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Belgrade Media Report 22 November 2018



Vucic: Information on movement of Albanian troops towards northern Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


We have information on the movement of Albanian troops from the Belvedere and Vrelo bases towards northern Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at the beginning of the meeting with Kosovo Serb representatives. “It is possible that they are heading towards the control of the lake to show muscles and to control the green crossing in the north, in order to prevent any kind of import of goods,” said Vucic. “We know in how difficult position you are regardless of whether you live south or north of the Ibar River. Pristina’s measures, primarily the introduction of the 10 percent taxes and then the 100 percent taxes, mean complete ban of trade,” said Vucic. Vucic said he had been informed about movement of ROSU members. “They are heading towards the southern part of Mitrovica. ROSU and Kosovo Security Forces members are arriving, they are driving large trucks full of people, towards southern Mitrovica, probably towards Bair,” said Vucic, adding that not a single member of Kosovo Security Forces of Serb nationality has been called to work. “We haven’t moved military and police forces. What are they preparing for, I don’t know…” said Vucic. “The burning of our goods in Kacanik, organized bonfires are completely the same as the burning of Jewish books in Nazi Germany. We have the worst kind of Nazism at work, which some are proud of.  It is important for us that the EU reacted rationally, it would have been better that they had reacted this way when the CEFTA agreement was violated the first time. I am not sure they will manage to bring Pristina to reason. I don’t think this will happen,” said Vucic. He added that the Pristina authorities began searching homes in Ropotovo and Ranilug and taking off license plates from cars. Commenting Ramush Haradinaj’s statement that Kosovo will not revoke taxes until Serbia recognizes Kosovo, Vucic says that Haradinaj hadn’t come up with this on his own and that the big powers stand behind this. “This didn’t come from Haradinaj’s head, he was just being careless and quickly made it public,” said Vucic.


Tanin expresses concern over Pristina’s decision (Beta)


UNMIK Head Zahir Tanin expressed concern over the Pristina authorities’ decision to introduce 100-percent import fees on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Special Representative of the UN Secretary General said he was concerned over the possible effect of this move on the people in Kosovo, but also over the political implications on the dialogue on the

normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, UNMIK has stated.


EU calls for calm both in Pristina and Belgrade (FoNet)


EU spokesperson Maja Kocijancic called on Thursday on both Serbia and Kosovo leaders to end provocations and to focus on ending the process of normalization of relations, FoNet reported. Speaking to reporters, Kocijancic has said Serbia and Kosovo have disagreements in the relations and that the EU has already said the place for ironing them out was the dialogue facilitated by the Union. Kocijancic said that CEFTA was expected to take necessary measures to secure the agreement was fully respected. “The message we are sending to Serbia and Kosovo is clear, and we expect the respect of the obligations and avoid provocations because that is not in the interest of either side, the region and Europe and to continue working on normalization of relations,” Kocijancic said.


Vucic: Serbian government to talk to UN, EU member states on CEFTA violation (Tanjug)


After Wednesday’s session of the National Security Council, President Vucic said that Serbia will act in a responsible way, thus showing the difference between serious and responsible moves and the moves made by Pristina. We will not stop their trucks and passenger cars, nor the traffic of goods to Kosovo and Metohija, he said. Pristina's decision is neither rational or reasonable. That is why we are worried, but also a bit afraid because we are concerned about peace. We will have to take a variety of measures to make the world aware of what Pristina is doing, but also to see how to help our people, Vucic said. He announced that the Serbian government will address all the governments of the members of the United Nations Security Council and the European Union and present the facts regarding Pristina’s violations of the CEFTA agreement and the Stabilization and Association Agreement. This will be a job for the government and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. Different institutions, such as the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, will do their job together with companies that export goods to Kosovo and Metohija to see how to overcome the crisis, Vucic said, adding that among these companies there are foreign companies like Henkel and Coca Cola. The President pointed out that an agreement was also reached that all competent authorities should be fully prepared in the event of any irrational behavior of Pristina authorities, and all of them have been given specific tasks and will take appropriate measures. The session was attended by Prime Minister Brnabic, Ministers Ivica Dacic, Nebojsa Stefanovic, Rasim Ljajic, Aleksandar Vulin, Nela Kuburovic, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric, Police Director Vladimir Rebic, the Head of the Security Intelligence Agency Bratislav Gasic, Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Milan Mojsilovic, Secretary-General of the President Nikola Selakovic, as well as chiefs of the security services.


