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Belgrade Media Report 12 December 2018



Vucic in United Arab Emirates: Mogherini is not to be blamed for the dialogue (RTS)


Asked to comment Haradinaj’s statement that EU High Representative Federica Mogherini is to be blamed for the failure of the dialogue, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says he disagrees with this. “I don’t think that Mogherini is someone who is inclined in any way to Belgrade or Serbia. On the contrary, but certainly she is not to be blamed. We and Pristina can be blamed for that. Let them in Pristina think well who is to be blamed, who wanted agreements, and who didn’t want agreements,” said Vucic. “EU was there only to offer its good services. Whether we were sometimes under the pressure of everything – well, we were, but you can always resist that. In the end, everything depends from Belgrade and Pristina. We don’t have this personal relationship towards Mogherini, her team and work. I thank them for spending time and attaching significance to our talks,” says Vucic. Vucic recalled that it is very important news that the United Arab Emirates has for the first time didn’t’ support Kosovo’s membership in Interpol. “That was extremely important news. You don’t know who extremely important news this was in the entire region, the Arab world. Not to mention how many countries are linked to them, and they were one of the most powerful supporters, over good ties and assistants that Atifete Jahjaga used to have. We have fought for years here and we managed to succeed in an important battle,” said Vucic.


Kuburovic: UNMIK making arrest warrants invisible (Tanjug)


Serbian Justice Minister Nela Kuburovic on Tuesday warned the UN Security Council that the UN administration in Kosovo - UNMIK - was making arrest warrants for ethnic Albanian terrorists from Kosovo and Metohija invisible in the INTERPOL system for no obvious reason and without authorization. UNMIK has not been given that mandate by the Security Council, Kuburovic said at a regular UN SC session on a biannual report on the work of the UN International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals.


Serbia losing war crimes cases because of harmful agreements with Croatia and B&H (Politika)


The case of Naser Oric has been lost for Serbia thanks to ‘harmful’ agreements signed between prosecutor’s offices of Serbia and B&H, and that war crimes he was acquitted of were only 1/10 of war crimes Serbia carried out investigation on in his case. The Oric case was delivered to B&H Prosecutor’s Office based on an agreement of prosecutors of the two countries and added that the trial in Sarajevo did not include all crimes against Serbs in the area of Srebrenica and Bratunac in 1992. “Some investigations against Oric are still underway”, the daily added. Serbian Minister of Justice Nela Kuburovic met with Chief Prosecutor of the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT) Brammertz in New York and disagreed with his assessment on insufficient regional cooperation in processing of war crimes before domestic courts in Serbia, Croatia and B&H. Kuburovic said that Serbia has always been ready for regional cooperation in processing of war crimes and added that it always responded to memos coming from B&H and Croatia, while “there is no such readiness when it comes to memos sent by Serbia”. Belgrade lawyer Dusan Bratic assessed that the agreement signed by former Serbian Prosecutor for War Crimes Cases Vladimir Vukcevic and his counterparts in Croatia and B&H back in 2006 was illegal and “bypasses bilateral agreements between Serbia and Croatia on international assistance in criminal matters, Law on International Legal Aid and Law on Criminal Procedure”. Bratic assessed that the agreement with Croatia must be put out of force urgently.


Odalovic: Haradinaj playing with fire (RTS)


The General Secretary of the Serbian Foreign Ministry Veljko Odalovic has told RTS that he would have liked that the news from Pristina that there will be no new measures against Belgrade is a product of the engagement of mentors and sponsors of Kosovo Premier Ramush Haradinaj. He says that Haradinaj was not supposed to be allowed exhibitionism that he is conducting towards the Serbs, underlining that he is playing with fire. Commenting taxes on Serbian products introduced by Pristina, Odalovic recalled that UNMIK is the signatory of the CEFTA agreement on behalf of Pristina, and that this organization is behaving as if this doesn’t concern it. Odalovic says that this is not good and that the problem would have been perceived differently had UNMIK told the authorities in Pristina that they can’t violate the CEFTA agreement since they signed it. Commenting announcement in the media on the names that will find themselves before the Special Court for KLA crimes, he says a working group had collected evidence of crimes committed by the KLA and handed it over to the Special Court which are processing war crimes committed in Kosovo and Metohija. “We have evidence that Mustafa Remi gave permission for his man to hold prisoner the two Serbian journalists we are still trying to find and we have found direct links to crimes and the 580 missing people who were held in their camps,” Odalovic said. He said that the KLA zone commanders were later made police service chiefs and then transferred to the Kosovo Security Forces. According to Odalovic, those men are now being prepared to become the Kosovo military forces. “What kind of message does that send,” he said.

