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Belgrade Media Report 19 November 2018


Brnabic: Concern over increasingly complex situation in Kosovo and Metohija (Beta/Tanjug/RTV/Politika)

During a meeting with the Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi and the EU ambassadors, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic voiced concern over the increasingly complex situation in Kosovo and Metohija, bearing in mind that the interim institutions in Pristina do not respect dialogue and the agreements reached. Speaking at a press conference after the meeting, Brnabic recalled that the last report of the European Commission (EC) praised Pristina regarding the establishment of a group for drafting the statute for the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). In view of the fact that no statute or the ZSO have been established until today, attention should be paid as to how this will be treated in the next report, she underlined. Brnabic said that she spoke with the Ambassador about Chapter 35, i.e. the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. She underlined that Pristina, apart from failing to comply with the agreements, does not respect its Constitution either, bearing in mind the announced transformation of Kosovo security forces into so-called armed forces of Kosovo. This is contrary not only to the Brussels Agreement and the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, but also to their constitution, which states that such transformation must be backed by a majority support of the Kosovo Serb MPs. Brnabic also pointed to Pristina’s decision to introduce additional customs duties on Serbian goods in the amount of 10 percent, saying that that is as a violation of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) agreement precisely at the moment when Pristina is presiding over that organization. I have expressed my concern not only for further dialogue, but also for what might happen next if we have a constant violation of all agreements and contracts. I asked the ambassadors to take this seriously, the Prime Minister said, adding that she handed them over the letters that she had sent to all governments around the world, in which she warned of the complex situation in Kosovo and Metohija.

Brnabic: Pristina’s tax discriminates everything Serbian (RTS/Tanjug/B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stressed in Vienna on Monday that Pristina’s new taxation, that go against the CEFTA agreement, discriminate against everything that is Serbian. Addressing a press conference after a working breakfast organized by the current EU presidency holder, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, with other Western Balkans prime ministers, Brnabic indicated that Serbia is turned toward the future, but regrettably, the region is moving backwards every now and again. This is, she stressed, especially noticeable in the last two weeks, and pointed out that Pristina has violated the CEFTA by increasing taxes on goods coming from central Serbia. “It is not in line with the CEFTA, and represents clear discrimination against everything that is Serbian. We hope in the future that we will be able to implement this agreement, which will enable us to continue the talks on what we can achieve together,” she explained. Brnabic thanked Kurz for his country keeping EU enlargement high on the list of its priorities, and voiced hope for further opening of chapters, which, she pointed out, was an important signal for the citizens of Serbia. She said that Serbia is committed to European integration, reforms, as well as to regional cooperation, which are also key priorities of our country, not just because of the path towards the EU. Ramush Haradinaj, prime minister of the interim institutions in Pristina, who spoke after Brnabic, said that the move by Pristina that is contrary the CEFTA was due to alleged long-standing unequal treatment of goods from Kosovo in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.  EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn said that EU enlargement is one of the three key priorities of his country Austria's EU presidency, which he said was very important. At the same time, Hahn pointed out that it was important that the Western Balkans integrate into a common market, for which it is important to remove all barriers, formal and informal. Connecting the region, according to him, is of great importance to the region, especially in the energy sector.

Ljajic calls EC to pressure Pristina regarding CEFTA (TV Pink/Beta)

Serbian Trade Minister Rasim Ljajic called on Monday on the European Commission (EC) to use its influence to persuade Pristina to withdraw its decision to introduce import taxes on goods from Serbia, adding it was a political move without any economic reasoning. Ljajic told the TV Pink that the 10 percent taxes violated the CEFTA, but that the CEFTA could not do anything about it, while the EU could since one of its goals was a creation of a shared economic environment. Pristina’s move makes that goal senseless, Ljajic added, warning that this is not leading to instability only but could be a trigger for others. If there is no pressure to withdraw the measure, any other country could do the same in which case the CEFTA would not exist any longer. He reiterated Serbia would not take part in the the CEFTA meetings held this year in Pristina. “Since the foundation of the CEFTA in 2006, not a single member country has put up such barriers to the partners,” Ljajic said.