Vucic: Pristina’s decision has four objectives (RTS)


“We have analyzed what the reasons behind Pristina’s decision might be and we believe there are four objectives there. First, it is Pristina’s biggest pressure so far, which would lead to our unconditional capitulation and a full recognition of independence. This is an absolute ban on trade, this prevents our people in the north, too, to buy the goods they are used to,” said Vucic. He further said that Pristina’s decision, which he said had been seriously prepared, was an attempt at pushing international institutions to give Kosovo certain concessions in visa liberalization. “The fourth is getting to the point of conflict and complete destabilization of the region for the sake of someone else’s or one’s own interests, because they cannot achieve them peacefully and through dialogue,” said Vucic.


Dacic: Pristina’s trade war is a consquence of non-punishment (TV Pink)


On the occasion of the latest measure by Pristina, Dacic told TV Pink that we are facing a trade war. “This is not a test for Serbia, but for the EU, international community, but also for the big powers. They (Pristina) are not going even to the toilet without asking someone from the West,” Dacic said, adding this is an act of hostility. According to him, Pristina has a strategy to which they are used to, brining Western countries before a fait accompli and leading with their unilateral acts to such a situation so to pull out the most they can, because they are in a hurry. “They cannot enter international organizations, they will not receive the visa free regime, they can’t force Serbia to recognize Kosovo, while the number of countries that recognize them is reducing. Three years ago, they needed eight votes to receive a two-third majority in Interpol, but today they needed 36 votes. Threats and use of force are at work in this entire situation,” said Dacic.


Stefanovic: EU to take concrete measures (TV Pink)


Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic called on the EU on Thursday to instead of just giving statements take concrete measures against Kosovo’s decision to increase import tariffs for goods from Serbia to 100 percent. Stefanovic told TV Pink that Pristina;s action aims at oppressing the Serbs in Kosovo, adding that the move brings in instability to the whole region.

Regarding the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on normalization of relations, Stefanovic wondered what would be the point of it after all these decisions by Kosovo’s authorities?


Djuric: Brutal attack on Serbs with taxes (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told RTS that Pristina’s decision was meant “to force Serbia to some political capitulation and a change of the regime.” This is a consequence of the fact that the international community has not reacted to the recent increase of taxes by 10 percent, because it there had been serious reactions they wouldn’t have dared introduce 100 percent higher taxes today, said Djuric, suggesting that the international community should exert pressure on the Kosovo institutions.


Simic: Concern is not the right word (RTS)


In a RTS broadcast Oko (Eye) on Thursday evening, the vice president of the Serb List in Kosovo and Metohija Igor Simic, said in reaction to the statement issued by UNMIK Head Zahir Tanin: “I am personally, absolutely disappointed with what I hear. This is not a mild statement, it is even less than that, I don’t know what word to use. The gents from UNMIK are here to ensure everyone in Kosovo and Metohija living conditions. Concern is something that doesn’t exist in the Albanian political dictionary. The fact that he is concerned will not change this unilateral decision. This is an act of hostility towards the Serb people, it will not alleviate life for the Serbs tomorrow. On the other side, sometimes, we, who live down there, sometimes have the feeling that these representatives are more concerned with what image they have in Pristina than what they are actually doing, whether they are really fulfilling the mandate entrusted to them, for example UNSCR 1244 to UNMIK, because, you know, concern is not the right word. This is something that can introduce us to a crisis, a wide-scale crisis, a crisis that would create negative effects on stability of the entire Western Balkan region.”




