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Belgrade Media Report 12 April 2019



Brnabic on Berlin meeting: Our position will not change (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic has stated she has no great expectations from the meeting with Emanuel Macron and Angela Merkel in Berlin on 29 April. Serbia’s position will not change, she said. Responding to RTS’ reporter’s question what she expects from this meeting, she says they are going there in order to hear what they have to say. “Serbia’s position will not change, if we wish to continue the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Pristina needs to withdraw its decision on the taxes. We will see that European leaders will say. We have proved that we are reliable and predictable partner, this is appreciated and we will show there as well,” said Brnabic in Dubrovnik.


Brnabic thanks Chinese Premier for political support (Tanjug)


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said Thursday that at her meeting with Premier of China Li Keqiang in Dubrovnik she thanked the Chinese Premier for his country’s political support to Serbia, first of all in the matter of preserving territorial integrity and the position of China regarding the holding of the session of the UN Security Council and its stance at that session.

Speaking about the problems in Belgrade-Pristina relations, she pointed out that at the meeting with Li, cooperation, assistance and support were confirmed. The position of China is that the admission of the so-called "Republic of Kosovo" to any additional international organizations, such as INTERPOL, is absolutely unacceptable. We will continue to work together and continue to keep the interest of Serbia as our friends do, Brnabic said.


Dacic: Respect of agreements is prerequisite of cooperation (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbia is committed to the promotion of regional cooperation and determined to contribute to this goal, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in Warsaw today at the ministerial meeting of the Berlin Process.  “Having said that, on the one hand, we are guided by the principle to act as a reliable and predictable partner, and on the other, by the principle to adhere to all agreements reached, as a basis for mutual confidence-building and as a firm commitment to further build upon. However, successful regional cooperation and its promotion require a strict adherence to all agreements reached and regional cooperation frameworks agreed by all participants in the region, without exception. In that context, the imposition of additional taxes by Pristina – in violation of the CEFTA agreement and the principles of Regional Economic Area (REA) – is seriously disrupting the overall regional cooperation. That is why we, once again, strongly urge that this decision, threatening the livelihood of ordinary citizens, be revoked as soon as possible and without any preconditions. Despite regrettable conduct by Pristina, Belgrade has not resorted to any reciprocal measures as from the very start of the dialogue with Pristina, has and has energetically opposed unilateral acts, as they cannot possibly be advantageous in reaching a compromise solution. On the contrary, they are dangerous and harmful, primarily to the region’s stability and security of the Serbian community in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Dacic. He voiced hope that Serbia will manage to become a full-fledged EU member, together with Montenegro, during the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2025.


Dacic speaks with Maas about continuing Kosovo dialogue (RTS/anjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met today in Warsaw on the margins of the meeting of foreign ministers of the Berlin Process with Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany Heiko Maas. The officials discussed the bilateral cooperation between the two countries, as well as the current situation in the region. Particular attention has been given to considering the possibility of continuing the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and further possible steps in this regard. Dacic stressed the importance of a speedy elimination of additional fees imposed by the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina as a prerequisite for further progress in the dialogue. They also agreed that Minister Maas visits Serbia soon.


Djuric: Serbs will remain united (RTS)


People who decide not to allow an Emergency vehicle to cross the administrative line cannot be civilized people, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). “This case makes you speechless. I am calling the entire international community to pay attention to this case since people making such decisions cannot be classified as civilized people,” Djuric said. “Commenting the dismissal of Minister Ivan Todosijevic over the comment that the massacre in Racak was a fabricated event, Djuric told Pristina to show as least one document and verdict on this and then to draw a conclusion. “This is a verbal delict aimed at intimidating the Serbs. The Serbs will fight for their rights and will not allow this. The Serbs will remain united and will continue to fight with the state of Serbia,” says Djuric. He recalls that several important conclusions were adopted at this week’s meeting between the Kosovo Serbs and President Vucic. “We will not allow the Albanians to take over leadership in the north, secondly, the Serbs will remain united, tricks and attempts at fragmenting the Serbs from the inside will not work. The Serbs could hear from Vucic that the state of Serbia will continue with the investments in Kosovo,” said Djuric.




