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Belgrade Media Report 08 April 2019



Vucic to Scott: Serbia ready for dialogue if Pristina scraps taxes (Tanjug/B92)


Meeting with US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott on Monday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he was not optimistic but that Serbia was ready to continue dialogue if Pristina revoked a decision introducing a 100 percent tax hike. Discussing with Scott the future of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and the situation in the region, Vucic said Pristina had scrapped the dialogue by failing to meet the sole condition from the Brussels Agreement - the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities - as well as by adopting a platform for the talks, by setting up a Kosovo army and by introducing taxes on Serbian goods. He noted the problems that had led to a standstill in the dialogue should have been addressed sooner by the international community. “I am not optimistic, but if Pristina revokes the taxes, Serbia is ready to talk,” a statement from the presidential press office quoted Vucic as saying. Scott said the US was supportive of a return to dialogue and noted a way must be found to continue it.


Vucic: If KFOR doesn’t protect Serbs - there are those who will (B92/Beta)


The presence of the Albanian army in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica was deliberate and planned, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said, adding the goal was to intimidate Serbs in Kosovo and provoke Serbia. Speaking while he was touring the Belgrade Waterfront project, Vucic said that it was quite logical that the presence of Albanian soldiers brought unease among people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. “This is an unambiguous indication to KFOR to pay attention to such things. Take them to Djakovica, but don’t take them to northern Mitrovica,” he said, and reiterated that if KFOR fails to do its job and protect Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, there are those who will. Commenting on announcements that former US secretaries of state Madeleine Albright and Hillary Clinton will visit Pristina on 12 June, on the occasion of the anniversary of KFOR’s entry into Kosovo, Vucic said that this was as expected, because the two had been involved in creating an independent Kosovo. “It’s their baby, they were creating an independent Kosovo contrary to the norms of international public law, which a majority of humankind sees today, and we will make sure that the Trump administration, too, sees who was creating an independent Kosovo,” Vucic said.


SzS on Vulin’s statement (Tanjug/RTS)


The Alliance for Serbia (SzS) condemned the statement by Defense Minister Vulin that he advocates delineation with the Kosovo Albanians. The SzS points out that delineation with Kosovo and Metohija and drawing of a line would leave the majority of the Serb people in an independent Kosovo, as well as churches, monasteries and property. In a press release, the SzS assesses that Vulin’s announcements on division of Kosovo and Metohija are extremely dangerous and unacceptable for every citizen of Serbia who know where is the line where Serbia is defended, and that this line was defended by generations before these authorities. The SzS assesses that Vulin’s statement is in line with the already public agreement between Vucic and Thaci, as well as that the authorities are thus showing that they do not care for people, Constitution, Resolution 1244, as well as the dangerous Pandora’s box that would be thus opened in the Balkans.


Pristina-based panelist warned over calling Kosovo a “state” (Tanjug)


A Pristina-based panelist at the Western Balkans Digital Summit in Belgrade was on Friday warned by a Serbian government official over referring to Kosovo as a “state”. Kosovo and Metohija is an autonomous province of Serbia and the term “state of Kosovo” is unacceptable, the official of the Serbian government - which is the organizer of the summit - told Spend Lila, who had previously received two warnings for the same reason. Lila responded he was not doing so on purpose, but mechanically. Moderator Armin Konjalic intervened by telling the official to leave the room. The summit host Vesna Damjanic objected to the gesture, telling the moderator not to argue with the official, who she said had a duty to fulfil on behalf of the Serbian government. “No one is going to leave the room,” Damjanic said, after which discussions at a panel continued without any incidents.