Inaugural session of Federation of B&H HoR scheduled for Tuesday (TV1)


A consultative meeting of outgoing Speaker of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) Edin Music (SDA) with representatives of all political parties that will participate in work of the future convocation of the Federation of B&H parliament was held on Wednesday. The goal of this meeting was to set the date for an inaugural session of the Federation of B&H HoR. It was agreed at this meeting that the inaugural session will be held on Tuesday, November 27. Music underlined that three interim commissions were established at this meeting. He explained that these three commissions will deal with the issue of establishing of the new convocation of the Federation of B&H HoR. Representatives of SDP believe that besides the fact that newly elected MPs will be sworn in at this session, no other decisions will be passed. SDP’s Damir Masic stated that this session should be resumed once the situation regarding distribution of mandates in the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) becomes clear, as well as the situation regarding the new parliamentary majority at the Federation of B&H level. DF’s Samer Residat stated that it is still too early to talk about the new parliamentary majority in the Federation of B&H parliament, considering the fact that the Central Election Commission of B&H (CEC) still has not passed a decision on distribution of mandates in the Federation of B&H HoP. The CEC delivered certificates for 98 newly elected representatives of the Federation of B&H HoR on Wednesday, so all conditions for scheduling the session were met. The three interim commissions were also formed: Commission for Mandates and Immunity, Commission for Election and Appointments and Administrative Commission.


Inzko reminds that census from 2013 should not be used before full implementation of Annex VII of DPA (TV1)


Talking about his expectations from new B&H authorities, considering the fact that new authorities have not been even established and HDZ B&H started with blockades, i.e. with blockade of setting the date of the inaugural session of B&H House of Representatives (HoR), High Representative Valentin Inzko said that this issue should not be commented yet because the deadline to schedule the inaugural session of B&H HoR has not expired yet. Talking about formation of new authorities in B&H, Inzko said that he believes formation of authorities at some levels, including cantons and Republika Srpska (RS) will pass without problems, adding that certain complications can be expected in the process of formation of the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP). Asked whether the decision on distribution of mandates in the Federation of B&H HoP should be grounded on the population census from 1991 or 2013 Census, Inzko reminded that the census from 2013 should not be used before full implementation of the Annex VII of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), underlining that the issue of distribution of mandates in the Federation of B&H HoP is something the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H will decide about. The High Representative stressed that he is prepared to cooperate in this process, adding that legal experts in the OHR prepared some solutions for this problem. He added that besides the OHR, political parties in B&H offered certain solutions, as well as B&H CEC. He stressed that besides quality solution, this issue requires political will. Asked if he will impose solutions if no concrete solution regarding this issue is agreed, Inzko stated that he is prepared for cooperation. “Also, a session of PIC at level of political directors will be held at the beginning of December, and we will probably discuss this problem. However, I always say that a good domestic solution is the best one,” emphasized the High Representative. Asked to comment constant interference of Serbia and Croatia with the situation in B&H, High Representative Inzko reminded that according to the Dayton Peace Agreement, Serbia and Croatia have the right to parallel and special relations with entities in B&H. He underlined that there have been ups and downs in relations of B&H with its neighbors. Inzko also said that he understands that authorities of Croatia care about the status of Croats in B&H, adding that it would be more useful if Croats in B&H were recognized as a constituent people in B&H and not as Croatia’s Diaspora or as minority in B&H.


Inzko: It is still not time to close OHR (TV1)


Asked whether conditions to shut down the Office of the High Representative (OHR) have been met, High Representative Valentin Inzko replied negatively, adding that some issues important for closing of the OHR have not been resolved. Inzko explained that he refers to issues of military and state property, fiscal stability etc. He went on to say that one of the two main conditions for shut down of the OHR has been met, i.e. B&H signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU. “The other conditions refer to positive assessment of the political situation in B&H” said Inzko. Inzko stressed that in the report on B&H presented before the UN Security Council (UN SC) he stated that it is still not time to close the OHR, adding that his assessment got support of the UN SC. “They even extended a mandate of EUFOR in B&H. This means that international forces are still necessary here,” stated Inzko. Reminded that Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik announced that he will be advocating abolition of function of the High Representative and that the RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that the role of the international community in B&H is a key problem in this country, Inzko underlined that there are numerous examples about positive influence of the international community in some countries. He reminded that Germany did not have full sovereignty for 45 years after the World War Two, i.e. the international community was present in this country in this period. “Despite this Germany was one of founders of the European Community,” said the High Representative. He stressed that he personally wishes B&H will meet as many of its obligations as possible so that presence of the IC in this country is no longer necessary. “This will happen once the political situation in B&H becomes stable, as well as institutions of this country,” stressed Inzko. He also stated that the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) decides about closing of the OHR.


