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Belgrade Media Report 06 February 2019



Brnabic: The world will recognize who is constructive and who is not (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic assessed today that unilateral moves by Pristina are irresponsible and reckless and that they are contrary to what the EU and the US are saying. Answering questions of journalists, Brnabic said that Pristina is wrong when thinking that such moves will make its position stronger before some future negotiations with Belgrade.

That is only weakening its position, she assessed, and reiterated that such behavior of Pristina does not contribute to regional stability and is just pushing the two sides far away from returning to the negotiating table. She wondered how Pristina could expect the support of EU members, who should soon examine visa liberalization for Kosovo, if it has been turning a deaf ear for two and a half months to all proposals, petitions and requests from the EU. We are in daily communication with all partners – the EU, the US, China and Russia. We take care of Serbia’s interest and inform them about what is happening, Brnabic said, adding that Belgrade is conducting a tolerant, serious and responsible policy. She expressed her hope that the international community will be able to recognize who is tolerant, abstained, responsible and serious, and who is not, and that based on this, it will create positions when conditions for the continuation of dialogue are created at some point.


US once again calls Pristina to abolish taxes (RTS/VoA)


“The US is constantly launching the issue of taxes and the need for them to be suspended. The Kosovo leaders are aware of the seriousness of our stand and challenges taxes represent for strong bilateral relations between the US and Kosovo,” an unnamed official of the US administration told the Voice of America. He says that “Kosovo and Serbia must undertake difficult, but necessary steps and decisions and to give priority to negotiations and normalization of relations”.


Drecun: Kosovo is a black hole of Europe (RTS)


The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun has told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the report of the UN Secretary General speaks that the situation in Kosovo is bad and that Kosovo has not made any progress. He says that Antonio Guteres’ is a description of a realistic situation.

On the occasion of the uncertainty on whether Kosovo will be discussed at the UN SC session, Drecun says that certain leading countries are trying to remove this topic from the agenda. “Not to be discussed or to speak rarely about it, they think this is a completed story, that this is a state, that progress is evident there,” says Drecun. Speaking about Trepca, Drecun says this is already a well-coordinate strategy to put state property under control. “For everything that was the property of the Republic of Serbia and all natural resources to belong to that false state. In order to legalize such behavior, they wish to give to all that a legal form, this is why they are passing laws,” says Drecun. He says that Pristina is thus preparing for resuming talks and ensuring a good negotiating position. “Now it remains to be seen what kind of political games they have thought up for Gazivode,” said Drecun. He warns that at issue is not only usurpation of state property, but also the property of the Serb people. “The Serb people will defend the property of Trepca,” said Drecun, adding that a clear message is also being sent to companies that might want to make some agreement with Pristina regarding Trepca, that these will not be legal acts and that these companies will undergo damages. He reminds that our state has annulled the decisions of the Pristina authorities, and that we don’t have another mechanism at our disposal. When it comes to the resolution of the Kosovo problem, Drecun says the EU has been acting lately as a tiger without teeth. Still, he agrees with Brussels that the issue of property needs to be the subject of detailed talks and agreement. “The key for the survival of the Serbian people is property. If there is no property, there is no survival,” says Drecun.


The cancer after Rambioullet

Speaking about the negotiations in Rambioullet, which started on this day twenty years ago, Dreucn assesses that this was the beginning of a finale of a grand political game that was supposed to prepare the criminal bombardment of our country. “The US wanted to bomb us at all costs,” says Drecun, adding that twenty years later we have the “cancer of Europe”. “We have a false state of Kosovo with criminals and terrorists at the helm, enormous unemployment, corruption, over five hundred radical Islamists, we have terrorist activities in some cities in the EU and US by those who have been radicalized in this failed creation, and we have complete collapse,” said Drecun. That is why we have come into a situation for the US to also think that Kosovo doesn’t have a future, unless it reaches agreement with Belgrade.