G7’s message to Belgrade and Pristina - normalize relations completely through a comprehensive and legally binding agreement (Tanjug)


G7 member-states have called on Belgrade and Pristina to engage constructively in normalizing relations through a comprehensive, legally binding agreement. “We call on Kosovo and Serbia to engage constructively and normalize their relations completely through a comprehensive and legally binding agreement, so that they can advance on their European path,” said a joint communique at the end of the G7 summit held on Friday and Saturday in France. It is added that without effective and comprehensive normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina through dialogue with the mediation of the EU there can be no lasting stability in the region. G7 foreign ministers also stressed and confirmed their commitment to security, stability, prosperity and the European perspective of the six Western Balkan partners. They also pointed out the importance of improving on necessary internal reforms, especially with regard to the rule of law, stated the 25-page document published on the website of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

G7 is comprised of the US, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada, France, and the UK.


Grasso: Media spreading tensions (Novosti)


There are no indications that there could occur unilateral or violent operations. The only thing that points to destabilization have been frequent speculations spread by certain individuals and some media, thus creating an unjustified tension among people, KFOR spokesperson Vincenzo Grasso told Novosti.

The joint exercise between Kosovo Security Forces and Albanian Army caused great attention?

“This exercise is an example of bad use of rhetoric. The joint exercise of the Albanian Army (at issue are few members) and Kosovo Security Forces is an exercise of the capability to search and rescue, but some media portrayed it as a threat of organized violent activities in the north of Kosovo. This exercise did not influence in any way the KFOR mission.”

In the event of the situation becoming more complex, would it be realistic to see in the field the Serbian Army in the north of Kosovo and Metohija?

“KFOR is the only one authorized by UNSCR 1244 to guarantee safe surroundings in Kosovo. NATO is ready to send additional soldiers to KFOR.”




SDA and DF sign coalition agreement (BHT1)


Representatives of SDA and DF signed on Friday an agreement on formation of authorities at the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Federation of B&H level. The agreement reads that its signatories will especially focus on security challenges, rule of law and fight against crime, terrorism and corruption. It was stated from SDA that this agreement stipulates amending of the Constitution and the Election Law of B&H and activities aimed to implement the ECHR’s ruling in ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case. Joint priority of the two parties will be economic reforms, creation of new jobs and better business environment. The agreement of DF and SDA also stresses that the two parties advocate full implementation of laws and strategies that were passed earlier, as well as B&H’s membership to NATO and the EU. Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic stated that the only special request of DF was to preserve “multi-ethnic substance” of B&H, i.e. not to further divide B&H. “I think they made a responsible and brave move, unlike other parties from ‘BH Bloc’,” explained the leader of SDA. HDZ B&H and SNSD, parties that should along with SDA and DF make new authorities at B&H level underlined that this is result of pre-election agreement between the two parties. It was stated from HDZ B&H that by signing the agreement with SDA, DF is returning debt to SDA which helped in election of leader of DF Zeljko Komsic a member of B&H Presidency. Also, SNSD’s leader Milorad Dodik underlined that after it decided to bring DF into the ruling coalition at B&H level, SDA requested “the Serb side” to give up on one ministerial position in B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), i.e. to have only two ministerial positions besides the position of the Chairman of B&H CoM. “Do they want me to bring Marko Pavic (leader of DNS), Nenad Stevandic (United Srpska), Dragan Cavic (NDP) or Petar Djokic (SP RS) and to say what is with them” stressed Dodik.


DF’s decision to join coalition with SDA sparks different reactions by HDZ B&H, SNSD and BH Bloc (TV1)