Odalovic says that it’s important to see if the international community is prepared to go all the way in collecting evidence and processing crimes. If individuals are not removed from the public scene and processed for the crimes they committed, society has no future. “The younger generations will build a future and their past is 3,500 people killed and more than 250,000 expelled. That is a black hole which is a problem for all of us,” he said.




B&H CEC fails to discuss issue of filling of Federation of B&H HoP (FTV)


The Central Election Commission (CEC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) failed to discuss ways to establish the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) on Tuesday. According to FTV, it turns out that there is no consent among members of the CEC on whether to apply results of the population census 1991 or the population census 2013 for formation of the HoP. Last week, a legally-prescribed deadline for establishment of the Federation of B&H HoP expired. The reporter argued that different standpoints and the possibility of outvoting are the key reasons for stalling of the process of making the decision on formation of the HoP. A member of the CEC, Suad Arnautovic said that they are intensively working on finding an adequate solution that will satisfy four, key principles; constituent status, parity, territoriality and proportionality in line with a decision of B&H Constitutional Court (CC). In his opinion, this is a very complex issue.


Dodik postpones consultations on appointment of Chairman of B&H CoM designate (N1)


Consultations of B&H Presidency members with parliamentary parties in B&H on a new B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chairman were canceled on Tuesday at the request of B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik. He asked for the removal of B&H flag from the meeting room where the consultations were supposed to be held, after Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic previously did not allow displaying of the RS’ flag in the same room. Addressing the press conference in Istocno Sarajevo on Tuesday, Dodik explained that the main reason why the B&H Presidency is unable to function is “decoration”. He said that it was necessary to give proposals for formation of the B&H CoM at consultations on Tuesday, but the problem emerged due to “decoration of a meeting room”. Dodik added that he proposed neutral structure of B&H Presidency premises without symbols, but Dzaferovic did not accept that. He reminded of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) which says that B&H is formed of the Federation of B&H and Republika Srpska (RS) and that he demands adequate representation in the B&H Presidency given that he comes from the RS. Dzaferovic also held a press conference on Tuesday to comment on the recent developments in B&H Presidency. He clearly stressed that the removal of B&H’s flag represents violation of the state and that he will never accept that, noting that he cannot accept that the RS flag is displayed or the B&H flag removed from the meeting rooms where the B&H Presidency holds sessions. Dzaferovic reminded of the B&H Presidency’s rulebook and the law on the flag of B&H, which clearly stipulates that only B&H flag can be displayed in situations when the state of B&H is represented. SNSD representative in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Stasa Kosarac stated on Tuesday that SNSD will ask for displaying of the RS' flag in the premises of B&H Parliament and B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). SNSD Vice President Nikola Spiric stressed that the RS representatives in joint institutions of B&H are ok with the Federation of B&H and B&H’s symbols, so he sees no reason why someone would be bothered by the RS symbols.


Members of Serb Caucus in B&H HoR will insist on adoption of law on B&H CC, in order to remove foreign judges from that institution (ATV)


Members of the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) stated on Tuesday that they will insist on securing the parliamentary majority that should, as soon as possible, work on adopting the law on the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, all with the goal of removing foreign judges from B&H CC. Bosniak representatives stated that these partial initiatives are almost always “doomed to fail”, as they do not get the support of majority of representatives.

Head of the Serb Caucus in the B&H HoR Nenad Stevandic believes that Bosniaks refuse to support this initiative as the current situation suits them. SDA representative in the B&H HoR Semsudin Mehmedovic said that partial initiatives are pointless, but emphasized that SDA would support a serious initiative for reform of the judiciary system in B&H. B&H is the only country of the region in which foreign judges adopt decisions in a top state institution.


Mogherini on reform of Election Law (TV1)


EU High Representative Federica Mogherini said that when it comes to reform of the Election Law of B&H it is necessary to find balance between the structure of B&H and the standards of the EU. Mogherini also said that legality of elections for members of the Presidency of B&H is not questionable. She emphasized importance of fast formation of authorities and of finding a solution for issue of the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP). Mogherini underlined that the EU remains committed to provide support to B&H authorities in regard to finding of solution for reform of electoral legislation. Spokeswoman for the European Commission Maja Kocijancic stated that the election of the B&H Presidency members is legal and no one is questioning it. She stressed that the EU is dedicated to the support of B&H authorities. Kocijancic explained that the European Commission believes the B&H priorities are the formation of authorities, continuation of the reform process and changes to the B&H Election Law. She stressed the importance of solving the issue of the Federation of B&H House of People (HoP).


