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Belgrade Media Report 22 February 2019



Scott: Serbia chose Maduro despite the reality in Venezuela (Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic is absolutely right when he says that countries are free to choose the nature of their relations with other countries, US Ambassador Kyle Scott said in comment to Dacic’s assessment that his statement - that Serbia is on the wrong side of history is - inappropriate. Scott told Politika that Serbia has chosen the side of the current President Nicolas Maduro, despite the reality in Venezuela.


Reactions to Veseli’s statement (Tanjug/Novosti)


Kadri Veseli’s call for Montenegro and North Macedonia to join with Kosovo to fight against Serbia is confirmation of madness in Pristina, Minister Dacic says. He says that a strong and united Serbia is the biggest defense to all its enemies. “The entire world opposes anti-civilizational taxes, even those who created them, while they are already inventing new crazy projects that are threatening to destabilize not only the region, but entire Europe,” said Dacic. Kadri Veseli’s hysterical calls for regional unification against Serbia and its president is the strongest confirmation on how much President Vucic is fighting for our state and national interests, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said. “That struggle is obviously yielding results, and this is making the most dangerous one among the Albanians nervous and afraid to the degree that he is announcing return to the forest, where he trained for his criminal and terrorist craft,” said Djuric. According to him, it is clear who is today the biggest threat to the region’s stability, and these are precisely Kadri Veseli and his political like-minded people, and it is absurd that he is calling in the front against Serbia North Macedonia and Montenegro, two states that are threatened the most with the Greater Albanian policy of Kadri Veseli. “What criminal Veseli is thinking is no secret, but I am worried more as to why are Montenegro and North Macedonia silent to the repeated call for creating a pact against Serbia. All those who think that they will feed Greater Albania with Serbia will live to see how their country is seized and how another state is being created in their region,” Defense Miniter Vulin told Novosti.


Popovic: Compromise with Pristina, but within Constitution (RTS)


Even though the expectation was that the dispute between Ministers Nenad Popovic and Ivica Dacic on the official policy of Kosovo would receive an epilogue at the government session, this still didn’t happen. Minister Popovic told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that every individual has the right to an opinion, but that we have our Constitution and Constitutional preamble. “I am exclusively for respecting the Constitution. We should behave very responsibly in regard to such an important issue as Kosovo is. We should look what other states are doing,” said Popovic. He assesses that it is legitimate to request an amendment to the Constitution, but that it needs to be respected, assesses Popovic. “Everybody in the state, especially those in the government and parliament, need to respect the Constitution. This shows that we are a serious state,” said Popovic. He says that a solution for Kosovo has been discussed for a long time, but notes it needs to be a compromise. “I support President Vucic in that, and I also advocate this. In my opinion, Pristina should be given the largest possible autonomy that exists in the world, but within the Constitution and UNSCR 1244,” says Popovic. Asked whether Moscow’s policy is changing regarding a solution for Kosovo, Popovic says that President Putin had stated during the last visit to Serbia that we should use all potentials of Resolution 1244 and the key sentence: “Russia stands by you”. Asked to comment the question posed by Minister Dacic – why is he in the government but disagrees with the policy of President Vucic, Popovic explains that he joined the ruling coalition with the known stand – “Kosovo, not a meter less”. He says that Minister Dacic is not the one to be asked about his participation in the government, because he wasn’t agreeing with Dacic about joining the government. “President Vucic knows about my stand, I am not changing it. Entire Kosovo is Serbia, not a meter less. If I am suitable to be part of the government with my stand, I will, and if not – President Vucic will decide on this. The President of the state decides on whether I am staying the government,” said Popovic.