DF’s decision to join a coalition with SDA has sparked different reactions in political circles. As a response, DF leadership dismissed the assessments that this party is no longer “civic” but “Bosniak”. DF Vice President Dzenan Djonlagic argued that it is absurd to put such labels on a party that has a member of the B&H Presidency from the ranks of Croats, the Federation of B&H Vice President from the ranks of Serbs, heads of Caucuses and representatives from the ranks of Bosniaks and Others and delegates from the ranks of Croats and Others. However, the reporter reminded that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic announced that one ministry in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) will be given to someone from the ranks of Others so, if DF wants one of the ministries, it is most likely to get a “Bosniak” ministry that was supposed to belong to SDA, given the fact that neither HDZ B&H nor SNSD would give up on their ministries. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic stressed that he is convinced DF will not be at the negotiating table, reminding that this role belongs to the three leaders and everything else is a matter of the Bosniak, Croat and Serb package. “From this point of view, I do not want to set conditions to anyone when it comes to their decisions on who will be appointed to a ministerial post. It would be inappropriate,” Covic said. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik also said that the role of DF and its leader Zeljko Komsic depends on the Bosniak side. “Now he wants the Serb side to agree to have only two ministries and the post of the Chairman of the B&H CoM, just because Zeljko Komsic is joining us” Dodik argued. In his opinion, B&H is facing the biggest institutional crisis so far. It might be deepened due to Dodik and Covic’s disagreements with Izetbegovic, who wants to make it possible for DF to get one ministry for someone from the ranks of Others – at the expense of SNSD. According to representatives of NS and SDP B&H, it is now clear who supports the civic concept and who supports the ethno-nationalistic concept of B&H, so they think there will be no problems between DF and ethnic parties. In this context, NS Secretary General Nihad Uk sarcastically concluded that this is actually a step forward when it comes to formation of the executive authorities in the Federation of B&H and B&H. Leader of SDP Nermin Niksic stated that DF will not manage to unblock the process of formation of authorities. Niksic stressed that SDA enabled HDZ B&H and SNSD to block all decisions. Also, many believe that SDA-DF agreement will make relations between SDA and HDZ B&H more complicated and even slow down the process of formation of authorities.


Dodik on authority formation (Glas Srpske)


In a statement to the daily, SNSD leader and Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that the meeting of SNSD, HDZ B&H and SDA delegations should take place in Mostar this week. He also said that the authority would have been already formed if there had not been SDA’s calculations. As for SDA-DF agreement, Dodik said that this is about the Bosniak bloc and that they should reach an agreement between themselves. Dodik also said that the post of the B&H Council of Ministers’ Chairman and three Ministries belong to Serbs in this mandate and Croats and Bosniaks will also get three Ministries each. Dodik believes that it is high time to complete the process of the authority formation because of the European path “if they want that path at all”.  Dodik also said: “As I understood, the EU said that if we form the authority by May, it is possible to get the opinion on the candidate status in May. If the authority was not formed, they will not discuss this since elections in the EU follow and everything will become a bigger problem then. I guess that people in Sarajevo have this in mind.” Dodik reiterated that he does not expect MAP as a condition for formation of the B&H CoM adding that all of this seems to him as a deceit of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic. He added that active cooperation with the NATO already exists and that this cooperation should strengthen further but MAP is out of question. HDZ B&H’s Deputy President Borjana Kristo stated for the daily that the meeting will take place in Mostar on Tuesday and that it cannot be said yet if the agreement will be reached. She added that SDA was prolonging reaching of the solution. SDA Deputy President Adil Osmanovic said that they work on agreeing of technical details of the abovementioned agreement. Asked if DF will get posts from the quota that belong to Bosniaks, Osmanovic said that they have not discussed anything yet adding that DF is a multi-ethnic party that has members who belong to all three constituent peoples and ‘Others’.


Dodik: I am not threatening but secession of RS remains option in case of failure to make progress (ATV)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik commented on the possibility of Republika Srpska (RS) seceding from B&H, saying that the RS needs its current constitutional position in order to remain a part of B&H, but the RS will surely secede from B&H if its rights and competences are further reduced. Dodik noted that the RS does not want to lose its strength and capacity, but rather to strengthen it. Dodik stated that he is not threatening but secession of the RS remains an option in case of failure to make progress.


