from SDS (ATV)


SDS leader Vukota Govedarica made a decision on Wednesday to exclude Doboj Mayor Obren Petrovic from the party. He revealed his decision through an official statement, where he explained that he made the decision because Petrovic stated some things recently that were not in line with the official SDS policy. Members of SDS Doboj said that they learned the news through media and not from Govedarica. They confirmed that they will discuss their further actions at Friday’s session of SDS City Board. Media speculations connect Govedarica’s decision with Petrovic’s Tuesday meeting with SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and his open support to cooperation with SNSD. Reporter reminded that during Tuesday meeting in Doboj, Petrovic and Dodik agreed that two SDS’ MPs from Doboj will join SNSD-led ruling majority in the RS parliament and that Petrovic, as an MP in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) will act as part of the SNSD caucus.


EU wants to keep its troops in B&H (N1)


The EU is willing to continue keeping its armed forces in B&H under a renewed UN mandate, the head of the EU Delegation to the United Nations, Joao Vale de Almeida, told the UN Security Council on Wednesday. Vale de Almeida said that the EU continues to support the presence of its troops in Bosnia, nicknamed Operation Althea, which has “re-focused on its core mandate, while retaining the elements of capacity-building and training deemed to be still necessary.” The EU forces, referred to as EUFOR, are ready to continue to “support Bosnia and Herzegovina’s authorities to maintain the safe and secure environment, under a renewed UN mandate,” Vale de Almeida added. “The EU is committed to B&H becoming a member of it, as a single, united and sovereign country," Vale de Almeida said at the UN Security Council Debate on the state of affairs in B&H. The EU expects “all leaders to engage constructively in government formation at all levels” following the October 7 election, he added. The EU “expects the Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities to prioritize taking forward the reforms needed to advance on its EU path,” he said.


Officials condemn Kosovo’s tax increase on B&H goods (N1)


B&H top officials condemned on Wednesday Kosovo ’s decision to increase by ten percent taxes on products from Serbia and Bosnia. Kosovo’s decision “completely contradicts the principles of free trade in the region, as well as general principles of improving regional relations” B&H Foreign Minister Igor Crnadak said on Wednesday. He said B&H will respond in accordance with the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) and that he will ask for the decision to be included in the agenda at a summit of six Western Balkan foreign affairs ministers end of November in Montenegro. Crnadak said he expects the decision to be regionally condemned, as it represents an obstruction of economic development and relations in the region. He noted that Kosovo’s decision is not regional, but that it only targets countries which have not recognized Kosovo as an independent state. This, he said, was “an additional political dimension” of the move. “I hope that the decision of the Pristina Government will incite a fitting reaction from the European Union, so that this issue could be resolved as soon as possible” Crnadak said.

B&H’s Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Minister, Mirko Sarovic, said that with this decision Kosovo has isolated itself from the region. Deputy head of the Foreign Trade Chamber, Ahmet Egrlic, said he was concerned with the consequences of the move. Having failed to find a way to ease the flow of goods and people with Kosovo, Bosnia has lost a significant part of that market and the additional taxes are making things even worse, he said. Bosnia should have found a way to approve ‘green cards’ for Kosovo citizens and ease the visa process for business people from Kosovo like Serbia did, he said.


Croatia supports Kosovo on its journey to NATO (Hina)


Croatia is prepared to share its knowledge and assist Kosovo on its Euro-Atlantic journey, just as it has assisted Montenegro and just as it is helping Macedonia and B&H, Croatian Defense Minister Damir Krsticevic said after his meeting with the visiting Minister of the Kosovo Security Force, Rrustem Berisha. "The Croatian Army is an example of professional and supreme preparedness and we are ready to share our knowledge with our partner Kosovo and assist it on its Euro-Atlantic journey, the same way we have assisted Montenegro and the way we are helping Macedonia and B&H," Krsticevic said. Berisha said Croatia was a friendly country and a strategic partner, adding that Kosovo could learn a lot from Croatia. "With this meeting, we want to boost cooperation which is in the interest of both of our countries, but also in the interest of peace and stability of the entire region," Berisha said. The talks also focused on the process of transforming the Kosovo Security force. Berisha briefed Krsticevic about three draft laws, stressing that they were "in accordance with the Constitution and the new Kosovo Security Force mandate and will be in the interest of all citizens." During his stay in Zagreb, Berisha also visited the company for the production of military equipment – HS-Produkt – which, according to Krsticevic, was an opportunity for equipping and modernizing the Security Force, but also an opportunity for the Croatian military industry. The talks also focused on good cooperation in the education sector. Krsticevic said that over the law five years, a total of 40 Security Force members have been trained at a Croatian military academy.