Covic: OHR chiefs have mutilated B&H with their decisions (Glas Srpske)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic responded to the letter sent by three former high representatives in B&H - Christian Schwarz-Schilling, Paddy Ashdown and Carl Bildt - in which they have warned about Croatia’s negative role in B&H. Covic said that high representatives were the ones to “mutilate B&H with their decisions”. “What can you say about any of them individually? I think that everyone is entitled to their own political stance, whatever that stance is. It does not have to be a political one, but it serves some purpose. They are not the only ones thinking that way,” said Covic.


Brammertz: Croatian government influences the justice process in war crime cases, which resulted in blocking of a large number of cases against former members of the Croatian army and HVO (N1)


Chief Prosecutor of the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT) Serge Brammertz informed the UN Security Council (UNSC) on Tuesday about continuous glorification of war criminals and denial of war crimes in the area of former Yugoslavia. He said that judicial cooperation in war crime cases of the countries of the former Yugoslavia is at the lowest level compared to previous years. According to Brammertz, positive steps are undermined by irresponsible comments by other officials, who thus deny the fact established by international courts, as well as by presenting war criminals and heroes. Presenting his report before the UNSC, Brammertz stressed that Croatian government still influences the justice process in war crime cases, which resulted in blocking of a large number of cases against former members of the Croatian army and the Croat Defense Council (HVO). Brammertz mentioned the case of Marko Radic, convicted of war crimes committed in the area of Mostar, reminding that the County Court in Zagreb significantly reduced his sentence after he was transferred from B&H to this country, to serve his prison sentence.


Originally offered F-16 fighter jets or nothing, says Prime Minister (Hina)


Commenting on the latest developments regarding the purchase of F-16 fighter jets from Israel, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Tuesday that the government does not consider the situation to be in any way burdensome for Croatia. "Last year we sent special delegations to both Israel and the United States and before the government made its decision, there had been no indications of any problem. The burden of obtaining consent from the United States for the delivery of the planes was taken on by the Israeli side. Croatia did everything in good faith, in line with the rules and tender procedure. At this moment, this is a matter of relations between Israel and the United States," Plenkovic said. "We will either buy the planes that were originally offered or the tender will be declared null and void, there is no dilemma about it and any other solution .... is out of the question," Plenkovic said. Asked if this was a stain for Croatia as a small country depending on the will of big powers, Plenkovic said that such an attitude "trivializes this topic." "I will not allow that to happen. As far as the team who was working on this is concerned, things were done professionally and at the moment the decision was made, there were no indications of any problem," Plenkovic said. Israel committed itself in writing that it would obtain the US government's approval for the delivery of fighter jets to Croatia and that is exclusively Israel's responsibility, the Croatian Defence Ministry said last Friday and added that if any official notice were to arrive, the public would be informed. Earlier that day the US Embassy in Zagreb said that it was cooperating with Croatia and Israel on finding an acceptable solution that would enable the confirmation of the agreement on the purchase of Israeli F-16 fighter jets. The US Embassy said that it had been cooperating with Israel for more than a year regarding the details of the proposed agreement on the purchase of the jets. The Israeli media have reported that Washington is angry because it believes that by upgrading the electronic systems in the US-made aircraft, Israel has unfairly profited from their sale to Croatia. The Croatian government in March decided to buy 12, about 30-year-old F-16 Barak fighter jets from Israel.


Without consent on Knezevic’s and Medojevic’s appeals (RTCG)


The Constitutional Court Council did not reach agreement on the appeals of the lawyers of the MPs Milan Knezevic and Nebojsa Medojevic to the decision of the High Court to detain the Democratic Front (DF) representatives, the Constitutional Court announced. The Constitutional Court Council’s session, attended by Council President Desanka Lopicic and judges Milorad Gogic and Hamdija Sarkinovic, discussed the appeal of the DF deputy Milan Knezevic. Several suggestions have been made. Judge Rapporteur Milorad Gogic proposed to suspend the execution of the Appellate and High Court in Podgorica ruling, which ordered Knezevic to be detained for up to two months.