Session of B&H HoR interrupted; Kristo: We had quorum to work, but not quorum to adopt decisions (BN TV)


Urgent session of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) was interrupted on Thursday due to the fact that representatives from Republika Srpska (RS) failed to attend it. The urgent session of the B&H HoR, that was scheduled at the request of representatives of SDP B&H, Our Party (NS), SBB B&H and A-SDA, was supposed to be an opportunity to discuss the migrant crisis and reasons and consequences of the failure to appoint B&H Parliament's delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

Head of SNSD Caucus in the B&H HoR Stasa Kosarac said that political conditions for holding the B&H HoR session were not met, adding that sessions will not be held until a new convocation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) is formed. "Those who are today sitting in the B&H CoM do not have legitimacy to sit there given the fact that; and I am referring to the quota coming from the RS; they were not elected to perform such duties," Kosarac underlined. Kosarac noted that even if the session had taken place, it would have been impossible to have a quality discussion due to the fact that the B&H CoM did not submit an analysis of the migrant crisis, while the delegation for PACE could not be determined because it is still unclear who is part of the ruling coalition and who is part of the opposition in the B&H parliament. SDA representative in the B&H HoR Adil Osmanovic said that SDA Caucus was ready to take part in the urgent session of the HoR given that the migrant crisis is a serious problem. "We expected a discussion and conclusions to be adopted," Osmanovic underlined. Representatives who asked for the urgent session of the B&H HoR expressed dissatisfaction over the fact that the B&H HoR did not discuss what they believe are two very important topics for B&H. A-SDA representative in the B&H HoR Jasmin Emric said that he is dissatisfied with the manner in which the B&H HoR Speaker interrupted the session. "We had quorum to work, but we did not have quorum for adoption of decisions. These are two very important topics and I believe that we should have opened a discussion in the Parliament," Emric said.  Speaker of B&H HoR Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H) said that although there was a quorum to hold the session, there was no quorum to reach decisions. Kristo explained that political representatives from the rank of Serb people, i.e. representatives from the RS did not attend this session. “I do not think it is a good idea to hold the session of this House of the Parliament of B&H under these circumstances,” stressed Kristo.


SDA requests formation of two new CoM ministries, SNSD rejects this (N1/ATV)


Even though leaders of SDA, HDZ B&H and SNSD held several meetings regarding the authority formation in the past period, the formation of both the B&H and Federation of B&H authorities is still unclear. Earlier it was reported that SDA and SNSD could not agree on the distribution of nine ministries and the position of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers (CoM). SNSD requests three ministries and the position of the Chairman. MP of SNSD in the B&H Parliamentary Assembly Stasa Kosarac said that the B&H Constitution is clear in this regard, saying that one third is elected and represented by RS representatives, while two thirds belong to the Federation of B&H. “This is not in line with the Dayton, this is not in line with the B&H Constitution and this is absolutely unacceptable for us. Having some mathematic calculations in order to keep some Bosniak from SDA in the CoM or making mathematic calculations so that someone from the ranks of the ‘Others’ from DF enters the CoM and at the same time, violate the Constitution, means that they must seek for other partners”. SDA requests four ministries and proposed HDZ B&H gets three and SNSD gets two and the position of Chairman. Reporter noted that many expect a clearer situation after the announced meeting between HDZ B&H, SDA and SNSD.  SDA’s Semsudin Mehmedovic said that blockades and obstructions are used by those political factors who want to prove that B&H is impossible, because they do not want B&H to work and to form their territories through secession and third entities. DF’s Dzenan Djonlagic said that SNSD and HDZ B&H are stalling the authority formation with their illegal and unconstitutional requests. He added that they want to prove the unsustainability of B&H institutions. SNSD said they respect the constitution and that SDA is violating it. HDZ B&H calls for a program coalition. HDZ B&H’s Borjana Kristo said that their program is the basis for the implementation of the authorities. she said that they will insist that this is done in the spirit and interest of constituent people of B&H and all citizens that live in B&H. The BH Bloc also believes the soon authority formation is necessary, since the status quo damages the state and citizens. President of ‘Our Party’ (NS) Predrag Kojovic said that B&H missed numerous important chances because of the lack of a political agreement.


