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Belgrade Media Report 20 March


  • Jeremic, Obradovic announce radicalization of
    protests (Beta/TV Nasa)
  • Hahn on protests in Balkans: Freedom of
    expression yes, violence no (Beta)
  • Serbia takes over chairmanship of Adriatic-Ionian
    Initiative on 1 June (Tanjug/RTS)
  • Chinese Ambassador: China respects Serbia’s
    territorial integrity (Beta)
  • German Ambassador to Serbia: Germany strongly
    supports Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Tanjug/Diplomacy and Commerce)


Bosnia & Herzegovina

  • Radovan Karadzic sentenced to life imprisonment (N1)
  • Dodik: Organized obstruction in establishment of
    state level authorities (Srna)
  • Dodik: Izetbegovic now deliberately obstructs
    establishment of authorities (Srna)
  • Dodik: No uniform stance on NATO in B&H (Srna)
  • Dodik: Serb team in Sarajevo stronger than ever (Srna)


  • Serbs join a boycott of government’s Jasenovac
    commemoration (Hina)

of North Macedonia

  • Zaev asks EU officials to approve opening
    accession talks with “his country” (Republika)
  • Zaev promises Stoltenberg that Macedonia will
    increase defense spending to 2 percent of GDP (Republika)
  • Mickoski published extensive list of Zaev’s
    violations of the rule of law (Republika)


  • No elections without Rama's removal - Paloka
    declares (ADN)
  • Borchardt strongly criticizes opposition decision
    to stay out of parliament (ADN)


  • UN Court Sentences Ex Bosnian Serb Leader
    Karadzic to Life in Prison – Reports (Sputnik)
  • SA Council: Prespa agreement is an example for
    Western Balkans and beyond (European Western Balkans)


Obradovic announce radicalization of protests (Beta/TV Nasa)

opposition leaders announced on Tuesday the possibility of rising their
protests in Serbia and throughout Serbia “to the next level” through various
forms of civil disobedience, but in response to that, President Aleksandar Vucic
said that the state would not allow a burst into the TV Pink nor the blockade
of streets. The change of tactics was announced on TV Nasa by the
leader of the People’s Party Vuk Jeremic, who did not wish to give a
more precise definition of what the introduction of civil disobedience into the
protests throughout the country would imply.

“This is
not the last level, there will be additional levels. I would like for Vucic to
wake up tomorrow morning and say that he will take a different stand. I believe
that this is not highly likely. Therefore I believe that these protests will
cross onto a higher and higher level which will at one moment begin to imply
various forms of civil disobedience, such as the blocking of streets,
institutions, the interruption of lectures at universities, etc.”, Jeremic
said. The leader of the movement Dveri Bosko Obradovic said that the
protests of the opposition last weekend in Belgrade, showed that the Serbian
President “functions only under pressure” and that the opposition believed that
nothing more could be achieved through the institutions. Obradovic underlined
that one of the protest walks would be directed towards TV Pink, “the heart of
the propaganda of the current authorities”. “We shall rally again around the Radio
Television of Serbia
(RTS) just as we shall gather around Pink TV and
we shall not desist from this. For three months we tried other ways, we have
been protesting in a cultured and peaceful manner, but they will not hear us.
They ignore our requests, make us look like fools and it’s time to

stop with
that”, Obradovic said. Vucic said on Tuesday that the state “will certainly not
allow” a burst into TV Pink, as well as that possible blockades of the streets
would not go unpunished. “TV Pink is private property, you want to burst into
people’s houses. Imagine is one of us should say that next in line was a
television which we did not like, why you would lynch us”, said Vucic after
talks with the presiding of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik.

