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Belgrade Media Report 28 February



Vucic: Medvedja was and will remain Serbian (Tanjug/B92/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic continued on Thursday his “Future of Serbia” campaign in the Jablanica District.  Reacting threats from Pristina, he said that Medvedja and Sijarinska Banja will remain Serbia. During his visit, the president also used the opportunity to, as he did in Vlasotince, urge citizens not to worry about the threats from Pristina. “I’m listening to stories from Pristina. Medvedja and Sijarinska Banja, of course, have been Serbia and will remain Serbia always. We invest big money and invest in the future,” he stressed.  Vucic said that there was no need to respond to threats to anyone every day and to be always justifying himself, but that it was important that the result would eventually be on our side.


Tenth session of governments of Serbia, Republika Srpska held (RTS/Tanjug)


A joint session of the governments of Serbia and the Republika Srpska (RS), dedicated to enhancing cooperation and joint projects, was held today at the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade. Before the session, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic, while the ministers had bilateral meetings. Today’s session is the tenth joint session of the governments of Serbia and RS. The Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of technological development and digitization between the governments of Serbia and RS was signed by Serbian Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development Mladen Sarcevic and the RS Minister of Science and Technology Srdjan Rajcevic. Also, a Memorandum on the exchange of experience in the field of inspection between the Serbian Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the RS Inspection Administration was signed by Serbian Construction Minister Zorana Mihajlovic and Acting Director of the RS Inspection Administration Danijela Batar. Serbian Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic and the RS Minister for European Integration and International Cooperation Zlatan Klokic signed the Agreement on cooperation in the field of European integration. A Memorandum was signed between the Serbian Ministry of Youth and Sport and the RS Ministry of Science and Technology, Higher Education and Information Society in the field of scholarships for young talents by ministers Vanja Udovicic and Srdjan Rajcevic.


Brnabic: Further intensification of cooperation between Serbia, RS (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic today announced that she is absolutely satisfied with the cooperation between Serbia and the RS, expressing the expectation that this cooperation will be much more intensive in the coming period. At a press conference held after the joint session of the governments of Serbia and RS, Brnabic said that both sides need new energy capacities. Therefore, we are working on joint projects for the construction of three hydropower plants in the upper Drina River, and these works will influence GDP growth in both Serbia and the RS, she explained. Speaking about the links between Bosnia-Herzegovina (B&H) and Serbia, and Serbia with the RS, the Prime Minister said that infrastructure projects, such as the construction of roads, are aimed at the future period. She pointed out that, as far as Serbia and the RS are concerned, everything was completed regarding the construction of the Bratunac-Ljubovija bridge, and added that she understands citizens’ dissatisfaction because the bridge is not yet functional due to problems at the federal level. However, the tender for the completion of works on this bridge will be completed on 7 March, she explained, adding that a significant project for Serbia is the construction of a fast road between Serbia and the RS, which should go through Loznica. Brnabic pointed out that the focus of cooperation in the coming period is the development of agriculture and military industry, as well as the work on the automation of anti-hail protection, with the note that the trade between Serbia and the RS amounts to about 1.87 billion Euros. Referring to the situation regarding Kosovo and Metohija, Brnabic recalled that during the Berlin Process, six economies of the Western Balkans agreed on a roaming agreement, and that the idea was to sign the agreement on 4 April in Belgrade. However, she asked how such important agreements could be signed when the Pristina side permanently violates all existing regional agreements. When asked by the journalist whether she was satisfied with the dynamics of the opening of the chapters, Brnabic replied that she is not dissatisfied with the process, but not particularly satisfied either. She explained that the dynamics of the opening of the chapters depend on the events within the EU, but that Serbia is implementing the reforms and that it will continue, regardless of the situation in the EU itself.