Vucic thanks China for support in Interpol (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic thanked China for not supporting Kosovo’s Interpol membership despite pressure from many Western countries to crush Serbia’s integrity and enable Kosovo to become an Interpol member state. After meeting the Chinese Ambassador to Serbia Li Manchang, Vucic expressed Belgrade’s gratitude both to the envoy and the Chinese President Xi Jinping on their country’s support to the Serbian territorial integrity, adding that the whole of Serbia and its people exceptionally appreciate President Xi’s role in improving bilateral relations.

Stefanovic: Politicization of Interpol General Assembly continues (Tanjug/RTS)

Politicization of the Interpol General Assembly, not only by countries that recognize the so-called independence of Kosovo but also by the organization’s secretariat-general, is continuing, Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said in Dubai Monday ahead of a vote on the so-called Kosovo’s Interpol membership application. There is an intent to get the member states confused about the vote procedure and it has been announced the vote results will be transparent, Stefanovic said on the second day of an INTERPOL General Assembly session.

Five Interpol member states have joined Serbia’s request for a vote on the so-called Kosovo’s application for membership in the organization to be taken off the agenda of the Interpol General Assembly, Tanjug learns. The countries are China, Spain, Cyprus, Argentina and Suriname.

Macareg: We are ready to respond to violent acts (Tanjug)

Newly appointed Commander of the US KFOR Bondsteel military base in Kosovo, Colonel Roy Macaraeg, said his unit would be prepared to perform operations in case of violent acts aimed against safety and security. Commenting on a possibility of an army of Kosovo being declared on 28 November, Macaraeg told Tanjug this was a political process. “But if that happens we will be ready. KFOR has its mandate now. If that mandate changes, the NATO will have to reconsider our engagement in Kosovo again,” he said. “I must focus on the current mission, to carry out all KFOR’s instructions. We must be synchronized on anything KFOR or NATO leaders say we have to do,” he was quoted as having said.

Lavrov: Russia to consider any option of Kosovo settlement acceptable for Serbia (Srpski Telegraf)

Moscow is ready to consider any option of settling the Kosovo crisis that will be acceptable for Belgrade, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Srpski Telegraf. “Our position regarding Kosovo is well-known, it relies on the international law, first of all the UNSCR 1244. We consistently provide comprehensive support to the Serbian friends in the efforts aimed at advocating Serbia’s legal interests both through the bilateral line and in international organizations. If Belgrade finds any settlement option appropriate for Serbia we will be ready to consider it constructively,” he said when asked whether Moscow is ready to support Belgrade’s proposal to settle the Kosovo issue through delineation between Serbs and Albanians. According to Lavrov, it is improper to speculate about possible contents of this or that option. The Western states do their utmost to turn the Balkan Peninsula into a springboard against Moscow, Lavrov said. “After the end of the Cold War, Western countries refused to join efforts in shaping an architecture of equal and indivisible security in the Euro-Atlantic space, which Russia had been persistently urging to do,” Lavrov said. “They opted for a dead-end way of expanding their geopolitical space and of mapping new divisive lines on the European continent. For example, in 1990, they bombed Yugoslavia for two and a half months, grossly violating international law, and then in an attempt to legitimize the act of aggression they recognized unilaterally Kosovo’s independence,” Lavrov stressed. The West’s anti-Russian policy evolved into an armed coup in Kiev in February 2014, which was staged and backed by Washington and some European countries, he said. “As a result, Ukraine, which had had everything to become successful and prosperous, found itself drawn into a bloody feud,” the Foreign Minister added. “There is an impression that the West has not learnt any lessons from the Ukrainian tragedy. Persistent attempts are currently in full swing to transform the Balkans into another springboard against Russia,” he emphasized. “Regional nations are forced to make a choice: either with Moscow, or with Washington and Brussels. We are aware that Belgrade is subject to severe pressure aimed at making it wind down mutually beneficial cooperation with our country. Serbian brothers are resiliently withstanding this,” Lavrov said. “Moscow highly appreciates Serbia’s independent, multipronged foreign policy which, I am convinced, meets your nation’s vital interests,” he said. One of possible routes of the Turkish Stream natural gas pipeline runs through the Serbian territory, Lavrov said. “We are satisfied with the option of the Turkish Stream construction that envisions two lines,” he said. “Currently various options of the pipeline’s extension on the European territory are being developed, including through Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary running to Austria’s Baumgarten gas hub,” Lavrov added. “Together we take into consideration the sad experience of the South Stream and would not like the situation to happen again. We will be ready to start the work only after firm positive guarantees are received from related structures of the European Union,” the minister emphasized. According to Lavrov, energy cooperation is one of the most important areas of cooperation between Moscow and Belgrade. “Leading Russian companies, including Gazprom, maintain a close contact with Serbian partners. There are ambitious joint plans. Particular steps are being agreed through the intergovernmental Russian-Serbian committee on trade, economic and scientific technical cooperation,” he said.