Hahn on
protests in Balkans: Freedom of expression yes, violence no (Beta)

Commissioner for Enlargement Negotiations and Neighborhood Policy Johannes Hahn
said in Brussels that he fully supported the right to protests and freedom of
expression in the Western Balkans, but made it clear that he condemned any form
of violence as unacceptable, which is also something the EU is very strict
about. "Some may ask us to bring about the rule of law, thinking that we
can invade a state like some military force, changing government there,"
Hahn said to reporters after a meeting EU High Representative Federica Mogherini
and he had with the Prime Minister of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev.
"It's not our understanding of the rule of law, but rather transparency,
democracy and protection of the judiciary," Hahn said, answering a
journalist's question about how the European Commission treated an allegation
that the Union tolerated corrupt authorities in the Balkans for the sake of
stability. The EU enlargement commissioner underscored that political change
should and must happen, based on democratic processes, free, fair and
transparent elections.

takes over chairmanship of Adriatic-Ionian Initiative on 1 June (Tanjug/RTS)

Speaking at
the XVI Conference of Speakers of Parliaments of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative
in Montenegro, Serbian parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic stressed that
Serbia is committed to fostering a comprehensive and broad relationship in the
Adriatic-Ionian region in the fields of economy, transport, infrastructure,
energy, tourism and culture, adding that Serbia would be taking over the
chairmanship of Adriatic-Ionian Initiative on 1 June for the coming 12 months
and as such organize the next Conference of Speakers of Parliaments. Gojkovic
stressed that the cooperation under the auspices of the Adriatic-Ionian
Initiative speaks of the awareness that the individual progress of each country
depends on the development of the region as a whole and above all its peace and
stability. “Serbia has been consistent in its firm belief that all challenges
in the region have to be resolved in accordance with international law,
existing regional arrangements and through compromise, dialogue and solidarity.
All involved should act with full responsibility, as opposed to unilateral
moves such as extremism, violence and fundamentalism,” said Gojkovic adding
that, in addition to sticking by international law, dialogue and compromise,
the affirmation of cooperation at all levels and areas is the best defense
against misunderstanding, distrust and violence.  She said that where our
common interests, wishes and future are intertwined in joint policies and
projects, where regional mechanisms bring concrete results and improve the
lives of our citizens by building trust and understanding, there can be no
distrust or antagonism. “That is why we believe that in our future efforts we
should focus on concrete projects and cooperation between working bodies,
parliamentary friendship groups and women’s parliamentary networks to
strengthen the legitimacy of political cooperation by strengthening the
parliament’s role. By having visible, tangible and concrete results of
cooperation and improving the citizens’ daily lives in a direct way we will
show them the importance of regional cooperation and in turn strengthen the
stability of the region and enable its intensive development,” said Gojkovic.
“Interparliamentary cooperation is vital and the parliamentarians themselves,
as the representatives of the citizens, have an increasingly important role in
promoting regional integration,” said Gojkovic reminding the attending that the
region had previously, in addition to developmental challenges, come up against
direct obstacles to cooperation, both specifically regional and global. In
addition to the Serbian parliament speaker the Conference is also attended by
the speakers of the parliaments of Albania, Croatia, North Macedonia, Slovenia,
the host – Montenegro, as well as the deputy speakers of the parliaments of
Greece, Italy and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ambassador: China respects Serbia’s territorial integrity (Beta)

Minister of European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic and China's newly
appointed Ambassador to Serbia Chen Bo agreed at a meeting that
bilateral relations had reached an exceptionally high level, which frequent
political visits by top-ranking officials and China's considerable investments
in Serbia testified to. Ambassador Chen Bo underlined that China respected Serbia's
territorial integrity and sovereignty, and that a solution for Kosovo should be
reached in a dialogue. She added that her country also respected and supported
Serbia's EU accession. The Chinese diplomat described Serbia as a reliable and
important friend to China, which the leadership in Beijing regarded highly.

Ambassador to Serbia: Germany strongly supports Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Tanjug/Diplomacy
and Commerce

Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb stated that Germany supports Belgrade-Pristina
dialogue along with the EU mediation in the process. He hopes the format of the
dialogue would remain the same and called out Pristina to abolish the taxes.
“The agreement has to be based on multiethnic principles, to ensure minority
rights and democratic standards. In addition, it has to contribute to the
stability of the region,” Shieb pointed out. The Ambassador welcomed the
improvement achieved so far, such as the freedom of movement, diplomas’
reciprocal recognition as well as the improvement in the area of
telecommunication and judiciary, which has made better living standard of Serbs
and Albanians. As he added Belgrade and Pristina have to sit down and negotiate
in order to achieve those solutions. Shieb highlighted that German government
strongly supports Serbian and Western Balkans integration into EU, expressing
that accession process depends on reforms, so certain conditions must be
fulfilled. He reminded that normalizing relations with Kosovo is one of the
conditions Serbia need to do towards EU accession process.