Patriarch Irinej: Kosovo partition and new borders – unacceptable (Beta/Sputnik/RIA Novosti)


Serbian Patriarch Irinej says Kosovo partition and new borders are unacceptable for the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), but also for the majority of the population. The Patriarch stressed that Serbia without Kosovo and Metohija is not Serbia. “Like a person with their heart extracted, is no longer a living person,” the patriarch told RIA Novosti, during a visit to Moscow. He stressed - Beta is quoting Sputnik, which is citing RIA Novosti - that the position of Serbia and the Serbian Orthodox Church is to fully respected United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 - to ensure to ethnic Albanians full freedom and autonomy, but for the territory of Kosovo to remain within Serbia. “This is the position of our Church, and this position was formulated recently by the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church,” added Patriarch Irinej.


Arifi: Another border crossing towards Macedonia this summer (


Another border crossing towards Macedonia, in the Presevo municipality, will be opened over the next couple of months, in July at the latest, announced the president of the Presevo municipality Shqiprim Arifi. Arifi said for the website that “the border crossing Miratovac Lojane towards Macedonia would be opened before the summer holiday season.

The building of the infrastructure on the crossing will be financed by the European Union, and help is also provided by the embassies of the US and of Norway in coordination with the foreign

ministries of Serbia and Macedonia, he added. Ethnic Albanians from Presevo have for a long time requested the opening of another border crossing towards Macedonia, claiming as the reason that to many, after the establishment of new state borders between Serbia and Macedonia, property and family had been left on the opposite side. They have to cross dozens of kilometres of a circuitous road, across currently the only border crossing of Tabanovci.


Opposition representative sign Agreement with the People in seven points (FoNet/RTV)


Representatives of the opposition adopted the draft Agreement with the People in seven points as a proposal of set of measures for ensuring fair elections and restoring democratic principles and the rule of law after winning over the regime of Aleksandar Vucic, the Alliance for Serbia (SzS) announced today. With the agreement, the opposition is committed to jointly fighting for free media and fair elections, but also that, if the conditions for a fair electoral process are not fulfilled, they will not participate in the elections. It also commits itself to “resisting violence” and protecting all endangered citizens “who are struck by a fist of power because of a different opinion”. The signatories of the Agreement also accepted the obligation to “disclose and review all the acts adopted thus far and which the current non-democratic regime would adopt, which endanger state and national interests”, as well as to abandon the work of all assemblies in which democratic principles were abolished. Representatives of the opposition also commit that, once conditions for free elections were established, they would work on the formation of a joint list where, in addition to party candidates, there would also be representatives of trade unions, professional and civic associations, students, professors, academics and public figures.

After the elections, a government of experts will be formed, which has a period of one year to introduce defined systemic measures, after which free elections will be slated. The signatories will offer the Agreement with the People to the protesters “1 of 5 million”, as well as other citizens of Serbia, and are ready to accept every judgement of the public - political and moral.

It was agreed that the document will remain open for admission of other signatories, and that joint protests throughout Serbia will continue until the fulfillment of all requests. The signature of the document was made by the SzS founders.




Left-center 'BH Bloc' parties decide against joining ruling coalition (N1)


After debating for hours, a bloc of the strongest center-left parties in the country, the ‘BH Bloc’, announced it would rather remain opposition than enter into a governing coalition with any nationalist parties, including the main Bosniak one. The BH Bloc consists of the Democratic Front (DF), the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and Nasa Stranka (Our Party, NS). The three main nationalist parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) once again received last October most of the votes at the state level election, but also at the level of the two entities, the Federation of B&H and Republika Srpska (RS). Those parties are, for the Serbs - the Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD), for the Croats - the Croat Democratic Union (HDZ), and for the Bosniaks - the Party for Democratic Action (SDA). The BH Bloc won a significant number of seats at the state and Federation of B&H entity levels which made the parties within it an attractive option for the ethnic-oriented parties to try and form an alliance with. After the election, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said he hoped the parties could be part of the governing coalition. But on Tuesday, the bloc said no to the idea. SDP leader Nermin Niksic was the first to tell reporters about the decision at a press conference. “We've put all of our arguments on the table, the key of the dialogue was the undivided opinion on the future of Bosnia’s political scene, and we will do everything to maintain unity within the BH Bloc and within its parties,” he said, adding, that the parties “reached a decision to stay the opposition at the Federation of B&H and the state levels as BH Bloc.” According to DF leader Zeljko Komsic, the decision was made in order to keep the bloc united. “In the name of maintaining the BH Bloc, the stance of the DF is that we will be the opposition, there is no mixing - either we are the opposition or in power” he said. According to the leader of NS, Predrag Kojovic, the date represents a historic moment.