Second stage of constitutional revision begins in parliament (Nezavisen vesnik)


The parliament’s Committee on Constitutional Issues has started the debate on the four draft-constitutional amendments arising from the Prespa Agreement on Wednesday. The committee debate is set to last for twelve days, followed by a plenary session scheduled for 1 December.

PM Zoran Zaev presented the draft-amendments last Friday, saying the four amendments are simple, have nothing disputable in them and in compliance with international standards, deserving of support by all MPs for the purpose of EU and NATO integration. The first amendment refers to the replacement of word Republic of Macedonia with the Republic of North Macedonia in the Constitution, except in Article 36, where it denotes a historic aspect. The second amendment relates to the Preamble of the Constitution, where decisions of the 1944 Anti-Fascist Assembly of the National Liberation of Macedonia (ASNOM) session are replaced by the ASNOM Proclamation while the Ohrid Framework Agreement is added as the country’s constitutive element. “This is already part of the Constitution, only the wording is added, and this is fair to all less-represented communities,” said Zaev. One paragraph is added through the third amendment, namely that the Republic is respecting the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of neighboring countries, which provides enhanced guarantees over the inviolability of borders with Greece, although it refers to all neighbors. The fourth amendment, reads that the Republic protects the rights and interests of its expatriates, enhancing their ties with the homeland. “This refers to our diaspora, which rights and interests are still protected, but in a European manner. Article 49 has been reformulated so that it does not cause other obstacles in the future. The Republic takes care of the Macedonian expatriates and the Republic shall not interfere in the sovereign rights of other countries and their home affairs. This is simple and eliminates concerns for future obstacles in building friendship between Macedonia and Greece,” added Zaev. The parliament decided to initiate the constitution revision through a two-thirds majority vote on 19 October. The current, second stage of defining the amendments requires a simple majority of 61 votes, while the third and final stage is their adoption needs the support from a two-thirds majority, or 80 MP votes at least.


Committee proposes that Gruevski’s mandate be abolished (Meta)


With 5 votes “for” the Committee on rules of procedure, mandate and immunity affairs, decided to propose the Parliament to abolish the MP mandate to Nikola Gruevski. The decision should be decided by the Parliament at a plenary session with a two-third majority. Gruevski didn’t appear at the session even though the Committee’s president, Pavle Bogoevski said that he was invited at the session where the only item on the agenda was the notification of judge Dobrila Kacarska about the verdict with the two-year sentence against him in the SPO led case named as “Tank”. The former president of the Parliament, Trajko Veljanoski accused that a politically motivated process is led against Gruevski. Veljanoski said that VMRO-DPMNE’s MP group will vote against, after which the members of this group left the committee. SDSM’s Aleksandar Kiracovski said that no one should hide behind the MP mandate to avoid responsibility.

Sasho Vasilevski, who is part of the independent group of MPs, to whom the same Committee abolished his immunity last December because of the happenings on the 27th of April, said that the 8 MPs will be against the abolishment of the mandate in the spirit of the recently formed body of reconciliation.




Balkans deal on war missing an 'investment in peace' (AFP, 7 November 2018)


THE HAGUE - Balkan countries will boost cooperation to identify victims of the 1990s wars, said the head of a group that helps trace missing people, describing it as a "big deal" in an era of growing nationalism around the world. Representatives from Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia signed the agreement on Tuesday, said the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP). Around 12,000 people are still not accounted for out of the 40,000 missing from the wars that tore apart the former Yugoslavia, according to the ICMP, which helps with DNA testing and the exchange of data. "It's an investment in peace and stability, definitely," ICMP director general Kathryne Bomberger told AFP in an interview at the non-governmental group's headquarters in The Hague. "The fact that they came together to form a missing persons group and to sign a work plan to commit themselves to finding the remaining 12,000 missing persons is a big deal," she added. "That's not an easy feat in an era now of populism and nationalism," said Bomberger. The deal came despite lasting tensions in the region, which during the 1990s formed the battleground to Europe's deadliest conflict since World War II. More than 70 percent of people missing after the conflict have now been identified, giving closure to loved ones and also providing evidence for international trials. The agreement will now see the countries step up work to identify the rest, to share information, and to even carry out joint exhumations. "I am sure there will be hiccups, there always are, but genuinely I think they're all committed," Bomberger said.