Dodik: If they fail to fill Serb Caucus in Federation of B&H, we will initiate constitutional changes and abolish Council of Peoples of RS (Politika)

Outgoing President of Republika Srpska (RS) and newly-elected Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik used to say that Sarajevo will have to change the way it treated the interests of Serbs, and now - when he is about to assume the office in the Presidency of B&H - he claims that he will pay special attention to intelligence and security sector. “I will initiate abolition of unconstitutional laws, my task is to show that by imposing laws, a part of international community has determined the political system with anti-Dayton solutions which are proving to be dysfunctional,” said Dodik. He is convinced that B&H does not need this big and too expensive Armed Forces, which he believes would fall apart in case of any riots. Furthermore, Dodik claims that he is an official of the RS who is only temporarily working in Sarajevo. “All policies in B&H, including the monetary policy, are being created in favor of someone else’s interests. EU’s demands in the accession process are directly detrimental to our economy. Privatization carried out under the pressure of foreigners has devastated the life in B&H. If there is no wish to change that, I see no purpose for B&H to function,” said Dodik.

Dodik said that he does not trust members of state-level law enforcement agencies, so he will not accept to be protected by them while working as the member of the Presidency of B&H. “We will have cooperation with the Government of the RS, I do not need security detail from the level of B&H. What should I do, accept to be protected by the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), which wanted to arrest me three months ago, put me in jail and search my house? They can forget about it. I trust only the Police of the RS. They can accuse me of breaking the rules, but I am telling you once again - no one will protect me other than Police of the RS,” Dodik said. Commenting on one of his most recent statements - according to which the Presidency of B&H should be an epicenter of decision-making processes - Dodik said that, for example, if the Presidency of B&H does not accept the platform for the work of the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of B&H, then OSA B&H cannot operate. “That is what is written in the law. We do not have such platform for three years already. Do you think that I will allow OSA B&H to operate without the joint platform? Regardless of what the practice has made, the OSA responds exclusively to the Presidency of B&H. Serb people in OSA will respond to Serb member of the Presidency. Regardless of the fact that they are trying to create a joint service, we have our own interests there. It cannot be in the interest of the RS to carry out an intelligence surveillance of Serbia’s leadership. Nor they can declare Russian author Zakhar Prilepin as persona non- grata”, said Dodik. “I am not going to Sarajevo to be some sort of decoration, but to advocate the interests of the RS. They (OSA) have become the private service of (SDA leader and outgoing Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H) Bakir Izetbegovic”, said Dodik, adding that OSA has turned into a service which is preparing the list of people to be blacklisted by the United States. Dodik also said that the existence of SIPA is not in the interest of the RS. “We will be working on preventing this agency from illegally entering the RS, like it used to happen upon order of (Minister of Security of B&H, Dragan) Mektic. According to Constitution of B&H, not a single armed formation can enter the territory of an entity without the approval of that entity. How can SIPA violate the Constitution?” wondered Dodik. He added that as member of the Presidency of B&H, he will have an opportunity to veto some things, and for that he needs two-third majority in the RS parliament. “Our goal is to change the Constitution of the RS. We cannot have the Council of Peoples (CoP) of the RS, which was imposed by the High Representative, serving to obstruct the work of our bodies. Here, I will say this directly, if they fail to fill the Serb Caucus in the other entity, we will initiate constitutional changes and abolish the Council of Peoples of the RS. The Serb Caucus has never been formed in the Federation of B&H since Dayton. I am not making threats, but if we cannot have the Caucus filled there, why should we be servile towards others in the RS”, said Dodik, adding that the RS CoP is not an obligation stemming from the Dayton Agreement, while the Federation of B&H has an obligation to have the House of Peoples. “I am not against having the Council of Peoples of the RS in place, but we will not allow you to degrade us there, while having you expanding here at the same time,” said Dodik.