Gojkovic meets with McAllister (RTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic met with a delegation of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, headed by Committee Chair David McAllister. Gojkovic discussed Serbia’s European integration with McAllister and the delegation members, in light of current events, the continued reform process and parliamentary democracy. McAllister said that the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs had chosen to visit the Western Balkans as its last activity on the eve of the parliamentary elections, to reaffirm the region’s importance for EU. Gojkovic stressed that the parliament is open to continuing cooperation with the European Parliament and progress on the path to European integration, in the interest of the people of Serbia. She briefed McAllister and the members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs on the current situation in the Serbian parliament, the coming regular session and the scheduled Collegium meeting on the parliament’s mode of operations, which all the head of the parliamentary groups have been invited to attend. The meeting also touched on the European Commission’s Report in the part concerning the work of the parliament, with a special focus on its supervisory role, and the procedures for the submission of amendments and addendums to the agenda, as well as the adoption of legislation by urgent procedure.


McAllister to Serbian MPs: EU cannot be complete without Serbia (RTS)


The chairpersons and deputy chairpersons of the Defense and Internal Affairs Committee, Committee on Kosovo and Metohija and the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues met in the Serbian parliament with the delegation of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, headed by David McAllister. The members of the European Parliament Committee had questions about the rule of law, judiciary reform and the parliament delegation’s stance on the freedom of the media and fighting corruption. The MPs’ had different opinions on the freedom of the media, with the opposition saying that there is room for improvement, while the ruling majority believe that the many reports the opposition mentioned were based on unilateral data. Speaking of the rule of law from the parliament’s viewpoint, they said that the parliament provides the legislative framework that directly contributes to the improvement of the rule of law, however, sometimes the implementation of these laws runs into difficulties. Still, the rule of law has improved, as evidenced by the fact that the overall crime rate had gone down by 9% last year and the instances of corruption detected in the second half of 2018 had doubled compared to the first half of the year, which does not mean that corruption had gone up, rather the police efficiency had been improved. The officials also spoke about Serbia’s EU integration. McAllister said that the EU cannot be complete without Serbia and since the stability of the continent hinges on stability in the Balkans, he hopes for a speedy accession of all six of the Western Balkans candidate countries. The meeting was attended by the Chairperson and Deputy Chairman of the Defense and Internal Affairs Committee Marija Obradovic and Marko Djurisic, as well as Committee member Aleksandar Markovic, Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun and Goran Bogdanovic, as well as the Chairman and Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues Djordje Komlenski and Gordana Comic.


Trepca Director: We will not apply Pristina’s legal decisions (RTS/Tanjug)


Director General of Trepca Jovan Dimkic has stated that, regardless of the seemingly difficult situation due to Pristina’s announcement of the Trepca registration, Serbia would seek to find a solution for the plant on which 35 percent of Serbs in the north of the province directly or indirectly depends. “We will not apply this law and legal decisions,” Dimkic told Tanjug following the meeting of Kosovo Serb representatives with President Vucic. “The announcement of the company’s registration by the end of February has increased the concern of employees, management, all citizens in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as Serbian state authorities,” he said, noting that registration is one of the final steps in the process of implementing the Law on Trepca from 2016. According to him, there are not many mechanisms in the Kosovo legislation in force that would protect the Serbian interests. He assessed that Pristina’s legal solutions were unacceptable, as they could violate the model of functioning.

“We do not want to apply laws that are to the detriment of the company, even if we were to ignore the decision on the illegal change of the ownership structure, we do not want new legal decisions to destroy the model according to which we are operating, and they relate to the change in the organizational structure and the way the plant is managed,” said Dimkic. The Director reminded that 3,000 people, or 2,400 workers if internally displaced persons are excluded and those who received redundancies in the course of the year, directly depend on Trepca, while there are much, much more of them if we take into account the companies with which they are doing business.


Bjørnstad: I would be surprised with Belgrade–Pristina deal in June (Beta)


Norwegian Ambassador to Serbia Arne Sannes Bjørnstad told Beta in an interview on Wednesday that Oslo would support any agreement between Serbia and Kosovo which would secure the respect of human rights and would be good for the regional stability. Commenting on the media report that a deal between Belgrade and Pristina would be signed in June, the envoy said he doubted the story was true. The German Frankfurter Rundschau had reported that the EU and the US were ready to accept the territory swap between Kosovo and Serbia and that an agreement which would be in place after six months should be signed in Washington on 12 June.