Uganda supports Serbia’s sovereignty (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic met with Ugandan parliament speaker Rebecca Kadaga, at whose invitation she is paying an official visit to Uganda, the first in the history of relations between the two countries. Gojkovic and Kadaga said that the friendly relations between Serbia and Uganda date back to the times of Uganda’s independence and common activities in the Non-Aligned Movement, and that this historic friendship and support oblige the countries to develop and advance cooperation across the board -economy, tourism, education and culture. Gojkovic and Kadaga signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the two parliaments, praising it as an indicator of the two parliaments’ resolve to institutionalize their cooperation and intensify contacts between their committees, friendship groups, as well as delegations in international parliamentary organizations. Gojkovic said that the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding and establishment of parliamentary friendship groups open a new chapter in the two countries’ relations, which is one extremely important thing that parliaments do. “This is just a continuation of a very good friendship that has been going on for 56 years,” said Gojkovic. Gojkovic thanked Uganda for not recognizing the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and Metohija and respecting Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and international law. Gojkovic went on to brief Kadaga on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, stressing that Pristina has failed to fulfil its obligation under the Brussels Agreement – establish a Community of Serb Municipalities, and also imposed a 100% customs tax on goods from Serbia proper and Bosnia and Herzegovina and established the so-called Kosovo army, which can destabilize the entire region. Kadaga said that Uganda respects its friend and will continue to cooperate with Serbia. Kadaga said that the two nations know very little about one another and it would be good to help them get better acquainted, stressing that Serbian citizens are welcome to Uganda. Gojkovic opined that it is important to inform the younger generations about the historical ties and their development in the modern world through cultural cooperation and tourism.


Mogherini: Despite obstacles, we are approaching negotiations (Beta)


EU High Representative Federica Mogherini said on Thursday that “in spite of all difficulties, we are moving forward the negotiation between Serbia and Kosovo, closing once and for all the era of Balkan conflicts,” Beta reported. Mogherini also said she could not forget other work in the Balkans. “We have accompanied Greece and North Macedonia in their talks to end a dispute that lasted over two decades,” she recalled.


Jeremic, Djilas and Stefanovic hold meetings in Merkel’s office (Beta)


A delegation of the Alliance for Serbia visited Berlin for a series of meetings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chancellor Angela Merkel's office, Beta has learned. The delegation included People's Party president and chairman of the Alliance for Serbia Vuk Jeremic, one of the movement's founders Dragan Djilas and president of the Serbian Left Borko Stefanovic.




Dodik: We will continue acting in unison (Srna)


The Serbian member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency, Milorad Dodik, said that he and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, at a meeting yesterday in Belgrade, spoke about developments in Kosovo and added that Republika Srpska (RS) will continue acting in unison with Serbia. “In any case, I want to say that we will continue acting in unison and that as far as I am concerned, giving joint answers to these challenges,” Dodik told reporters in the Russian Embassy where he attended the marking of Defender of the Homeland Day. He says that those who created the long-lasting crisis are trying to maintain their positions and behavior.

“They do not want to accept Serbia’s status and positions regarding a solution to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija and the Serbian national and state issue.  Attempts to accelerate a solution to the issue of Kosovo are coming from those who want to arrive at solutions which are not in keeping with positions and interests of Serbia,” Dodik has said. He says that Serbs in RS and he, as the Chairman of the B&H Presidency, are interested in watching very carefully these developments. “Attempts to belittle Serbia and its state and national interests are unacceptable. RS and the Serbian people care very much that Serbia is respected and that its interests are affirmed,” Dodik said. He said that one cannot make an artificial barrier on the River Drina and say that this is a foreign state. “We are all Serbs, even though many foreigners do not understand it, and we are equally interested in issues such as Kosovo just like people who live here,” Dodik said. He said that he informed Vucic about the situation in B&H, adding that there is an intentional obstruction of the government formation in B&H and a desire to reject the Serb political representation which won the elections. “We formed all our bodies, but Bosniaks are trying to maintain the old structure hoping that some foreigners will come to do something in their favor. Of course, this time passed long time ago,” Dodik said. Dodik and Vucic met yesterday in the Serbian Presidency building and talked about all strategic issues in connection with the survival of the Serb people.