Serbian Prime Minister Brnabic’s statement sparks numerous reactions in B&H (N1)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told Deutsche Welle that the Srebrenica massacre was a war crime, not genocide. “I do not think that terrible crime, massacre in Srebrenica, was a genocide”, said Brnabic. After the interview, Brnabic did not wish to further comment the statement about Srebrenica, explaining that it would affect regional stability and relations. “I want us to do today what can be done, and look towards the future”, concluded Brnabic. The interview, however, sparked many controversy and “opened some old wounds” of Bosniaks living in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H, Bakir Izetbegovic, said that Bosniaks in the Balkans are used to people “putting salt to their wounds”, adding that it takes a lot of strength to still be open for cooperation with such people. “We live with all this and we try to fix things”, underlined Izetbegovic. Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Denis Zvizdic emphasized that genocide committed in Srebrenica is a fact established by international courts, and denying it does not help the reconciliation process between B&H and Serbia. “The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has, as the head of Serbia’s Government, Ana Brnabic, should know, in several final rulings, determined that in July 1995 a genocide was committed against the Bosniak population in Srebrenica”, Zvizdic said, adding that all details about those court proceedings are publicly available. He called upon Brnabic to read at least part of the documentation based on which international judges ruled that genocide “and the biggest crime in Europe after the end of World War II” was committed against the Bosniaks, before the next time she “makes baseless interpretations and comments on rulings”. Representatives of the international institutions in B&H believe that this is an act of distortion of historical facts, and they called upon respecting international court rulings. “We are still disappointed with the rhetoric that questions this basic fact. We call upon all to respect these court rulings, bravely face the past and accept the truth, no matter how painful it is. As the biggest massacre committed in Europe after the World War II and a crime against the entire humanity, Srebrenica genocide must never be forgotten or minimized”, reads the official statement of the Public Relations Office with the US Embassy in B&H. The UK Embassy in B&H issued a statement regarding this matter that reads: “United Kingdom’s stance regarding the atrocities that happened in Srebrenica, and which were pronounced a genocide before the international courts, is quite clear. International and domestic courts have confirmed that this crime corresponds to the definition of genocide, in accordance with the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide from 1948. That is not a political statement, it is a legal fact”. Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H, Bruce Berton, said that nobody benefits from denying the genocide confirmed by two international courts and doing so is detrimental to the relations in the region. “There was a genocide committed in Srebrenica and any denial of this is an attempt to rewrite history”, said Berton.

Representatives of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in B&H also stated on Friday that the fact that genocide was committed in Srebrenica was determined by two international courts, adding that 1995 events in Srebrenica were documented in detail. The Hague Tribunal and the Court of B&H, as well as courts in Serbia and Croatia, sentenced a total of 45 people for the crimes committed in Srebrenica during 1995, to around 700 years of prison.

Izetbegovic: I see Dodik and Covic as my partners at the level of B&H (N1)

Current Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency and SDA leader, Bakir Izetbegovic, commented on possibility of formation of coalition between SDA, SNSD and HDZ B&H at the level of state. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik already reached an agreement on cooperation on the level of B&H, stating that they need a third member, a strong representative of the Bosniaks in B&H, which they believe is SDA. “We are a winning party and I see them (Dodik and Covic) as my partners, because they won among the Serbs and the Croats. SDA has won on state and entity levels, in all cantons with Bosniak majority, except in Tuzla Canton (TC) where we lost by 200 votes”, said Izetbegovic. He added that prior to holding talks with SNSD and HDZ B&H, he would like to talk to leaders of DF and SDP B&H. According to N1, SDP B&H also confirmed that talks with SDA will be held. After coalitions are formed, the forming of authorities at all levels should be conducted. SDA as traditional coalition partner of HDZ B&H is faced with a decisive stance of the majority of political parties in the Federation of B&H that they do not want to form authorities with SDA. SDA leader Izetbegovic confirmed in an interview to TV1 on Thursday that he will hold talks with representatives of SDP B&H and DF next week on formation of authorities at the state and entity level. He said that it is necessary to have as many strong parties in the authority as possible, and that everyone who wishes B&H good and thinks rationally is welcome in the authority.