“I would be stunned if Serbia and Kosovo reached an agreement in June. There are a lot of obstacles along the way. Let's wait what they will agree on at the end,” Bjørnstad said. He added Pristina should immediately annul the 100 percent import taxes. “They should not have been introduced at all,” Bjørnstad said. Speaking about NATO – Serbia relations, he said that since Norwegian Embassy was the NATO contact mission in Belgrade in 2019, it would try to improve the knowledge about the Alliance in the country and the cooperation between the two sides. Bjørnstad said Serbia should do more regarding the rule of law, adding some reforms had been implemented, but the process should be faster.  As the most significant problem in Serbia, Bjørnstad sees the political culture which, he says, neither the building of institutions nor the adoption of laws can compensate. “The institutions have to be built and empowered, the laws must be adopted, but the biggest challenge for Serbia is to change the way people think,” he added, pointing out the attitude toward corruption, acquiring and keeping political power and the influence on the decision-making process. The Ambassador said that one of the challenges Serbia was facing was the fact it was too much focused on the past and the problems, instead of on its possibilities and potentials. If you want Serbia to be a part of north-western Europe, the club of rich countries, you must behave in a certain way,” Bjørnstad said. He added the relations between Norway and Serbia were very good and improved every year, but that was still a room for enhancement. Speaking about the projects of support to Serbia, the Ambassador said that the most important one this year dealt with creating jobs and securing the essential social services in the poorest municipalities. A total Norwegian donation to Serbia since 2000 was in the reach of 250 million Euros. Bjørnstad added his country would continue cooperation with the Serbian police, as well as the work on reducing the grey economy, fighting against tax evasions, and the protection of workers in the grey area. “We know Serbia needs to improve cybersecurity. We offered Belgrade help in the area, and we hope that would start this year, depending on the wishes of the Serbian government,” the Norwegian Ambassador told Beta.


Serbian government to use name North Macedonia (RTS/Tanjug)


The Serbian government adopted on Wednesday the Conclusion on the use of the name the Republic of North Macedonia, on the basis of a notification sent by the government of that country to all members of the United Nations on the change of the name. Given that the Republic of Serbia has good and developed relations with this neighboring country, and that the change of the name has been carried out in a legally valid manner, the Serbian government has taken notice of the change of the name and will use the name the Republic of North Macedonia or abbreviated name North Macedonia in future communication.




The constitutive session of the House of Peoples of the B&H parliament: Delegates are Izetbegovic, Covic, Radoncic (Oslobodjenje)


A constituent session of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly (PS) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is being held today in Sarajevo, announced the PSB&H. The agenda of the session foresees the giving of a solemn declaration by the delegates, the establishment of clubs of the people, as well as the election of the chairperson and the first and second deputy chairman of the House of Peoples. Dusanka Majkic, Nikola Spiric, Lazar Prodanovic, Sredoje Novic and Mladen Bosic were elected to the House of Peoples of the B&H parliament from Republika Srpska. Asim Sarajlic, Amir Fazlic, Fahrudin Radoncic, Denis Becirovic and Bakir Izetbegovic were elected from the Federation of B&H to the House of Peoples of the B&H Parliament, while Zlatko Miletic, Dragan Covic, Marina Pendes, Lidija Bradar and Barisa Colak were elected from the Croatian people.


Cvijanovic: RS will know how to react to all attacks (Srna)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that RS is stable category and is the will of the Serb people to exist, and noted that RS will always be able to react to all the attacks.

"B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik absolutely understands all the processes and knows why he said that RS would call a referendum and secede from B&H if the Constitutional Court of B&H accepts the SDA’s initiative to examine the name of RS. We must send a message to all who persistently attack RS that as strong their action is, our reaction must be as strong," Cvijanovic told reporters. She pointed out that RS was not the first one to make a move, nor had it done before. "People need to stop attacking RS and waste their time dealing with something they will not be able to deal with. We always knew how to react, thus we will be able to react to new attacks," she said. She stressed that RS is the will of the Serb people to exist, it fulfills its obligations, lives in peace, develops and works on political and socio-economic stability. Cvijanovic said that RS is reality and everyone has to understand it. "If one step more is made in the wrong direction, the reaction must follow," says Cvijanovic. RS will call a referendum and secede from B&H if the Constitutional Court of B&H accepts the initiative of the SDA to review changing the name of RS, the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said Tuesday evening.