Karadzic sentenced to life imprisonment (N1)

The UN
tribunal sentenced Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic to life in
prison, Judge Vagn Joensen confirmed on Wednesday, increasing the
40-year first-instance verdict for genocide and other crimes committed during
the 1992-95 war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H).

Joensen of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT)
said Karadzic was found guilty of genocide, crimes against humanity and
breaching the laws and customs of war. The former President of wartime
Republika Srpska (RS), was initially sentenced on March 24, 2016, to 40 years
in prison by the now-closed International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia (ICTY). He was convicted of various crimes against humanity,
including the ethnic cleansing of Bosniaks and Croats, the siege of Sarajevo,
the Srebrenica genocide and taking the UN Protection Force (UNPROFOR) hostages
during the 1992-95 Bosnian war.

was acquitted of genocide charged in other municipalities in B&H.
Karadzic's defence team said following the first-instance verdict that the
initial trial was unfair and called for a re-trial, which was rejected.
Karadzic also personally addressed the Court, describing the crimes he was
convicted of as a “myth.” Both Karadzic and the prosecution appealed the 2016
judgement.  The initial indictment against Karadzic was confirmed on July
25, 1995. He was arrested in Serbia on July 21, 2008, and transferred to the ICTY
a few days later. The 499-day long trial commenced on October 26, 2009, and 586
in-court testimonies were heard by the Trial Chamber.

Organized obstruction in establishment of state level authorities (Srna)

Bosnia and
Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chair Milorad Dodik informed Serbian
President Aleksandar Vucic Tuesday in Belgrade of the talks conducted
about the establishment of State level authorities in B&H and of an
intentional and organized obstruction whose aim is to occupy the positions belonging
to Serbs. Dodik told the press after a meeting with Vucic there was obviously
intentional obstruction to occupy positions after elections which, according to
the Constitution, belonged to the Serbs. "I told the Serbian President
this is not just a matter of technical or some other delay, but one of an
organized obstruction whose goal is for them to maintain favorable or suitable
personnel in the Council of Ministers, like we’ve seen happening lately, and
disable a proper political representation at the B&H State level,” said
Dodik. He said the Monday evening meeting in Sarajevo (of the parties SNSD, SDA
and HDZ), held at the request of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, had
resulted in the creation of several principles upon which authorities would be
based. "At the end, when we were supposed to sign it and move on,
Izetbegovic demanded another seven days. Thus, it is an organized act of
obstruction which is likely to go on. We don’t intend to tolerate such
relations. But, it is important that someone else sees how things are going,”
said Dodik. Commenting on Serbia’s new projects in Republika Srpska (RS), which
were agreed on Tuesday, Dodik expressed his pleasure saying that Serbia and RS
continuously resolved serious problems of common people in RS and added he was
grateful to Vucic for showing the will and desire to help RS.  He said he
and Vucic had also discussed the relations between B&H and Serbia, and noted
that the border issue remained unresolved because the Bosniak side still had
its own attitudes. "But, as far as I am concerned, I found the issue
suggested in the earlier option acceptable,” emphasized Dodik. Serbia and RS
have a cooperation focusing on the stabilization of the whole area and Serbia
today is one of the most important countries for the region’s stability; the
policy pursued by Serbia definitely reflects that, he said. "Existing
outstanding issues are being resolved but commitment to development and what
Serbia is doing in that regard can definitely be a good example for anyone
else, us in B&H too,” said Dodik. Vucic and Dodik agreed that a number of
projects will be implemented in RS this year, for which Serbia will grant 8.4
million Euros. "A total of 8.4 million Euros will be granted irrevocably,
what was the case before, too. Once we pay it in, there will be 32 million
Euros in grants, which is significant support" said Vucic in a joint press
conference with Dodik.