Cvijanovic and Dodik stress need for Council for Protection of Constitutional order of RS (RTRS)


The RS Council for Protection of Constitutional Organization, whose role is to monitor and analyze the constitutional position and competences of the RS and its institutions, was officially formed on Tuesday. The Council will have an advisory role of the RS President and the RS institutions only, without interfering with competences of the current agencies. The Council will address possible threats and all activities that already endanger or tend to endanger the constitutional order and will also propose measures and conclusions to the RS President in order to eliminate these threats. Commenting on the formation of the RS Council, RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that the Council WAS conceptualized long time ago and it is necessary for the RS to have this body. She stressed that there are no hidden intentions and reasons behind formation of this body as certain media speculate. B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik commented that the RS has the right to protect its freedom and institutions in line with the Constitution, as well as to control all those who are against the constitutional order. He reminded that this competence was transferred to the level of B&H through violence of the international community, by formation of the Intelligence-Security Agency (OSA) of B&H. “We have seen B&H OSA’s subversive and hostile activities towards the RS and therefore we cannot have trust. For that reason, it is logical now that we act in line with the Constitution and form the RS Council for Protection of Constitutional Organization, which will later work on proposing the framework that will create organizational and personal structure that will include professionals for the issue of protection of the Constitution,” Dodik explained.


Decision of Kosovo to introduce 100 percent customs tariffs to products imported from B&H and Serbia spark reactions (N1)


The Kosovo government passed the decision to introduce 100 percent customs duty for products imported from B&H and Serbia at the session in Pristina on Wednesday. The decision comes into force as of November 21 and it caused fierce reactions in B&H and Serbia. The Kosovo Government explained that the decision was passed with an aim to strengthen domestic production, statehood and economy. Commenting on the move, B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chairman Denis Zvizdic (CoM) told N1 that this decision of the Kosovo Government is wrong and unnecessary, announcing that B&H’s official stance will be agreed at the session of B&H CoM on Thursday. He said that he expects from Pristina to annul the decision, which violates basic postulates, goals and the purpose of establishing of the CEFTA agreement. Zvizdic stressed in case that the decision was reaction to the vote on Kosovo’s Interpol membership, the Kosovo authorities have used a wrong method and conveyed a wrong and bad message – at least when it comes to B&H. B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Mirko Sarovic commented that the decision represents an impact on the CEFTA agreement, stressing that he expects B&H CoM to give its stance on the issue. He said that existence of CEFTA now depends on its member states and Brussels that sponsors this free trade zone. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak assessed the decision as a hostile act. B&H producers who distribute their products on the Kosovo market commented that behavior of the Pristina-based authorities have been problematic in the past couple of years, reminding that the official Sarajevo still does not have reaction to this problem.


B&H Prosecutor’s Office orders reopening of investigation in Dobrovoljacka Street case (ATV)


The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) stated on Wednesday that it has ordered reopening of the investigation against five persons in the case known as ‘Dobrovoljacka’. SRNA has learned from sources close to judiciary of B&H that the investigation will be conducted against Ejup Ganic, Zaim Backovic, Hasan Efendic, Jusuf Pusina and Emir Svrakic. The investigation was resumed due to reasonable doubt that a war crime was committed in this case, given the fact that victims were exposed to fire after they were prevented from fighting or while they were in an ambulance car. The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H thus annulled the order for the investigation to be terminated, which was issued on January 17, 2012. The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H stated that the abovementioned decision represents acting in line with all complaints related to this case and represents implementation of the Constitutional Court’s decision.