Dodik: Some kind of integration between Serbia, RS, Montenegro, must exist in future (Espresso)


RTRS brings a brief summary of an interview with Chairman of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik for the web portal on Sunday. Among other things, Dodik stated that the crisis about formation of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H is a product of fear of Bosniak political elite that wants eligible Serbs in the CoM. Dodik said that in the past five months since the elections, relations in Sarajevo changed as a member of the Presidency from RS has his own standpoint and the Serb majority at the level of B&H has never been this big. Dodik assessed that the power of Serb representatives in B&H institutions is reflected through five MPs in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP). He added that no decision in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) could be adopted without its confirmation in the B&H HoP, which means that they (Serbs) decide on the destiny of every decision and every law in B&H. Dodik stressed that out of the five MPs, four are from SNSD which has not happened before and now, the four of them absolutely decide on everything. He also reminded of the previous practice that in his opinion implied that Ambassadors and the High Representative decided on everything which, according to Dodik, is not the case nowadays. Dodik argued that in these kinds of circumstances, the RS survived although it was meant to be devastated. Dodik said: “Today, we (Serbs) are the leading factor in B&H. Nothing can happen, no decision pros or cons, can happen without Milorad Dodik and his political structure. This is what I call the political representation in Sarajevo”. Dodik emphasized that the story that the RS ruins B&H is not true in relation to how Bosniaks are ruining B&H. Dodik went on by saying that there are conflicts and pathological hate within the Bosniak ranks, but in his opinion, they always find a way out and they gather together hating Serbs. According to Dodik, this is the key issue for Bosniaks. Dodik underlined that his policy aims to maintain peace and stability and not impose his will to others like Bosniaks do. Dodik said that in the future, some kind of integration between Serbia and the RS, but also a part of Montenegro, must exist. Dodik stated: “I know that this will not happen now, but I am sure that this will happen during this century. Conditions for the Serb national integration will be created and we should act smart about this. This is our political desire”.


Prosecutor’s Office of B&H launches investigation against Minister Mektic (Hayat/BN TV)


The B&H Prosecutor’s Office decided to initiate an investigation against outgoing B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic, due to having reasonable doubt that Mektic committed a criminal offense of abuse of official position or authority, revealing secret information and committing perjury. As a state official, Mektic acquired certain confidential information and then, in various ways, knowing that he was not authorized, shared the abovementioned information with persons that do not have the necessary clearance for reviewing data labeled as confidential. Mektic is also suspected of misinforming the public and making a false statement at the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H, which resulted in serious consequences to the rule of law, security and reputation of B&H, reads a statement issued by the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H. Mektic commented this and said that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H does not have anything concrete against him, but its officials are trying to “divert attention to something else, other than the affairs that involve the Prosecutor’s Office”. He underlined that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H did not do its job properly for the past ten years, but in his case this institution showed that it is capable of initiating an “express investigation”. He believes that the investigation against him is nothing more than revenge and that officials of the Prosecutor’s Office are trying to protect their own personal interests. “For four years they have tried to find a way to get back at me, because I have a critical approach towards the work of the Prosecutor’s Office, because I call them thieves and mobsters” said Mektic. He believes this new investigation to be a form of pressure exerted onto him, which aims to prevent him from pointing to the real problems of corruption and crime that is deeply rooted in the judicial system of B&H. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic reacted to the announcement of the investigation against Mektic and said that he trusts Mektic’s words more than he trusts the Prosecutor’s Office. Member of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) in B&H and MP in the Croatian Parliament Bozo Ljubic said that Mektic’s aim was to construe an affair that would undermine relations between B&H and Croatia. Ljubic considers that it is necessary to hold Mektic criminally liable for his allegations.


Mektic says it would be best for all if B&H and Serbia become members of NATO (ATV)