Izetbegovic now deliberately obstructs establishment of authorities (Srna)

Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik said that the SDA and its leader Bakir
Izetbegovic are now deliberately obstructing the establishment of state
level authorities in B&H, and that Bosniak politicians, behaving like this,
bring themselves to the position that nearly none of the institutions will
function. "They fit in a structure that is inefficient and is a subject to
their demands, thus they are persistently seeking some reasons, as they found
the MAP (NATO Membership Action Plan) story, which has nothing to do with the
formation of the Council of Ministers, to problematize its formation,"
Dodik told Srna. According to him, the SDA and Izetbegovic are
doing all this hoping they will obtain the consent of their international
friends that someone hindering something in B&H. "We do not hinder
anything. The Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement stipulate that the
state level authorities in B&H are composed of representatives previously
elected in RS and the Federation of B&H at the legitimate elections,"
Dodik said. He cited as an example that he was elected and coming from RS to
the B&H Presidency, adding that the RS is his primary political framework.
"The Constitution gives this right to me, not Izetbegovic or anyone else.
The people of RS gave me this office. The same is the case with the Council of
Ministers, where the position of the chair of the Council of Ministers and
three ministerial seats belong to RS at the moment," Dodik said. According
to him, the new reasons to postpone the agreement on establishing state level
authorities in B&H keep emerging. "They prevent us from exercising our
basic function and I believe they are taking risks of creating crises for all
levels of authorities - the Presidency, the Parliamentary Assembly, i.e. the
House of Representatives and the House of Peoples, that are partially or fully
formed," Dodik, who is also SNSD leader, said. He said that Bosniak
politicians, behaving like this, bring themselves to the position that nearly
none of the institutions will function.

Dodik: No
uniform stance on NATO in B&H (Srna)

Chairman of
the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated Tuesday there is no decision
about NATO in B&H because there is no uniform view - Republika Srpska (RS)
has clearly said it does not want to join the North Atlantic Alliance, while
the Croats and Bosniaks do. Dodik points out it is absurd that US President
Donald Trump persistently speaks against NATO, while US officials, when they
come here, put pressure on authorities to join the alliance and British
diplomats say - go join the EU, while Britain is leaving it. "Like Serbia,
we are still recovering from the NATO bombing. It is a perception of our people
that they were the ones who came to kill us all. How can we then suddenly
accept that kind of rhetoric? Of course, in some rational sense, that is an
enormous alliance and you should not be against them or get away from their
sight,” said Dodik. According to him, Serbs do not want a NATO border at the
Drina river. “Serbia and B&H have some kind of cooperation with NATO within
the Partnership for Peace, but they (Bosniaks and Croats) obviously do not find
that enough because Croatia and Turkey are members of NATO and it is
understandable that Bosniaks and Croats want to join the bloc” said Dodik.
Dodik reiterated that the RS parliament had adopted a resolution stating its
view on it and that RS’s stance on NATO remained unchanged.

Dodik: Serb
team in Sarajevo stronger than ever (Srna)

Chairman of
the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said Tuesday the Serb team in
Sarajevo has never been stronger and that Banja Luka, not Sarajevo politicians,
will determine the policy Serbs pursue at the B&H State level. Dodik says
the State level authorities have not been formed yet because the Bosniaks were
not ready and did not have the majority they considered stable enough. In a
way, they are afraid of letting us inside due to the decision-making system and
the fact that four of the five delegates in the House of Peoples, the key
authority making all decisions, come from my party,” Dodik said. On the other
hand, he says, Serbs and Croats formed their own political teams in line with
the Constitution and were ready to form authorities before the New Year. Dodik
underlined he was hoping that State level authorities would be formed by the
end of March and that all indicators were implying just that, but explained
that it was impossible to create a coalition at the State level and that
“everything is assembled” at the level of B&H bodies. "This has been
going on for a while and it is pretty tiring. It has become a little dull, at
the end of the day,” said Dodik.  According to him, there will not be any
calculations like there were in the past. "There were calculations in the
past. Foreigners would arrive, pick one, pick two, and you’d get authorities
that are completely subordinated to Sarajevo politicians, like you had in the
past four years. But now we are bringing back the authorities, now the
authorities, Serbs coming to Sarajevo, are subordinate and come from Banja
Luka. Banja Luka is the one determining the policy we will pursue over there,
not Sarajevo," said Dodik.