Hungarian government will not extradite Gruevski (Nezavisen vesnik)


The Hungarian government excludes the possibility of extraditing former Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski to Macedonia, Hungarian Justice Minister Laszlo Trocsanyi said yesterday. “Gruevski, after receiving asylum in Hungary, cannot be sent to a country where he is being persecuted” said Trocsanyi. The Hungarian Immigration and Refugee Service yesterday approved Gruevski's political asylum, after which Macedonia issued an international arrest warrant for serving a two-year prison sentence. The Macedonian Ministry of Justice submitted to the Hungarian authorities the request for extradition of Nikola Gruevski from Hungary.


Szijjarto: Gruevski crossed three borders legally, our diplomats did not smuggle him into Hungary (Meta)


Former Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski had to cross three borders to reach Hungary and did so in full compliance with the regulations in all three cases, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said at a press conference in Budapest. He also said his ministry was in no way connected to the case, bearing in mind that the body that granted Gruevski’s asylum was not under the control of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. “The former Macedonian prime minister showed his documents in all three cases and they were duly examined by authorities,” said Szijjarto, denying that Hungarian diplomats were involved in any kind of “smuggling or escape plan”. “They first saw Gruevski at the Hungarian Embassy in Tirana and that’s when they first heard heard about his asylum,” said the Hungarian Foreign Minister, adding he was not familiar with any secret deal regarding the case. “Dialogue on this matter with Macedonia is ongoing” said Szijjarto, reminding that he is in contact with his Macedonian counterpart. Interior Minister Sandor Pinter is also in contact with the Macedonian Interior Minister. Szijjarto also pointed out that in the past former members of government had sought and received asylum.


Macedonia will be demanding that Gruevski’s asylum be revoked (Meta)


The government is considering and will make a decision to send a request for revoking the decision for granting an asylum for Nikola Gruevski, said the Minister of Justice, Renata Deskoska at the start of the project titled “Strengthening of the penitentiary system and the probation service.” She said that, if the decision is based upon several facts that aren’t what they are, the state has the right to revoke it or to cancel its decision. “The Hungarian laws are very restrictive and they even provide opportunities for revoking an already granted decision for asylum, and therefore the government is thinking about and will make a decision to send a request for revoking the asylum decision. Also, by observing the Hungarian laws, those that were granted an asylum, if they aren’t granted citizenship at the same time, or a triple citizenship, their decision for asylum is going under consideration again after three years. Therefore, if Gruevski isn’t granted a citizenship, then his decision even if in this case is not under consideration on request of the government, under Hungarian laws it will be under review every three years” said Deskoska. Until now, as she said, there haven’t been any problems with Hungary regarding the extradition and that Hungary has never raised an issue regarding the condition of the prison system, nor regarding the doubts about the judiciary in order to refuse the extradition.


Dimitrov: It’s ironic and a paradox for a country that’s an EU member to grant asylum to a felon (Meta)


It is ironic and a paradox for a country that is an EU member to grant asylum to a felon, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov at the press conference. He also said that in the process of solving this case with Hungarian authorities, it will insist on obeying the rule of law and it will take into account all national interests including the interest of having good relations with Hungary. “I think that the case with Gruevski can be filed under terms such as irony and paradox because it’s about a person under which rule the European Commission defined Macedonia as a captured state. We have a conclusion from the Council for general matters dated from June this year, where a legal conclusion is demanded and accountability about the indications for felonies that have come out of the wiretapped conversations. This was supported by the European Council. And now Macedonia as a country candidate is doing everything in its power regarding the law to rule. And it really ironic and a paradox for a man that is convicted, a felon that is facing four other charges and five other investigations underway to be granted asylum by a member state. We are in difficult territory now and will take into account our interests among which is the interest for good relations with Hungary in the process of what we should do and how shall we do it,” said Dimitrov. He announced that he will meet with his Hungarian colleague Peter Szijjarto on the margins of the ministerial meeting with NATO on the 4 and 5 December, where they will openly talk about the case. When asked whether there is any danger if other countries follow Hungary’s example, to accept its objections regarding the situation in the judiciary and to block our road towards the EU and NATO, Dimitrov said that he will insist on its principles and state interest. “Not everything that is happening is our will. It is up to us to insist on principles, to explain. Anyone who has been following the situation in Macedonia and all the reports from 2015 and up to this point, will know how to asses, among other issues, what is really happening, Hahn’s statement and Washington’s stance. We shall work on that to keep to our principles and to the country’s interest,” said Dimitrov.