SDS sticks to position that B&H should not be part of NATO (BN TV)


A session of SDS Presidency was held in Banja Luka on Thursday. Following the session of SDS Presidency, SDS representatives said that session of the Main Board of SDS which will be held on 21 April will be an opportunity to discuss candidates for the post of SDS leader. SDS leader Vukota Govedarica did not confirm nor deny speculations on many names of candidates for intra-party elections in SDS, but he said that everything will be revealed at the next session of SDS Main Board. "As far as intra-party elections are concerned, the session of the Main Board will be held on April 21 at which, among other things, final text of criteria for intra-party elections will be discussed given that at the last session of the Main Board we left a couple of doubts unsolved. They were harmonized today (Thursday)," Govedarica said. Govedarica stressed that SDS still has no official candidates for the intra-party elections. SDS Presidency gave support to B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic (SDS) in the affair regarding the arrival of the Croatian Security-Intelligence Agency in B&H and recruitment of Salafis. "Unfortunately, we are living in such neuralgic political environment in which the one who should be praised for all the activities he has done, he is in a situation in which he has to prove whether he disclosed certain secrets or not," Govedarica said. When it comes to NATO integration, SDS sticks to the position that B&H should not be part of NATO. "We concluded that we have never changed our position in these fifteen years and that B&H's path towards NATO is unacceptable. What is worrying is that we have the phenomenon of political radicalism in this country in which (SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik and (SDA leader Bakir) Izetbegovic are at the forefront. We believe that this type of political radicalism is not good for the political stability of both entities and for the citizens of the entities," Govedarica stressed.


Macron and Merkel to host conference in Berlin on 29 April with representatives of Western Balkans countries (FTV)


German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron will host a conference on April 29 in Berlin with representatives of the Western Balkans countries and the European Commission (EC). Main topics of this conference should be stability and favorable development of the Western Balkans region and Macron and Merkel will discuss challenges in this region with their guests. The two officials plan to put a special emphasis on the relations between Serbia and Kosovo, in an attempt to bring them a little closer to a solution. Germany and France are the initiators of the so-called Berlin Process, which started in 2014 with the goal of security stabilization and improvement of political and economic relations between countries of the Western Balkans. In statement to the daily, representatives of German Embassy to B&H confirmed that Kosovo should be the main issue. “Stability and positive development of the region are of big importance for German Chancellor and French President. They want to discuss special challenges in the region with the invited officials, such is the issue of relations between Serbia and Kosovo”, the Embassy stated. The French Embassy to B&H could not provide any details about the meeting, but they stressed the conditions required for accession of Western Balkans countries to the EU. “First condition is of course, for the countries to be ready, thanks to the reforms which they will implement: rule of law, economy, etc. For example, when B&H is concerned the upcoming opinion of the Commission will be of crucial importance for defining of the stages it needs to pass”, stated French Embassy. They noted that the second condition refers to EU and its readiness to accept new members: “For this, the EU itself needs to carry out reforms in order to become more democratic and provide more protection. France suggested this EU reform to be carried out during the following mandates of the European Parliament and EC, between 2019- 2024”, stated the French Embassy. German media reported that both countries are concerned by stalemate in dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade and they deem this can destabilize the entire region. Serbian media unofficially learn that pressure from Germany and France increased and they are asking Belgrade to “loose the noose”, continue dialogue and sign the agreement with Pristina, recognizing Kosovo independence. In return, they offer forming of an entity in Kosovo, which would have similar status as the RS has.