Cvijanovic: New Council of Ministers - condition for effective communication (Srna)


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic and an EU delegation agreed at a meeting in Banja Luka that the formation of a new Council of Ministers is a condition for effective communication between the entities and joint institutions which, in keeping with the agreed coordination mechanism, is necessary in the process of the European integration of B&H. “The RS government was the first to verify translated answers to additional questions from the European Commission’s Questionnaire,” Cvijanovic said at the meeting in Banja Luka with the director of the European Commission’s Directorate for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Christian Danielsson, the managing director for Europe and Central Asia of the European External Action Service, Thomas Mayr-Harting, and the Head of the EU Delegation to B&H, Lars-Gunnar Wigemark. She expressed expectations that other government levels will make additional efforts so that B&H could submit to the European Commission answers to additional questions, says a press release from the office of the RS President. Cvijanovic stressed that RS is committed to the European integration, which, in keeping with the agreed rules of the coordination system, guarantees a full respect for the constitutional position and jurisdictions of RS. The meeting was also attended by the Head of the Department for B&H in the European Commission's Directorate-General for Enlargement, Michela Matuella, and an expert associate for B&H in the European External Action Service, Alexis Hupin.


FM Crnadak urges European Union to be more present in B&H and the region (N1)


B&H will hopefully obtain the EU candidate status this year, which would irretrievably direct the country towards the Union, B&H's Foreign Minister Igor Crnadak said Thursday in Vienna, in a meeting with the Western Balkan ministers in charge of the European integration and affairs. Crnadak is attending the meeting which is hosted by the Austrian Minister for the EU, Art, Culture and Media. Everyone in B&H supports the country's European road and completion of the answers to the European Commission's Questionnaire, as a part of the regular procedure in acquiring the candidate status, proves that. B&H's minister also said it would be a lot better if official Brussels was more efficient in convincing the Pristina authorities to revoke the 100 percent import tariffs that they had introduced last year for the goods from B&H and Serbia. Crnadak urged the European Union to be more present in B&H and the region in order to reaffirm the European spirit and assure the people of B&H of advantages and benefits they would have from the EU membership. Speaking of the upcoming election in the European Union, B&H's foreign minister said he hoped the idea of united, economically stronger and just Union will remain dominant and that the new Commission will among its priorities put the enlargement in the Western Balkans.


SDA and A-SDA announce their future government coalition (Fena)


The delegations of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) and the Party of Democratic Activity (A-SDA) after their meeting yesterday said in an address to the media that the possible coalition of these two political parties, that have quite similar stance on majority of issues in the country, internal relations, priorities, and problems, is very likely to happen. Answering the question of who could be the next Federation of B&H prime minister, Izetbegovic, said that the current Prime Minister Fadil Novalic did well in the current mandate, that he invested enormous energy and achieved significant results. “This result could have been even greater if there was no obstruction, especially in the parliament, and I think that the other “half-time” would be even better. This is my opinion as the president of the SDA - Izetbegovic said, emphasizing that the SDA authorities will decide on this. Speaking about the NATO integration of B&H, Izetbegovic pointed out that this is a question of respecting the constitutional and legal provisions of B&H.

“We insist on the Constitution and the rule of law. This also means the Law on Defense. It cannot be like on a buffet, to choose, we want this, we do not want this. We expect that the potential mandate holder, Mr. Tegeltija or whoever the SNSD proposes, work on a program and, we expect that there will be no conditioning from their side. This is the problem they have made, not we. They must find a way out of this situation so that we could raise our hand for the candidate of the SNSD” said the president of the SDA. If the relations of the parties towards the NATO integrations remain the way they are, he added, no mandate holder will be appointed.