Dodik: The first RS constitution - one of foundations on which RS rests even today (Srna)


The Serbian member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik told Srna that the first RS Constitution is one of the most important acts adopted by the Serbian people in RS and one of the foundations on which RS rests even today. “The act by which we defined a political framework in which we will live and the functioning of democratic institutions in this framework can certainly be considered as one of the foundations on which RS rests today. Looking from this time distance, one cannot but express respect for the generation of politicians who had the courage and vision, but also knowledge, to organize RS through its highest legal act,” Dodik said. He said that with the proclamation of RS, the Serb people wanted to say that they want to live in freedom, and with the first Constitution, that they want to live in a democratically organized society where the rights and freedoms are guaranteed to all who respect that act.

“This is why these two events are among the most important in the history of RS” said the Serb member of the B&H Presidency. Today, February 28th is the 27th anniversary of the first Constitution of RS, one of the most important acts, which was a foundation for its creation. The Assembly of the Serb People in B&H, which was founded on October 24, 1991, after Serb MPs were outvoted in the Assembly of the then Socialist Republic of B&H on October 14, adopted some ten constitutional acts which were a constitutional foundation for the creation of RS, but two are the most important: The Declaration of Proclamation of RS and the Constitution of RS. The Assembly of the Serb People in B&H adopted the Declaration on January 9, 1992, and the Constitution on February 28, of the same year.


Cvijanovic: First constitution set foundation of freedom and RS’ existence (Srna)


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that passing the first Constitution was the foundation of the freedom and the existence of RS and everything that has been achieved in the past 27 years. “We were struggling to defend the positions of RS in the legal, political, economic, social and financial fields. Not a single year passed in which we were deprived of the burdens and problems, but each one was resolved and overcome,” Cvijanovic told reporters. She says that RS is vital, aware, ready to defend its potentials, the right to stance, freedom, opinion, political activity and the organization of political and economic life, while nurturing and strengthening its institutions. “There will be more challenges and in that regard, we should not be naive, but it will strengthen the will of the people to preserve and defend RS,” Cvijanovic emphasized.


Cubrilovic: Constitution - best foundation for preservation of RS (Srna)


RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic told Srna that the RS Constitution is the foundation of RS and the best foundation for its preservation. “The RS Constitution remained the foundation regardless of the fact that more than 120 amendments to it were adopted. We must preserve the Constitution since attacks on RS have not stopped up to date,” Cubrilovic told Srna on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the first RS Constitution. Cubrilovic said that MPs who adopted the Constitution which survived up to date were visionaries. “Some people in B&H are not satisfied that we have RS Day and our Constitution, or that we behave in keeping with the Constitution, and are attacking on these dates and documents by amendments and in other ways. I hope RS representatives will remain principled in the defense of the Constitution and our powers and that RS will strengthen in every way, which is a prerequisite for a good life of citizens,” Cubrilovic said. Regarding amendments to the RS Constitution, which have not yet been incorporated in it because of a blockade by Bosniak representatives in the RS Council of Peoples, Cubrilovic said they pertain to the adoption of a new Constitution, but also to some very sensitive issues, such as the abolition of the death penalty, which have to be tackled. “A broad political consensus of parties based in RS, but also of other subjects, is necessary in order to change the Constitution. It would be good for us to adopt a new Constitution, but we should not insist on it at all costs if good conditions are not created for this to happen,” Cubrilovic said.


Deputy Defense Minister of B&H met with Military Delegation of Russian Federation (Fena)


Deputy Minister of Defense Sead Jusic, met with a military delegation from the Russian Federation Brigadier Ilj Skrebnev in Sarajevo yesterday in Sarajevo. At a meeting attended by Assistant Minister of Defense for International Cooperation Zoran Sajinovic, interlocutors discussed the development of relations between B&H and the Russian Federation. Deputy Defense Minister Jusic highlighted the expectation that contacts between the two countries would further develop into mutual satisfaction. They both expressed the hope that the new composition of the authorities in B&H will be formed as early as possible.