Chinese and Croatian prime Ministers tour Peljesac Bridge construction site (HRT)


Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic toured the construction site of the Peljesac Bridge. The two prime ministers lowered the final Pilot for the first phase of construction into the sea. The pilot is the biggest of 150 and will be in the center of the bridge. “The Peljesac Bridge in a construction sense represents one of the most significant bridges being built in Europe over the past few decades. For us it is worth noting that it will contain a total of 80 thousand tonnes of steel, above and below water. Illustratively this means that the Peljesac Bridge will weigh the same as ten Eiffel towers, this is good to understand what kind of an endeavor is in question,” said Plenkovic. The Bridge is a symbol of peace and security, said Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang and promised that China will complete the project that fulfills all obligations. “Rain is falling even harder here now, it is sending a message to the constructors from our company, that the bridge must be able to withstand all weather conditions, and after rain comes a rainbow. That is why the bridge, once it has been constructed, will not only withstand all weather conditions, but also be a proper rainbow on earth. Chinese constructors, together with Croatian friends can build and achieve such a wonder,” said Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang. Prime Minister Plenkovic had earlier noted that the contract to build the bridge opened a new page in relations between China and Croatia, while at last year's 16+1 summit in Sofia he said that the contract is a key reason why Croatian is hosting the summit this year, the eight of the initiative. The deadline for completion of the Peljesac Bridge is January 31st, 2022. At the beginning of the year Plenkovic noted that work is going faster than was foreseen.


President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic on official visit to Czech Republic (HRT)


At the invitation of Czech President Milos Zeman, President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic is on an official visit to the Czech Republic. This is a return visit after Zeman and a delegation visited Zagreb two years ago. Following the protocol portion of her welcome, the two presidents discussed current events, the future of the European Union and economic cooperation between the two countries. One of the topics was the Three Seas Initiative and strengthening connections between states from the Baltics to the Adriatic and Black Sea. “The aim of that initiative is cohesion with the remainder of the EU, removing borders between so called East and West, mental, but also physical. The aim is connectivity, connecting our countries, but also connection towards the EU and naturally, competitiveness or competitiveness of our economies, all for better life and a better standard for our citizens,” said President Grabar-Kitarovic.


Some would go to Brussels while others are evoking Moscow (Dnevne novine)


Political analyst and President of the Management Board of the Forum for ethnic relations, Dusan Janjic, says that the request of the representatives of “Odupri se 97 000” movement for their going to Brussels as soon as possible represents their clear desire to internationalize their demands. “I guess they believe that their visit to Brussels would reinforce their positions. Secondly, if you act in a country that has become NATO member legitimately and legally, you must have some sort of Euro-Atlantic legitimacy,” says Janjic. Representatives of the movement known as “Odupri se 97 000” talked two days ago with the Head of EU Delegation to Montenegro, Aivo Orav, and said that they would be insisting on meeting with Johannes Hahn, in order to acquaint him with the activities they undertake. According to Janjic, it is obvious that the outcry was based on the story against NATO. “The question is how much EU wants to get into the internal political relations of Montenegro,” points out Janjic. He adds that parties that support the protests have never tried to hide their good relations with Russia. Commenting on the fact that there won’t be protests on Saturday, he says that every protest has its own dynamics. According to him, it would be best if the organizers and the opposition understood that they need a long fight, but with the means that won’t divide the nation. “We are going to see what means they chose to use in fighting for their ideas,” concludes Janjic.


For NATO, Montenegro is an important role model for the region (RTCG)


Although it does not have large military capacities, Montenegro is very important for NATO, because it is a role model, primarily for the region, and it can offer its experts to countries of the region, such as Northern Macedonia, Romania's Foreign Minister Teodor Meleskan told RTCG.

Romanian Minister of Defense Gabriel Les told that Montenegro should learn from Romania's example and aspire to a stronger cohesion with NATO. "Solidarity idea is NATO's heritage. It gathers large and small countries, but they all have the same guarantees of peace and security. Montenegro contributes, as well as everyone, within the limits of its possibilities," Meleskan emphasized, strongly urging further expansion of the alliance, and hoping that Northern Macedonia will become a member. As he pointed out, the Alliance is a political-military alliance and it is not just a matter of security. "It is committed to freedom, democracy, human rights and prosperity of the member states," Maleskan explained.


Jackson: No country like Montenegro has made such a great progress (Pobjeda)


No country has ever moved so fast towards the West like Montenegro has – ever since the Cold War. Not only the government, that is, presidents, prime ministers and ministers of foreign affairs should take credit for such results, but also exceptional men and women in Montenegro who have been working with commitment in ministries and overseas embassies. And, of course, Brussels, that has accelerated the integration, says in the interview for Pobjeda, Bruce Jackson.