B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic (SDS) stated that it would be the best for all if B&H and Serbia become members of NATO. Mektic stressed that he would like B&H and Serbia to become members of NATO, adding that they are connected to the West in every way and that if they want us, we could make progress and be part of Europe. Mektic noted that B&H and Serbia are surrounded by members of NATO which is why, according to him, they are susceptible to the interests of great powers. “I believe that NATO would bring us more security and that everything else will bring us more insecurity, instability and so on. We are a small country that cannot significantly influence any kind of processes,” Mektic said. SNSD representatives underlined that while SNSD is trying to create a common front of Serb parties in Sarajevo, SDS ministers are going against the resolution of the RS parliament on military neutrality. SNSD representative in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Stasa Kosarac said that SNSD got used to SDS playing by SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic's rules, but that it hopes that SDS ministers will not give support to NATO membership, while the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) is in technical mandate. “It is definitely necessary to establish whether this is the opinion of the entire SDS or just Mektic's opinion because the public in the RS has to know what the policy of SDS and its cadres at the joint level is when it comes to NATO,” Kosarac said. SDS Vice-President Milovan Bjelica commented the statement made by Mektic and stressed that statements of certain individuals that go against SDS, its voters and the people of the RS is something that is causing incalculable damage to SDS and possibly to the RS. “It is legitimate to have an opinion and present your stance, but to be a member of SDS and to think and speak the way Mr. Mektic spoke in an interview for a Sarajevo TV station is clear indication that he does not belong to SDS. He did not read neither the Statute nor program of the party, but he is also not respecting the decisions of the Main Board. They clearly expressed military neutrality and following Serbia when it comes to decisions regarding NATO.” ‘United Srpska’ also reacted and stated that a big number of people from SDS succumbed to the policy of Mektic. Leader of ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic argued that Mektic, who in his opinion, has no political authority, likes to give lectures to Serbia and the RS. Stevandic added that Mektic does not have the support for this even within his own party, but added that it is a fact that a big number of people from SDS succumbed to this kind of policy and supported Mektic.


Belgium to prohibit denial of genocide in Srebrenica and Rwanda (Dnevni avaz)


Belgium media on Sunday reported that this country will soon adopt legislation prohibiting denial of genocide in Srebrenica and Rwanda. The Brussels Time reported that the Legislation Commission of the Belgium Parliament approved the proposal of a law which prohibits denial of historical facts on genocide in Srebrenica and Rwanda. The daily noted that denial of genocide will be considered an act of crime and added that it is expected that the Belgium Parliament is expected to adopt this piece of legislation after Easter holidays.


Beyer: There’s a third party behind every protest (Pobjeda)


Protests are everywhere, even in Berlin, almost every week. They’re organized either in front of the Brandenburg Gate or Reichstag building. It’s very important for every politician to hear the requests of protesters but not to forget that every protest is backed by some third party, Peter Beyer, a Coordinator of Transatlantic Cooperation in the German Bundestag and member of the CDU parliamentary group, told Pobjeda. Beyer emphasized that unhindered protests best prove that democracy in a country functions well. “Of course, the protesters always have their own interests but they’re entitled to come out and defend those same interests on the elections held every four years” he clarified for Pobjeda daily. He said loud and clear – the parliament is the only place where political discussions should take place and urged the Montenegrin politicians to strengthen the institutions where they represent the people. Germany will continue to back Montenegro’s EU integrations, reiterated Beyer. “The fact Montenegro joined NATO Alliance in 2017 was a great success for this country. Now we have even greater aim – to enter the European Union, but there’s still a lot of work to be done for such a small country as Montenegro is. The country’s progress is evident and we are happy for that.”


In Washington, the country received new assurances of support for NATO (Meta)


“Thankfully, we have strength in numbers. NATO has grown to include 29 nations. This year, we’re preparing to welcome the 30th, North Macedonia,” said US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, welcoming the fact that the documents for ratification of the Protocol for Membership of the Republic of North Macedonia to NATO was submitted to the US Senate last week.

Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov met with Pompeo at a joint meeting of the Congress on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the founding of NATO, with the US Secretary of State conveying his country’s strong commitment to our country’s membership in the Alliance by the end of year. Dimitrov also thanked the member states for their openness to the Republic of North Macedonia, not hiding his satisfaction of the country’s progress towards achieving its ultimate goal, the Macedonian Foreign Ministry said. “We are as strong as the army and the economy are strong, and as strong as our democratic institutions. But we are also strong as we have friends! We will never walk alone again. With us will be 29 NATO allies – all for one, one for all!” said Dimitrov. NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg, in his address at the joint meeting of the Congress, attended by Minister Dimitrov, stressed that it is good to have friends. In this context, he thanked the member states for their openness towards the Republic of North Macedonia, also not hiding his satisfaction of the country’s progress towards achieving its ultimate goal, the Macedonian Foreign Ministry said. The Macedonian Foreign Minister also met with the foreign ministers of Turkey, Belgium, Iceland, Italy and Slovenia, focusing on the ratification of the NATO Protocol.