“It is a very important date in B&H, history is sometimes made by saying - no. We said ‘no’ to national parties, we want to build a new B&H for all those who are not nationalists and who think that this state can survive as a multi-ethnic one which is set up according to European standards” he said. But political analyst Srecko Latal told N1 on Tuesday that he would like to see those parties fight for a multi-ethnic B&H in other parts of the country, and not only those where Bosniaks are the majority. As opposed to Croats and Serbs, Bosniaks, as the most numerous ethnic group, are advocating for a one person - one vote system to be set up in the country. This principle goes hand in hand with what the BH Bloc parties said they want.

“As a potential voter for this political option, I would like them to truly start fighting for a multi-ethnic B&H, but not in Sarajevo, not in Bosniak cantons or municipalities, but in Banja Luka, Livno, Sujica, or Kakanj” Latal said. He still welcomed the decision, saying it was critical because of the “good atmosphere” at the joint conference where it was revealed. “I was surprised by the nice atmosphere, with a lot of laughter and joy in a situation when our country is facing disintegration, when half of the country is flooded, when a quarter of the country is seeking visas to leave for Germany, Slovenia, and so on,” he said.


Dodik: Military neutrality is RS’ policy (Srna)


B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik said that RS’ policy is military neutrality and that, accordingly, his policy is not a policy that supports B&H’s NATO path. Dodik informed Dana Constantinescu, the ambassador of Romania to B&H, about the visit of B&H Presidency members to Brussels, assessing that they have witnessed a high level of understanding among EU leaders, to whom they presented unity in B&H's commitment to EU membership, announced the B&H Presidency. Dodik thanked Romania, which chairs the EU, to support the European journey of B&H and added that the Presidency members returned from Brussels with positive impressions, but he expects stronger dynamics related to submitting the Questionnaire, so the European Commission finalizes its opinion on B&H's application for EU membership.

Dodik and Constantinescu agreed that the Council of Ministers should be formed as soon as possible in order to prevent entering into the critical phase when it comes to all issues related to the functioning of B&H.


Gaining candidate status for EU membership would be great progress for B&H (Srna)


B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik stressed during the meeting with Montenegrin Ambassador to B&H Milan Lakic that gaining candidate status for EU membership would be great progress for B&H. Dodik has said that it is necessary to work in order to provide answers to the additional questions from the European Commission’s Questionnaire as soon as possible, as well as to form the Council of Ministers and other levels of government in B&H and the Federation of B&H. He has stressed that this requires greater dynamics, the B&H Presidency has announced. Dodik handed Lakic an official B&H Presidency’s invitation to President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic to visit B&H. During the meeting in Sarajevo, the B&H Presidency chairman and the Montenegrin ambassador noted that the mutual relations, both political and economic, are at a very high level and that there is still room for their improvement. The need to build more infrastructure projects between B&H and Montenegro is also discussed in the meeting.