Serbs join
a boycott of government’s Jasenovac commemoration (Hina)

The Serb
National Council (SNV) joined the Coordinating Committee of Jewish Communities
in Croatia in boycotting the official commemoration for the victims of the WWII
Ustasha concentration camp of Jasenovac for the fourth year in a row, scheduled
for April 14.

state did not take the necessary measures to stop or at least reduce the
negating of the Holocaust and genocide committed during World War II and
revisionism" SNV Vice President Sasa Milosevic said. Milosevic said
that by tolerating hate speech, downplaying the suffering of the people and
implementing an inadequate education policy, the state had directly helped that
such incidents become dominant in Croatia's society. Given the great difference
in opinion, we cannot and should not go to Jasenovac together. Milosevic said
adding that the Serb, the Jewish and the Roma minority, as well as the
anti-fascists, would hold their own commemoration on 12 April. The head of the
Coordinating Committee of Jewish Communities in Croatia, Ognjen Kraus,
said earlier he would not attend the government commemoration for the victims
of the WWII Jasenovac concentration camp, while the head of the SABA alliance
of anti-fascist fighters, Franjo Habulin, said SABA would decide on
Thursday whether to attend a joint commemoration. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic
last week invited representatives of SABA, the Jewish community, Serbs and Roma
to take part in a joint commemoration. Kraus said the Jewish community would
not accept. "Nothing has changed over the past year. Nothing new has
happened," he told the press, citing historical revisionism and the
government's stance on the Ustasha salute "For the homeland, ready. There
is a wish to be together as well as arguments against it" Habulin said,
adding that a joint commemoration would be useful. "It would be a sort of
coming closer to opening the possibility for talks and for resolving the
problems concerning historical revisionism and the negativism which has
accumulated over 20 years and more in Croatia, which isn't good," he said.
An argument against a joint commemoration would be the fact that nothing has
been done over the past year and SABA members believe the situation is worse
than last year, added Habulin.

Zaev asks
EU officials to approve opening accession talks with “his country” (Republika)

Zoran Zaev
was in Brussels on Tuesday to urge EU officials to be true to their promises
and allow Macedonia to open EU accession talks during the Council meeting
expected this summer.

Zaev’s EU
supporters Federica Mogherini and Johannes Hahn praised Zaev for
pushing through the Prespa treaty and renaming his country, and promised that
if the reform implementation is on target too, the country would receive a
positive recommendation to open accession talks. With Greece’s approval
presumed as given, France and the Netherlands remain as the two most critical
countries, which show no appetite for further EU enlargement. It is beautiful
to be in Brussels, the European Union will soon be our second home and we are
among our friends and partners. We have exceptional events and opportunities
and we will check the progress of our country toward European integration, Zaev
said during his joint press conference with Mogherini and Hahn. Besides the
name issue, main problems that remain are the high levels of crime and
corruption in the country, lagging reforms in the intelligence sector which
caused the 2015 political crisis, and problems with the public administration
which Zaev is busily filling with party loyalists.

promises Stoltenberg that Macedonia will increase defense spending to 2 percent
of GDP (Republika)

Zoran Zaev
told NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that Macedonia is prepared
to increase its defense spending to 2 percent of GDP in just five years.
Macedonia currently spends just 135 million EUR per year on defense, and to
reach the required 2 percent of GDP, this would have to increase to 200 million
EUR. Meanwhile, Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska famously put NATO
related defense spending at just 1.2 million Euros per year, raising questions
about how serious Zaev’s government really is about increasing spending. Zaev
also promised Stoltenberg that Macedonia will increase its involvement in NATO
military mission around the world. Our goal is to increase our participation.
That is a priority for us as a new full NATO member. We will assume our share
of responsibility to contribute to a safe and prosperous region, Zaev said.