Political crisis, President appeals for reflection and dialogue (ADN)


Following the tributes made on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the anti-fascist resistance in Albania, President Meta gave a declaration on the current political situation of the country.

President Meta stated that dialogue is needed for the situation to go back to constitutional normality, while highlighting that parties should not make steps backwards due to their stubbornness. "I believe only in dialogue and in finding the political solution through a responsible and real dialogue in order to restore the country's full constitutional, institutional and democratic normality.  After the year 1997 the country has made significant progress and I encourage all responsible politicians, wherever they are, in the majority or in the opposition, to show that in these 22 years Albania has truly moved forward.  These 22 years cannot go to waste for the sake of stubbornness and demonstrations of strength through rallies, and unnecessary riots, also considering that we are on the beginning of the tourist season, which is very important for Albania's economy.  So, I believe there is enough time for reflection and to find the right solutions," declared the President. When asked whether the president will intervene to enable the parties dialogue with each other, Meta declared that it is their duty to show real will for dialogue, to renounce the use of force and to be guided only by mutual reason and interest.




Serbian, Albanian ambassadors visit Xinjiang (Xinhua, 5 April 2019)


URUMQI -- Serbian Ambassador to China Milan Bacevic and Albanian Ambassador Selim Belortaja said they expect more exchanges with Xinjiang after visiting Urumqi, the regional capital, and Turpan. The two ambassadors visited Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region at the invitation of the regional government from March 27 to 29. Shohrat Zakir, chairman of the regional government, gave the ambassadors a comprehensive briefing on Xinjiang's achievements in economic and social affairs, and its preventive measures to counter terrorism and extremism. He emphasized that the good situation Xinjiang has now was a result of effecive anti-terrorism measures. The ambassadors said the visit would help them better understand Xinjiang in an objective fashion. While congratulating the region on its achievements and commending China's efforts to safeguard its citizens' freedom of religion, the diplomats said they understood China's work on counter-terrorism and deradicalization. During their stay in Xinjiang, the ambassadors visited communities, farmers, and hi-tech enterprises, and talked with students at vocational education and training centers. The ambassadors said they looked forward to more exchanges and cooperation with Xinjiang in economy, trade, and people-to people exchanges.

Editor: Li Xia


US donates 37 MRAP vehicles to Albania (Defense Blog, 8 April 2019)


37 Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected (MRAP) vehicles, donated by the US government, were handed-off for the Albanian Armed Forces on 4 April. The ceremony was attended by Albanian Defense Minister Olta Xhacka, charge d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Tirana Leyla Moses-Ones and Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces Brigadier General Bardhyl Kollcaku. Albanian Defense Minister Olta Xhacka thanked the U.S. government for its continued support to Albania and expressed gratitude for the donation of 37 Navistar MaxxPro armored vehicles, which will increase the capabilities and performance of the country’s Armed Forces. On her part, Moses-Ones underlined that the new armored capability will enhance Albanian’s internal defense, strengthen NATO’s southern flank, and provide critical combat power to NATO that can be deployed in support of global operations. These vehicles were transferred under the US program for the implementation of excess military property Excess Defense Articles (EDA) in accordance with the 2015 US-Albanian agreement. Under this agreement, the United States pledged to donate 250 units of wheeled combat vehicles from the presence of EDA via EDA in order of assistance. In 2017, Albania received 77 HMMWV M1114 armored vehicles and the first three MaxxPro armored vehicles as the first step under this agreement. In 2015-2018, the Albanian Ministry of Defense also received in order of assistance from the presence of the Italian armed forces seven Iveco LMV light armored vehicles.