Dodik: There is no chance a war might occur in B&H (N1/VoA)


The peace must be preserved while citizens must be given an opportunity to make decisions, said Milorad Dodik. Speaking in an interview for the Voice of America, Dodik said there is no chance a war might occur in B&H. “We're not deprived of the stupidity called terrorism but a war, like civil war amongst the peoples here, is not a possibility” he said. Preserving the peace is a priority, said Dodik, adding that any “escalation” would be fatal for everyone. “It is widely misunderstood, my generation has been living in a crisis identified as of 1991. Plus, the 20 previous years of Yugoslavia which was in crisis back then,” he said, pointing out that these territories were exposed to the “constant influences” of some kind of a crisis. “Stories about RS working day and night on doing something bad has been created especially in the Federation's (Federation of B&H) media. We, by doing good to RS are doing good to B&H too” stressed Dodik.


B&H’s Prime Minister met with newly elected Ambassadors of Poland and Serbia (Fena)


Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic met, on separate meetings, with Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to B&H Jaroslaw Lindenberg and Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Dordevic. Zvizdic and Ambassador Lindenberg discussed acceleration of the Euro-Atlantic integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina and helping Poland on that path. Chairman Zvizdic pointed out that the path of BH to the European Union has no alternative and that for EU membership there is a full agreement of all relevant political factors in B&H. He expressed hope that a similar consensus would be reached regarding NATO cooperation as well. Ambassador Lindenberg said that Poland is the best example of a country’s of what membership in EU and NATO means and how it brought development and expressed the full support to Euro-Atlantic integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Speaking with Ambassador Djordjevic, Chairman Zvizdic talked about the improvement of bilateral relations and regional co-operation. He underlined the importance of signing the Agreement on the Internationally Boundary Border between B&H and the Republic of Serbia. Chairman Zvizdic said that the region should take advantage of the positive momentum that has come with the Berlin process and engage in building transport, energy and digital infrastructure, and cooperation between B&H and Serbia on EU integration, economy, sports, culture, education, attraction of important and big investors, linking, reconciliation and creating the preconditions for a better quality of life for people in the Balkans so that young people can find their future in this area. For the end of the meetings, Chairman Zvizdic welcomed Ambassadors Lindenberg and Djordjevic in the diplomatic mission in B&H.


President of Greece visits Croatia, voices his country's support (Hina)


Greece will always be on Croatia's side, as it showed during Croatia's accession to the European Union and to NATO, and it will show its support for Croatia's entry into the Schengen and euro zones too, the President of Greece, Prokopis Pavlopoulos, said on Tuesday after meeting in Zagreb with his Croatian counterpart President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic. Croatia needs the support of all EU member states for its accession to both zones. Slovenia's officials have hinted that Ljubljana might block Croatia's entry to Schengen due to the unresolved border dispute.

President Grabar-Kitarovic said that "Croatia is investing a lot of effort to protect the EU's external borders and, once it joins the Schengen Area, it will do that even more effectively and will significantly contribute to the EU's overall security." She added that Zagreb appreciates Greece's role in managing the migrant crisis as the first guard of the European borders.

"The Western Balkan route is still closed, but we call for constant caution because of the migrant pressure on that route," she warned and underscored that it was necessary to work on resolving the fundamental causes of migrations. President Pavlopoulos hopes that 2020 will be important for Croatia's accession to the euro zone, as Croatia will chair the European Union in the first half of the year. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has on several occasions announced that year as the year to introduce the euro in Croatia which is a legal obligation for all EU member states, with the exception of Denmark and Great Britain. "We are here to help governments in our countries that will decide on that. We advocate that our countries cooperate better at the economic and other levels," Pavlopoulos said. In Greece, the president's role is ceremonial.