Opposition to get back to its obligations in parliament (CDM)


Before the first regular session of the Montenegrin Assembly the DPS deputy Andrija Nikolic called the opposition that is boycotting parliament to return to the regular commitments. He said that, before the first regular parliamentary session in Cetinje, they had the ambition to warn the voters in Montenegro and opposition counterparts who boycotted the Montenegrin assembly that the parliament itself, and not street, is the institution where the responsibility of elected representatives of the people is being checked. "So once again as authorized representatives of the majority political public in Montenegro, we have the obligation to repeat already repeated calls to return to their regular obligations. Please come and talk about all important and open issues," Nikolic said. Nikolic also pointed out that the ambition of a part of the opposition, who is trying to present itself as a pro-European alternative of power, is to out pry political gain from protesting by waiting for the Democratic Front to brake apart, and then taking over its electorates. Nikolic believes that boycott cannot be a solution to the problem, as it lives in the dialogue that takes place under the umbrella of the institutions.


Zaev and Ahmeti agree on a joint candidate for the presidential elections (Nezavisen vesnik)


Prime Minister of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev and DUI (Democratic Union for Integration) leader Ali Ahmeti have reached an agreement on running in the presidential elections with a joint candidate. “By running a joint candidate for the presidential election, we’re proving to the people of this country that we’re mature political parties,” Ahmeti said. According to him, in the days to come, the coalition allies will decide between Radmila Sekerinska, Nikola Dimitrov, Oliver Spasovski and Stevo Pendarovski. The name of the candidate will be announced on Friday. The presidential elections will be held on April 21. Opposition led by VMRO-DPMNE has nominated Gordana Siljanovska as candidate for the presidential elections.


Ivanov appoints generals ahead of presidential elections (Nezavisen vesnik)


In times when there are upcoming presidential elections, the Head of State Gjorge Ivanov promoted generals and appointed commanders of certain positions in the ARM. The Official Gazette reported that with a decree of the President, Chief of General Staff, Vasko Gjurcinovski, was promoted from Major General to Lieutenant General. Then, Brigadier General Mirce Gjorgoski was appointed as a military representative of Macedonia at NATO headquarters in Brussels, and Colonel Mario Jurisic for a military defense attaché in Paris.

Ivanov appointed a new deputy commander of the Joint Operational Command of the Army. This function will be carried out by Brigadier General Orce Jordev. The head of the Joint Operations Command - Besnik Emini was also appointed. All these promotions and appointments were signed by Gjorge Ivanov as "President of the Republic of Macedonia".


EP delegation ‘fails’ with Albanian opposition (ADN)


The Democratic Party (DP) leader Lulzim Basha said on Wednesday at the end of the meeting that he had with the European Parliament (EP) delegation in Tirana that the only solution of the actual political crisis is the removal of the actual government. According to him, Prime Minister Edi Rama must leave and opposition insist on snap elections and transitional government despite the appeal of internationals for consensus. "I want to thank the MEP's for the opportunity they have given to the opposition to show the situation in which Albania is. It was important that we talked openly and frankly with our friends and explained to them the situation in the country and that the opposition was left to no other possibility. International concern is the stability of the country. The solution is Rama's removal, early elections and transitional government," said Basha. The visit of the EP delegation in Tirana comes shortly after the opposition's protest. The burning of the mandates by the opposition and boycotting work in parliament is expected to be one of the main points to be discussed at meetings between Albanian and international politicians. The agenda also foresees a meeting with Prime Minister Edi Rama and acting Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Gent Cakaj.


DP leader for protests: I do not care what internationals say (ADN)


The Democratic Party (DP) leader Lulzim Basha declared on Wednesday after the meeting with the European Parliament (EP) delegation that, he does not care what international say about the opposition's protests and that they are on the right way. According to him, all that matters is the fate of Albanians and that the government of crime is risking the stability in the region.

"I do not comment on the statements of foreign missions. I do not care at all. This government has hijacked the fates of Albanians and the organized crime is also threatening the stability of the region. There is no communication between me and Edi Rama. My only communication is with Albanian citizens. The only way to resolve the political crisis in the country is the transitional government," said Basha. He added that File 339 is the tip of the iceberg that shows how Prime Minister Edi Rama captured free elections.