published extensive list of Zaev’s violations of the rule of law (Republika)

In a video
address, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski named a series of
violations of the rule of law and other injustices and broken promises on the
part of the Zoran Zaev government. According to Mickoski, the voters must
resist this at the coming presidential elections. It is an injustice when the
Prime Minister acknowledges that he ordered an amnesty to bargain with members
of parliament, because he needed a two-thirds majority to rename the country.
It is an injustice when the majority of the citizens vote against a proposal,
and you change the name of the country never the less. It is an injustice when
the parents of the four children killed in Smilkovsko Lake are still grieving
and seeking justice, while the killers remain unpunished, despite Zoran Zaev’s
promises that he will take the real culprits before the face of justice. It is
an injustice when another set of parents are grieving for patriots sentenced to
211 years in prison, Mickoski said, naming some of those sentenced in the 27
April court case such as Jane Cento, the descendent to the Cento family name.
In his address, Mickoski also accuses the Zaev led government of crime and
corruption, in public procurement, in nepotistic hiring in the public sector,
in failing to pay the agriculture subsidies on time, and in reducing retirement
incomes. We are louder than ever and we will speak out against each and every
injustice. It is time to set things right, Mickoski urged his supporters.

elections without Rama's removal - Paloka declares (ADN)

Party (DP) vice Chairman, Edi Paloka, declared on Tuesday that there
will be no elections without Prime Minister's Edi Rama removal.
According to him, with the appointment of former Minister of Energy and
Infrastructure Damian Gjiknuri as responsible for electoral issues,
Premier Rama is showing his determination to buy votes again as in 2017.
"There are no elections in Albania without Rama's removal and without
creating the conditions for free and fair elections. There is no political
decision to enter the elections. Elections without conditions should not be
developed," said Paloka. He added that protests will continue and not only
those that will be announced. Paloka warned surprises for Prime Minister Edi

strongly criticizes opposition decision to stay out of parliament (ADN)

Ambassador to Tirana Bernd Borchardt reacted on Tuesday about the
political crisis in Albania and the upcoming local elections. In an interview
for the mmedia, Borchardt said that OSCE call to all political parties to
participates in the local elections which should be normal, while he
discouraged electoral boycotts and considered unprecedented the action of the
opposition to stay out of parliament.

- Mr.
Ambassador, now the deadline has expired and the opposition has not send
nominations for CEAZ members. Is this a step towards boycott of elections by
the opposition, and have you been in contact with the leaders of the
opposition? You made a call to them yesterday. Was there any reaction?

- We have
been calling on all parties to participate in the local elections, which should
be normal in a democratic system. On the nonregistration, we made a call
yesterday encouraging all actors to present their candidates.

- Mr.
Ambassador, yesterday the chair of the Socialist Party parliamentary group
Taulant Balla said that on electoral reform they would start talks with the new
MPs. Is this the proper way of approving the electoral reform?

- Legally,
yes. Whether it's politically wise - and I have said that before - that is a
different question. We are encouraging a continuing dialogue on the electoral

- If the
opposition will boycott the local elections will the OSCE recognize such
elections as proper?

- This
depends on how the elections are done, and what our observers are going to find
out. I cannot predict that. In general, I can say that we, of course, firstly
discourage electoral boycotts. Albania has for a long time been a pillar of
stability in the region. Now, we have seen an action in parliament, which is
unprecedented. It has been criticized by the whole international community. One
of the reasons is because it puts a fuse or it starts burning the fuse below
the system of parliamentary democracy. When are we going to have again a parliament
which sits for 4 years and that goes through? This time politicians had the
idea after two years to burn their mandates. Next time they may find arguments
after eight months, ten months, one year. This would also set a very negative
example for the whole region. You know that in several countries opposition
parties boycott parliaments. This cannot work. This is now the sense of a
parliamentary democracy.