Speaking about economic cooperation between the two countries, Grabar-Kitarovic underscored that it was fairly modest with regard to trade and investments. "Investments are very low. Croatian investments in Greece are almost non-existent and Greece is, unfortunately, not among the 40 top investors in Croatia," she said. Pavlopoulos also spoke of North Macedonia, the state which, as of January, has a new name after the Greek and Macedonian parliaments adopted a historic agreement to that effect. "We Greeks are here to help it on the path to NATO and the EU, but also to convince it that, without respecting the law and eradicating any irredentism, it can't make progress on that path," Pavlopoulos said, adding that the same applied to Albania. He said the EU must be built on the federal principle and that it was a union of people, but with a global role which other world powers should have too. "There is no other power in the world that can better push for peace, humanism, democracy and the law. We must defend our peoples as well as all of humanity in this delicate period," he said, referring to European elections in May at which populist parties are expected to rise in popularity. "Skeletons of the past are being awakened. We must take action to resist those threats. Europe was built on the rubble of World War II and we must fight so that something like that doesn't happen ever again," Pavlopoulos said.


Croatian Defense Minister visits Macedonia (Hina)


Croatian Defense Minister Damir Krsticevic began a two-day official visit to Macedonia on Tuesday, expressing full support for Macedonia's Euro-Atlantic integration and readiness for further bilateral cooperation, the Defense Ministry said in a press release. Krsticevic also congratulated Macedonia's Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska on reaching an agreement with Greece that resolved the dispute over Macedonia's name. "This is a historic success that will enable Macedonia to continue its Euro-Atlantic integration towards membership of NATO and the European Union. Croatia will continue to offer its support to Macedonia on its Euro-Atlantic path and is ready to share its know-how and experience with you. We are pleased that the Croatian Embassy in Skopje was NATO's contact point and that Croatia was able to provide expert assistance to Macedonia in establishing contacts, convening meetings and in negotiations with NATO representatives" Krsticevic said.

Zaev said that these were historic times for Macedonia. "We have achieved an important agreement with Greece which is significant for Macedonia's future. I am pleased that you are visiting Macedonia in this significant week and we are grateful for the help that Croatia offered to Macedonia in its integration with NATO. We thank the Croatian government for its great support. Croatia and Macedonia are truly great friends," Zaev underscored. During the meeting with Minister Sekerinska, it was pointed out that Croatia and Macedonia are friendly countries that have excellent defense cooperation. Minister Sekerinska thanked Croatia for the support it continually provided to Macedonia. "Thank you, Croatia, for everything you have done for Macedonia in bilateral relations and regarding NATO. The Croatian Embassy was NATO's contact point and it truly provided quality preparations and assistance. Indeed, Croatia and Macedonia have a long partnership and friendly relations. I am pleased that we have excellent cooperation in the area of defence, particularly in training and education," she said. The ministers agreed that it was important to continue bilateral cooperation, emphasizing that "we are participating together in the A-5 initiative which is an example of excellent cooperation and joint preparation of our soldiers for operations and missions in an international environment. We have established excellent cooperation over the years in training and educating Macedonian officers at Croatia's Military Academy." The ministers also discussed expanding cooperation and exchanging experiences in the field of assisting civilian institutions and in the defense industry.

Minister Krsticevic is also due to meet with parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi and President Gjorge Ivanov.


NATO countries sign Macedonia’s accession protocol (Republika)


NATO countries signed today the accession protocol for the Republic of Macedonia, which, after ratification, should join NATO as its 30th member. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who alternated between referring to Macedonia as “the future Republic of North Macedonia” and “Skopje”, said that with the ratification, the country will fully participate in decision making in Brussels. Greece, which blocked Macedonia’s NATO accession since 2008, is required to be the first to ratify the accession protocol, taking the main obstacle out of the way. We’ve had 18 cycles of the membership action plan, to give you an illustration, and it didn’t just happen, Macedonian Foreign Affairs Minister Nikola Dimitrov said to illustrate the extreme length of the Macedonian NATO accession process. Dimitrov praised Prime Minister Zoran Zaev for signing the Prespa treaty, under which Macedonia undertook to change its name into North Macedonia and to allow unprecedented Greek interference in internal discourse and education, in exchange for a promise that Greece will allow it to join EU and NATO. When asked about Macedonia’s military readiness to join the EU, and the failure to spend more than 1 percent of GDP on defense, Stoltenberg said that the commitment will eventually be met. They have shown that they can contribute to our shared security because the country is already participating in NATO missions. We exercise together with them, they participate in our mission in Afghanistan and we’ve seen they can implement reforms. They have pledged and clearly committed to continue to modernize and strengthen their military forces. Their defense spending is increasing and it is a clear commitment by the government in Skopje to spend two percent of their GDP by 2024,” Stoltenberg said.