Opposition’s protests will continue until the removal of government (ADN


The former MP of Democratic Party (DP) Agron Shehaj declared on Wednesday that opposition's protests will continue until the removal of Prime Minister Edi Rama.

According to him, very soon will be free early elections that must ensure to not happen the same thing as in 2017. "We did not come out of parliament for nothing. We will continue until Edi Rama and his government will leave. It is about a Prime Minister who has captured all the powers. Past laws were all in the interest of the oligarchs. I think that soon there will be early elections, but they must be free from the influence of the narco-traffickers. We do not just seek early elections, but we must be attentive and careful not to create what happened in 2017. We want to bring Albania to the normal conditions," said Shehaj. He added that in the conditions that Albania is currently, there is no chance of opening negotiations, not because of the protest, but because it does not meet the conditions.




Kosovo PM Ignores US Calls to Scrap Tariffs (BIRN, by Die Morina, 28 February 2019)


Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj has not budged from his defence of tariffs on Serbian imports following a top-level meeting with a White House delegation – despite President Hashim Thaci insisting on cooperation with the US.

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, on Wednesday resisted further pressure from the United States to withdraw controversial tariffs imposed on Serbian and Bosnian imports.

Haradinaj discussed the matter on Wednesday evening with the Director for European Affairs at the US National Security Council, John Erath, and with the Balkans Director of the council, Brad Berkley. The two US officials “reiterated the clear stance of the US administration that the tax must be suspended in order to continue the dialogue and efforts to reach a comprehensive agreement between Kosovo and Serbia,” a statement issued by President Hashim Thaci, who attended the meeting, said. Haradinaj did not even mention the issue after the meeting ended. He wrote on Facebook only that Kosovo remained “willing to have a legally binding agreement [with Serbia] that results in mutual recognition within the existing borders”. He said Kosovo was “also willing to undertake the rights and obligations of membership of NATO, the United Nations, EU and other international organisations, and for good neighbourly relations”.

President Thaci has made no secret of his belief that Kosovo must not quarrel with its most important ally by far. He called on state institutions to “take concrete actions in line with the friendly advice of the US, as soon as possible. “The actions should be in the function of preserving and strengthening strategic cooperation with the US, and our state commitment for dialogue and a peaceful agreement,” Thaci is quoted as saying. After meeting the US delegation on Thursday, the head of Kosovo’s delegation on negotiations with Serbia, Fatmir Limaj, also appeared to distance himself from the Prime Minister. “It is already clear that there are different approaches on this issue,” Limaj said, about the import taxes. “I assured them [the US] that we are working hard for Kosovo institutions to take a unique approach on this issue that would enable the start of dialogue [with Serbia], taking into account the advice of our American friends,” he wrote. However, Haradinaj’s chef-de-cabinet, Avni Arifi, said the relationship between Kosovo and the US was based on mutual trust in democracy and freedom, and the tax issue does not have anything to do with it. “The tariff against the Serbian state has no connection whatsoever with our relation to the US,” Arifi wrote on Facebook. After the meeting was over, Thaci, perhaps significantly, visited the home of the former prime minister Isa Mustafa whose Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, is the the biggest opposition party. LDK spokesperson Besian Mustafa said President Thaci had informed Mustafa about the demands of the US officials. Media reported that during the day the US delegation intended to meet a group of MPs from the LDK, the Social Democratic Party, PSD and Alternative party. The government initially imposed a tariff of 10 per cent on Serbian goods on November 6, citing Serbia’s “negative behaviour” towards Kosovo’s statehood and its international campaign against Kosovo’s recognition. The decision to sharply increase this to 100 per cent was made on November 21, a day after Kosovo failed to secure the support of two-thirds of Interpol’s 192 member states to join the international police organisation, a failure which it blamed on Serbian lobbying.

Since then, Haradinaj has faced strong international pressure to revoke the tariffs. The EU has complained that the taxes violate Kosovo’s own commitments as part of the CEFTA regional free trade group.