Expert for the integration of post-communist countries into NATO and president of the Project on Transitional Democracies, one of the leading NGOs in Washington, points out that there will be more and more American investors as Montenegro is getting closer to the EU. He remembers numerous meetings that have been held with Milo Djukanovic and Milan Rocen in the last twenty years. Each time, future of Montenegro in NATO and EU was the main topic. “Milo Djukanovic has always emphasized Montenegrin way towards NATO. Year 2006 was the turning point, when Montenegro became an independent state and the door of EU and NATO opened wide. Ever since the Cold War, no country has made such great progress towards its way towards the West,” says Jackson. He totally agrees with the accession to the EU being our country’s top priority. “All the values that brought Montenegro into NATO will be the same ones that will bring it to the EU. However, insisting on some artificial dates is senseless. It only hinders the entire process. The accession process is like studying. It doesn’t matter how long you study, as long as you learn something. It’s important that Montenegro keeps closing the chapters,” said the American expert. Asked how Montenegro could attract American investors, he took Croatia as a positive example. “Once the Montenegrin story is spread and once it gets closer to becoming EU Member State, you can expect just the same economic expansion in Montenegro as well,” said Jackson. He also spoke about the case of terrorism and the trial that is almost over. “We are all working hard on stopping Russia’s intervention in the elections in other countries. We must hope in the forthcoming decade that the Russian-Ukrainian war will finish and that the relations between the EU and Russia will normalize,” said Jackson.


Zaev: Ongoing negotiations with the opposition for consensus regarding the public (Nezavisen vesnik)


Negotiations with the opposition are ongoing to find a consensus regarding the public prosecution law, which also regulates the future status of the Special Public Prosecution (SPO), said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. However, he noted, the ‘bombshells’ are not being discussed because this issue has been settled with the main law on the SPO. “We’re confident that a solution can be found provided that the interests of the state were taken into consideration, as well as the SPO’s established system of capacity, whose state and civil duty is to continue to operate. We also have to have in mind the importance of the law for judicial reforms and the country’s EU integration bid,” Zaev told reporters.


Local elections, CEC votes new acts in absence of electoral reform (ADN)


Head of the Central Elections Commission (CEC) Klement Zguri stated this Thursday that three legal acts on next elections were approved. Zguri stated that these acts will improve the next local elections, because the electoral reform hasn't made progress. Furthermore, the Head of CEC said that the acts, including the funding transparency of political parties, were drafted in cooperation with international partners. "The electoral reform has not made progress, even this time. But the CEC is addressing OSCE's recommendations. We are convinced that the next elections will be improved, due to these legal acts we approved. The approval of acts was realized by the CEC, supported by international partners," said Zguri.




Beijing backs Chinese firms to invest in Serbia: premier (Xinhua, 11 April 2019)


DUBROVNIK, Croatia -- China supports its enterprises to invest in Serbia and participate in Serbia's infrastructure construction in accordance with market rules and business principles, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Thursday. Li made the remarks when meeting with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, who is here to attend the eighth leaders' meeting of China and Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) in the Croatian city of Dubrovnik. The Chinese premier said that in recent years practical cooperation between China and Serbia has been walking in steady steps, and the development of bilateral ties has seen sound momentum. China is ready to continue cooperating with the Serbian side in trade and economy, and infrastructure construction, said Li. He also called on the two countries to enhance personnel and people-to-people exchanges, and jointly push forward bilateral relations and cooperation for greater achievements. Li added that he hoped Serbia can play an active role in promoting Chinese exports to Europe. Brnabic hailed the progress in bilateral cooperation in politics, economy and trade, culture, education, tourism and the frequent personnel exchanges. The Serbian leader said the major cooperation projects including the Serbian section of the Budapest-Belgrade Railway are progressing smoothly, which is conducive to bilateral ties. She welcomed Chinese enterprises to invest in Serbia and expressed the hope to join China in further enhancing bilateral cooperation in infrastructure, mineral resources, energy, automobile, finance, culture and tourism to take bilateral relations to a new level.