As SDSM slides in the polls, its leadership considers whether to cut their losses and accept the challenge of early general elections (Republika)


Alfa TV reports that recent internal public opinion polls show that the ruling SDSM party is rapidly losing support, especially among ethnic Macedonians. According to the TV station, this has prompted SDSM officials to consider whether accepting the challenge from VMRO-DPMNE and having early general elections in April, along with the presidential elections, will help the party save what it can before it slips even further down the polls. The other option would be to try to finish the full four-year term in office, hoping that the voters will forget the national humiliation brought about by the Prespa agreement with Greece, the treaty signed with Bulgaria, and hoping that the economy begins to pick up. Officially, the excuse for the delaying tactic would be that elections would stop the “reform process”. This excuse was used by some of the international SDSM supporters. Given all the reforms that the Republic of Macedonia must undertake, and the processes included in the opening of the EU accession talks, it’s a big question whether we should stop the talks and use up our energy for several months in possible early general elections. We will measure up all arguments and make the best possible decision, said SDSM member of parliament Betiane Kitev. Alfa TV notes that it is curious that no new polls were made public so close before elections. The presidential elections are expected in late April and SDSM still hasn’t announced its candidate, opting to reveal him or her all the way in early March. Journalist and top Alfa manager Vasko Eftov recently claimed that internal polls show that even with the support from ethnic Albanian voters SDSM trails VMRO-DPMNE in the polls, and if this support doesn’t materialize, the party would lose in a landslide among the Macedonian voters.


Nine presidential candidates from VMRO-DPMNE (Meta)


The Commission for determining a presidential candidate for VMRO-DPMNE held a session to review the submitted applications for those declaring an interest for presidential candidate, who will participate in the upcoming convention on 16 February in Struga, reported the Vice-President of VMRO-DPMNE, Vlado Misajlovski. He added that the Commission has confirmed 10 applications were submitted, one of which was submitted after the application deadline and was rejected.


Candidates who have met the requirements are:

Nikita Shekutkovski, Doctor of Mathematical Sciences and full-time professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Skopje, member of the Institute of Mathematics.

Gorgi Manaskov, mechanical engineer and President of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.

Vasko Kostov, pharmaceutical technician.

Vlatko Gjorchev, lawyer, MP in the Assembly and member of the Executive Committee of VMRO-DPMNE.

Gordana Siljanovska Davcheva, full-time professor at the Faculty of Law “Justinian I” in Skopje, member of the Institute for Legal and Political Sciences, Department of Constitutional Law and Political System.

Ilija Dimovski, retired professor at the Faculty of Forestry at UKIM, Skopje.

Filip Petrovski, PhD in Political Science and former Director of the State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia.

Goran Angelov, lawyer, former mayor of the municipality of Vinica and President of ZELS in one term.

Saso Kutleshovski, PhD in Agricultural Sciences


“VMRO-DPMNE will allow all those who have submitted applications equal access to municipal committees of the party in the period from 6th – 16th February, in order to present their program and vision for Macedonia. All candidates will receive equal treatment and equal opportunities to be elected according to the principles of democracy” Misajlovski said.