Massive protests, Basha: Students killed fear (ADN)


On the day of the founding of the Democratic Party (DP), the Leader Lulzim Basha thanked on Tuesday the students for their protest. According to Basha, the student movement is a blessing for Albania and that they killed the fear. "Today is December 11th. The Democratic Party has its roots in popular protests. These moments we speak are moments of popular revolt. The opposition is with them. Allow me to say clearly to those who have been born in the last 20 years. This party breathed from the same effort. The youth spirit is again among us, arming with courage for the parents and themselves and not being silent when the government collapses homes and mocks at the end with them," said Basha. He added that this movement is a lesson for everyone who does not listen the voice of the citizens.


Students protest, Rama reacts (ADN)


Prime Minister Edi Rama, has reacted on Tuesday regarding the student’s protest, by accusing the Democratic Party MP, Gent Strazmiri. According to the Premier, Strazmiri has sought the arrest of students who oppose the DP militants. "It is interesting. Gent Strazimiri seeks the arrest of students who do not want the DP militants in protest. He addressed insults towards them" said Rama.




Zaev reignites controversy over 'Macedonian' language (Ekathimerini, 11 December 2018)


Reigniting the controversy over the issue of a "Macedonian" language, fYROM Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said Monday, “It is important that both sides be careful about our phraseology.”

“It’s a fact that the [name] agreement contains a reference to a ‘Macedonian language,’ it’s a fact that this belongs to the Southern Slavic languages and this is… part of the agreement, as is the fact that we shall be named Republic of North Macedonia,” he said. Meanwhile Monday, fYROM House Speaker Talat Xhaferi said he expected a vote by MPs on the final amendments to revise the constitution in accordance with the Prespes accord will most likely be held on January 15.


French Foreign Minister: Small arms from the Western Balkans are a threat to European security (European Western Balkans, 11 December 2018)


PARIS – French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has stated that “millions of light weapons circulating in the Western Balkans pose a great threat to European security” during today’s joint press conference with his German counterpart Heiko Maas. At a working lunch organized in Paris as part of a meeting dedicated to the problem of small arms in the Western Balkans, attended by the ministers of foreign and internal affairs of the European Union and the region, plans for fight against organized crime and terrorism through the prevention of arms smuggling were discussed. Le Drian has also added that the situation is unacceptable because “terrorists and criminals continue to kill people across Europe”, as well as that during the 2015 terrorist attacks in France, among other weapons, smuggled Serbian versions of Kalashnikovs were used.

“Europol estimates that between three and six million pieces of firearms are currently circulating around the countries of the Western Balkans. That is a huge number”, French minister said.

He has also added that France plans to finance equipment and identification software for the security forces and that Paris also plans to appoint an associate, who will be responsible for combat against of firearms smuggling at their embassy in Belgrade. State Secretary of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs Biljana Popović Ivković has said that the Serbia remains a reliable partner for cooperation and that it is clearly determined to deal with all challenges in the fight against organized crime and terrorism. Foreign Minister of Macedonia Nikola Dimitrov has expressed his readiness for even closer cooperation with EU regarding security issues, including the control of illegal trade in small arms and light weapons. “The road map for finding a sustainable solution to the illegal possession, abuse and trafficking of small arms and light weapons and ammunition in the Western Balkans by 2024, adopted at the Western Balkans Summit in London on July 10 (this year) is an excellent framework, complementary to already existing national and regional initiatives, to strengthen the control and non-proliferation of small arms and light weapons”, Dimitrov stated. Apart from the host foreign ministers from France and Germany and Western Balkans’ representatives, Hungary’s Péter Szijjártó was the only foreign minister attending to conference from another EU member state. “As an immediate neighbor of the Western Balkans, Hungary is fully aware of the difference between stability and uncertainty. And it also knows how important it is that the countries of the Western Balkans are able to curb dangerous currents and developments, and to all intents and purposes form a line of defense for the European Union”, Szijjártó stated. In his opinion, best long-term instrument for maintaining the security and stability of the Western Balkans is to accelerate the Euro-Atlantic integration of the countries in the region. “For precisely this reason we welcome the fact that Macedonia is already very close to becoming a member of NATO”, the Szijjártó said. French and the regional media have been pointing out for some time that arms smuggling, especially from Serbia, is vastly over-represented in criminal investigations conducted. Besides this, arms deliveries from the Balkans were revealed to routinely be diverted to Syria and into the hands of ISIS.