Izetbegovic also responded to a question regarding HDZ B&H’s conditioning the formation of power by the amendments to the B&H Election Law. “What the HDZ demands is a very complicated thing. This balance of the civic principle and ethnic principle, and some demands that would stultify the existence of multiethnic parties, this is not a matter that can be solved in the next month or two. I think that Mr. Covic and the HDZ will not even insist on that" the president of the SDA said. Izetbegovic also spoke of the formation of power in certain cantons and said that, if functional authorities are formed at the entity and state level, these coalitions are transferred to cantonal levels. President of the A-SDA, Nermin Ogresevic, said that the meeting created conditions for the cooperation of these two parties. “We are aware of the capacity of SDA at the state and federal level, and as a party we are ready to strengthen this political capacity. We agreed that it is important that the government is formed as soon as possible. The A-SDA is ready to strengthen this Bosniak part of the government with its participation. As President Izetbegovic said, when it comes to certain strategic issues, we are in a significant level of compliance, and I think that this is a good framework for talks about concrete cooperation and concrete agreement,” said Ogresevic.


Rajcevic: Transfer of competences to B&H level unacceptable (Srna)


RS Minister of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society, Srdjan Rajcevic, stated Thursday the Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of B&H is trying, through its Director Enver Halilovic, to transfer the constitutional competences of entities concerning the accreditation of higher education institutions to the B&H level, which RS finds unacceptable. Rajcevic warns the whole higher education system in B&H might remain paralyzed if the country fails to observe the EU Delegation’s deadline to re-accredit the local higher education institutions by March 31 so that they can be entered in the state register kept by the B&H Agency. He adds that re-accreditation of higher education institutions in RS has not even started as Halilovic refuses to talk. At a press conference in Banja Luka held after the government session where ministers discussed the relevant information, Rajcevic called for overcoming the situation in which Halilovic is holding the whole B&H hostage, which is inadmissible. "I appeal to the Council of Ministers and Ministry of Civil Affairs to put pressure on Halilovic to overcome this problem so we can resume the re-accreditation of all higher education institutions in the country and not put the entire system at risk, which would have a negative impact on students,” said Rajcevic. He added that if this problem were resolved, the diplomas acquired at higher education institutions in the whole B&H would become internationally valid and those institutions would resume their participation in various international projects.


Slovenia disappointed with lack of EU support in dispute with Croatia (Hina)


The European Union missed an ideal opportunity to emphasize the rule of law principle by siding with Slovenia in its border dispute with Croatia, Slovenian President Borut Pahor said at the end of his two-day visit to Brussels on Thursday. During his visit, Pahor met with Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and President of the Council of the EU Donald Tusk. Speaking to the press after their meeting on Wednesday, Juncker declined to comment on the Slovenian-Croatian border dispute and the Commission's role, saying there was nothing new. He confirmed that they had discussed the arbitration dispute on Pahor's initiative. Pahor said on Thursday that Juncker had told him that the Commission had an option but not a duty to join the Slovenian lawsuit against Croatia over its failure to implement the arbitration ruling. Slovenia claims that Croatia's refusal to implement the arbitration ruling is in violation of EU law. Ljubljana expected that the Commission would support its position last year, but that did not happen. Pahor said it was still possible for the Commission to state its position on the arbitration dispute while the case was before the Court of Justice in Luxembourg. Asked if he had received any guarantees from the Commission about that possibility, Pahor said that one should be very cautious in expressing one's expectations from the Commission.


IPPGV Polls: The Albanian opposition is breathing down DUI’s neck (Meta)


If the parliamentary elections were to be held along with the presidential elections, DUI would have the highest ratings among the ethnic Albanians with 18.8 %, shows that polls organized by the Institute for Public Policy and Good Governance (IPPGG). They are followed by the Alliance of the Albanians for whom 14.2% of the people would have given their support for. Afrim Gashi’s BESA (now using the name Alternative) and Bilal Kasami’s BESA have equal ratings of 5 % and 2.8% would vote for SDSM. “I won’t vote” was the answer that 32.5 of the people gave, and the 15.3 % of the people decided not to choose any of the parties. More than half of the people i.e. 57% think that the Albanian political parties should come out with a joint candidate at the presidential elections. The polls show that in the second round of the presidential elections if they were supposed to choose between presidential candidates by SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE, the ruling party would have been supported by 31.7% while VMRO-DPMNE 1.6%. 34.1 % of the participants have replied “none of any of the parties” while 32.6 % have said, “I don’t know.” The polls were carried out by telephone in the period between 7-10 February 2019 to a selection of 800 members of the Albanian ethnic community.