Zaev – Borisov: We are creating the prospects for stronger economic co-operation (Meta)


During a working visit to Bulgaria, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev met with Prime Minister Bojko Borisov, where they discussed future cooperation between the two countries, which, following the signing of the Treaty of Friendship and Good Neighborly Relations, has seen steady growth in all areas. At their meeting, opportunities were discussed for creating the conditions for increasing trade along with mutual reduction of customs rates. “Prime Ministers Zaev and Borisov also discussed preparations for a second intergovernmental session scheduled to be held later this year in Bulgaria, and a joint business forum, to be held in Skopje, hoping to create an additional momentum for economic cooperation, which is a top priority for the business communities and the peoples’ of both countries. At the meeting it was concluded that cross-border cooperation is intensifying and that all necessary efforts will be made by stable trade exchange totaling almost 600 million euros which will increase to 1 billion euros,” the Government statement said. In order to implement the Treaty of Friendship and Good Neighborly Relations, Prime Minister Zaev said that as a result of efforts of both commissions for the joint celebration of historical events and personalities, soon in Macedonia, near Dojran, at the place where Konstantin Kavarnaliev lost his life, a monument will be erected in honour to the Colonel, a well-known personality from Bulgarian history during the First World War.


Vajgl: Mickoski will cooperate with the government on the reforms (Nezavisen vesnik)


Macedonia Rapporteur in the European Parliament Ivo Vajgl said Tuesday after a meeting with VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski he was assured that the opposition would be constructive in the EU accession reform process. “I highlighted the fact that the EP’s main interest and also mine as Macedonia Rapporteur is for the country to continue on the EU path, so that the Union keeps its promise regarding the start of accession negotiations this June, with Mickoski saying that VMRO would cooperate with the Government on the reforms and the legislation related to the EU membership, acting as a trusting partner,” said MEP Vajgl.

Mickoski reconfirmed VMRO-DPMNE’s criticism of the Prespa Agreement, but Vajgl does not believe that the opposition party would bring the deal into jeopardy if it came to power.

“He was critical of it, but what is important is for things to move forward and the agreement to be implemented. VMRO-DPMNE is critical of the Prespa Agreement and the Government, but I believe that the opposition’s role is to be a corrective of the authorities and constructive when it comes to national interests” added Vajgl. He said the situation regarding the Prespa Agreement in Greece was more critical. “Taking into consideration the slim majority in Greece, there is a threat of a standstill, but I do not believe this will materialize. Greek politicians are aware that the Prespa Agreement means consolidation of political circumstances in the region, which is of enormous interest for the West,” noted Vajgl. In addition, Mickoski voiced concern over the coming presidential elections, urging for strong presence of international observers. “I do not see a reason why the elections would not be fair, but I believe that the government and the State Election Commission must do everything to administer credible elections that reflect a democratic and tolerant environment,” underlined the EP Macedonia Rapporteur.


Greek parliament to ratify North Macedonia's accession to NATO on Friday (Nezavisen vesnik)


On Friday, the Greek parliament will ratify the protocol for the admission of North Macedonia to NATO, House Speaker Nikos Voutsis made known. With the return of the Greek Prime Minister from Turkey - where today he meets with Turkish President Erdogan - on Thursday, a debate will be held in the competent committee, while on Friday the plenary will vote on the protocol.

The Tsipras-Mitsotakis clash in the House is a given, in the final "act" of the Prespa Agreement in the Greek Parliament. The Greek Prime Minister is expected to launch an attack to the leader of the ND, following the publication of the newspaper Estia, which reported that Mr. Mitsotakis has raised an issue of "separatist movements" and "Macedonian minority" in northern Greece. A claim that the main opposition party has not denied yet. It is noted that Mr. Mitsotakis spoke to the party's leading leaders, raising the issue of irredentism on behalf of Macedonia on the Prespa Agreement.


Mitsotakis gives referendum character to the European election

At the same meeting, however, the leader of the ND launched a fierce attack on the government and the parliament speaker, in response to the statements by the six independent MPs that they would support the government's legislative initiatives, thus ensuring an absolute majority of 151 MPs in parliament. In particular, he spoke of "willing, political gypsies" referring to an "institutional drift". He even set the European election as a turning point, saying that the European election's ballot should "turn into a thunderous referendum on the political change and the future of the country", reiterating the demand for a snap election.