Lavrov: Russia, Serb leadership and Dodik are among most consistent protectors of DPA (TV1)

Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov said that Russia, the Serb leadership, as well as newly-elected Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik are among the most consistent protectors of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), which confirms sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. Lavrov added that the international community should provide assistance to parties in B&H in finding solutions for issues, such as reform of judiciary and removal of foreign experts from the Constitutional Court of B&H. Commenting on presence of the Office of the High Representative in B&H, Lavrov assessed that it is necessary to transfer the responsibility for developments in B&H onto the authorities, in line with the competences.

Dodik awards Russian MP Dorokhin (RTRS)

Outgoing President of Republika Srpska (RS) Milorad Dodik awarded on Saturday member of the Russian State Duma Pavel Sergeyevich Dorokhin with the medial of the RS flag with the silver wreath. On behalf of RS, Dodik expressed gratitude to Russia for understanding and support to implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). Dodik said that Russian commitment in this field does not jeopardize anyone in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He argued that unlike some other countries - that devastated the DPA and violently changed it in the last couple of years - Russia turned out to be a very important factor for preservation of respect for the international law.

Montenegro’s frontrunner status indisputable, says Kurz (Pobjeda)

The European perspective of the Western Balkans now is much better than it used to be, said the Austrian Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, in an interview with Pobjeda daily. Mr. Kurz emphasized that Montenegro’s frontrunner status in the EU accession process has been unquestionable and if “it keeps progressing so fast”, 2025 might be a feasible accession date. “From the beginning of this year, we have intensified our cooperation with the region. The EU- Western Balkans Summit held in Sofia, conclusions of the Council for enlargement of July as well as the London Berlin Process Summit in July …they all sent a clear political message – the EU has been commitment towards the enlargement. I’m deeply convinced that the EU can’t be complete unless the Western Balkan countries join it,” emphasized Kurz. As for the possible delays of the EU enlargement, Kurz pointed out that it’s very important for the countries of the region to focus on required reforms and good neighborly relations, that need to be further upgraded.

Hahn: All EU member states should respect the rule of law in Macedonia (Meta)

European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn indirectly commented on the escape of former convicted Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski on his Twitter account, saying it is a “matter of Europe’s credibility”. “A strong rule of law is one of the fundamental criteria of EU accession. After years of backsliding, Macedonia is making good progress in this area, including criminal law. All EU member states and West Balkan neighbors should support this process. This is a matter of Europe’s credibility” wrote Hahn.

Kocijancic: EU does not want to interfere in the case with Gruevski (Meta)

The European Union does not want to interfere in the case regarding former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and his political asylum claim in Hungary, stated European Commission spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic. Kocijancic also said that “this is a case that must not be politicized.” “We are aware of the situation regarding Mr. Gruevski. We do not comment on ongoing court proceedings. The rule of law is a fundamental principle of the European Union, for member states and candidate countries. We expect all parties to act strictly in accordance with the relevant rules. This is a court procedure that must not be politicized” said Kocijancic.

Zaev concerned about parliamentary majority for constitutional changes (Meta)

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that Nikola Gruevski’s escape is not related to the vote in Parliament for the start of the changes to the Constitution stemming from the Prespa Agreement, however, nevertheless, he added that he is concerned about the parliamentary majority.

“For me the first priority is the political process in Parliament, and that’s because we are providing a future in NATO and the EU. Not that everything else does not matter, but it is conditioned by the success of this. I believe in the parliamentary capacity of MPs. I hope that the numbers will grow, but I want to share my fear and concern for the numbers, because we cannot stop justice in the country, the procedures of the judicial systems, how they act, they reflect on the cases. MPs have a historic decision that will be confirmed in this process, until the adoption of constitutional amendments,” said Zaev replying to a journalist’s deduction that the media wrote about the possibility that Gruevski fleeing the country is connected with the beginning of the constitutional changes in parliament. However, he added that Nikola Gruevski’s escape is not related to the vote in parliament and the most important political process that is currently taking place. “Why is there no connection? Because Gruevski was meant to vote in person and would not put his fellow MPs in the dock. Secondly, because it would have been too late, I do not know if a parliamentary majority in such circumstances could be held. And because he probably betrayed his former friends and associates. He did it in the most inhuman way and the consequences can still be felt,” said Zaev.