Ristovski and Janakieski attacked in prison (Nezavisen vesnik)


A member of the Kumanovo group, who was convicted of the attack in Divo Naselje in Kumanovo, attacked former ministers Mile Janakieski and Spiro Ristovski, who were given 30 days of detention on Thursday for organizing the bloody Thursday, and both were taken to the Sutka prison. Ristovski did not suffer serious injuries, while Janakieski has sustained broken bones and was transferred to the September 8 hospital. According to unconfirmed information, the convicted felon’s attack began with insults, which were followed by a physical attack. Prison authorities reportedly intervened, but for now there is no official information from the Sutka prison.


Gruevski denies any involvement in the violent events (Nezavisen vesnik)


Former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, who is in exile, has reacted on his Facebook profile after he and another four other former officials are suspected of organizing the violent events taken place in the country’s parliament on April 27, 2017. “I have not organized those violent events and I have not approved such attack against MPs. I call on the prosecution to provide evidence against me,” Gruevski said. Meanwhile, former parliament speaker Veljanoski and two former ministers are also accused of organizing the violent attack by angry protesters in the parliament two years ago.




Austria hosts a conference with Western Balkan Ministers for European affairs (European Western Balkans, 21 February 2019)


VIENNA – Austrian Federal Chancellery for the EU, Arts, Culture and Media, represented by the Federal Minister Gernot Blümel, hosted today a conference titled “The Future of EU – A Look from the Western Balkans”, which gathered region’s Ministers for European affairs. The event focused on the near-future challenges of the Union and the role Western Balkans could play in it. Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani thanked the host for providing an opportunity for the Ministers to discuss their ideas, visions and expectations from the EU. He also expressed gratitude to Austria for its support of the European perspective of the region, especially during its Presidency of the Council in the second half of 2018. “I hope that our success story will represent a motivation for other countries in the region, and here I especially have Kosovo and Serbia in mind, to expand their political horizons”, said Osmani, referring to the successful implementation of the Prespa Agreement his country reached with Greece. In his view, Belgrade-Pristina dispute is the most difficult, most complex and, at this moment, most important priority of the region. Minister of European Integration of Serbia Jadranka Joksimović stated that she had made the position of her country clear – it is hard to expect that the dialogue will continue, and much less that the solution will be found, until Pristina revokes the tariffs on Serbian goods and starts fulfilling its obligations arising from the already achieved agreements. She highlighted the importance of Austrian strategic presence in Serbia and in the region, as well as its sincere support to the enlargement policy, especially now, with the European elections being ever closer. Joksimović’s colleague from Kosovo, Minister Durata Hoxha, also reflected on the negotiation process. The Republic of Kosovo needs immediate support from the EU to make further progress in its long-term negotiations with Serbia, for a more peaceful, prosperous and democratic Balkans, she said, adding that Kosovo citizens are the most pro-EU in Europe, while being the only country with a visa regime. She thus considers visa liberalization as a key issue for Kosovo. It is clear that the EU has its own accession rules and the Western Balkan countries have still a lot of work to do with crucial reforms affecting the most important sectors. However, the EU should be able to assess achievements and make decisions accordingly, avoiding uncertainty in the region, stressed Hoxha. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Igor Crndak expressed hope that the October election results in his countries will be fully implemented soon, as well as that BiH will be granted a candidate status this year. He called the EU to be more present in the EU and in the region, so that the citizens could get an even clearer picture of the membership benefits.