Hahn: I expect a sound explanation from Orban regarding Gruevski’s asylum (Meta)


The EU Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn responded to Hungary’s decision to grant asylum to Nikola Gruevski, after the former prime minister boasted about it on Facebook. Hahn said that if it were true, he expects a sound explanation from Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban regarding the grounds of such a decision. “I take notes of reports about Hungary’s decision to grant political asylum to Nikola Gruevski. If confirmed, I expect a sound explanation of its grounds by Viktor Orban. The EU Commissioner explained that he was surprised that Hungary granted asylum to Gruevski and called Macedonia an insecure country, while at the same time supporting the country’s membership in the EU. “The rule of law remains a fundamental principle for Member States and candidate countries. It is crucial for Europe’s credibility. I am surprised that Hungary supports Macedonia’s EU membership, but does not consider it safe,” Hahn added.


President of the Republic of Albania on working visit to Republic of Croatia (ADN)


The President of the Republic of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic met with the President of the Republic of Albania Ilir Meta in Zadar on the occasion of his working visit to the Republic of Croatia.  The meeting between the two Presidents started in the Zadar suburb of Arbanasi, in the monastery of the School Sisters of St. Francis where President Grabar-Kitarovic and President Meta met with residents and briefed on the history of Arbanasi. Arbanasi were Albanians who settled in the vicinity of Zadar in the 18th century and a neighborhood in the city was named after them. "Although they preserved their identity, the name Arbanasi quickly became a synonym for uncompromising loyalty to the Croatian homeland and the Catholic faith, which often exposed them to social marginalization, even persecution, especially during fascist and communist rule in Croatia", the President stated in her address. She highlighted that the Arbanasi made an extraordinary contribution to the creation and defense of Croatia. "Proud of their tradition and origin and fully integrated in the Croatian identity, Arbanasi remains a lasting bond between the Croatian and Albanian people," she said. Ties between Croatia and Albania are strong and close even today, the President noted. As NATO Member States, Croatia and Albania participate in the development of security in South East Europe, which is facing new challenges today, she added. "Such as challenges of migrations, to which Europe has as yet no unique response, which brings us to the need for stronger security cooperation in order to preserve the security of our borders and ensure prerequisites for stable economic development and inclusion to more developed European States," President Grabar-Kitarovic remarked. She underlined that the Republic of Croatia will continue to fully endorse the Republic of Albania as a candidate country for membership in the European Union, because this is the best path for the security of South East Europe, to promote economic development and to protect the Adriatic from pollution.

Meta said that the relations of Albania and Croatia, are a model for the region. According to him, they rely on the strong historical ties between the two nations and share the common Euro-Atlantic vision. "The excellent Albanian-Croatian relations are a model in our region because they rely on strong historical ties between the two nations and share the common Euro-Atlantic vision. Their foundation is worthy of the contribution, self-sacrifice and sacrifice of Albanians in the heroic war for Croatia's independence," said Meta.




Kosovo's 100% Tariffs on Serbia Prove Invalidity of 'Kosovar State' – Moscow (Sputnik, 22 November 2018)


MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Kosovo's introduction of 100 percent tariffs on goods imported from Serbia and from Bosnia and Herzegovina may lead to a significant deterioration of situation in the Balkans, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday. "This Pristina's provocation is another explicit proof of the invalidity of 'Kosovar state'… The European Union as a mediator in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is obliged to put pressure on the Kosovar authorities and achieve immediate cancellation of this illicit decision that may lead to a significant deterioration of the situation in the Balkans," the ministry said in a statement.