The government rules out the possibility of a snap election

"The fact that Mr Mitsotakis does not like the parliamentary majority that has been formed does not mean that he is allowed to offend the institutions and representatives of the Greek people", the government spokesman commented. At the same time, the government insists on ruling out any scenarios of early national elections, with the House Speaker stressing in a discussion with reporters that the government is working towards a national election in October. He added, however, that the results of the European election and the local election in May "are factors of a big picture that obviously everyone take into account and make their moves accordingly".


NATO Accession Agreement, Albanian President congratulates Macedonia (ADN)


Albania and 28 allies signed on Wednesday the accession treaty of the Republic of North Macedonia (RNM) to NATO. "Congratulations to visionary political leaders and to the citizens of the RNM for this merited achievement, which will further enhance the country's progress, increase regional security and stability, and strengthen the Alliance of our common Trans-Atlantic values. Right decision at the right time!" congratulated the Albanian President, Ilir Meta after the agreement was signed. Former minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Ditmir Bushati also stated that the dialogue between Macedonia and Greece enabled the solution for a problem that kept hostage Macedonia's integration for about 30 years. "The NATO membership of Republic of North Macedonia is a proof of the triumph of Euro-Atlantic values in our region. Congratulations to all those who worked to make this historic achievement possible, especially to the impact that the Albanian political factor in Republic of North Macedonia had," said Bushati.


Meta from US: The only border change in region is EU enlargement (ADN)


Albanian President Ilir Meta was the honorary guest this Tuesday at the US Senate, invited by the Chairman of the Defense Commission, Senator Jim Inhofe, to hold the speech at the Forum on "Challenges of the Southeast European Region and Facing Intervention from Russia".

During his speech, the Head of the Albanian State stressed the necessity of long-term stability, peace and security in the region, by openly expressing his already clear stance against the border correction in the Balkans. According to Meta, the only border correction in the region should be the full expansion of the European border. "Albania has been and continues to be a vital catalyst for extending the borders of NATO and the European Union, as they remain the basis of stability and prosperity in the Western Balkans. The only border correction we need to work day and night in our region is the full expansion of the European border," stressed Meta in his speech at the US Senate.




Kosovo leader says Russia won't stop Serbia compromise (AFP, 5 February 2019)


Kosovo's leader said Tuesday that Serbia's traditional backer Russia had promised to support eventual reconciliation between Belgrade and Pristina, removing one potential obstacle in stalled talks. President Hashim Thaci said that he spoke to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in November, in the first-ever meeting between the two sides, on the sidelines of centennial commemorations for the end of World War I. "I asked him very directly -- what would Russia's reaction be if Kosovo and Serbia reach an agreement? His reply was that he will support it," Thaci said at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington. "His reply was that we cannot be greater Serbs than the Serbs. I cannot say I was impressed, but I would really welcome if he keeps his word," he said. Russia enjoys veto power on the UN Security Council and has strong cultural and political ties to Serbia, which has campaigned to shut Kosovo out of the United Nations and other international organizations since it declared independence in 2008.

Kosovo, whose population is mostly ethnic Albanian, broke away from Serbia after a bloody 1998-99 guerrilla campaign and bombing by NATO, which continues to station a peacekeeping force in Kosovo. EU-led talks for reconciliation have made little headway. US President Donald Trump recently wrote a letter offering US assistance to broker a deal. But Thaci also faces opposition at home, with Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj rejecting the president's idea for territory swaps with Serbia. In Washington, Thaci said that land swaps would be "part of a broader peace agreement" and insisted: "There will be no borders based on ethnic lines."

"I am convinced that this will close once and for all the war between Kosovo and Serbia and open a safe way for membership in NATO and the EU" for both countries, he said. He pointed to the recent resolution of the decades-old name dispute between Greece and Macedonia, which agreed to rename itself the Republic of North Macedonia, as a sign that deep feuds can end.