UN Court
Sentences Ex Bosnian Serb Leader Karadzic to Life in Prison – Reports (Sputnik,
20 March 2019)

(Sputnik) - The UN International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals
(IRMCT) announced on Wednesday its final ruling in the case against former
Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, who faces 40 years in prison for
committing war crimes during the 1992-1995 Bosnian War. The UN appeals court
has found that Radovan Karadzic intended the Srebrenica genocide and ruled to
increase his sentence to life imprisonment, saying that the 40-year sentence
ordered by trial judges was too soft taken into account the seriousness of his
crimes and the weight of his responsibility. Karadzic, 73, was found guilty on
10 counts, including genocide, in March 2016 by the UN International Criminal
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), which has been replaced by the
IRMCT. The former leader immediately filed an appeal, refusing to plead guilty
and saying that the ruling was based on "rumours." The prosecution
also appealed the ruling, insisting that Karadzic, who ruled the Republika
Srpska between 1992 and 1996, should get a life sentence.

Against Karadzic

was arrested in 2008 in Belgrade after having been on the run for over a
decade. He has faced charges since the end of the Bosnian War, which erupted between
Bosnian Muslims, Serbs and Croatians in 1992, when Bosnia and Herzegovina
proclaimed independence following the dissolution of Yugoslavia. While he
initially faced 11 charges, one count of genocide in seven Bosnian
municipalities was dropped, since prosecutors had failed to provide enough
evidence. The second genocide charge — related to the Srebrenica massacre that
ended with 8,000 Muslim Bosniaks being killed in July 1995 — remained in place.
Meanwhile, Karadzic's defence believes that he is not guilty and that the
ruling should be annulled over incorrectly found facts and procedural
violations. "I think that the ruling can be commuted, taking into
consideration that his link to the Srebrenica events and the level of his
responsibility is one of the main charges. During the court process and
especially now, in our appeal, we have argued against this count most actively.
Personally, I believe that we have managed to refute any link between former
President Karadzic and the events in Srebrenica," lawyer Goran
Petronijevic told Sputnik.

He added
that he expected some other counts to be rejected as well. "However, the
court practice of The Hague's tribunal shows that sometimes, when one of the
non-major counts is rejected, the sentence is not reduced," Petronijevic
added. The panel of judges of the IRMCT Appeals Chamber, which is handling
Karadzic's case, has been partially changed upon the defendant's request,
causing a slight delay in the appeal hearing. Theodor Meron, former ICTY head
and the presiding judge in Karadzic's appeal, has withdrawn from the appeal.
"This man obviously had anti-Serb views, and even the judges of the
tribunal said that he was putting pressure on the court, under instructions by
the US embassy," Petronijevic said.

SA Council:
Prespa agreement is an example for Western Balkans and beyond (European
Western Balkans
, 19 March 2019)

The 15th meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Council between the
Republic of North Macedonia and the European Union (SA Council) took place on
19 March 2019. The SA Council recalled that the Stabilisation and Association
Agreement (SAA) remains at the core of the relationship between the EU and the
Republic of North Macedonia until the country’s accession to the EU. The SA
Council took note of the country’s primary objective to open accession
negotiations and acknowledged the government’s strong commitment to this
purpose. The SA Council welcomed that the European Council has set out the path
towards opening accession negotiations in June 2019 based on continued progress
and tangible results, maintaining and deepening the current reform momentum.
The SA Council took note of the intention of the Commission and government to
begin the necessary preparatory work.

On good
neighbourly relations, the SA Council strongly welcomed and supported the
agreement between Athens and Skopje on the resolution of the name issue and the
establishment of a strategic partnership. This is a historic step, which sets
an example for the Western Balkans region and beyond. This agreement, together
with the Treaty on Friendship, Good Neighbourliness and Cooperation between
Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia, sets a strong example for others
in the region and beyond to strengthen good neighbourly relations.

The SA
Council underlined the importance of continued implementation of these
agreements in good faith and took note of the governments’ commitment to this
end. The SA Council reviewed the key developments over the previous period
relating to the fulfilment of the political criteria, as well as the state of
play concerning the economic criteria and financial cooperation.

the political criteria, the SA Council welcomed the significant steps taken by
the government to advance EU-related reforms, in a transparent and inclusive
manner, as well as the positive changes in the general atmosphere in the
country. Acknowledging the achievements so far, the SA Council encouraged the
Republic of North Macedonia to continue its efforts over the coming months to
follow up on legislative measures and to strengthen the implementation of
reforms, in particular in the areas set out by the Council in June 2018, such
as the judiciary, the fight against corruption and organised crime and reform
of the intelligence services and public administration. The SA Council
encouraged the government, the opposition parties, civil society and other
stakeholders to continue to cooperate with one another. The SA Council urges
all parliamentary parties to put their divisions aside and work jointly on
delivering on the reform agenda and on the common strategic goal of EU
integration, for the benefit of all citizens.

rule of law, the SA Council acknowledged that legislative changes have been
adopted to address the “Urgent Reform Priorities”, the recommendations of the
Venice Commission and those of the Senior Experts’ Group on systemic Rule of
Law issues, which aimed at having a positive impact on the independence of the
judiciary. The SA Council welcomed continued progress made in the
investigations conducted by the Special Prosecutors’ Office to establish legal
accountability for the wiretaps. It stressed the importance of a sustainable
solution for the future status of the Special Prosecutor’s Office, which is in
line with the Judicial Reform Strategy. The SA Council recalled the importance
of accountability for the attack on Parliament on 27 April 2017. The SA Council
commended the progress made in amending the legal framework for prevention of
corruption and conflicts of interest. It welcomed the immediate steps taken to
implement the new law and that the new State Commission for Prevention of
Corruption was appointed effectively in an inclusive and transparent manner. It
encouraged the Republic of North Macedonia to further step up proactive
investigations, prosecutions and final convictions in corruption and organised
crime cases, including at high level. On public administration reform, the SA
Council took note of the ongoing implementation of the Public Administration Reform
Strategy and the Public Financial Management Reform Programme. It acknowledged
that concrete efforts have been made towards increasing transparency and
accountability and improving consultations in policy-making. The SA Council
reiterated that any recruitment, appointment or dismissal must respect the
principles of a depoliticised and merit-based public administration, of
transparency and equitable representation, in line with the spirit and the
letter of the relevant legislation for public service positions. Regarding
relations between the communities, the SA Council assessed that the situation
continues to be calm overall, while recalling that this requires continuous
engagement. The government underlined the concept of “one society for all” and
the steps taken to build greater trust among communities. The SA Council
reiterated that the Ohrid Framework Agreement (OFA) continues to be an
essential element for democracy and stability in the country, as part of its
constitutional order. The SA Council welcomed the country’s continued active
participation and constructive approach in regional cooperation initiatives. It
also commended on the Republic of North Macedonia for its continuous efforts
and constructive cooperation in addressing the issue of irregular migration and
encouraged the country to sustain its engagement in this area. In addition, it
positively noted the country’s increased alignment with the EU Common Foreign
and Security Policy and encouraged the Republic of North Macedonia to further improve
its alignment. The SA Council pointed out the importance of the national
authorities continued implementation of the European Court of Auditors’
recommendations. In particular, national authorities should increase their
efforts to spread best practice in implementing EU pre-accession assistance
across the whole of the public administration. It also noted the importance of
sound financial management and the need for full compliance with the sectoral
approach criteria. The recent passage to the second stage of the Stabilisation
and Association Agreement was also welcomed. The meeting was chaired by Prime
Minister Zoran Zaev who led the delegation of the Republic of North Macedonia.
Deputy Prime Ministers Bujar Osmani and Radmila Šekerinska, as well as Minister
of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov, also took part at the SA Council meeting.
The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security
Policy/Vice President of the Commission, Federica Mogherini, led the EU
delegation while Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement
Negotiations Johannes Hahn represented the European Commission.